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The purpose of this study was to examine the psychosocial effects of reading instruction upon a class of kindergartners. Pre-testing established the substantial equivalence of this group to two control groups in intelligence, reading readiness, personal-social adjustment, and socioeconomic status. The experimental group received regular instruction in reading from an experienced first grade teacher during the second trimester and one half (January to June) of the 1963-64 school year. Post-test data indicated that boys displayed less acceptable classroom behavior as a by-product of such instruction. Parents were favorable to the instruction, but the teachers involved were less so. The teachers maintained that the children, although interested, had to “work too hard” to master the task of reading.  相似文献   

In this 6-month prospective study of 138 ninth-grade inner-city students, associations among different aspects of school-based social competence were examined. In addition, links between initial emotional adjustment and subsequent social competence at school were explored. Aspects of social competence examined included academic achievement, peer reputation, and teacher-rated classroom behaviors. Emotional adjustment was measured based on self-reported internalizing and externalizing symptoms. Consonant with views positing continuity and coherence of development, high temporal consistency was found within each social competence domain. In addition, superior adjustment in one domain was sometimes associated with subsequent improvements in other spheres as well. Exceptions found to this pattern were that ( a ) both as an antecedent and as a consequent variable, peer-rated sociability was negatively linked with other indices of school-based functioning, and ( b ) among girls, high anxiety was related to improved performance at school over the year. Ecological influences in adolescent adjustment are discussed, and implications of the findings for future research are explored.  相似文献   

为探讨城区流动儿童亲子依恋、家庭功能与社会适应的发展特征及其影响路径,采用青少年依恋问卷、总体家庭功能量表和社会适应量表对1152名五至九年级儿童进行测试,最终获得城区流动儿童924名作为研究被试。结果显示:(1)城区流动儿童社会适应存在显著的年级和性别差异;(2)亲子依恋、家庭功能与社会适应三者之间均呈显著正相关;(3)结构方程模型分析表明,家庭功能在亲子依恋影响社会适应中起部分中介作用。该研究揭示了家庭功能在城区流动儿童亲子依恋影响社会适应中的中介机制,可以为城区流动儿童家庭干预政策制定提供实证依据。  相似文献   

社会管理是国家管理的基础,是社会管理的性质决定国家管理的性质,是社会管理的形式决定国家管理的形式。所以,在国家形态下,国家的管理虽然凌驾于社会之上,但国家必须按照社会运行的规则进行,即社会管理必须社会化。这样,社会的运行才能够有条不紊,并使成本最低、效率最高,从而使国家长治久安。中外国家发展的历史都证明了这一点。社会管理社会化的基本模式是社会本位,基本内涵是:要建立市民和村民是社会管理最重要主体的体制和机制,并对国家机关和国家机关工作人员实行有效的控权。社会管理社会化要体现民主原则、自治原则、科学原则和长效原则。  相似文献   

Ecological Competence was assessed longitudinally in 88 African-American transracial adoptees (TRAs). Relations were examined among measures of Family Racial Socialization, Africentric, and Eurocentric Reference Group Orientations, transracial adoption stressors, and their effects on psychological adjustment. Longitudinal path analyses assessed the relations among these constructs. Path analytic models indicated that in childhood (Time 1) Family Racial Socialization predicted neither Africentric Reference Group Orientation (ARGO) nor Eurocentric Reference Group Orientation (ERGO); by adolescence (Time 2), Family Racial Socialization predicted ARGO but not ERGO. Both ARGO and ERGO contributed significantly to adjustment. Change models indicated that adjustment declined significantly over the 10 years. There were multiple determinants of this decline. TRAs experienced difficulty becoming ecologically competent in both ARGO and ERGO. They displayed greater ERGO than ARGO. Discriminant function analyses based on the independent variables yielded hit rates of 71% at Time 1 and over 84% at Time 2 for classifying the TRAs as adjusted or maladjusted.  相似文献   

72 children, ages 6 to 11 years, were presented with a series of stories involving psychological harm (name-calling) in a game context. Situations were presented in which intentions, consequences, and game context were varied, along with order of story presentation. Comparisons between acts of physical and psychological harm were also conducted. Although responses in some conditions were influenced by order of presentation, age differences were found in children's evaluations of agents' actions and recipients' reactions for psychological harm in game contexts. Younger children were more likely to ignore intentions and consequences or the recipient's perspective and to focus on contextual features (e.g., game rules). Older children were more likely to base their evaluations on intentions, or both intentions and consequences, and to take into account the recipient's perspective. Game context interacted differentially with psychological and physical harm at all ages. Evaluations of acts of physical harm were more likely than acts of psychological harm to be transformed by game context.  相似文献   

社会实践促进青年大学生的社会化过程,有利于他们了解国情,认识社会,提高政治素质,增强社会责任感;有利于他们深入工农群众,体验工农生活,培养劳动感情,形成艰苦奋斗作风;有利于他们巩固知识,培养能力,提高综合素质,实现人体价值。  相似文献   

在推进社会现代化的过程中,要通过人的基本社会化、继续社会化和一部分人的再社会化,实现人的现代化,再以人的现代化去推进社会的现代化,建设富强、民主、明的社会。  相似文献   

