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以项目教学法开展课程教学的尝试   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
职业教育课程改革的根本目的在于让学生的职业能力得以提高,教学方法是实现此目标的有效手段,项目教学法由于具有实践性、自主性、综合性与开放性等特点,能够有效调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,促进学生职业能力的形成。  相似文献   

The Talacchanda project took place as an independent research/exhibition undertaking supported by the Glasgow School of Art. Over seventeen months an exploratory education programme was introduced at various levels of schools and higher education. The education programme sprang from a contemporary art exhibition and dance performance called Talaccahnda which was informed by ancient Indian thought on art and drama. The exhibition and performance took place in Glasgow's Tramway Project Room and Theatre in October 2002. It had been shown previously in the British Council Gallery in New Delhi in 2000, and later in 2001 at the artist run space ‘Out of the Blue’ in Edinburgh. Thanks to Scottish Arts Council Lottery funding, Talacchanda Glasgow was accompanied by an education programme, which offered workshops and events in schools, at the gallery, through community groups as well as at GSA and Reid Kerr College, Paisley. By demonstrating connections between apparently disparate activities, the project aimed to serve as a catalyst for fresh thinking on inter‐cultural and anti racist education, and to strengthen connections between the community groups and institutions involved.  相似文献   

Margo C O'Sullivan 《Compare》2000,30(2):211-234
The literature endorses the critical role of needs assessment for effective INSET (In-service Education and Training). This view is not however, adequately supported by empirical research. There is also a dearth of literature on the process of needs assessment. The few studies that explore the process focus on the use of questionnaire and interview methods. The latter method was found to be inappropriate for the unqualified primary teachers participating in an INSET programme in Namibia (1995-97). This paper explores the process of needs assessment within this programme and presents an effective model of needs assessment which guided it. The model suggests the use of a multi-pronged qualitative approach to assessing needs.  相似文献   

In view of the increasing demand for in‐service training in Greece, the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki launched English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teacher training courses, offered for the first time by a Greek state university. This paper discusses issues regarding the design and running of the courses as well as briefly presenting trainee feedback and its role in the continuous improvement of the courses. The rationale and the principles adopted in the design of the courses were in line with current approaches to teacher training. In addition, the design of the courses was based on a national survey involving a needs analysis of practising EFL teachers in Greece. The feedback received from the trainees was very positive with regard to the design and organization of the courses, the usefulness of the knowledge acquired and the fulfillment of their expectations.

L'Université d'Aristote de Théssalonique a inicié pour la première fois en Grèce, des stages sur l'enseignement de l'anglais en tant que langue étrangère, de manière à répondre à la demande croissante des enseignants pratiquants pour une formation plus poussée. L'article suivant explique la composition et le fonctionnement des differents séminaires, présente brievement les impressions des stagiaires en établissant l'importance de leurs commentaires pour la continuelle amélioration du stage. Les principes adoptés lors de la création de celui‐ci sont basés sur les approches courantes de formation des enseignants d'anglais. De plus, ce stage prend en compte une enquête nationale établissant les differents besoins des enseignants pratiquants en Grèce. Les commentaires des stagiaires sur l'organisation du cours et l'utilité des informations acquises furent très positifs. Le stage a répondu à leurs differentes attentes.

Wegen der immer größeren Nachfrage nach in‐service training1 In‐service training, sind Trainingskurse die sich an Lehrer richten, die den Beruf schon praktizieren. Wann immer das Wort «Prakizent» im Text benutzt wird, sind diese Lehrer gemeint. View all notes in Griechenland, hat die Aristoteles Universität von Thessaloniki EFL (Englisch als Fremdsprache)Trainingskurse für praktizirende Lehrer angeboten, die es zum ersten mal bei einer griechischen Staatsuniversität gibt. Dieser Artikel befasst sich mit Themen, welche die Struktur und den Ablauf dieser Kurse betreffen, sowie auch wie die Rückinfomation der Praktizenten dazu beigetragen hat diese Kurse ständig zu verbessern. Außerdem wurden die neuen didaktischen Methoden berücksichtigt. Darüber hinaus basiert die Struktur dieser Kurse einer nationallen Umfrage in Griechenland, welche die Lehrbedürfnisse der Prakizenten enthaltet.Um die Struktur dieser Kurse nun noch mehr zu verbessern werden wie die Ruckinformation und die Erfahrung der Praktizenten die schon an ihn teilgenommen haben in Hinsicht nehmen.

En vista de la creciente demanda en Grecia de in service‐training2 In‐service training, son cursos para estudiantes que ya son maestros de ingles. La palabra cursillista se refiere a estos estudiantes. View all notes , la universidad Aristoteles de Salonika comenzo a ofrecer cursos de metodologia para maestros de ingles como lengua extranjera. Esta es la primera vez que una universidad del estado ofrece cursos de este tipo. En este articulo se tratan de discutir los afectos relacionados con el plan y la estructura de estos cursos y, del mismo modo, el papel desempeado por las surgerencias de los cursillistas como ayuda para diseñar los cursos. La filosofia y el pensamiento fueron adoptados de acuerdo con los nuevos metodos didacticas. De hecho, el diseño del curso fue basado en un estudio nacional a cerca de las necesidades de los cursillistas que ya son o seran maestros de ingles como lengua extranjera. Para mejorar estos cursos mas, tendrèmos en cuenta las sugerencias y la experencia de los cursillistas que ya han participado en estos cursos y hacer cambios.  相似文献   

