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Higher education in the United States and elsewhere is beset by crises: crises of public confidence, questions of continuing relevance, doubts about continuing the emphasis on doctoral instruction, and a very real financial crisis. In response, governing boards and governmental agencies are devoting increasing attention to the management of higher education. Part of this response has been a heightened interest in formal planning-programming-budgeting-systems (PPBS); in fact, several states have legislated the adoption of PPBS for higher educational planning and decision making. Similar interest has been evidenced in other countries. Therefore, it is an appropriate time to reconsider the nature and role of PPBS and its potential impact on higher education. This paper describes the salient characteristics of PPBS and traces the development of PPBS and related analytical techniques in governmental agencies and institutions of higher education. A second paper will illustrate both the concepts and the implementation of PPBS by a detailed exposition of the University of California's experience with PPBS. Finally, in a third paper we suggest an alternative view of policy analysis for educational planning which is a departure from traditional PPBS. We conclude with general observations and specific recommendations to educational managers seeking to improve their resource allocation procedures.  相似文献   

Part I provided an overview of PPBS, some discussion of PPBS implementation in the U.S. government, and a review of the arguments for adopting PPBS in postsecondary education and the various kinds of work that have been done toward this end. In part II, we discuss the experience of the University of California with PPBS from 1966 to 1971. Part III, to be published subsequently, will suggest some new departures in model construction and policy analysis which we believe represent a useful spirit in which further development can and should occur, and will also contain some general concluding observations.
Résumé Dans la première partie, publiée antérieurement, on trouvait les principes généraux du PPBS (Program Planning Budgeting Systems) une discussion rapide de la mise en oeuvre du PPBS par les autorités gouvernementals aux Etats-Unis, quelques uns des arguments qui militent en faveur de l'adoption du PPBS dans l'enseignement post-secondaire ainsi que ce qui a été entrepris à cette fin. Dans la deuxième partie, nous soumettons à la discussion ce qu'a été l'expérience de l'Université de Californie en matière de PPBS de 1966 à 1971. La troisième partie, qui sera publiée ensuite, proposera quelques points de départ nouveaux pour la construction du modèle directeur et l'analyse des politiques; nous pensons qui'il s'agit là d'un point de vue utilisable qui peut et devrait donner lieu à de nouveaux développements; cette troisième partie présentera aussi quelques observations générales en forme de conclusion.

This is the concluding part of a three-part series on Planning, Program, Budgeting Systems (PPBS) in higher education planning and management. After the experiences of the University of California with PPBS, which we reviewed in Part II, and the subsequent lack of success of PPBS in non-defense applications, we believe a more carefully focused policy analysis approach to be more fruitful. In this paper we describe the nature, foci, and analytical base for policy analysis and present a case study of policy analysis applied to the decision of year-round operations for the University of California. Finally, we give some concluding comments and observations.Parts I and II have previously appeared in Higher Education (1972), vol. 1, nos. 2 and 3.  相似文献   

This paper explores reasons why the use of technology in education may be so attractive to so many people. Two emerging perspectives—memetics, and the social history of technology—are explored, and a typology of technology‐as‐cultural‐tool is presented. Finally, implications of these ideas for educational change are considered.  相似文献   

Nurture groups (NGs) are a form of provision for children with social, emotional, behavioural and learning difficulties. Although the first groups were established over 30 years ago, growth in the number of NGs in the UK has been exponential over the past ten years. This study attempts to assess the effectiveness of NGs in promoting positive social, emotional and educational development. The study set out to measure: (1) the effects of NGs in promoting pupil improvement in the NGs; (2) the extent to which these improvements generalised to mainstream settings; and (3) the impact of NGs on whole schools. Statistically significant improvements were found for NG pupils in terms of social, emotional and behavioural functioning. NGs which had been in place for more than two years were found to be significantly more effective than groups which had been in existence for less than two years. Pupils with SEBD in mainstream classrooms improved in behavioural terms significantly better than pupils with and without SEBD attending schools that did not have NG provision. The greatest social, emotional and behavioural improvements took place over the first two terms, whilst improvements in behaviours associated with cognitive engagement in learning tasks continued to improve into the third and fourth terms. This study suggests that NGs are a highly promising form of provision for young children with a wide range of SEBDs. There is also good evidence to suggest that successful NGs contribute to the development of the ‘nurturing school’.  相似文献   

Why read?     

Why read? What is the point of reading in higher education if students can succeed in their classes without reading? Using Wigfield and Eccles’ Expectancy-Value theory of motivation as a framework, I explore why different instructors think their students should be reading and whether students share these motivations. Instructors and students attribute value to reading differently. Instructors value reading for what it allows students to do and become. Students may value reading but still not read depending on competing factors including time available and assessment tasks required. The essay concludes by asking higher educational professionals to consider what, if anything, should be done to encourage the reading of difficult texts in classes.  相似文献   

Why Men Run     
The philosophical groundwork of modern (naturalistic) physical education is based on the doctrines of dualism and empiricism—together, empiricistic dualism. Dualism has taught that the intellectual and physical aspects of our experience are qualitatively distinct substances. Empiricism has argued that all knowledge has its origin in, and takes the fundamental form of sensory experience, of experience rooted in bodily sensations. On first inspection, both dualism and empiricism give the impression of promoting a respectful regard for the body and its main expressions, including physical education. They tend to get physical education widely advocated and widely practiced. They do not, however, succeed in promoting a fully humanistic regard for physical education, and they thus prove ultimately unfavorable to its practice. Dualism stands in the way of a balanced interpretation of humanity's intellectual and physical parts; empiricism fails to account for the balanced contributions of reason and sense to human consciousness. The one-sided philosophical basis of modern physical education is therefore opposed to an authentically human practice of physical education and is in the greatest need of reformulation.  相似文献   

Why and How     
青春,是一场奇幻之旅,它以独特的方式设定了每一个人的成长密码。前方的种种美好在吸引你前进,前行的路却并不那么显而易见,甚至常常让人找不到北。前行的魅力也正在于这一番迷茫的探寻中,如观赏山巅日出前攀。那一段崎岖山路。  相似文献   

Why Media Matter     
Whether media affect learning has been debated for decades. The discussion of media's effectiveness has raised questions about the usefulness of comparison studies, not only in assessing applications of technology but in other areas as well. Arguments that media do not affect learning are re‐examined and issues concerning media effects on expert performance are examined. Studies of mediated expert performance in telemedicine are used to show media affect performance and suggest media contribute to learning. Media present information crucial to performing certain tasks and the use of identical or similar media in learning these tasks should have positive effects on transfer. The usefulness of media comparison studies in telemedicine is discussed and it is argued that such studies are valuable for practical decision making regarding the deployment and application of technology in training and the workplace.  相似文献   

微笑是一个可以让你脱颖而出的好办法,同时它也可以让你的身体更好地运作。微笑让你变得更健康、更能抵抗压力和让你更有魅力。微笑理由之一.它是让你活得更加长久的快乐途径。读读其他理由.并尽你所能试着去做。  相似文献   

2010年1月1日在柬埔寨暹粒享受鱼足疗 来自澳大利亚布里斯本的22岁餐厅服务生莉齐·波特和她19岁的弟弟迈克尔。“我一直住在伦敦。回澳途中,我坐火车沿跨蒙古铁路途经了俄罗斯、蒙古和中国。我和弟弟在胡志明市碰头,然后从那里去了柬埔寨。在暹粒的主要旅游街道上有一些各不相同的小鱼疗温泉。  相似文献   

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