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在决定什么知识能够准入课程,什么知识必须被排斥在课程之外的问题上,支配集团掌握着绝对的话语权。但被支配集团也试图以自己的方式争夺其话语权。由此,知识准入课程并不是一个由支配集团单向独断、单方建构的过程,而是不同利益群体争相在课程中获得话语权的博弈过程,其间充满了斗争、冲突与妥协。课程,就是不同利益群体多次博弈后妥协的结果。  相似文献   

课程的诞生并不是一个由支配集团单向独断、单方建构的过程,而是不同利益群体争相在课程中获得话语权的博弈过程,其间充满了斗争、冲突与妥协.课程,就是不同利益群体多次博弈后"妥协"的结果.也正是通过不断博弈,课程逐步趋向民主和完善.  相似文献   

课程的诞生并不是一个由支配集团单向独断、单方建构的过程,而是不同利益群体争相在课程中获得话语权的博弈过程,其间充满了斗争、冲突与妥协。课程,就是不同利益群体多次博弈后“妥协”的结果。也正是通过不断博弈,课程逐步趋向民主和完善。  相似文献   

课程的形成既不是对知识进行客观筛选的结果,也不是由支配集团单向独断、单方建构的过程,而是不同利益群体争相在课程中获得话语权的博弈过程,其间充满了斗争与冲突,控制与反抗。最终,课程的诞生,就是不同利益群体多次博弈后妥协的结果。从社会学意义上看,课程,究其实质,是一种妥协的文本。  相似文献   

在达尔文进化论究竟要不要进入教科书的世纪之争背后,折射出的却是知识准入教科书的复杂博弈过程。教科书的形成既不是对知识进行客观筛选的结果,也不是由支配集团单向独断、单方建构的过程,而是不同利益群体争相在教科书中获得话语权的博弈,其间充满了斗争与冲突,控制与反抗。最终,教科书的诞生,就是不同利益群体多次博弈后"妥协"的结果。但"妥协"总是暂时的,"妥协"终究会打破,因而有关进化论是否进入教科书的争论也就持续了近一个世纪之久,并且还将继续下去。  相似文献   

学校课程制度源自学校课程实践经验的演化,是学校课程权利主体之间重复博弈的过程与结果,属于国家基本课程制度的从属制度或具体制度。由于学校多元利益群体与课程领域的关联度不同,加之集体意识比较淡薄,致使目前学校课程制度建设滞后。教育教学活动的个性化色彩特别是情感色彩,致使学校课程制度的实施,需要以行为激励为重心。以文化建构为基石的学校课程制度创新,是重建教育文化的关键。  相似文献   

教育信息化不仅是教育技术问题,而且是一个社会问题。围绕教育软件的有效应用,从教育信息化利益相关者角度,在教育信息化进程中形成了教育软件企业、教师和学生、政府人员、专家等不同利益群体。教育软件企业之间、企业与教师之间、政府人员与企业之间、专家与企业之间的利益博弈,形成了多种利益冲突和"囚徒困境"。运用博弈论的方法分析各利益群体在不同策略选择下的付出、收益和风险,探寻可能达到的平衡状态以及谋求理想的共赢状态,这就需要建立规范来协调,以合作代替冲突,平衡多元利益主体的诉求,选择互利性的博弈方式,达到各群体之间的社会利益最大化。  相似文献   

黄亮 《文教资料》2011,(7):119-120
政治模式认为,协商与谈判是化解组织冲突的途径,高等教育组织在一系列动态的冲突、协商谈判、妥协与决策的活动中完成组织的决策活动。决策过程的动态性是组织中相关利益个体或群体之间不断博弈的结果,而这种政治博弈并不是单回合的博弈,利益群体所形成的联盟也不是一成不变的。在高等教育组织中,组织博弈的结果是实现双赢乃至多赢,从而保证管理决策的顺利进行。作为一种理论,政治模式为教育管理活动提供了一个很好的可供分析的理论框架。  相似文献   

