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近30年来,在激活传统教育智慧、建立具有中国特色的教育哲学体系的感召下,中国传统教育哲学研究取得了长足进展。在这一过程中,出现了两个主要学术团队:其一,是以黄济教授为首的北京师范大学团队,其基本理路是"由论而入于史",即出于建立学科知识体系的需要并从现代教育哲学问题出发,去回溯和总结传统教育哲学的丰富思想观点;其二,是以张瑞?教授为首的华东师范大学团队,其基本理路是"由史而进于论",即通过总结中国教育思想史的研究成果,在哲学层面上把握中国教育的历史与文化精神。此外,何光荣教授的传统教育哲学研究也别一格。他在同情与体贴中切近传统,呈现出传统学术贯天人、通物我,以"格、致、诚、正、修、齐、治、平"达"内圣外王"之道的大教育观。  相似文献   

本文从通识教育本土化的问题出发,梳理了潘光旦在20世纪上半叶关于中国大学教育的反思以及作为这种反思的结果,即在中国展开通识教育的思想。潘光旦关于通识教育的目的、功能和方法等方面的主张,服从于其“中和位育”的核心社会学理论,对今天在中国大陆展开的通识教育实践活动依然具有有益的理论意义和参考价值。  相似文献   

对朱小蔓教授道德教育思想的重述与价值评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱小蔓教授作为德育研究的辛勤工作者,她执着追求教育理想,把自己诚挚的情感和饱满的热情注入到道德教育研究中,使每一项科研成果都蕴涵着鲜活的生命力。面对当前社会发展中存在的道德失衡问题,在以科学发展观为统领的教育大环境下,本文拟对朱小蔓教授道德教育思想的实践价值进行一下简要的阐述和归纳,以谋求学术同仁、社会各界人士对该思想进一步提高认识.扩大共识。  相似文献   

康翠萍教授认为,培养人的自我意识是新时代高等教育质量观。遗憾的是,无论是基于哲学的自我意识论证还是心理学的自我意识研究都难以支持这一论断。自我意识的哲学话语通过肯定其作为人之存在属性的普遍必然性间接否定这一断言,而心理学关于婴幼儿自我意识的相关研究则直接证伪了这一判断。并且,基于这一过失性理论假设,康文通篇存在诸多理论与逻辑悖结。新时代高等教育质量观无需强调培养人的自我意识,而是坚持学生德智体美劳全面发展,并突出其特殊性。  相似文献   

The introduction of the concept of lifelong education in higher education brings numerous problems and requires new solutions. One such problem is how to finance programmes of lifelong education. The following article looks at this problem with reference to the system employed in Yugoslavia. The article is based on a paper presented by Professor Barbara Jel?i? and Professor Bozidar Jel?i? at the 24th Session of the Seminar “University Today” (Dubrovnik, 27 August” 1 September, 1978).  相似文献   

本文缩编自格林教授的一篇早期论文①,旨在提炼其有关当代比较教育研究的理论与观点,以期对改善和提高我国比较教育研究的质量和水平有所助益。本文主要聚焦三个问题:全球化如何改变着教育?因全球化而引发的教育变革对比较教育有何启示?比较教育研究如何做到真正意义上的比较?  相似文献   

我国教师教育正处于转型时期。传统的师范教育体制已经逐步瓦解,新的教师教育体制尚未最终形成。北京师范大学顾明远教授是中国教育学会名誉会长、我国教师教育专家委员会主任和中国比较教育的奠基人。他参与中国教师教育的实践和研究60多年,亲历了我国教师教育的改革与发展。在本访谈中,顾明远教授叙述了他对我国教师教育发展的历史、现状和未来趋势的认识。  相似文献   

