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在真实环境中听力的特征有:听者的被动性;听者的期待性;听者接收的信息量大且多样,但听者有主动选择性;听者通常对话语有所反应;听者通常可以看到说话者;听者的注意力和焦点会转移:听者通常先关注话语的意义;听者接收的信息经常是模糊的;话语有很强的口语特征。根据这些特征。外语教师在听力教学中应注意提供真实的听力材料。培养学生的听力策略及注重学生的反应。  相似文献   

说话者的意义是说话者的意向所赋予。双关与反语都是有意而有度的隐藏说话者的意向,都有语言本身意义和说话者意义,而且二种意义不一致。双关是说话者意义对语言表面意义的偏离,而反语是说话者意义和语言表面意义相反。反语是双关的一种特殊形式。  相似文献   

一、多元智力理论简介桑代克(1920)是最早提出多元智力理论的心理学家。他认为人的智力有抽象智力、具体智力和社会智力三种。抽象智力是有效地运用概念和符号的能力,具体智力是有效地处理各种具体事物和情景的能力,而社会智力则是“在良好的人际交往中管理男人和女人、男孩和女孩的能力”,1937年,桑代克和斯特恩开始测量社会智力。他们编制的测验称为乔治·华盛顿社会智力测验,测验主要测量:①个人对社会环境和人际关系问题的判断能力;②情绪判断能力(让被测者通过分析说话者言语中与情绪有关的词汇来判断其心理状态);…  相似文献   

新课改试点以来,我校化学教研组的教师对新课改的实施可以分为三个阶段:第一阶段是学习阶段,教师知道了新课改的几个关键词;第二阶段是探索阶段,通过教师问相互讨论,集体备课,对新课程背景下化学课堂教学有了些感受;第三阶段是理论指导下的实施阶段,这一阶段开始的标志就是新教材导读的编写,教师对新课程理念的理解、新课改理念下教学实践能力的提高都得益于新教材导读的编写。  相似文献   

高中数学教师教学策略结构的调查与研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
教学策略是教师为实现教学目标或意图所采取的一系列问题解决行为.教师教学策略的不同会直接影响教学效果的好坏,最终影响到学生学习策略的获得及知识的掌握与能力的形成.教学策略是教学质量和效率的重要指标.高中数学教师教学策略可归纳为:计划与设计策略;时间管理策略与课堂管理策略;讲授策略;提问与分组讨论策略;学习指导策略;数学思想策略;评估策略等7个方面.  相似文献   

在小学英语骨干教师英语培训班中,英语语音作为一门课程,教师总是贯穿着“语言使用先行”的原则进行课堂教学,让学生反复地模仿录有以英语为母语说话者的课文录音;或教师导读、学生跟读;或分角色根据提示进行对话操作;或情景对话。大量反复的实践操练,直至几乎能复述出整篇课文的内容,使学员获得基本的实用交际能力。  相似文献   

我校在初中一年级开设了Dreamweaver网页制作课,配合网页制作课以及历史课等相关课程,笔者设计了一个探究性课题——《唐朝开放性的研究》,要求学生以网页形式来呈现作品。一、整个课题的教学设计课题目的1.培养学生搜索信息、处理信息的能力;2.培养学生的表达、交流能力;3.在小组的活动中,培养学生团结协作的能力;4.通过展示和评价,培养学生欣赏、评价他人作品的能力;5.加强课程的整合,促进课程之间要素的有机联系。实施步骤第一节课:布置WebQuest课题,分组讨论,确定每个小组的方向。教师向学生说明本活动的主题和要求…  相似文献   

一、听力题 考纲要求: 考生应听懂日常生活中所熟悉话题的简短对话和独白;理解主旨和要义;获取事实性的具体信息;对所听内容作出推断;理解说话者的意图、观点和态度。  相似文献   

这是一篇关于优秀教师教学实践经验的研究总结。文章从四个方面总结了如何培养学生自主性的教学策略:有任务驱动的情境设置;以问题为导向的探究活动;分组讨论的合作学习;分层指导的因材施教。  相似文献   

影响标枪运动员取得优异成绩的因素很多,但取决定作用的是运动员所掌握的专项技术和他所具备的专项能力,尤其是运动员最后用力阶段的动作速度。标枪运动员最后用力阶段的投掷动作速度决定于:预先助跑的速度;与投掷动作有关的主动肌及其协同肌群的收缩力;运动员对最后用力技术的掌握;中枢神经系统的机能状态;运动员的灵敏、柔韧、协调能力等。  相似文献   

