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Twenty-eight studies of grades, over a century, were reviewed using the argument-based approach to validity suggested by Kane as a theoretical framework. The review draws conclusions about the meaning of graded achievement, its relation to tested achievement, and changes in the construct of graded achievement over time. Graded achievement reflects students' broad accomplishment of classroom and school learning goals, including goals about how to learn. Both high school and elementary grades contain information about school achievement that includes being socialized into the way learning happens in classrooms. Graded achievement reflects specific course learning goals and therefore varies according to subject; academic course grades align more closely with tested achievement than noncore course grades. Graded achievement also reflects individual teachers' grading practices and emphases about what is important to learn. Report card grades can be reliable and valid measures of graded achievement, but may not be depending on individual teachers' grading practices.  相似文献   

The relationship between achievement motive, as measured by tendency to resume a challenging task, and maternal expectancies regarding achievement was tested in a sample of 80 four-year-olds. Results indicated that the number, magnitude, and direction of relationship differed according to sex and social class variables. Boys and girls in the lower class tended to exhibit higher achievement motive when the mother indicated moderate, rather than extreme, expectancies. In the upper class, girls had higher achievement motive when mothers believed in early training for achievement and expressed controlling attitudes, while higher achievement motives in boys were associated with late ages for achievement-inducing. Reasons for differential conditioning effect of sex and social class are discussed.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis synthesized 93 independent samples (N = 30,003) in 77 studies that reported in 78 articles examining correlations between achievement goals and achievement emotions. Achievement goals were meaningfully associated with different achievement emotions. The correlations of mastery and mastery approach goals with positive achievement emotions and those between performance avoidance goals and negative achievement emotions were large based on Cohen’s guidelines. The correlations of performance approach goals with positive and negative achievement emotions were comparable. The variation in the correlations between achievement goals and achievement emotions can be explained by achievement emotion indicators. The correlations of mastery goals with enjoyment and interest were larger than those with anxiety.  相似文献   

Achievement Goals and the Hierarchical Model of Achievement Motivation   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The achievement goal approach has attained prominence in the achievement motivation literature and has produced a valuable empirical yield. However, the precise nature of the achievement goal construct is in need of scrutiny, as is the issue of how achievement goals and their antecedents combine to produce competence-based self-regulation. In this article, we address these important conceptual issues in the context of the hierarchical model of achievement motivation. The approach–avoidance distinction, which has been an integral part of the achievement motivation literature since its inception, is highlighted throughout.  相似文献   

Measures of needs for achievement and variety seeking were obtained from students who chose an honors program of independent research during their junior and senior college years and from students with equivalent high grades who chose not to be in honors. The measures of need for achievement from the California Personality Inventory (CPI) and the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule (EPPS) both correlated significantly with choice of an honors curriculum. Scores on the Zukerman Sensation-Seeking scale (SS-scale) and grade point average (GPA) did not correlate with choice of an honors curriculum.  相似文献   


This essay argues in favor of college instructors, especially in introductory classes, giving students the freedom to use Wikipedia entries in their research projects. It explores the pedagogy created by rigid prohibitions of potential sources, and argues that at stake are two chief dichotomies: one, students learning by engaging in a process vs. students producing a product, and two, students thinking individually and evaluating vs. students following rules. Within the discussion of these dichotomies is a call for instructors to emphasize evaluation of the content of research material rather than an author's credentials or other external markers.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine whether a subject weighted (SW) multiple-choice test taking procedure would result in higher and more reliable scores than the conventional (C) multiple-choice test taking procedure in general and at different levels of risk taking. A 25-item statistics test was administered twice to 122 graduate students. The differences between means and the differences between reliabilities for the SW and C scores in general and at different levels of risk taking were not statistically significant, p < .05. Some additional information on the SW procedure was also reported. The implications for the practitioner are that the SW multiple-choice test taking procedure has not provided sufficient evidence to warrant its use at this time.  相似文献   

This article addresses the serious and growing need to improve science instruction and science achievement for all students. We will describe the results of a 3-year study that transformed science instruction and student achievement at two high-poverty ethnically diverse public elementary schools in Texas. The school-wide intervention included purposeful planning, inquiry science instruction, and contextually rich academic science vocabulary development. In combination, these instructional practices rapidly improved student-science learning outcomes and narrowed achievement gaps across diverse student populations.  相似文献   

中学生成就目标的确立与否、确立的成就目标的类型以及对所设定目标的评价性反应这三个因素都会对中学生的成就动机产生影响。成就目标定向对教育的启示,主要表现为教师应该帮助学生设定个性化的成就且标,以更好地激发中学生的成就动机。  相似文献   

成就动机作为一种重要的社会性动机,对理解和分析个体的行为具有重要意义。研究者希望通过系统地梳理归纳相关内容,为成就动机的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

问题是数学的心脏,方法是数学的行为,思想是数学的灵魂。不管是数学概念的建立、数学规律的发现,还是数学问题的解决,乃至整个"数学大厦"的构建,核心问题在于数学思想方法的培养和建立。  相似文献   

Dr Richard Lansdown, psychologist at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Sick Children, London, considers some research findings about the relationship between severe sight loss, reading and spelling-an area in which many assumptions are made  相似文献   

吴均是南北朝梁代文学家、史学家。在众多的文学史及文学思想史著作中都有过对其诗文独特的创作风格及成就的简单评述,但少有全面深刻的研究,多数停留在互相引述或对某一类作品形式的探讨上,可以说是湮没在了对魏晋南北朝这段复杂的文学艺术历史时期的繁华喧嚣的研究里。故而本文旨在对吴均诗文作品进行全面整理的基础上,对他的文学成就的各个方面作以整体研究,期与学界进一步研究并探讨这位在同时代和后代文坛上都产生过很大影响的诗人、作家。  相似文献   

The absolute normal scores test (K) is described as a test for the symmetry of a distribution of scores about a location parameter designated as 0. The test is compared to the sign test (S) and the Wilcoxon test (W) as an alternative to the t-test. Power comparisons are made among the K, S, W, and t tests. An example is presented where the sample size is less than 20. The large sample approximation to the normal distribution is also illustrated.  相似文献   

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