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教师教育者在教师教育乃至整个教育发展中发挥着至关重要的作用。他们是专门从事教师教育工作的人,是帮助师范生实现正式社会化的人,是教师教育实践者和教师教育研究者的统一。教师教育者应该根据自身劳动任务的基础性和艰巨性、劳动对象的成人性和期待性、劳动过程的复杂性和创造性、劳动方式的师范性和示范性、劳动价值的潜在性和长效性等方面特点,通过树立专业理想增进身份认同、开展自我研究融合教学和科研、增进合作交流创建教师教育者发展共同体等方式积极促进专业发展。  相似文献   

网络条件下互动的教育者业务发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在知识积累、学习研究和教育技术飞速发展的当今时代,教师必须成为不断的学习,作为一种工具,因特网可能克服教育在业务发展方向的局限,但仅仅靠技术还不能改变教育实践。因特网资源必须同活动和机制相结合,才能帮助教师发展自己的业务。本作将引用哈佛教育研究院所发展的网络学习环境及有关的网上课程,以说明主题。  相似文献   

This discussion of continuing professional development for counselor educators and supervisors is based on a study of six professional organizations and their programs of continuing professional development. The study was conducted by ACES's Commission on Professional Development. The commission concluded that most organizations have established offices and committees of members at the national level that administer programs; provide activities directly or sponsor activities conducted by other groups, such as private institutes, universities, and professional organizations; and in some cases offer awards for meeting specific criteria. Recommendations for ACES are to continue conducting specific workshops on selected topics and offer Continuing Education Units for participants, determine the impact of these activities on participants, develop criteria for the ACES Recognition Award in consultation with other organizations that have a similar award, consider sponsoring activities conducted by other groups, and survey the difficulties that a continuing-professional-development program may cause for persons with multiple membership in professional organizations.  相似文献   

专业化:社区教育专职教师队伍建设的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
黄健 《远程教育杂志》2010,28(4):99-104
借鉴专业社会学领域的诸多研究成果,探讨了“专业”与“专业化”的内涵、某种职业专业化的影响因素以及专业化的基本途径,指出当前我国社区教育专职教师队伍的专业化问题必要而紧迫。通过梳理针对社区教育专职教师队伍的现状调查,分析了我国社区教育专职教师队伍专业化的现实起点,并结合专业化理论,提出了有针对性地加强社区教育专职教师队伍专业化建设的若干对策。  相似文献   

成人教育是我国终身教育体系的重要构成和学习型社会的强力支撑。成人教育工作者作为成人教育活动的核心力量,其自身的专业水平直接关系到成人教育应对当前各种机遇和挑战的能力。因此,无论从成人教育理论还是从实践发展的视角来看,成人教育工作者专业社会化都是一个新兴而重要的研究课题。所谓专业社会化,是指个体习得一定的专业知识、专业技能、专业态度、专业价值以逐步胜任其专业角色的过程。通过对四位资深成人教育工作者的质的研究发现,成人教育工作者专业社会化是通过职前教育、在职培训、终身自我导向学习和反思性实践等多重路径共同实现的,而非单一路径在发挥作用。总体而言,职前教育和在职培训在成人教育工作者专业社会化历程中具有奠基性的意义和作用,终身自我导向学习可以说是成人教育工作者专业社会化的有效阶梯,而反思性实践则堪称成人教育工作者专业社会化的羽翼。另外,成人教育自身的实践性较强、以及我国成人教育学科建设与理论研究发展滞后等原因,又导致了我国成人教育工作者专业社会化路径的特殊性。  相似文献   

In this paper we present a study conductedwithin the framework of an in-serviceprofessional development program for junior andsenior high school mathematics teachers. Thefocus of the study is the analysis of processesencountered by the staff members, as members ofa community of practice, which contributed totheir growth as teacher educators. We offer athree-layer model of growth through practice asa conceptual framework to think about becominga mathematics teacher educator, and illustratehow our suggested model can be adapted to thecomplexities and commonalities of theunderlying processes of professionaldevelopment of mathematics teacher educators.  相似文献   

The purpose of this mixed method research is to understand and support educators' continuing learning and growth better by using a lens of transformative learning to examine their experience and professional development practice and responsibility. Data from 58 participants and the course professor are analyzed to consider the occurrence of transformative learning and the related needs that emerged. This article also presents trends across the learning experiences and recommendations for practice and responsibility. Additionally, there are implications of the research for higher education professors, administrators, and developers reflecting on their concepts and planning of formal professional development.  相似文献   

In this article we describe the selection and professional development of a newly appointed teacher educator at the Institute for Teacher Education at a Dutch university. The situation described is, in our view, representative of the Dutch situation in general. A senior teacher educator and a newly appointed teacher educator were interviewed. The first interview presents mainly information on selection, the second interview covers the professional development of the appointed teacher educator. Both interviews indicate the importance of informal aspects. Personal factors of both colleagues and the teacher educator himself have influenced selection and development. We suggest both elements should be elaborated on and formalised. Notwithstanding, the position of a teacher educator in The Netherlands will remain an uncertain one.  相似文献   


Although natural resource professionals are adept at managing resources, they often lack the skills and the desire to fulfill their roles as nonformal environmental educators. School-based partnerships are a potential vehicle for enhancing skills for delivering environmental education. Research shows that teachers benefit from partnerships, but the benefits of partnering for nonformal educators are unknown. This exploratory study investigated (a) if partnerships enable natural resource professionals to better perform their roles as nonformal environmental educators, and (b) if partnerships benefit natural resource agencies and their employees in other ways. Widespread development was self-reported during interviews, both in environmental education practices and in workplace-related job performance, especially in interpersonal skills, thinking and basic skills, and managing resources and information.  相似文献   

