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教师与教科书是课程实施过程中的两个重要因素.本文在G.Hall与S.M.Hord关于课程实施水平测量模型CBAM(即Concerns-Based Adoption Model)的基础上,分析了教师使用教科书进行课程实施的主要过程,进而构建了教师使用教科书的水平模型,改进了S.M.Hord等人设计的IC成分检核表,并以五位小学数学教师为个案,对教师使用教科书的水平进行了测定和对比分析.  相似文献   

在分析孔凡哲教授提出的"教师使用教科书水平模型"的过程中,研究发现,该模型对测评者的素质有较高的要求,同时,模型中某些维度评判的关键点也不利于评价者的把握,因此,文章尝试对该模型进行理论分析和操作细化,并将细化后的模型应用在某堂小学数学课《复试条形统计图》的试测中,结果显示其具有良好的信度和效度。  相似文献   

对于旨在真正发展学生核心素养的新课程改革来说,如何改变和处理教师与教科书之间僵化的、单向的"跟随"关系,从而回应和满足学生的个性化和多样化的学习需求,是亟需解决的重要挑战。本文依据教师对教科书的满意度和使用教科书的忠诚度来界定教师与教科书的基本互动关系,并据此对中国内地、香港和台湾三地1 279名数学教师进行问卷调查,发现三地数学教师与教科书之间呈现了三种典型的互动形态:内地教师即使发现教科书的内容不符课堂需求,也高度依赖教科书进行教学;香港教师认为教科书内容若不符课堂教学需求,就应该对其进行取舍、补充和调适;而台湾教师则认为,无需对教科书进行过多的加工处理,因为教科书的内容质素已令人满意。  相似文献   

文章采用多种方法描述乌鲁木齐小学双语班<语文>(人民教育出版社)教材教师使用水平,勾勒其在课件、研究教科书、诠释、整合教科书、定用教科书、评判教科书方面的实际状况.发现教师专业知识、教材观、教学资源、学习评价取向、专业指导等因素影响教师使用水平,提出多种途径培训,重视课程标准研读,树立正确教材观,丰富教学资源,唤起专业自主发展等对策.  相似文献   

从教师对教科书的认知与理解、诠释与整合、开发与利用、评价与反思4个维度,对义务教育数学教师的教科书使用水平进行调查。研究发现:教师认知与理解教科书有见解,但理据性及深刻性不够,处于常规使用水平;教师诠释与整合教科书有想法,但系统性及策略性不足,处于机械使用水平;教师开发与利用教科书有举措,但创新性及实效性不高,处于常规使用水平;教师评价与反思教科书有意识,但时效性及开放性不强,处于常规使用水平。这提示教师应借助以下策略提升教科书使用水平:密切关注课程改革趋势,树立科学的教科书使用观;认真研读数学课标内容,提高深度解析教科书的能力;整体解构与把握教科书内容,系统建构教科书的知识体系;合理开发与利用教科书资源,充分挖掘教科书的意蕴价值;运用多种评价与反思途径,检测教科书使用的质量效果。  相似文献   

在学校教育中,教科书是教师教学的基本依据,也是学生获取知识的重要来源.但教师的教学工作,不仅仅是教教科书,更不是照本宣科,而是一种创造性地使用教科书的过程.在<历史与社会>课程实验过程中,我们发现一些教师在有关教科书的功能和作用上,没有彻底摆脱传统教学思想的束缚.主要表现在对课程标准的关注程度不够,教学中呈现教科书内容的方法和手段比较单一,课程资源开发的意识和能力不强等方面.  相似文献   

教师的教科书使用是新课程从应然向实然转化的关键步骤,是决定课程改革成败的关键环节。然而我国有关教科书使用的理论研究与探讨却一直框限在二元论视角下的“教教材”和“用教材教”的论争之中,导致一线教师陷入两难困境。社会文化理论范式下的教科书使用观认为教师与教科书之间并非简单的主客体关系,而是动态互塑的合作关系。教师在教科书的使用过程中对其中的教学内容和教学活动设计进行解读,展开“对话”,作出专业判断,由此成为一个对课程更具有驾驭能力的课程设计者;教科书在这个过程中被打磨和转化成更适合课程实施环境和学生学习需求的“运作的课程”,因而被“活化”,成为更具生命力和适应力的课程。因此,教师与教科书之间的参与式互动和相互协调才是教师教科书使用的本质内涵。  相似文献   

教科书是学校教育中的主要教材,是教师教和学生学的重要资源和工具。课堂教学中教师对教科书的使用方式影响着学生的学习方式和学习结果。本文通过对基于活动理论构建的教科书使用模型的分析,为研究课堂教学中教师使用教科书的方式提供新的视角和理论依据。  相似文献   

教科书是最重要的教学材料。实现教科书价值需要关注教师的教科书使用。目前学界把教师对教科书的使用类型分为忠实取向、调适取向和创生取向,并给出了详细界定。但是在实践研究中,很多学者过度关注教科书中的学科知识,忽略了教科书隐含的内在价值。通过构建教师使用教科书取向的二维模型,分析课堂实录中24名优秀教师的教科书使用取向情况,结果表明,24名教师的取向类型分布均衡并且都有依赖主观内容的现象,教科书版本和授课学段会影响教师使用教科书的取向。因此,需要正确认知教科书使用取向,重视主观内容的设计和使用,提升教师的教科书素养。  相似文献   

