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内战结束后,美国南方面临着重建的历史任务,除了政治与经济层面的重建,文化重建也不容忽视,教育新获解放的南方黑人成为当务之急。内战爆发后不久,北方教师即跟随联邦军队与北方慈善团体进入南方,开始了教育南方黑人的使命。以新英格兰地区白人女性教师为主体的北方自由民教师将文化知识以及北方的道德、价值观念带进南方,试图提升南方黑人的整体文化水平并重塑战后南方的黑白种族秩序。面对南方艰苦的生活、教学条件以及南方社会的敌视,北方自由民教师努力从事教育南方黑人的事业,为南方重建做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

朝鲜和韩国同样因受儒家思想的影响,在社会上都有"尊师重教"的传统,两个国家的政府也都同样重视教师教育。但因其处在不同的国家制度和发展水平下,朝韩的教师培养模式存在一定的差异。从朝鲜和韩国的教师教育制度、教师资格证书制度和在职培训制度视角出发,比较朝、韩教师培养模式的区别,对我国的教师培养模式有一定的启示。  相似文献   

用实证分析方法研究杭嘉湖与苏锡常物流业发展条件存在的差异,我们认为苏锡常比杭嘉湖经济总量更大,经济发展速度更快,经济外向程度更高,对物流市场需求的空间更广阔,物流供给条件和物流发展环境也较优。研究这种差异性,对促进两地区物流业的协调发展具有战略意义。  相似文献   

对免费师范生政策实施与认同的调查分析,是了解该政策实效与调整政策的基础。通过对首届免费师范生入学之初与毕业之际的调查与访谈,发现"家庭经济条件与户籍对报考动机显著相关","收入因素对报考动机影响显著增大,而立志教师职业志向逐渐减弱","对大学生活满意度上升,而对学校教学措施的满意度下降","义务履行认同度逐渐降低,政策执行出现低期望"。提出"开展职业教育和诚信教育,增强服务基层教育意识","切实改革免费师范生课程设置,提高准教师专业化水平","开展职业生涯规划,加强免费师范生的事业发展定位","适时调整政策,促使免费师范生政策发挥应有价值"等政策发展措施。  相似文献   

教师专业社会化是教育社会学研究中的一个重要问题。教育实习作为教师专业社会化的关键环节,对顺利推进教师专业社会化有着重要影响。为此,研究与探讨实习教师的专业社会化阶段、所面临的问题、影响因素、结果及推进实习教师专业社会化的对策,对促进实习教师的专业社会化理论研究与实践和教育实习制度建设具有重要意义。  相似文献   

资助工作是高校学生工作的主要环节,是"以人为本"理念的集中体现,是"教育公平"制度的重要抓手,是促进我国高等教育稳定发展的关键因素。拟从比较视域入手,详细梳理高校学生资助工作中存在的法律政策不健全、监管体制不完善、工作流程不科学、人文关怀不细致、育人模式不全面等问题,并对修正路径加以有效探索,以期完善我国学生资助工作体系,使其逐步法制化、科学化、人文化。  相似文献   

Many so‐called brain‐based educational approaches have been strongly criticized for their lack of empirical support and occasionally for their use of pseudoscientific concepts. As a result, several use the term neuromyths to refer to false beliefs or misinterpretations regarding neuroscientific facts. We surveyed both teachers and student teachers concerning their agreement toward hemispheric dominance, modality dominance, and the Brain Gym© method. Results suggest that teachers as well as student teachers believe in the reality of hemispheric and modality dominance but only a few were aware of the Brain Gym© method. Correlation analyses show moderate relationships across different beliefs and/or their perceived benefits in education. Teachers believed more than student teachers in hemispheric dominance and its pedagogical relevance. Together with other studies, the results suggest that teachers and student teachers could benefit from appropriate training in this new field of research.  相似文献   

学生核心素养的发展需要转变传统的教师知识结构,需要构建可引领学生的深度学习与合作学习的新教师素养。欧盟、美国以及新加坡等国际组织和国家的教师核心素养内涵和框架的比较研究可为我国教师的专业发展提供有益启示。促进学生核心素养发展的教师核心素养是知识、技能与价值的复杂融合,其核心是教师需要成为反思性实践者,其构建是一个终身学习的过程。  相似文献   

师生对教学质量优秀教师素质特征评价的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教学质量优秀教师的素质特征评价对于提高教师素质、提高课堂教学质量具有十分重要的意义。本研究从学生和教师两个角度出发,对教学质量优秀教师的素质特征评价进行比较分析,以期找出两者的异同之处。另外,提出了提高教师素质和课堂教学质量的相关建议。  相似文献   

