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The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine factors related to physical activity adherence to understand why women continue to participate in long-term exercise after completing a structured exercise program. Data were collected from focus groups, interviews, and e-mails, and analysis used grounded theory. The central category related to physical activity adherence was self-worth. Motivation, activity enjoyment, priorities, body image, ability to access support, and self-regulation skills had an impact on the self-worth of nonadherers and adherers. Women must value themselves enough to continue to participate in physical activity once they start. Exercise and fitness professionals are encouraged to use strategies to increase self-worth and long-term adherence to physical activity. Some recommended strategies include (a) increasing motivation and enjoyment relative to activity, (b) making activity a high priority in a woman's life, (c) improving or deemphasizing body image, (d) increasing a woman's ability to access support, and (e) facilitating the use of self-regulation strategies. This study is the first to examine qualitative perspectives of exercise adherence among women who completed a structured exercise program. Several concepts related to adherence presented in the quantitative literature are confirmed and enhanced in this study.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to qualitatively examine factors related to physical activity adherence to understand why women continue to participate in long-term exercise after completing a structured exercise program. Data were collected from focus groups, interviews, and e-mails, and analysis used grounded theory. The central category related to physical activity adherence was self-worth. Motivation, activity enjoyment, priorities, body image, ability to access support, and self-regulation skills had an impact on the self-worth of nonadherers and adherers. Women must value themselves enough to continue to participate in physical activity once they start. Exercise and fitness professionals are encouraged to use strategies to increase self-worth and long-term adherence to physical activity. Some recommended strategies include (a) increasing motivation and enjoyment relative to activity, (b) making activity a high priority in a woman's life, (c) improving or deemphasizing body image, (d) increasing a woman's ability to access support, and (e) facilitating the use of self-regulation strategies. This study is the first to examine qualitative perspectives of exercise adherence among women who completed a structured exercise program. Several concepts related to adherence presented in the quantitative literature are confirmed and enhanced in this study.  相似文献   

按2007年教育部颁布的新的《国家学生体质健康标准》,对商洛学院学生进行了典型性调查,发现,学生健康水平总体令人担忧。学生的身体形态指标处于较低水平,偏轻体重、肥胖比例高;身体素质和运动能力水平低下,男生立定跳远、女生50m和实心球不及格率较高,达不到国家要求。对造成这种现象的原因进行分析,并提出了相应对策。  相似文献   

通过对南京市6所普通高校一年级学生进行抽样体能测试和问卷调查,将测试数据与《国家学生体质健康标准》相对照,结果显示大一学生体能素质状况不容乐观。进一步调查分析影响体能发展的因素,最后提出了加强学生体能的相应对策,为高校加强大学生体能教学和训练提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解和掌握贫困边远地区羌族人群的国民体质现状,为进一步推动少数民族全民健身活动的开展提供科学依据.随机抽取茂县20~69周岁羌族居民3700人,测试相关身体形态、机能及素质指标,并进行统计分析和比较.结果显示,羌族成年人体质等级评价、身体形态、身体机能、身体素质均值都高于四川省均值,特别是年龄较轻时明显优于四川省汉族同龄人,但部分指标随年龄增大而明显下降.提示尽管身处比较恶劣的生存环境,羌族成年人体质较好,应针对其地方特色和民族特点有针对地推广进行健身锻炼.  相似文献   

通过学生体质健康标准的测试,对目前唐山市四所高校实施《国家学生体质标准》的情况进行全面调查和研究,分析唐山市四所高校执行《国家学生体质标准》的现状和存在的问题,并对所存在的问题进行探讨和分析,为今后更好地实施《国家学生体质健康标准》提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法、实地访谈法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等研究方法,围绕认知、态度和参与及需求方面对湘西地区农村妇女体育进行调查研究.研究结果表明:该地区农村妇女对全民健身计划关注程度低,健身态度积极性不强;认知水平尚处于浅层次上,不能很好的区分体育与劳动,对健身项目的认同表现不同,但该群体对体育在生活中作用的重要性认知较强,体育功能认知呈现多元化;参与情况:妇女参与率低,选择健身项目内容单一,活动时间不具有连续性.开展最普遍的是民族传统体育活动的组织形式以松散、小型的群众自发组织为主;妇女对体育的需求度并不太高,但对体育内容的需求多元化,并针对欠发达地区农村提出如何发展妇女体育的一些建议.  相似文献   