Rita Jordan, Professor in Autism Studies at the School of Education, University of Birmingham, gave last year's Gulliford Lecture at the University of Birmingham on 4 October 2007. This article is based upon that lecture. In it, Professor Jordan discusses the role of education in the lives of people with autistic spectrum disorders. She traces the growth in our knowledge about autistic spectrum disorders and the development of a variety of ways of responding to autism, from the highly specialised, and frequently strictly segregated, to the explicitly inclusive. She uses her analysis to draw distinctions between 'therapeutic' models of education and education as 'entitlement'– and identifies problems with either paradigm. Professor Jordan closes her article by setting out her vision for a future in which there is greater flexibility and diversity and in which specialisation has a key role to play in making inclusion a working reality. The challenge of teaching pupils with autistic spectrum disorders will, argues Professor Jordan, help us all to imagine a truly inclusive model for education in which equity is achieved by treating all learners differently.  相似文献   

The discipline of neuroscience draws from the fields of neurology, psychology, physiology and biology, but is best understood in the wider world as 'brain science'. Of particular interest for education is the development of techniques for 'imaging' the brain as it performs different cognitive functions. Cognitive neuroimaging has already led to advances in understanding some of the basic functions involved in learning and raised implications for education and special education in particular. For example, neuroimaging has enabled scientists to study the very complex processes underpinning speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. In this article, Professor Usha Goswami of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education first reviews basic information on brain development. She provides a brief introduction to the tools used in neuroimaging then considers recent findings from neuroscience that seem relevant to educational questions. Professor Goswami uses this review to suggest particular ways in which neuroscience research could inform special education. In its closing sections, this article provides authoritative perspectives on some of the 'neuromyths' that seem to have taken root in the popular imagination and argues for increased dialogue, in the future, between the disciplines of neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

试述潘懋元先生的高等教育思想   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
潘懋元教授作为我国名的教育家,高等教育学的创始人,在他长期的理论工作和教育实践中,形成了他的高等教育思想,为我国高等教育理论和改革做出了重要的贡献。本对潘先生的重要高等教育思想进行初步的整理和归纳,从高等教育目的观、价值观、发展观、质量观以及教学思想方面阐述其高等教育思想。  相似文献   

格特·凯尔克特曼(Geert Kelchtermans)是比利时鲁汶大学(University of Leuven, KU Leuven)心理与教育科学学部教授,同时担任鲁汶大学创新、教师与学校发展中心的主任(Centre for Innovation and the Development of Teacher and School)。他还是卑尔根大学(挪威)、奥卢大学(芬兰)和林茨大学(奥地利)以及悉尼大学的客座教授。Kelchtermans教授的研究专注于个体教育专业人士(及其传记)与组织和制度背景之间的复杂互动以及定性研究方法。他的主要学术专长包括:政策实施、教师专业发展(包括入职培训和在职培训)、学校发展与教育创新、学校微观政治、教学和教育领导的情感维度以及解释性研究方法(聚焦于叙事—传记研究方法)。他在众多国际知名教师教育类期刊上发表了大量围绕上述主题的经典论文和著作章节,在教师教育研究领域做出了大量原创性学术贡献。Kelchtermans教授主持过教师教育与教育创新领域的多项课题研究,如"职前教师专业发展:入职期间的时间与关系""教师入职培训:通过参与网络进行专业发展"等...  相似文献   

Joyce Killian, an Associate Professor, is a specialist in teacher education and suppervision and also teaches computer education courses. JoAnn Nelson, an Assistant Professor, is affiliated with the Child Development Laboratories and teaches child development and early childhood courses, with a special interest in cognitive development. David Byrd, an Associate Professor, is a specialist in instructional design. The authors are all in the curriculum and Instruction Department at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale.  相似文献   

An analysis of 73 portfolios, prepared by University of Florida faculty as part of the Teaching Improvement Program competition, revealed tremendous variability in the quantity, quality, and coherence of the evidence presented to support claims of excellence in teaching. By analyzing portfolios prepared by faculty members representing different colleges and different types of teaching assignments, the researchers developed seven common guidelines for portfolio construction.Dorene Doerre Ross is Professor of Education and Coordinator of Elementary Teacher Education Programs at the University of Florida. She earned her doctorate from the University of Virginia. Dr. Ross conducts research in the areas of diversity and elementary teacher education. Elizabeth Bondy is Associate Professor of Education at the University of Florida. She earned her Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction at the University of Florida. Dr. Bondy teaches and conducts research in the area of elementary teacher education. Lynn Hartle is Assistant Professor of Education at the University of Florida. She earned her doctorate from Pennsylvania State University. Dr. Hartle conducts research in early childhood education with a particular interest in playgrounds. Linda Leonard Lamme is Professor of Education at the University of Florida. Her Ph.D. is from Syracuse University. Her areas of interest include children's literature and language arts, as well as teacher education in those fields. Rodman Webb is Professor of Education and teaches courses in educational foundations and qualitative research methods at the University of Florida. He earned a doctorate in the Sociology of Education from Rutgers University. His research interests include democratic management, institutional change, and the micro-politics of schools.  相似文献   