外语教师教育者特殊的专业角色决定了其持续专业发展的独特性。英国文化教育协会《教师教育者持续专业发展框架》描绘了外语教师教育者的十大专业实践、七项执行力和五大自我意识。强化反思实践导向、理解和服务教师学习、提升专业能力、增进角色意识等为其显著特点。它为外语教师教育者指明了专业发展方向、可能的专业实践活动及其范围,亦可为我国外语教师教育者的持续专业发展提供有益的经验和启示。  相似文献   

在美国成人教育发展史上,产生了诸如佛朗西斯·韦特、伊丽贝萨·凯蒂·斯通、林德曼、马尔科姆·诺尔斯、希里尔·侯尔等一大批闻名于世的成人教育学者。他们在女性主义与妇女教育、种族平等、民族融合与多元文化教育等广泛领域,为美国成人教育的发展做出了开拓性的贡献。这些成就的取得既与美国时代和社会发展的需要分不开,又与美国社会为这些专业工作者所提供的良好职业环境和专业平台密不可分。  相似文献   

成人教育师资专业化发展的校本策略   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
成人教育师资专业化是成人教育师资建设发展的核心。校本教育作为一种新的教师教育理念与模式,打破了传统教师在职教育模式的局限性,顺应了教师教育开放性发展潮流,突出成人院校教育特色,注重成人教师的主体性。这种新型的教师教育模式必然会推动成人院校教师专业化发展。  相似文献   

A mentorship professional development model was provided to a group of educators at various stages in their career paths, ranging from pre-service teachers to in-service teachers to teacher leaders. We were interested in exploring how participants’ interactions during a book study influenced their perceptions of practice, with a specific aim at understanding what they noticed from these interactions and how they conceptualized their thoughts from the mentorship experience. Findings indicated that participants situated themselves with a receiver, neutral, or giver perspective, which influenced how they interacted with others. In the process, participants valued the security fostered from the relationships, generated new relationships with others with varying experiences, engaged in reflective practice, and considered exposure to other perspectives to be beneficial.  相似文献   

刘宁 《职业技术教育》2006,27(13):62-65
我国成人职业能力开发现状不容乐观,体现为终身学习思想宣传不够,职业能力开发未得到重视,成人参与职业能力开发鼓励政策匮乏,开发质量不能保证,培训流于形式。促进成人职业能力开发,关键在于营造全体成人参与职业能力再开发活动的浓厚氛围;转变政府职能,加强政府调控作用;构建终身职业能力开发体系,完善法律法规建设,规范就业准入。  相似文献   

The qualitative study reported on was, undertaken from a distributed leadership perspective, and was an attempt to provide understanding of how heads of department (HoDs) develop educators within the organisational context of different schools and subject departments. The findings are related to the current policy framework for professional development in South African schools. Two fee-paying and two non-fee-paying schools were selected and interviews were conducted with HoDs from single subject (unitary) and multi-subject (federal or confederate) departments in each school. The data was transcribed, coded, analysed and related to the research question. The findings confirmed that HoDs are a key link between principals and the educators in their classrooms. This supports the view that HoDs have formal responsibilities and accountabilities and they wield a horizontal and a vertical influence. Recommendations are made to improve professional development practice by HoDs in particular and in the education system in general.  相似文献   

Adult education and lifelong learning together form one of the priorities for development in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania. The important historical and social context in which the professional development of adult educators has been taking place in the Baltic States since they regained their independence in the 1990s is the changes that occurred in the socio-political, economic and social life since then. There is greater concern about the need to qualify adult education practitioners so as to enhance quality in the provision of adult education and training. However, the prerequisites for the professional development of adult educators are a neglected area of research when compared with other fields of education and training.
In this article, we shall analyse the professional development of adult educators as follows:
  • How transformational changes in the Baltic States during the past decade have influenced adult education policy and practice, the adult education profession itself and the professional development of adult educators;

  • How adult education policies, initial education and training practices affect the process of professional development among adult educators;

  • What the professional development of adult educators consists in.


The first part of this paper discusses incentives for teacher educators to engage in professional development. It proceeds by proposing practical examples of how teacher educators' professional development is initiated by the individual teacher educator and takes place outside the teacher education institution. However, systematic professional development is needed within the teacher education institution, as an integrated part of the teacher educators' work responsibilities. The many problems related to professional development are highlighted at the end of the paper. The paper addresses a neglected area in the literature on teacher education.  相似文献   


Despite calls for more attention to the preparation of those who prepare teachers, there have been few examples of institutionally sanctioned and structured learning opportunities created to equip faculty with the knowledge and skills necessary to become effective teacher educators. In this paper, we describe a cross-disciplinary and collaborative initiative that involves shadowing of colleagues as a means of supporting the professional learning of science teacher educators. We illustrate the unique affordance of this model and highlight our professional learning across multiple dimensions: cognitive, practical, relational, and emotional. We illustrate how shadowing can support the learning of faculty at different career stages and from different disciplinary backgrounds and entry points to teacher education through a series of vignettes of shadowing in a variety of course contexts. Finally, we offer considerations for the transferability of our model to other institutions and contexts, and how further research conducted in the context of shadowing could help deepen our understanding of the knowledge base of science teacher educators and how this knowledge is developed.


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