当前健康长寿成了人们关注的热点话题,健身气功·易筋经受到越来越多人的青睐,伴随着社会参与的增多,学界对易筋经的研究论文也大量出现,许多学者对易筋经的健身养生价值进行研究。文章主要运用文献资料研究法,将有关易筋经的养生保健研究分为生理、心理及临床功效三个方面进行综述,对前人的研究成果进行了分类,总结了已有研究成果的价值,并提出了已有研究的不足。  相似文献   

大学生体质与体力活动的相关分析和研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
采用《学生体质健康标准》和体力活动概念研究大学生体质、体力活动现状及相互关系。从南京大学、南京理工大学等11所院校共抽取研究对象2 614人,其中男生1 313人,女生1 301人。体质测试采用《学生体质健康标准》,体力活动调查采用国际体力活动问卷。结果显示:大学生体质总体良好,男生体质综合得分、体质健康达标优秀率均优于女生;男生超重或肥胖发生率为9.5%,女生低体重发生率为24.5%,身体成分不合理对体质健康构成负面影响;大学生大中强度体力活动主要来源于体育课,课余时间体力活动偏少,女生活动比男生少,大学生每天静坐时间较长;每周有规律地参加大中强度体力活动,尤其是大强度活动可以有效提高大学生体质健康水平。  相似文献   

在我国全民健身的实施过程中,我国参与体育锻炼人群中女性比例很小,我国女性休闲体育发展缓慢,文章以女性休闲体育对女性休闲生活的积极作用为视角,通过分析对女性体育的影响因素,揭示了休闲体育对女性生活的特殊作用,并提出构建女性休闲体育的发展策略,这对提高全民族身体素质和全民健身有着深远影响。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to determine if children, ages 6 to 14, would experience greater internal locus of control as a result of participation in an eight-week sports fitness summer camp program. Locus of control is the belief in one's own capacity to control reinforcements. An internally controlled person perceives himself as being in control of what happens, while an externally controlled individual feels that luck, fate, chance, or powerful forces too complex to understand determine what happens to him. Subjects were 74 boys and 35 girls enrolled in the Emory University Sports Fitness Camp in the summer of 1975. During the first week of the camp, the Children's Nowicki-Strickland Internal-External Control Scale (CNS-IE) and a battery of physical fitness tests were administered to the campers. The procedure was repeated at the conclusion of the eight-week program. Results indicated that there were significant changes from an external to an internal locus of control as well as significant improvement in the six measures of physical fitness. It was concluded that the camp experience was accompanied by a stronger belief, on the part of the children, in their own ability to control what happens  相似文献   

文章采用文献资料法获得辽宁省各高校2007、2008及2009年《国家学生体质健康标准》测试结果,运用数理统计法及对比分析法将《国家学生体质健康标准》测试数据中与健康体能对应的测试项目的测试结果加以比较分析,以了解辽宁省大学生健康体能的变化特点和规律,并应用访谈调查法了解辽宁省高校体育教学的相关情况。  相似文献   

我国中学生体质健康状况影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从1985年开始,中国进行了4次全国青少年体质健康调查,调查出该群体的体质健康部分指标持续下降。本文通过资料法和信息查询法对中学生体质健康状况的影响因素做一回顾、归纳和总结,以期为政府和学校的学生体质工作提供参考依据。  相似文献   

肥胖在我国的增长趋势日益明显,大学生的肥胖发生率增长迅猛并严重影响到了大学生的体质、生理功能和心理健康。文章通过对忻州师院部分肥胖学生和普通学生进行体质指标测试和问卷调查,并参照《2005年中国学生体质与健康调查报告》得出对他们的体质状况对比分析,探讨大学生肥胖的原因,为大学生减肥提出合理化的建议。  相似文献   