职业教育的课程改革是一个复杂的系统工程。由于职业教育外部的社会、经济、文化等方面的变化,以及职业教育活动自身的演进,使既有的职业教育资源利益分配格局的平衡性被打破,原有的职业教育课程制度及课程实质失去应有的效能,职业教育所提供的课程服务不能与社会需求、个体需求合拍,导致职业教育的整体教育资源使用效率低下,职业教育所能发挥的社会效能降低,进而导致与职业教育课程改革密切相关的利益群体从获得自身利益最大化需求出发,积极地要求重新形成职业教育课程制度的规则与实质,通过相关利益群体间的反复“协商”与“博弈”,形成新的职业教育课程制度,从而使职业教育的课程重新处于一种有效的、平衡发展的状态。这一过程即是探寻职业教育课程改革过程中的利益制衡点的过程。找到职业教育课程改革过程中的利益制衡点是促进职业教育课程改革的有效性,促进职业教育和谐可持续发展的关键。与职业教育课程改革密切相关的利益群体包括:国家、企业界、教育消费者及教育经营者。职业教育的课程改革只有有效统筹上述几种利益群体的利益,才能持续稳定地向前推进。  相似文献   

组织内外不同群体需求的不一致性、优质资源的稀缺性、组织内部的相互依存性,以及矛盾运动的永恒性,致使高校教师评价中不可避免地存在组织冲突。在化解矛盾的过程中,会产生种种博弈行为和博弈心理。常见的博弈模型有以下几种:"拒绝游戏"的博弈,对等个体之间的"困境"博弈,非对等个体之间的道德博弈。分析这些博弈行为有利于改进高校教师的评价制度。  相似文献   

This study investigated curriculum influences on student mathematics achievement by following two groups of students from fifth to sixth grade that were taught either the reformed curriculum or the conventional curriculum. Analyses with three-level modeling were conducted to examine learning outcomes of the students who were assessed three times over a period of 18 months. Achievement was measured with regard to computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving. Affective aspects included self-reported interest in learning mathematics, classroom participation, views of the nature of mathematics, and views of learning mathematics. The results showed overall improved performance among all the students over the time on computation, routine problem solving, and complex problem solving but not on the affective measures. There were differentiated patterns of performance between the groups. On the initial assessment, the reform group performed better than the non-reform group on calculation, complex problem solving, and indicated higher interest in learning mathematics. The two groups did not differ on the other achievement and affective measures at the first time of assessment. There was no significant difference in growth rate between the groups on the cognitive and affective measures except that the non-reform group progressed at a faster pace on calculation. Therefore, the non-reform group outperformed the reform group on computation at the third (last) assessment. These results are discussed with respect to the possible influence of the curriculum on student learning.  相似文献   

在教育全球化背景下,知识为本的高等教育培养模式已经不能适应现代社会对人才的需求,大学必须通过大胆的变革和创新来谋求新的发展。香港高校以成效为本的教育范式作为教育革新的手段,把课程作为引导学生发展的“跑道”,取得了成功。成效为本的课程强调以学生为中心,以目标为导向,以能力为本位,以学习成果为证据。香港高校基于成效为本的课程改革主要体现出四点特征:一是以培养高素质的现代人为目标,分层级实现目标;二是以权变的课程体系让学生获得全面均衡的学习经历;三是通过指向能力发展的、细化的课程学习目标来对学生的学习成效进行评估;四是为确保课程达到育人目标而赋予院校颁授的学术资格。这些实践经验对于我国开放大学制定人才培养目标、课程结构与内容设置、课程组织与实施、课程评估与质量保证具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

