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In Bangladesh, the UN Population Fund is working to strengthen nongovernmental organization (NGO) capacity and linkages to improve reproductive health services and information. Specifically, the aim is to strengthen the technical and human resource capacity of participating NGOs and the functional linkages between national NGOs and relevant government agencies to help harmonize and standardize the delivery of reproductive health information and services. This umbrella project collaborates with RHI-participating NGOs in a policy paper on adolescent reproductive health, and will maintain contact with the regional dimension project to collaborate its activities. Programs implemented by partner NGOs are being reviewed and monitored, and linkages among national NGOs and government agencies are being developed. The main activities of the project are enumerated.  相似文献   

Limited availability of IEC materials is hindering efforts to promote adolescent reproductive health in Indonesia. This, in turn, reflects a lack of awareness on the part of policy makers and community leaders about the importance of interventions directed at young people. Two ongoing United Nations Population Fund projects seek to promote awareness of adolescent reproductive health needs in Jakarta, Yogyakarta, West Java, Bali, Lampung, and Riau. A coalition of governmental and nongovernmental agencies has been established to implement the project. By project end in 1999, government agencies and nongovernmental organizations are expected to have incorporated youth-oriented activities into their overall programming and formulated relevant policy guidelines. Another project (Strengthening Strategies to Improve Adolescent Reproductive Health through Materials Development), implemented by the Indonesian Planned Parenthood Association, is focusing on the development and distribution of reproductive health materials for specific target audiences.  相似文献   

This article reports on the production of 52 video programs addressing reproductive and sexual health and reproductive rights issues by the Colombo-based Worldview International Foundation. The UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and relevant NGOs and institutions chose the themes. Following the production, the video programs will be broadcast through Young Asia Television, which covers 18 countries in Asia and reaches over 385 million viewers, and other channels. This advocacy program is under the Television Advocacy Program for Adolescent Reproductive Health and Population Issues project, which complements special strategies under the European Commission/UNFPA Initiative for Reproductive Health in Asia. By promoting the global dissemination of information and education, the Worldview project aims to 1) strengthen young people's participation; 2) advance TV media advocacy; 3) advocate the inclusion of population, gender, sexual and reproductive health issues; 4) provide extended knowledge of adolescent reproductive health to all concerned groups; 5) encourage positive attitudes towards preventive methods among the target groups; 6) promote the importance of incorporating gender perspectives and child abuse issues; and 7) establish close cooperation among organizations at the national, regional and international levels.  相似文献   

The UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization Regional Clearing House on Population Education has commissioned a series of case studies on the promotion of adolescent reproductive and sexual health, with emphasis placed on advocacy and information, education and communication (IEC). The case studies will document the experiences of Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The advocacy activities include programs to gain the support of lawmakers and policymakers, the mass media and other influential groups. IEC activities, on the other hand, reach out to the youth, counselors, teachers and trainers, extension workers and motivators, and health personnel. Advocacy and IEC also differ in strategies. Political lobbying, high level meetings, seminars, mass media campaigns, and advocacy skills training are typical advocacy strategies; while, individual counseling, research, non-governmental organization involvement in communities, youth camps are of IEC strategies. The case studies also examine national policies, program responses and strategies, and factors that have contributed to best practices, and innovative approaches to advocacy and IEC. The impact of the target groups of the case studies will be evaluated and those with successful outcomes will be identified.  相似文献   

In response to the request of Sri Lankan adolescents in the provision of family planning knowledge prior to marriage, a holistic approach to reproductive health education program supported by the UN Population Fund/Dutch multi-bilateral assistance was adopted. This program is jointly coordinated by the Social Science Department of the National Institute of Education and the Department of Science and Health. It conducts counseling by peers and teachers and educating parents concerning adolescent health. In addition, the Government invited nongovernmental organizations and private sectors to assist in the development of a national policy concerning reproductive and adolescent health. Policy statements were recognized by the public and programs at the community level were implemented by a task force. The government initiated preventive strategies through the counseling center network of the National Youth Services Council and the vocational training centers of the Vocational Training Authority. Reactions of Sri Lankan adolescents to these initiatives have been positive. They have demonstrated favorable attitude towards reproductive health and are receptive to family planning concerns. However, there is still a need to provide an organized service delivery program to ensure the availability and provision of contraception to adolescents.  相似文献   

