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The improvement of teaching and learning in university‐level education is of interest as well as importance to all concerned with problems in this domain. The following article, which analyses this issue in the context of technical higher education, was written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Professor Gheorghe Buzdugan, Head of the Department of the Strength of Materials, Polytechnic Institute of Bucharest. Professor Buzdugan is also a Member of the CEPES Advisory Committee.  相似文献   

Professor Jan Kluczynski is Director of the Institute of Science Policy and Higher Education in Warsaw. He also served as Secretary of the Committee of Experts which prepared the “Report on State of Education in Poland” (1973). We give below an article specially written for “Higher Education in Europe”, dealing with the development and future form of higher education.  相似文献   

Great interest is being expressed in higher education circles everywhere and at all levels in the fundamental changes envisaged with regard to the organizational structure and contents of higher education in the USSR. These changes constitute an important part of the restructuring; the “perestroika”, currently going on in all spheres and at all levels of Soviet society.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CC CPSU) adopted the Principal Directions for the Reorganization of Higher Education and Specialized Secondary Education. As a follow‐up to that framework document, the CC CPSU and the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a number of decisions, dated 13 March 1987, aimed at giving substance to and at amplifying the basic principles enumerated. As change in Soviet higher education has been in the air for some time, we were able to preview some of its directions in previous issues of Higher Education in Europe, specifically in No. 4, Vol. XI (1986), pp. 80‐81 and in No. 2, Vol. XII (1987), pp. 83‐84.

As promised in the latter issue, we are now presenting the main provisions of these “Measures”, and “Decisions” via excerpts taken from five documents which were published partly in Byulleten’ Ministerstva Vysshego i Srednego Spetsialnogo Obrazovaniya, No. 6, 1987, and partly in Pravda, 27 March 1987.

The editors are solely responsible for the choice of excerpts as well as for the editorial and stylistic modifications that they believed necessary in order to fit them into the content of Higher Education in Europe.  相似文献   

The information presented below is based on a report entitled “Maintaining the Vitality of the University in Matters concerning the Teaching and Research Personnel” written by Professor Rudolf Wildenmann, Rector of the University of Mannheim. This report was presented during the 16th Semestrial Conference of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐Chancellors of the European Universities (CRE), held from 27 to 28 April 1978 in Salamanca, Spain.

The Conference concentrated on “The Prospects for the Universities after a Period of Expansion”. Besides Professor Wildenmann's report, two other basic reports were presented. They dealt with the following issues:

  • "Maintaining the Vitality of the University in the Field of Finance” by Professor Jean Touscoz, Rector of the University of Nice,

  • "Maintaining the Vitality of the University in Student Matters” by Mr. James Drever, Principal of the University of Dundee.


党的十八届三中全会用“治理”冶统领经济社会发展模式,提出“创新社会治理体制”改革目标。其现实依据是社会多元化背景下公民社会崛起,社会矛盾凸显的客观形势。创新社会治理是新时期党和政府推进社会治理体系与治理能力现代化的一项基本职责。现阶段,党和政府创新社会治理应围绕“激发社会活力”破题,节点在于突出“人”的主体性地位。基本思路要求为:坚持党的群众路线不动摇;坚持走中国式治理道路;要在关键领域、关键环节上体现其实质内容;培育公民主体意识,不断发掘创新社会治理的力量源泉。创新社会治理思路要求具有内在的逻辑性遥  相似文献   

The 13th Bi‐annual Conference of the Standing Conference of Rectors and Vice‐Chancellors of European Universities (CRE), held on 21‐22 October 1976 in Athens, discussed the problem of co‐operation between European universities in view of the Final Act of the Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

The participants put more emphasis on the removal of obstacles to existing forms of links between universities than on seeking new ways of inter‐university co‐operation.

Two papers were presented during the conference:

  • “Necessity and evolution in the European Scientific Community” by Professor Zygmunt Rybicki, Rector of Warsaw University;

  • “Difficulties in European Inter‐University Co‐Operation” by Professor Jean Tuscoz, President of Nice University.

The Bureau of CRE prepared a report “The Declaration of Helsinki and the Universities in Europe”, on which the information below is based, It gives an idea of the present state of development of relations between universities in Eastern and Western Europe.  相似文献   

Professor Johan Galtung is the Director General of the Inter‐University Centre of Post‐Graduate Studies in Dubrovnik. He is also a professor of peace studies at the University of Oslo. The article below, which has been specially written for “Higher Education in Europe”, represents the author's personal views on the problems which are, in his opinion, relevant to the development of higher education.  相似文献   

The following article is based on the main elements of the Annual Report No. 5 ‐ Academic Year 1977/78 of the Planning and Grants Committee at the Israeli Council for Higher Education, which serves as a liaison between the universities and government of Israel, and other national institutions concerned with higher education. In addition we present the recent statistical data on higher education (universities) in Israel as given in “Higher Education in Israel ‐Statistical Abstracts 1977/78”, which constitute an integral part of the Report.  相似文献   

Developments in higher education in the socialist countries of Eastern Europe are of interest to a large number of the Bulletin readers. In the context of the topic on which this issue of the Bulletin is con‐centrated, the following information is presented. It is based on an article entitled “Recent Trends and issues in Higher Education in Eastern Europe”, which was written by Professor Stefan Kwiatkowski, Deputy Director of the Institute of Science Policy, Technological Progress and Higher Education in Warsaw.  相似文献   

Historically the Spanish university has been closely tied to the European elitist model, devoted to culture, pure science and research. More recently it has found itself facing the necessity of answering the demands made ‘by economic development.