对高校本科教学中排课算法的控制流程及冲突检测需要考虑的一些重点问题,进行了分析,并以此设计与实现了排课系统,在实际教学管理中获得良好效果。  相似文献   

期待的课程源于学生对课程的期待,具体表现为学生对优秀教师、有趣学科内容、良好环境以及对自我实现的期待。由于教学实践中学生对课程的期待往往被教育者忽略,学生期待的课程随之得不到有效实施,进而导致课程学习与学生实际相脱离。还原学生期待的课程是学生作为课程参与主体的应有之义,唯此,学生才能真正成为"课程的内生性来源",成为课程的出发点和归宿。  相似文献   


Drawing on a Levinasian ethical perspective, the argument driving this paper is that the technical accountability movement currently dominating the educational system in England is less than adequate because it overlooks educators’ responsibility for ethical relations in responding to difference in respect of the other. Curriculum policy makes a significant contribution to the technical accountability culture through complicity in performativity, high-stakes testing and datafication, at the same time as constituting student and teacher subjectivities. I present two different conceptualizations of subjectivity and education, before engaging these in the analysis of data arising from an empirical study which investigated teachers’ and stakeholders’ experiences of curriculum policy reform in ‘disadvantaged’ English schools. The study’s findings demonstrate how a prescribed programme of technical curriculum regulation attempts to ‘fix’ or mend educational problems by ‘fixing’ or prescribing educational solutions. This not only denies ethical professional relations between students, teachers and parents, but also deflects responsibility for educational success from government to teachers and hastens the move from public to private educational provision. Complying with prescribed curriculum policy requirements shifts attention from broad philosophical and ethical questions about educational purpose as well as conferring a violence by assuming control over student and teacher subjectivities.  相似文献   

地方课程资源概念的厘清   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着全国地方课程的不断实施,各地都在积极开发与地方课程相适宜的资源以支持该地区地方课程的实施。然而由于对所使用的概念界定不清,严重影响着地方课程资源的合理开发和利用。通过对资源、地方课程、课程资源等概念进行系统剖析,充分利用属差法,找出地方课程资源与其他资源的区别,并从本质属性和特点等角度对地方课程资源进行正确的定义。  相似文献   

The Vietnamese higher education context is characterised by state control, including the state's development of curriculum frameworks and materials. Institutional autonomy has been ratified by the government; however in practice, universities seem to have little control over curriculum. In order for universities to develop more ownership of curriculum, it is necessary to explore the foundational understandings of curriculum held by stakeholders. Thus, this paper explores the understandings of curriculum expressed by a group of senior staff, academics and students at a Vietnamese university. We found a diversity of understandings that tended to be product focused, teacher focused and textbook driven. We propose that our findings can be used as a starting point for developing more innovative and student-focused understandings of curriculum.  相似文献   

A new primary science syllabus with strong inquiry focus has been implemented in Singapore since 2008. In this study, we attempted to understand how teachers experience the emphasis of inquiry-based curriculum under the current educational conditions that is routined and highly teacher fronted. We invited 50 pre-service and 41 in-service teachers to participate in survey questionnaires and narratives, reflective writings, and group discussions related to science inquiry which formed our data corpus. Data analysis in the form of thematic coding was carried out using NVivo8, with over 80% inter-rater coding agreement level. Three key aspects of teachers’ perceptions of science inquiry were revealed: (1) teachers’ responsibilities as facilitators, (2) privileging content knowledge rather than process skills, and (3) pressure of assessment systems in current educational contexts. These understandings bring out conflicts of inquiry teaching between teacher- and student-centredness, content and process, and curriculum and assessment. Based on these teachers’ perceptions and dilemmas of inquiry science teaching, the visions and challenges of inquiry science curriculum change against assessment requirements are discussed.  相似文献   

This study explores how the South Korean identity has been formed and transformed by examining the Korean national curriculum in its historical context. The study first examines how the Korean identity, previously formed by traditional ethnic values, has been transformed during the period of national modernization. It then describes the efforts to form a Korean identity through national curriculum reform amid globalization, a phenomenon that has rapidly progressed in Korea since the 1990s. It also discusses the conflicts within and challenges to Korean identity in the Korean curriculum reform process.  相似文献   

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