肖飞 《培训与研究》2005,22(5):15-17
杨振宁教授的物理思想及教育理论可以概括为:围绕物理学是活的这个中心,领悟物理学的“美”与“妙”,是学好物理学的关键。  相似文献   

潘懋元教授是我国高等教育学科的主要创始人,推动并见证了我国高等教育研究从“领域”走向“学科”的世纪转型。奥斯陆大学Arild Tjeldvoll教授从一位外国高教专家的视角,论述了潘懋元教授从一位教育研究爱好者成长为一位肩负社会责任的中国高等教育学家的历程,其最终成果《Pan Maoyuan:A Founding Father of Chinese Higher Education Research》和《潘懋元——一位中国高等教育学科的创始人》业已出版。《潘懋元传》既是了解中国高等教育学发展及其活动家奋斗的波澜壮阔历程的思想精华,也是体验西方高等教育理论工作者独特研究范式的学术典范。  相似文献   

An important component of family life is sexuality education. Being comfortable with one's sexuality is an essential component of individual and family wellness. To this end, parents and teachers who intend to assist in young children's sexuality education must be comfortable and well informed.Nilufer P. Medora is Associate Professor, Department of Home Economics, California State University, Long Beach, CA. Stephan Wilson is Associate Professor, and Director, Center for Kentucky Children and Family Research, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY. 40506.  相似文献   

杰出的教育家苏步青教授从教70余年,任副校长、校长15年,形成了丰富的高等教育思想,主要有:大学自主办学的观点;要办一流大学的观点;教导学生独立思考和创造的观点;坚持教学与科研相结合的观点;正确处理基础理论和应用科学研究关系的观点;鼓励学生一代超过一代的观点等,为我们留下了宝贵的精神遗产。  相似文献   

This article is a slightly modified version of a report under the above title written for the Association of Directors of Institutes and Courses of International Education. The author of the report is Professor C. A. O. van Nieuwenhuijze, Rector of the Institute of Social Studies in The Hague. The future of international education is at present under discussion in this country. The government is in favor of a closer association with the universities; an interdepartmental committee has stated its preference for what it terms a "project approach."Professor van Nieuwenhuijze launches a proposal that international education be allowed to develop on the basis of a "continuous spin-off"model. It should perhaps be explained that the term "international education" is used in the Netherlands to describe courses arranged for foreign students, most of whom come from developing countries. The courses described in the present article are usually given in English, because it is too much to expect foreigners to learn Dutch in such a short time. Partly because of the fact that they use English, the institutes of international education have acquired a unique position in the Dutch education system, standing a little apart from the universities, which of course use Dutch as the language of instruction. A list of international courses held in the Netherlands will be found on another page in this issue.  相似文献   

In the following article, Professor John D. Millett, Vice‐President of the USA Academy of Educational Development, points out major trends and problems of higher education in the United States, especially in the context of structural economic changes. Many issues discussed in this article will also effect American higher education in the 1980s.

The article is based on a paper Professor Millett presented at the International Seminar on Efficiency of Higher Education (Nieborow, 25‐28 September 1979), (Editor's Note: In No.1, January‐March 1980 of “Higher Education in Europe” other papers delivered at this meeting were presented, as well as the summary of the seminar's discussions.)  相似文献   

人际交往是生活,就是教育。根据美国哈佛大学梅约教授提出的人际关系学说,我们认为,人际交往是实施思想政治教育的有效途径,具有其它方式难以替代的思想政治教育功能;在新的形势下,我们在人际交往中应该重视实施思想政治教育,提高教育的实效性。  相似文献   

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