This paper reports some of the findings from an evaluation of the New Visions programme, piloted by the National College for School Leadership in 2002–2003. The programme is targeted at school leaders in their first three years of headship and has a strong emphasis on experiential learning. The evaluation evidence is deployed against an earlier literature review on leadership development in education. The findings show that participants were mostly very positive about their New Visions experience. The conclusion suggests that the process-rich approach of New Visions could be widened to include other leadership development programmes, within and beyond NCSL.  相似文献   

Recent years have witnessed considerable growth of emphasis in the inservice education and training of educational personnel. It has come to be generally accepted that the pace of social and educational change makes preservice training an inadequate basis for long‐term professional competence, and that inservice training is an essential instrument for updating and upgrading staff. In contrast to preservice training, inservice courses can often be more easily related to the practicalities of the education profession, and several models of inservice training avoid removing staff from the workforce. Inservice practices are not usually without problems, however, many of which may be logistical and financial constraints arising from the decision to cater for trainees in their workplaces rather than in one central location.

This paper highlights some of these issues by reference to the experience of several less developed countries, and in particular by reference to practices in Papua New Guinea. For over a decade, university inservice courses have been organized in Papua New Guinea for school teachers and a variety of educational administrators. These programmes were developed independently of ‘main stream’ thinking on INSET, but analysis of their operation within a more general and contemporary theoretical context sheds useful light on issues of international interest.  相似文献   

"大型化工仿真实验"教学方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
计算机集散控制系统应用于化工生产线上,可以改善其劳动条件,提高经济效益。目前,能够进行大型化工仿真实验教学的工科院校为数不多,本文以“合成氨工艺”仿真软件为基础,提出了一套切实可行的仿真实验教学方法,为此方面的教学提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

对柔性制造系统的选择方法进行了归纳与总结.给出了柔性制造系统的综合定义和研究柔性制造系统选择方法的目的以及所要达到的目标.归纳和总结了目前常用的柔性制造系统的选择方法,并对模糊多目标规划法、综合集成法、有向图法和矩阵法进行了描述.结果表明研究柔性制造系统的选择方法的必要性在于:为提高制造系统的柔性和改变基于成本和用户/客户的制造系统竞争架构提供科学的决策支持.  相似文献   

项目教学法在计算机语言实验教学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
计算机语言类课程是实践性很强的课程,从目前计算机语言类实验教学来看,在实验与实验的衔接、实验内容、实验指导方法等几个方面都存在着一些不容忽视的问题.在实验教学中引入"项目教学法"可以弥补这些不足.  相似文献   

The increasing number of digital anatomy teaching software packages challenges anatomy educators on how to best integrate these tools for teaching and learning. Realistically, there exists a complex interplay of design, implementation, politics, and learning needs in the development and integration of software for education, each of which may be further amplified by the somewhat siloed roles of programmers, faculty, and students. LINDSAY Presenter is newly designed software that permits faculty and students to model and manipulate three‐dimensional anatomy presentations and images, while including embedded quizzes, links, and text‐based content. A validated tool measuring impact across pedagogy, resources, interactivity, freedom, granularity, and factors outside the immediate learning event was used in conjunction with observation, field notes, and focus groups to critically examine the impact of attitudes and perceptions of all stakeholders in the early implementation of LINDSAY Presenter before and after a three‐week trial period with the software. Results demonstrate that external, personal media usage, along with students' awareness of the need to apply anatomy to clinical professional situations drove expectations of LINDSAY Presenter. A focus on the software over learning, which can be expected during initial orientation, surprisingly remained after three weeks of use. The time‐intensive investment required to create learning content is a detractor from user‐generated content and may reflect the consumption nature of other forms of digital learning. Early excitement over new technologies needs to be tempered with clear understanding of what learning is afforded, and how these constructively support future application and integration into professional practice. Anat Sci Educ. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

在测量浮力等于排开水的重力时:①总感到浮力的变化较大,难以测出一个比较确定的数字;②当烧杯的倾斜程度不论怎样改变,或物体不论是快放,还是慢放入溢水杯,总得有一部分水沿溢杯壁流走;③重复实验时,每次测出浮力的大小的确不等于排开水的重力,并且偏差太大,给实验造成很大困难,不利于得出正确的结论.因此师生共同进行实验,很有必要.  相似文献   

为了使非计算机专业的学生能在计算机网络实验课程中熟练掌握相关的配置技术,提出在实验教学中强调以"学"为主,以"教"为辅的教学模式,并在验证性和设计性两类实验中采用项目教学法进行实验教学.实验表明,使用该教学方式能充分调度学生的积极性,提高实验教学质量,获得较好的教学效果.  相似文献   

A school residency project balloons in complexity, difficulty and meaning-making the incomprehensible tangible.  相似文献   

听力是英语专业的一门重要基础课,也是学生普遍认为较难的课。从听力教学经验和学生的实际出发应从四个方面对学生进行专门的听力学习,即语音训练、词汇训练、化背景知识的掌握及多听多练。  相似文献   

英特尔未来教育项目实施途径与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对英特尔未来教育的特点和现状分析,指出了英特尔未来教育的开放性和标准化特点、要求和理念,明确了英特尔未来教育项目对我国中小学继续教育的启示是整体的、全方位的。结合我国实践讨论了在教学中使用英特尔未来教育模式的必要性和困难,并对实施中存在的问题提出了具体的对策和方法。  相似文献   

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