The socio‐cultural changes and the advances taking place in the country during the 1960s have produced an explosion in the student population and in the number of those from the lower social strata who are demanding higher education. A widespread policy of scholarships which developed in the 1970s resulted in the university's becoming accessible to those who previously did not have the financial means. But these positive developments are the cause of difficulties which face Spanish higher education. They are analysed in the following article written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Professor Julio R. Villanueva, former Rector of the University of Salamanca and former President of the Spanish Rectors’ Conference. Professor Villanueva is the current Chairman of the CEPES Advisory Committee.  相似文献   

The introduction of the concept of lifelong education in higher education brings numerous problems and requires new solutions. One such problem is how to finance programmes of lifelong education. The following article looks at this problem with reference to the system employed in Yugoslavia. The article is based on a paper presented by Professor Barbara Jel?i? and Professor Bozidar Jel?i? at the 24th Session of the Seminar “University Today” (Dubrovnik, 27 August” 1 September, 1978).  相似文献   

Quite a large number of international meetings devoted to issues concerning higher education are organized each year. The problems of their contribution to the further development of higher education and research in this field are raised in a thought‐provoking article written for “Higher Education in Europe” by Professor E.A. van Trotsenburg, President of the European Association for Research and Development in Higher Education (EARDHE) and Director of the Institute of International Science and University Didactics, University of Klagenfurt.  相似文献   

Inspired by the coining together of the various countries of Europe, by the rebirth, at all levels, of interest in the common European identity, and by the growing European consensus as to the importance of the university as a major pan‐European cultural institution, the author, First Deputy Chairman of the USSR State Committee for Public Education, presents a project for the founding of a University of the Peoples of Europe. What he envisions is primarily a research institution devoted to the study of pan‐European problems of all sorts and the generalization of the solutions. The author suggests outlines of both the possible activities of such a university and of its organization. He believes that the institution should function under the auspices and with the support of Unesco.  相似文献   

Abstract In this essay, Maarten Simons and Jan Masschelein reconsider the concepts “educationalization” and “the grammar of schooling” in the light of the overwhelming importance of “learning” today. Doubting whether these concepts and related historical‐analytical perspectives are still useful, the authors suggest the concept “learning apparatus” as a point of departure for an analysis of the “grammar of learning.” They draw on Michel Foucault’s analysis of governmentality to describe how learning has become a matter of both government and self‐government. In describing the governmentalization of learning and the current assemblage of a ”learning apparatus,” Simons and Masschelein indicate how the concept of learning has become disconnected from education and teaching and has instead come to refer to a kind of capital, to something for which the learner is personally responsible, to something that can and should be managed, and to something that must be employable. Finally, the authors elaborate how these discourses combine to play a crucial role in contemporary advanced liberalism that seeks to promote entrepreneurship.  相似文献   

文章主要通过介绍《诗经?国风》中各种“衣裳”的描写,来分析其背后不同的人物形象,且简单的阐释这种用“衣裳”来代指人物形象的创作手法对后世文学创作的影响,从而更好地理解《诗经》在中国文学史上的伟大地位。  相似文献   

赵云中先生曾在《回顾?期望》 一文中提出关于中国俄语界的研究对象是什么的设问, 涉及“俄语研究者” 、“俄语作为外语”、“中国俄语学”等概念。对赵先生的思想进行感悟与解读, 并对相关概念进行分析与对比, 有助于摆脱某些认识上的误区, 明确中国俄语工作者的自我定位, 把体现中国俄语教学与研究的特色、构建赋有实践性与创新性的中国俄语学作为国内俄语界共同努力的方向。  相似文献   

No significant analyses of the international exchange of students can be made without the respective statistical data. In this context we present an article mainly based on two statistical reports: “Report. on International Education Exchange ‐ Open Doors, 1975/6 ‐1976/7” published by the Institute of International Education (IIE) and “Statistical Study on Higher Education in Europe 1970‐1975” published by CEPES.  相似文献   

马克思在其早期著作中多次提出要“消灭哲学”,这是马克思主义哲学的研究者必须给出解释的问题。对此,俞吾金教授认为,这句话的中文翻译有误,马克思的原义是要扬弃哲学。根据马克思相关文本的中译文和英译文,从“消灭哲学”的出场语境出发,得出结论,“消灭哲学”的翻译无误。但是马克思原义是要消灭具有意识形态特征的那种哲学而并非所有哲学。俞吾金教授所提出的翻译问题具有重要的现实意义,它提醒人们将马克思的格言放入特定的文本语境中来理解,而不是脱离语境任意的引用。  相似文献   

可食性包装膜(Edible Packaging Films,以下简称EPF)是国内外研究较为流行的一种新型包装材料,该包装具备"安全"、"环保"、"低碳"、"可降解"、"节约"、"方便"等众多优点,是实现"绿色包装"的首选包装材料。本文以豆腐渣、大米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉的混合物为基材,瓜尔豆胶作为胶粘剂,甘油作为增塑剂,选择最佳制备方案,保证膜能满足粉末状、固体状、油脂类食品的包装要求,同时能最大程度保证原料中营养成分的保留。  相似文献   

香港浸会大学谭载喜教授结合西方和香港某些高校所倡导的“全人”培养教育理念,提出了翻译教育中的两个重要概念,即“全人”翻译教育和“翻译教育金字塔”,并运用图表和阐释的方式对其进行描述。这一教育方法使“以人为本”的教育理念在翻译教学中得到充分彰显。  相似文献   

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