Involvement of Youths in Population and Family Welfare Activities through Youth Clubs, a project supported by the United Nations Population Fund, has developed innovative ways of reaching Bangladeshi youth with reproductive health messages. One such project, executed by the Ministry of Youth and Sports, provided training in family life education to 74 youth training centers and launched population activities through 200 youth clubs in 98 thanas. Benchmark surveys were conducted in priority areas identified by individual clubs. A primary health care intervention reached 23,000 women and children with health card and sanitation programs. Follow-up surveys have revealed significant improvements in youth's knowledge of health, nutrition, maternal-child health, sanitation, and environmental conservation. In another Bangladeshi program, girls 9-19 years old received education through the Population Services and Training Center on topics such as the advantages of delayed marriage, family planning methods, and maternal-child health.  相似文献   

In several countries, despite considerable opposition to sex and HIV/AIDS education programs, school-based reproductive and sexual health education is gradually gaining ground. It has expanded to include adolescent and sexual health. There exist positive trends and evident changes in the delivery of school-based reproductive and sexual health education. Among these are the following: 1) systemic and deliberate incorporation of adolescent reproductive and sexual health issues in the school curriculum in countries that have UN Population Fund population programs; 2) inclusion of reproductive and sexual health issues in different subjects, which paves the way for their incorporation into the curriculum; 3) continuous improvement in the delivery, content, methodologies and activities of population education, particularly the inclusion of topics concerned with reproductive and sexual health and greater emphasis on the behavioral and skills development; and 4) the growing nongovernmental organization involvement in the provision of reproductive and sexual health education and training. Numerous factors ensure the success of the programs; they are the use of social learning and cognitive behavioral theory and clear mission statements, communication and negotiation practical exercises, values formation, interactive strategy development, effective training, behavior change--particularly with regard to risk-taking behavior, and provision of a supportive environment.  相似文献   

This article presents the Sexual Health Initiatives through Networking and Education (SHINE), an 18-month project on reproductive health for young adults 13-25 years old by CARE/Philippines. SHINE targets the two most likely places to effectively reach large numbers of youth: the school and the workplace. Completed in December 1999, the project has made significant achievements in increasing the youth's knowledge of important reproductive health issues and enabling them to make informed decisions about their reproductive life. In addition, it has established a referral network of service providers to ensure sustainable access to quality reproductive health services. During its implementation, it addresses cultural constraints in promoting adolescent reproductive health in the Philippines. The SHINE Project encourages the involvement of the youth, school and community through the parents and other concerned organizations/agencies. It enables the youth to increase their knowledge and to focus on values that would guide them in making the right decisions about their reproductive life. Moreover, it provides supporting structures for the young, including youth-friendly medical facilities that offer counseling and medical services.  相似文献   

This article presents an outline of India's Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme. This program provides special interventions for the country's adolescent population. One of its main objectives is to help stabilize population numbers, including adolescents, at a level consistent with the needs and goals of national development. A committee of experts constituted in the Department of Family Welfare developed an appropriate package for adolescents, focusing on counseling and the provision of reproductive health services through the existing health care delivery system. In addition, special projects for people living in urban slums and tribal areas have been incorporated in the RCH Programme. Its view has been to improve the delivery of family health care services. The success of the Programme has depended on the development of a strong partnership between the Government and non-Governmental organizations, and in overcoming age-old values and prejudice against adolescent girls. Moreover, India's reconceptualized population education, which brings the education of adolescents into focus, includes elements of adolescent reproductive health.  相似文献   

Through the use of interactive radio and other media, Health Unlimited through its implementing agencies, the Cambodia Health Education Media Services and Cambodia Health Education and Development is working towards increasing knowledge of reproductive and sexual health among Cambodian adolescents. It also seeks to promote the use of reproductive and sexual health services for the youth; improve youth involvement in developing information, education and communication (IEC) materials on reproductive health; and increase the capacity of nongovernmental organizations, government agencies and the private sector to develop IEC for the youth. The strategies being pursued include exploring the role of radio and using nongovernmental organization expertise in radio show production and sharing IEC messages with the media. The main activities being carried include the production of interactive radio magazine programs for the youth along with magazine supplements, training of health and media staff and providing them with work experience, and involving the youth in media production by using an interactive format and focus group discussion.  相似文献   