王剑 《体育科技》2013,(5):100-103
目的:总结出导致我国大学生体质健康水平下降的部分重要原因,并提出有利于增强我国大学生体质与健康的方法及建议,最终期望我国大学生的体质与健康水平有所改善.方法:文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法、对比分析法等方法,以我国大学生体质健康为研究对象,搜集并整理我国各地区部分高校大学生体质与健康的测量数据与全国学生体质健康状况四次调查结果进行对比分析.结果和结论:自1985年至今,每次全国学生体质健康调查结果都显示:(1)学生身体形态发展良好,身高、体重、胸围都有明显增加.(2)学生生理机能有所下降.(3)8项身体素质指标中800m、1000m、引体向上、1min仰卧起坐等耐力素质明显下降.(4) 2010年大学生体质健康水平出现拐点.  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,大家对健康的要求也越来越高,全民健身已经达到了空前的火热程度,健美运动在此时更是越发普及.在高校,健美训练更是如火如荼地进行着.健美运动能够塑造人的体型,通过力量练习来发达肌肉,从而提高身体素质.本文就健美训练与身体素质五项指标之间相互关系进行研究,进而得出相应结论.  相似文献   

从<全民健身计划纲要>到<全民健身条例>是一个"软法"硬化过程,解决了执行力弱的问题、规范了各管理主体的职责以及公民参加全民健身活动的法律"身份".同时确认了一系列法律制度,当前我国的全民健身事业发展正在经历着软硬兼施的混合法治理模式,软硬法互为前提,相互依靠,最终推动全民健身法治建设不断向纵深发展.  相似文献   

以教育部、国家体育总局颁布的“学生体质健康标准”为依据,采用当今先进的单片机开发技术,设计研制了“智能化学生体质健康评价咨询电脑”,其目的是运用本电脑系统对中小学生体质健康作出科学合理的评价,并根据其评价结果制定出针对每个学生实际情况的营养处方和运动处方,指导青少年进行科学的体育锻炼,提高中小学生的体质健康水平。  相似文献   

我国成年人体质水平与社会经济因素相关性探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李纪江  蔡睿 《四川体育科学》2011,(1):111-114,119
目的:探讨体质水平与社会经济环境之间关系,为今后我国体质研究提供一定的理论帮助。方法:以2005年国民体质监测中20~59岁成年人作为主要研究对象,以省区、市为单位(共31个单位),选取体质指数、代表性体质单指标等作为体质数据分析指标;登录国家和地方统计局网站对31个监测省份社会经济指标进行调查、整理。计算比较体质数据指标数据与社会经济指标数据之间关系,并进行分析。结果:体质综合指数与GDP、农民人均纯收入、出生率、人口自然增长率、文盲率、人口密度的相关系数都达到了0.5以上,且都呈显著性相关(p〈0.01),与人文发展指数相关系数更是达到了0.67(p〈0.01);当人文发展指数大于0.8时(2000年此数值为0.7),体质水平随人文发展指数增长而提高的幅度将有所减小;在相关有意义情况下,恩格尔系数与所有体质单指标呈负相关,纵跳值与所有社会经济环境因素的相关均无统计学意义。结论:通过分析发现,人文环境越好、经济收入越高、文盲率越低、人口密度越大的地区城乡居民体质水平越高,也证明了我国成年人国民体质水平东高西低的现状。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide three construct validity evidence for using fitness center attendance electronic records to objectively assess the frequency of leisure-time physical activity among adults. One hundred members of a fitness center (45 women and 55 men; aged 18 to 64 years) completed a self-report leisure-time physical activity questionnaire. The theory of planned behavior constructs (e.g., intention and perceived behavioral control), VO2max, and % BF were assessed. Fitness center attendance electronic records were expressed as the weekly mean number of mandatory check-in records retrieved from the fitness center's electronic database over a 12-week period prior to participant's physical fitness evaluation. A continuous (frequency) and categorical (“adherent” versus “non-adherent”) scores were computed. Results indicated that perceived behavioral control was associated with fitness center attendance electronic records and mediated the fitness center attendance electronic records–intention relationship. Fitness center attendance electronic records were associated with VO2max and self-report leisure-time physical activity. Therefore, results provide three evidence of construct validity of using fitness center attendance electronic records scores to assess leisure-time physical activity behavior.  相似文献   

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