Comparative Education as a subject or course on teacher education curricula mainly continues to be taught in Ireland, some African and East European countries and a few colleges in Ireland, the UK and several universities in the USA, Canada, Western Europe, Latin America and Australia. This research compares Irish and South African students' experiences of their Comparative Education courses. The article commences with a survey of literature on the position of Comparative Education in teacher education, a portrayal of the contextual background of South Africa and of Ireland, and a brief synopsis of the pre-course survey of students' expectations, upon which this study builds. Subsequently the research method is explained and the results presented. Three findings emerged from this study. The first is the valuable role of Comparative Education in teacher education. The second is the role of contextual factors in determining the significance of Comparative Education in teacher education. Thirdly, the centrality of clients (i.e. students) is critical to the future of Comparative Education in teacher education.  相似文献   

通过优秀教师与在校学生的人格差异分析,了解一个优秀教师应具备怎样的个性因素。在校学生将来要想成为优秀教师,应该以怎样的个性因素来塑造自己。  相似文献   

通过对3所高职院校文科、工科及艺术类专业教师的问卷调查,对不同专业和生源学生学习状况方面的表现情况进行了系统评价。结果表明,中职生源大部分素质指标平均分数均显著低于普高生源,不同专业中职生源学生素质各项指标均处于"一般"水平。针对学生素质差异,高职院校应单独制定适应中职生源学生素质的培训方案,并付诸实施,实现"分类培养",全方位培育学生成才。  相似文献   

学生事务管理组织模式比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学生事务管理是当今世界各国高等教育改革的重要议题,本文对目前国际上主要的三种学生事务管理组织模式,即内部事务型、外部事务型、内外事务混合型进行分析,并对这三种模式各自的组织结构和功能作了比较.  相似文献   

This study compares family characteristics and developmental outcomes of black children (N = 300) from 3 rural contexts in South Africa: the homeland, the resettlement, and the white-owned farms. Parents in the homeland were more likely to be married and had more education, less household crowding, and lower mobility than parents in the other 2 areas, and higher occupational status than parents from the farms. Child outcomes paralleled these differences in material resources and family stability. Children from the homeland scored higher than children from the resettlement or farms on head circumference, vocabulary, quantitative skill, and self-concept, with no significant differences between the latter 2 areas on these outcome variables. Children from the homeland also scored higher than resettlement children on weight, copying skill, and height, with children from the farms measuring lowest on height. Child outcomes were highly intercorrelated in all 3 residence areas, but correlations among family variables, and between family and child variables, showed different patterns across areas. Parent education, occupation, and crowding were the most consistent predictors of physical development, cognitive development, and self-concept. Family mobility and marital status, however, showed different relationships to other family variables and to child outcomes across the 3 environments. These results highlight the importance of studying children in multiple environmental contexts, because family characteristics are not associated uniformly across residence areas.  相似文献   

积极、稳定的职业情感是教师专业发展的持久动力.许多师范生在最初选择师范专业时是基于原生的职业情感,即个人生活体验对教师职业的热爱、认可.原生的职业情感是师范生专业发展的良好根基,它能驱动榜样的定向观察,接纳积极的教育暗示,促进教师职业认同的深化,激活教师的职业效能感,使教师职业情感向稳定性专业情感转化.因此,基于其中的转化机制,师范生原生职业情感积极转化需要做到:树立优秀教师榜样,增强专业定向性;营造良好的教育氛围,培育积极的专业情感;引导自我调节系统构建,强化职业认同感;优化专业实践课程,增强职业效能感.  相似文献   

中美特殊教育师资培养之比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对中美两国特殊教育师资培养中的培养模式、课程设置、教师任职资格等方面的比较研究,力求探讨我国特殊教育师资培养中存在的问题及发展方向。  相似文献   

本文以师范生的普通话水平性别差异为考察对象,采用分层随机取样法和T检验统计法,对上饶师范学院767名在校大学生的普通话考试成绩进行取样统计分析,并辅之以纸质调查问卷的形式,调查了北京师范大学、华东师范大学等十所师范院校的2084名大学生。得出了"师范生普通话水平存在性别差异,女生好于男生"这一结论。通过对性别差异的具体表现以及男女师范生的共性特点的分析,结合心理语言学等相关理论,对其影响因素进行分析,提出应对策略。  相似文献   

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