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Pang Zhu, or named Shan Zhu, born in Changchun, Jilin Province in 1945, is currently member of the Artists Association of Sichuan Province, executive council member of the Photographers Association of Chengdu City and professor with the department of art and design of Chengdu University of Science and Engineering. With the degrees in painting, photography, and advertising and decoration, Pang has dedicated himself to art education and painting for forty years or so. As a retired professor, he now offers advice on graduation design and thesis defense and organizes academic workshops in CUSE.  相似文献   

Guzheng (Chinese stringed zither) has brought you from an ancient town of Shanxi Province to the capital city of China, It bears your expectation for your career and your ambitious pursuit of arts Guzheng expresses your passions when you are happy and soothes your sorrow when you are frustrated. Even if you have nothing to say, guzheng is your best friend. The 21 strings voice your dedicated love for arts. The sophisticated skills demonstrate your steadfast pursuit of music.  相似文献   

Twisted painting is a unique genre of traditional Chinese painting invented by Wu Jiantang and his father. Known for vigorous and chaoticbeauty, twisted painting has obtained a recognized status in the art arena of the world.  相似文献   

Li Shenghong is currently the executive vice director of Chinese Calligraphy Institute under China Art Academy and has a f professional title as the state first-grade artist. He is particularly versed in cursive writing. Li's calligraphic works and critic essays have been published in "Selected Works of Chinese Calligraphy" and such professional publications as "Chinese Calligraphy",  相似文献   

众所周知。瑞士素有“世界花园”、“钟表王国”和“旅游天堂”的美称,从这3个雅号中。人们已可感悟到瑞士人的办事能力了。若有机会与瑞士人多打几次交道,则不难发现他们办事非常地敏捷、有效。笔曾在瑞士工作过,与瑞士人交道无数,他们利索、干净的作风,至今想来。仍历历在目,印象深刻。  相似文献   

Li guojing and her teacher du jinfang despite of the hectic pace of modern life,there is always someone able to keep traditions alive,One example of such a steadfast soul is Li guojing,who has devoted her life to the survival-and revival of Peking Opera.  相似文献   

With nightingale-like singing.You spreads the folk opera of Fujian to Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

A Saturday morning in the winter of 2004. When the sunray shone through the mist onto the wood along the road, when most Beijing people still enjoyed their warm sleep on the weekend, Mr. Zhang, together with his whole family, was driving his offroad car on the way to a skiing field in the suburb. Although they got up much earlier than usual, the family looked refreshed and excited. Mr. Zhang was singing with the easy beat from his car CD, whistling time and again. ““Skiing has become our regular sport in winter. It is not only good for health but has much fun as well.  相似文献   

现代生活中,如果问一个都市人每日喝得最多的饮料是什么,欧洲人的回答绝对是咖啡。中国人除了传统的茶,也许还是咖啡。这大概是现代人被e化的生活里多了一丝与机器为伴的冰冷,而咖啡却能让人啜饮到一份温馨的缘故吧!传说世界上最早的咖啡树,出现在公元10世纪前后伊索匹亚的高热地区。在干旱季节远离家乡的流浪牧羊人卡尔迪,偶然发现他的羊啃了山边红樱桃似的果实后不安份地蹦跳起来,他好奇地品尝几粒,竟也兴奋得手舞足蹈,他将自己采摘的果实,分送给修道院的僧侣,助他们在漫长的晚祷中保持清醒。关于神奇果实的故事,很快随着游牧民族流浪的脚…  相似文献   

“Pulu“,or tibetan woolen fabrics,are as important and popular amons tibetans as cotton clothes are to inland chinese,this type of richly textured cloth originated in jiedexiu,  相似文献   

The slight breeze of early spring in Beijing deepens my reminiscence over a younger friend of mine. When his name came to my mind I was just dazed on acomplex fragrance of flowers and tree leaves that replete his residential garden as 1 dropped in his own family.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以来,一种新的运动形式在中国各大城市的年轻人中开始流行。他们以街头、公园等公共空间为运动场地,三五成群地或切磋舞艺——类似于黑人舞蹈风格;或练习滑板,时不时惊险地一跳,这就是时下风靡中国年轻人的Hip-Hop运动。Hip-Hop文化源于上世纪70年代美国黑人的一种街头说唱文化,中文译为“嘻哈”。“Hip-Hop”来源于洛夫巴格·斯塔斯凯的“To the hip,hop, hippedy hop”的歌词,就字面地使用了黑人的另一种音乐文化——舞蹈,借助动感十足的身体语言,以弥补情感表达的不足。于是,街舞产生了。街舞的种类很多,Disco、霹雳舞、…  相似文献   

"Shanghai has seen robust growth of cultural industries over the past years. My proposal, if any, is to further enhance cultural self-awareness and create more with Chinese elements," Wanda's President Mr. Wang Jianlin recently said at the ]ecture series on Shanghai's cultural industries taking place at Shanghai Library.  相似文献   

In Yida Silk Workshop,a century-old brand name in Wuzhen,Zhejiang Province,I learned from its experts the complicated processes of silk making,including planting mulberry,raising silkworms,reel silk,dyeing,weaving,pattern-printing and clear-up.  相似文献   

“阅读是一种健康的生活方式,也是一种精致的生活,而不光是小资、大资的权利,不光是中产阶级的权利,不光是文化人的权利,也不光是富人的权利,而且是全体人民的权利,而读书会正是让这一权利得以实现的非常好的方式和途径。”——全国政协委员、2014全国两会《促进全民阅读立法》联合提案人藏永清  相似文献   

<正>有的时候我真是很疑我父母之间是否有爱情。为了支付我和哥哥高昂的学费,他们每天辛苦挣钱。书上写的和电视里演的那些浪漫他们点也没有。"我爱你"这三个字对于他们也几乎是奢侈。更不用说情人节给彼此送花了,那是不可能的。爸爸脾气很不好,辛苦的工作又弄得他很疲劳,脾气就愈发坏。天,妈妈在缝被子。我静静地坐在她身旁看着她。过了会儿,我口道:"妈妈,我有个问题想问您。""什么问题?"妈妈回答,手里依旧忙着她的针线。  相似文献   

他,世界顶级服装设计大师,荣膺法兰西学院艺术学院院士和联合国教科文组织“和平大使”殊荣;他,在全球拥有850多个商标代理合同,在130多个国家生产和销售品牌产品,麾下直接从业人员达20万;他,曾20多次访问中国,在某种程度上大大改变今日中国现代服装审美理念。他,自豪地宣称——  相似文献   

“欧风汉骨,东学西行”的洽学态度,是以中学作为人文精神的主体,在中西方平等的基础上,借鉴西方文化之长,发展民族文化,树立民族自信心。多年来,王良虎走出国门,以国际视野审视书法这一中国传统文化,立足当下的角度看待书法艺术,对其当代性的发展进行了深入的思考。  相似文献   

文化的发展大凡有两个重要因素:一个是内在的基于生活需要的因素。人类生活有种种的需要,为了满足需要,就得想出种种方法来创造,来发明,成为促进文化发展的动力。另一个是外来的基于环境变迁的因素,为此,人类不得不采取新的方法。从历史来看,两个因素是交互影响的。  相似文献   

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