In Phnom Penh and Kratie province, Save the Children Fund/UK, through its implementing agencies (Women's Organizations for Modern Economy and Nursing, Squatters? Urban Poor Federation, Kratie Women?s Welfare Organization), is working to improve knowledge of HIV/AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) among marginalized youth aged 12-25 years. Moreover, the project seeks to increase access to contraceptive methods among young people in selected squatter communities, and to help change adolescent attitudes and behavior, as well as improve their life skills. The strategies being pursued include assessing the training needs of nongovernmental organizations and organizing shared training in reproductive and sexual health, as well as quarterly meetings to enable the sharing of experiences. A summary of the main activities of the project is presented.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Most research on child abuse in Tanzania and Kenya is unpublished in the international literature. The purpose of this paper is to examine the various commentaries and reports extant, toward an overview of the nature and frequency of child sexual abuse in Tanzania and Kenya. METHODS: Contacts were made with academics, government departments, NGOs, and UN agencies. This was followed by a field trip in the summer of 2001 where all available reports were examined and a wide range of interviews conducted. RESULTS: Little empirical data exist on child sexual abuse in Tanzania. It is widely perceived that it may be increasing as a result of AIDS sufferers' attempts to "cleanse" themselves. The breakdown of traditional childcare systems, foreign influences, poverty, and the lowly position of girls in society are also implicated. More research has been conducted in Kenya. It is clear that first coitus occurs at a young age for many Kenyan children and adolescents. Also, a degree of force, trickery, or material exchange is not uncommon in adolescent sexual relations. CONCLUSIONS: Child sexual abuse is under-researched in Tanzania and Kenya. Studies by UN agencies such as United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) and the International Labour Organisation (ILO) have focused on the commercial sexual exploitation of children, to the neglect of more pervasive abuse in children's own communities by family, relatives, and neighbors. Nationwide surveys of the general population are required for an empirical understanding of this topic. Given the high incidence of AIDS/HIV in both countries, it is important to know if the epidemic is increasing the risk of rape or incest for children.  相似文献   

This article outlines the objectives, strategies and main activities of Save the Children Fund/Bangladesh to increase reproductive health (RH) through community involvement with special attention to adolescents and clinical contraception. It is noted that the ways to increase the range of reproductive information and care available to adolescents are being explored, with a view to improving their sexual and RH knowledge and practices, and to increasing clinical contraception use. The following strategies are being implemented: 1) strengthen the capacity of local partners, which include the districts of Khulna, Moulavibazar, Cox's Bazar and Panchagarh; 2) conduct participatory workshops with adolescent groups; 3) promote advocacy for adolescents regarding their needs; 4) develop a platform for adolescent and adolescent-friendly clinics; and 5) promote community-based programs in RH and family planning, especially contraception. A summary of the main program activities of the project is given.  相似文献   

This article discusses a 3-year project, "Promotion of Adolescent Reproductive Health and Healthy Living," which was implemented by the Federation of Family Planning Associations, Malaysia. The project seeks to achieve the following: 1) development of a reproductive health of adolescent module (RHAM) for trainers and educators; 2) training of trainers; 3) sharing of adolescent reproductive health experiences in Asian countries; and 4) setting up three service models in Sabah, Selangor, and Terengganu to provide reproductive health (RH) care to adolescents and youth. The first part of the RHAM with the trainer's manual has been finalized and will be tested in a workshop. The second part, a teacher's guide, is under preparation. A series of training on the use of the RHAM will be conducted including a 5-day national workshop, which will be followed by several state level workshops. The three service models being set up have specific orientations. The Sabah model is putting up a youth clinic for adolescents within its clinic network. The Selangor model is developing a Youth Resource Center for training and youth involvement in RH activities. Lastly, the Terengganu family planning association (FPA) has developed a Youth Center web site, which features the history, mission, and activities of the Terengganu FPA.  相似文献   


A holistic approach to providing health education and services integrates the Social Determinants of Health (SDH)—an approach Healthy Teen Network calls Youth 360°—to recognize that where youth live, learn, and play matters. Long promoted by such stalwarts in the public health field as the World Health Organization and Centers for Disease and Control, the SDH are now broadly recognized, including in the field of adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), as the only way to engage and address the needs of all youth. But stating this and truly understating how to make this happen are very different animals.  相似文献   