This article reports on an analysis and comparison of three South African Grade 9 (13–14 years) Natural Sciences textbooks for the representation of nature of science (NOS). The analysis was framed by an analytical tool developed and validated by Abd-El-Khalick and a team of researchers in a large-scale study on the high school textbooks in the USA. The three textbooks were scored on targeted NOS aspects on a scale of ?3 to +3 that reflected the explicitness with which these aspects were addressed. The analysis revealed that the textbooks poorly depict NOS, and in particular, there was scant attention given to the social dimension of science, science versus pseudoscience and the ‘myth of the scientific method’. The findings of this study are incommensurate with the strong emphasis in a reformed school science curriculum that underlies the need for learners to understand the scientific enterprise, and how scientific knowledge develops. In view of this, the findings of this research reinforce the need for a review on the mandate given to textbook publishers and writers so that a stronger focus be placed on the development of materials that better represent the tenets of NOS.  相似文献   


This study explored ways in which official social studies textbooks in South Korea promote global citizenship given the dominant neoliberal ideology in the field of education. Employing soft versus critical global citizenship education (GCE) and critical discourse analysis, this study analyzed 12 middle-school (seventh to ninth grades) social studies textbooks that are mandatory in Korean public schools. The findings of this study demonstrate the prevalence of a neoliberal agenda and nationalist rhetoric in the global citizenship discourses in the textbooks. We discussed the extent to which themes for GCE including globalization, cultural diversity, peace, sustainability, and associated skills and dispositions were instrumental in perpetuating neoliberal economic values and nationalism while marginalizing social justice and multiculturalism in official textbooks.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):183-200

This study explored how Technology teachers in medium- and well-resourced schools use commercially prepared textbooks in their classrooms. A qualitative-interpretive design was used with a purposively selected sample of four schools from a city in the Gauteng province, South Africa. Data were analysed according to the conceptual framework of didactical transposition, focusing on textbook content, activities, context and teaching strategies. It was found that teachers in well-resourced schools adapt textbooks by adding content, thus expecting a higher standard from textbook content, and preferring learners to work individually, while teachers in medium-resourced schools follow textbooks without adapting them, therefore accepting the standard set by the textbooks. It is recommended that teachers in both contexts be assisted by specialists to interpret the curriculum so as to be sure how they are expected to use textbooks to improve their classroom practices.  相似文献   

The article aims to reform Korean textbook policy through analysing national curriculum alignment in authorized school textbooks and assessing their quality management. The research was conducted with 14 different types of approved middle school physical education textbooks that were examined for the creativity embedded in Korea’s current national curriculum. The research outcomes indicate great disparities in the creativity of the examined physical education texts. Also, the textbooks focused only partially on the aim and method of the mandated curriculum. The findings suggest a lack of creativity, which is a guiding principle of nationally authorized textbooks. Thus, Korean textbook policy needs to be changed in two important ways. First, the classification of creativity must be made part of the compilation criteria, and second, creativity must be reinstated as part of the authorized textbook screening process.  相似文献   

This study investigates how teachers and students assess the textbooks they use in history courses at the high school level in Turkey. Through a survey questionnaire, teachers and students were asked their perceptions of the textbooks. Then a sub-sample of the teachers and students were interviewed to collect more in-depth data on their assessment of the textbooks. The results indicated that the textbooks assist the teacher in instructional planning and in preparing exams, and help the students deal with the content. However, both teachers and students point to problems in textbooks in terms of their physical aspects, content presentation and organization, language, teaching and learning aids, and their impact on students. The textbooks focus mostly on transmission of knowledge, and they are found ineffective in leading students to read the information with interest and develop an understanding of the content area. They are found ineffective in developing students’ thinking skills and positive attitudes toward the subject.  相似文献   

课程实施水平是"关注为本采纳模式"中从行为维度测量与促进教育变革中教师课程实施行为的工具。通过使用这一工具测量我国新课程改革中教师的课程实施水平,并根据课程实施水平量表的层级水平评定教师行为,可以呈现我国课程改革中教师的课程实施水平与专业成长历程。  相似文献   

齐欣 《辽宁高职学报》2013,(2):42-43,46
导游实务课程是高职旅游类专业的核心课程,也是培养学生专业服务技能的主体课程。因此,设计与实施以工作过程为导向的课程教学,是充分实现理实一体化教学,切实提高学生专业技能水平的有效渠道。应针对高职院校旅游英语专业的导游实务课程,进行以实际工作任务为主体的项目设计,并在教学过程中针对学生专业能力加以实施,力求在实际教学过程中改进与完善。  相似文献   

汽车专业毕业生在找工作时,每个毕业班总有3-5人去各大保险公司,做查勘员、定损员等工作。我院汽车工程系也开设汽车保险与理赔课程,但主要是教授知识体系,忽视了学生专业能力和社会能力的培养。学生学完该课程后,普遍感到知识零散、不能处理各类案件。本文介绍笔者如何以学院开展教师"职业能力培训与测评"工作为契机,进行工作过程导向的汽车保险与理赔课程改革与实施。  相似文献   

基础教育课程改革:实施进程、特征分析与推进策略   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基础教育课程改革从2001年开始实施以来,经历了准备、启动、推进、总结、调整等阶段。目前,义务教育阶段的课程改革已经在全国范围内实施,并取得了成效。此外,普通高中的课程改革也正在逐步推进。为了科学推进课程改革,我们对义务教育课程改革的实施过程进行了四次评价,及时总结和反思课程改革进程中的成绩、经验和问题,分析课程改革不同阶段的特征,同时提出课程改革的推进策略。  相似文献   

中小学教材选用的基本原则与若干模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教材的选用对教育教学质量和学生身心发展均有一定的影响。教材的选用应以优质教育资源的充分利用和最大限度地促进学生身心发展为基本原则。当前我国中小学在教材选用中,可结合实际,选用专家、师生参与下的政府采购模式、学校自主选用模式、教育行政部门和专家指导下的教材选用模式等三种模式。  相似文献   

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