Seventy students participated in an experiment to measure the effects of either providing explanations or listening during small group discussions on recall of related subject-matter studied after the discussion. They watched a video of a small group discussing a problem. In the first experimental condition, the video was stopped at various points in time, enabling the participants to verbally respond to the discussion. In the second condition, they listened to the same discussion, without contributing. In the control condition, they listened to a discussion that was not related to the subject-matter subsequently studied. After the discussion, all participants studied a text and answered questions that tested their recall of information from this text. No immediate differences in recall were found. One month later, participants who had actively engaged in explaining remembered more from the text. The conclusion appears justified that actively providing explanations during a discussion positively affects long-term memory.  相似文献   

The effect of small interpersonal discussion groups on student interpersonal relations was examined. A Group Psychology class with small interpersonal groups was compared to two other similar-level psychology classes with more traditional formats. One of these controls (a placebo group) had small, academically oriented discussion groups, and the other (a standard control group) was a medium-sized lecture class. TotalN was 258. The quality of within-class interpersonal relations for the experimental group exceeded that of the controls on all dependent variables. These effects, however, did not extend to behavior outside the class. This finding was supported by the results of a two-year follow-up (N=74).  相似文献   

The authors placed 5th-grade students into small groups of 3 in order to examine the impact of group discussion and displayed effort on children's evaluations of a low-achieving peer. Low effort by a target peer resulted in negative evaluations across attributional, affective, help-giving, and social response dimensions. Children who participated in group discussion before making individual evaluations exhibited a polarizing effect in which more extreme evaluations were made than when children did not participate in group discussion. Although all children were affected by both effort level and discussion conditions, gender differences were observed. These findings (a) highlight the importance of addressing the role of the peer group when working with low-achieving children and (b) underscore the impact of effort attributions and low achievement on peer perceptions among elementary-age children.  相似文献   

中学生不良小群体传播对学校的教育、教学活动产生着不小的影响。本文从群体特征、群体动力、发展过程等方面阐述了不良小群体的内涵和特点。在此基础上,作者以理论指导、实例支持的方法,制定了组织群体、控制结构、群体引导、目标引导和讨论引导5个方面的应对策略。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of implementing individual and small group learning structures with a computer simulation in accounting. College students used one of three learning structures with the simulation: (a) an individual structure, (b) a small group structure with extensive interaction, or (c) a small group structure with occasional interaction. Results indicated that performance scores were high regardless of learning structure. However, students who worked alone expressed significantly more continuing motivation for their learning structure than students who worked with a partner. Responses to student interviews revealed somewhat mixed feelings for the small group structures. Observation data indicated that students who used the extensive small group structure exhibited significantly more discussion and provided more answers to their partners' questions than students who used the occasional group structure. Implications for implementing small group structures with computer-based instruction are provided.  相似文献   

Adults in later years of life continue to have educational needs and concomitant abilities to learn. Most diversionary programs do not fulfill those needs. The purpose of this study was to examine participation by older adults in a literary discussion group. The program was conducted with a small group (N = 9) of adults in a retirement center. Subjects indicated their motivations for attending were to learn, not be entertained. Further, evidence was presented that provided insight into the unobtrusive design of research in similar settings, and into the group dynamics and facilitation techniques of discussion groups with older adults.  相似文献   

Although several writers have stressed the importance of the discussion process in producing risky shifts in small‐group decision making, no researchers have attempted to discover the communicative processes of groups whose deliberations culminate in such shifts. This study examines the communication processes of risky‐shift and cautious‐shift groups in terms of the diffusion‐of‐responsibility theory (i.e., groups shifting toward risk tend to diffuse or share responsibility for the decision among group members or among elements outside the group). The results indicate that the communicative processes of risky‐shift and cautious‐shift discussion groups differ according to their handling of decisional responsibility as expected from the diffusion‐of‐responsibility theory. This finding provides warrant for additional studies examining the communicative processes of discussion groups from the vantage of other competing theories of the risky‐shift phenomenon.  相似文献   

Small-class teaching has seemed to become one of the trends of education reforms worldwide as professional associations and school boards struggle to provide quality education. Many countries have implemented small-class teaching for many years. And therefore it has become a challenging activity for teachers to teach in small classes. This paper mainly focuses on the characteristics of small-class teaching, planning and skills needed for group management, small class discussion techniques and strategies of what to do when things go wrong in group sessions.  相似文献   

This essay explores the rationale and development of an industrial simulation course in organizational communication. A review of the cognitive, performance, and behavioral objectives relevant to organizational competence provides the bases for developing a simulation course using small groups, organizational problems, and group discussion methods.  相似文献   

There is current interest in the use of small group interaction in shaping skills and attitudes of counselor candidates enrolled in practicum. A major and desirable goal is increased understanding and sensitivity toward the needs of others. The literature on small groups describes the potential of group forces for behavior change, but few specifics are directly applicable to counselor education. The present study investigates the relationship of rapport elements to the empathic process among counselor candidates within discussion groups. It is assumed that defensiveness will be minimal within an atmosphere of acceptance, understanding, and ease of communication (rapport).  相似文献   

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