In 1997, two organizations, BRAC (Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee) and ICDDR,B (International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research), as part of their collaborative research model, developed an HIV/AIDS prevention strategy for rural Bangladeshi youth. Currently, HIV/AIDS is not apparent in rural Bangladesh. Other sexual and reproductive health problems are more pressing. Moreover, there are few inor out-of-school sex education programs for adolescents in Bangladesh. Therefore, preliminary qualitative research was conducted to understand the broad parameters of sexual and reproductive health within the sociocultural context of young people's risks and vulnerabilities. Exploratory research revealed that youth were vulnerable to sexual diseases, late-term abortions, sexual violence, reproductive tract infections, and premarital pregnancies. Adolescents and adults thought that youth today need sex education. Adults said that youth should not be educated about condom use because this would conflict with a girl's prospects for an arranged marriage. Bangladeshi youth today are being exposed to experiences unfamiliar to their parents. Lacking appropriate knowledge, information and awareness about sexual and reproductive health unduly heightens young people's fears, and increases their social and sexual vulnerabilities.  相似文献   

In Bangladesh, the International Planned Parenthood Federation, through the Family Planning Association of Bangladesh, works to increase access to quality reproductive health (RH) care services among low- and medium-income groups in underserved outlying districts. The strategies being pursued are as follows: 1) expand RH services (with special emphasis on long-term methods) through special work units/upgraded clinics and mobile clinics; 2) develop and use information, education and communication materials for information and awareness raising; 3) hold community-based meetings for information dissemination, RH awareness and motivation, and clinical contraception; 4) conduct advocacy campaigns to increase demand for RH services; 5) organize adolescent school-based programs and peer group meetings on awareness raising and RH; 6) strengthen field units/local nongovernmental organizations and community based organizations through training and support; 7) promote inter-linkages with other RH information partners, government agencies and other nongovernmental organizations; and 8) establish a cost recovery process for sustainability. A summary of the main activities of the program is provided.  相似文献   

Ian Hill 《Prospects》2012,42(3):341-359
This article posits that world-class education is international education, as defined by UNESCO, and presents International Baccalaureate (IB) programmes as examples of this phenomenon. It begins with the IB??s 1960s origins in international schools, which educated the children of globally mobile parents who worked principally in the UN and its agencies, and in embassies and multinational companies. Its origin led to its perception as elitist, but it has since been democratised in public (state) schools in quite a number of countries, notably in North America; starting in 2012, the IB offers the IB Career-related Certificate (IBCC) programme for students following vocational courses. Then follows an overview of the four education programmes of the IB, in order of creation: Diploma Programme (1970), Middle Years Programme (1994), Primary Years Programme (1997), and the IB Career-related Certificate (2012). Attributes of a world-class education are suggested: the concept of interdependence between nations, the shaping of attitudes, the relevance of curriculum content and teaching methods, and the importance of including an international perspective. The article concludes with a list of competencies for a world-class education based on the IB Learner Profile.  相似文献   

The provision of health education in a distance mode is very much a new approach in Bangladesh. Health education has been identified as an important means for ensuring the health and hygienic consciousness of all citizens. Limitations of infrastructure and resource personnel are important problems for such educational programmes. This article focuses on two programmes, a Bachelor in Nursing programme and a Certificate in Primary Health Care programme, that were developed and implemented by the Bangladesh Open University (BOU) through a distance-mode module. The use of electronic media delivery and the development of the continuing and extension health education offerings in distance mode have been successful. They provide access to global networking and to information on educational systems.  相似文献   

The last decade has seen a growing recognition amongst international donors, development agencies, non-government organisations and academics of the vital role education can play in bringing about recovery following violent conflict, natural disaster and other crises. This has led to the development of increasingly targeted and sophisticated programme planning and management tools, for use by government ministries, UN agencies and non-governmental organisations in fragile contexts. Drawing on the 2010 independent study of UNICEF's Education in Emergencies and Post-Conflict Transition Programme, this paper explores the transformative role education can play in post-conflict recovery. It argues that while basic education assistance can have a catalytic role in helping states during the early stages of a transition out of violent conflict, there is the need for a better understanding of its role in building peace at the national, sub-national and community levels. The paper also argues for the development of a solid evidence base to inform policy and practice at all national, regional and community levels so as to demonstrate conclusively the important role played by education during and in the aftermath of conflict.  相似文献   

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