Substance use and delinquency, psychological well-being, and social support were compared across 5 family constellations among 254 urban African-American adolescent males. Single-mother, stepparent, both parents, mother with extended family, and extended family only households were studied. The only differences found were that youth living in single-mother households reported more parental support than other youth. Relationships with father and male role models were also studied and related to several psychosocial outcomes. The results challenge the assumptions that single African-American mothers are alone in providing support to their sons and that fathers' absence results in no significant relationship.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether social information can affect Ease-of-Learning (EOL), Judgments-of-Learning (JOL), and Feeling-of-Knowing (FOK) and their accuracy. Participants first learned associated word pairs and made the above-mentioned judgments. They were later divided into two groups of metacognitive ability in order to assess if they had been affected differently by the social cues, which consisted of information about previous performances of college students. Results revealed that the magnitude of the metamemory judgments assessed was significantly affected by the social cues and that participants with a Low level of metacognitive ability were more influenced than those with High metacognitive ability. Concerning accuracy, however, only the recall accuracy of JOL judgments was affected. Further, different patterns of influence across the three judgments were observed for the two ability groups. Results and educational implications were discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether mothers are responsive to their children's literacy level, thus employing different writing mediation styles with each twin according to the child's level, or whether they possess a consistent style employed with both twins. The sample included 28 sets of twin kindergartners (56 children, M age = 68.89 months) and their mothers. Children's literacy underwent individual assessment in their kindergartens. During home visits, mother-child writing interactions with each twin were videotaped. Interactions underwent analysis for task-specific measures (grapho-phonemic mediation, printing mediation, demand for precision, reference to orthography) and for general measures (atmosphere, mutuality, reinforcements, task perception). Findings demonstrated that along with sensitivity to the child's level (mediating on a higher level to the higher achieving twin), mothers of twins possessed a consistent mediation style. Sensitivity to the differences in literacy between the twins was salient in the task-specific mediation measures, whereas the presence of a style appeared in all the mediation measures. The results of this study support the stance that mothers' mediation style deserves to be acknowledged as an influencing factor in children's literacy development.  相似文献   

从社会学角度看大学生社会化问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生社会化是大学生不断融入社会、适应社会、服务社会的过程。大学生社会化的内容和方式具有自我选择性,其影响因素具有广泛性,其过程具有复杂性和不完全性。大学生社会化过程中容易出现社会化不足、社会化过度、价值观异化等问题。高校应当坚持以人为本,切实加强大学生社会化教育。  相似文献   

This study explored the relation between measures of emotional competence, behavioral regulation, and general social competence and African-American preschoolers' peer acceptance and popularity. These children came from both lower and middle income families. Data were collected in a short-term longitudinal study following children over the course of a school year. Gender, emotion knowledge, emotion regulation, and themes of violence in response to hypothetical situations of interpersonal conflict were strongly related to peer acceptance. The results are consistent with findings from middle-class Caucasian samples. The results also highlight the importance of potential influences of context and setting on children's peer status as well as the need for greater understanding of within- group variability with regard to these constructs. Given the growing evidence that peer relationships are related in important ways to children's school adjustment, understanding the development of positive peer relationships may help shed light on ways to help children achieve at more optimal levels in the school context.  相似文献   

It is a generally accepted finding in the sociological literature as well as in public discourse that adolescent mothers are less likely than their non-parenting counterparts to graduate high school and to attend college. For several decades, however, researchers have pointed out that the implied causal process from teen motherhood to academic failure has been largely unsupported by empirical research. In fact, scholars have recently argued that motherhood may actually serve as a positive turning point in the lives of young women. Using a sample of young African-American women, this study assesses the degree to which teen motherhood not only affects college aspirations but also expectations. Further, it tests the ability of these effects to explain the well-known educational attainment gap between teen mothers and their non-childbearing peers. Results indicate that, in general, young mothers’ college aspirations are similar to those of non-mothers, but that their generally high aspirations for academic success appear to be effectively countered by their decreased educational expectations.  相似文献   

高等学校的学生作为宝贵的人才资源,是祖国未来的希望,对他们的政治社会化影响着合格的社会主义建设者的培养成功与否。高校辅导员作为大学生思想政治教育的骨干力量,在大学生的政治社会化过程中扮演着政治引路人、指导学生塑造健全人格的角色,是营造积极健康向上的校园环境的主要力量。  相似文献   

A sample of 81 academically competent third graders and their parents were studied (1) to determine whether the illusion of incompetence documented for fifth graders appears in younger children, (2) to examine whether parents' competence-related perceptions significantly distinguish children with varying levels of perceived academic competence, and (3) to develop a predictive model of the association between parent and child competence beliefs. More than 20% of the children--equal proportions of girls and boys--had self-perceptions that seriously underestimated their actual high abilities, and displayed a corresponding pattern of disparaging self- and other-achievement attitudes. Mothers' and fathers' perceptions of their children's abilities varied significantly with the perceived competence status of the children, as did the children's perceptions of their parents' appraisals. Using path analysis, preliminary support was found for a model in which children's perceptions of competence are influenced more by their parents' appraisals than by objective evidence of their achievements. The results are discussed in the context of research on the socialization of math attitudes and new work on parental belief systems.  相似文献   

体育大国的社会性成长就是社会化了的体育大国的成长.体育大国社会性成长内涵由具有内在逻辑关系的五部分组成包括社会内涵、文化内涵、典型内涵、根本内涵和直接内涵等.体育大国的社会化特征包括国际社会规范要求的普遍性特征、国际体育良性互动的认可性特征、世界体育文化多样化背景下的文明贡献特征、为国际体育社会提供公共物品的国际责任特征、涉外体育活动中国家形象塑造特征.  相似文献   

徽州商人“贾而好儒”社会地位的获得受到家庭、店铺、宗族等社会化因素的影响;在这些因素的作用下,徽州商人们学习商人的基本职业技能和行为规范,并将传统文化价值观内化,形成了不同于其他商帮的社会特征。  相似文献   

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