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活动目的一、掌握本单元重点词汇:one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen。二、熟练掌握本单元重点句型:H ow m anykites(cats…)can you see?I can see11(12,8,…).三、由于该课主要学习数字的表达及其交际应用,三年级的  相似文献   

教学目标: (1)知识目标:能熟练掌握11-15这些数字和“How many…can you see?”及其回答“I can see…”。  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.W arm upA:GreetingT:Good m orning,boys andgirls.Ss:Good m orning,M issZhang.Nice to see you again.T:Nice to see you,too.H ow are you?Ss:Fine,thank you.H ow areyou?T:I'm very well.Thanks.Sitdown,please.简单的问候,把学生很快带进英语语境中,营造了愉快的课堂气氛。B:Let's sing a song.(师生边做动作边唱歌)I am a boy and you are agirl…通过唱歌,活跃了课堂气氛,为后面教学起到了铺垫作用。Step2.RevisionT:Class,Ihave m any pic-tures in m y hand.Please look atthem.Do you know what t…  相似文献   

1.What can you see if I jump into water?2.Why is a river rich(富的;有钱的)?3.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it.H ow can you di-vide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still rem ainsin the basket?4.W hat kind of dog can never bite(咬)and bark(吠)?5.M y nam e is Jack.M y father and m oth-er have six children.H alf are boys and halfare girls.H ow m any brothers and sisters do Ihave?6.H ow can you drink a glass ofwaterfrom the bottom(底部)?7.W hy do fish live…  相似文献   

英语中以how开头的疑问句很多,且有各种用法,现归纳如下:一、问候。1.用于初次见面时的问候。例如:—H ow do you do?你好!—H ow do you do?你好!2.问健康状况。例如:—H ow are you?你(身体)好吗?—Fine,thank you.And you?很好,谢谢。你呢?—H ow is yourfather?你父亲(身体)好吗?—H e is very well/OK.他很好。二、问年龄。例如:—H ow old is yourm other?你母亲多大了?—Shes forty(years old).她40岁了。三、问数量。1.用“how m any+可数名词复数”询问可数名词的量。例如:—H ow m any books are there in the box?箱子里有…  相似文献   

犤背景犦学生们已学会了1-100的数字,现在要进行三位数数字的学习。犤现象犦T:H ow m any days are there in a week?S:There are seven.T:H ow m any students/boys/girls are there inour class?S:There are forty-five/twenty-six/nineteen.(评析:首先利用一些身边简单的与数字有关的问题,勾起学生对已学过数字的回忆。)T:W hat'syourfavoritenum ber?Can you tellus?S1:I like1.S2:I like8.S3:I like66.…(评析:学生们争先恐后,个个跃跃欲试,不知不觉中复习了部分数字的读法。)T:W hy?Y ou can speak in Chinese.S1:I like1.(…  相似文献   

教学案例:Unit3Let'sTalk H ow Are You?(PEP BOOKONE)这节课的主要内容是学生学习如何向别人问好的句型“H ow are you?”以及回答“Fine,thank you.”这是英语日常交际中最常见的问候,很多学生在上课前对此就有所了解,所以今天学起来也特别轻松,师生对话更是得心应手。我看学  相似文献   

[教学过程]一、热身活动复习铺垫1.师生对话T:H ello,boys and girls。Glad to see you.H ow is theweather today?Ss:…T:I’m very happy.Are youhappy?S:Yes,we are.T:H ow m any groups arethere in your class?Now let’scount.Group1:One.…Group6:Six.T:(W rite the num  相似文献   

一、单项选择(15分)1.Ifyou add 5 2,you w illget7.A .and B.with C .to D .on2. m ilk w ould you like to m ake the shake?A .H ow m uch B.H ow m any C .H ow long D .H ow far3.Its tim e for CC TV new s,please the TV .A .turn off B.turn down C .turn on D .turn back4.There isn t yogurtin this bottle,butthere s in thatone.A .som e,any B.som e,som e C .any,any D .any,som e5.—H ow do you m ake fruit salad?— .A .Putthe pizza in the oven B .C utup an apple and a tom atoC.Turn on the popper D…  相似文献   

1.Y ou can see it but you can’ttouch it.It m ay disappear but has neverreally left you.It grows throughout the day.W hat is it﹖2.W hat can run but neverwalks has a m outh but nevertalks has a head but neverweeps has a bed but neversleeps﹖3.W hat two words havethe m ost letters in it﹖4.W hat is yours but isused m ore by others than byyou﹖5.H ow m any sides does ahouse have﹖6.W hat starts with T,endswith T and full of T?7.W hy should you never m arry a ten-nis player?8.W hen do elephan…  相似文献   

C ontents:Let's learn and play in class.A im s and dem ands:1.H elp the students to hear,say and read thesentences:H ow m any…do you have?I have…2.H elp the students to use them in the dailylife.3.H elp the students to have the spirit of coop-eration and creation.A nalysis:学生已经在《灵通英语》第一册中接触过“Ihave a…”句型,因而本课第一部分教学内容对他们来说不难掌握,关键是对“H ow m any…do youhave?”这个句型的理解和应用。本课采用TPR、CA I、游戏等多种教学手段,旨在为学生创设一个真实的…  相似文献   

一、Listen and tick①horses/cows②sheep/goats③goats/lam bs④sheep/horses⑤lam bs/hens⑥cow s/hens二、L isten and connect①W hatare these?②H ow m any geese can yousee?③W hatare those?④H ow m any goatsare there?⑤A re those turkeys?⑥D o you like onions  相似文献   

A n old m an had m any sons, w how ere often quarreling. A s the end ofhis life drew near, the old m an calledthem all to him and show ed them abundle ofsticks tied tightly together. “N ow , ”said the father, “see if you canbreak this bundle ofsticks.” Each of the sons in turn took the bundleand tried w ith allhis m ight to break it, butcould not. W hen allhad tried and given it up, thefather said, “U ntie the bundle, and each of youtake a stick and see if you can break that. ”Theyalldi…  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.W arm ing Up1.GreetingGood m orning,boys andgirls.H ow are you?…2.Sing a song“Apple Tree”(屏幕显示苹果树,同时出现音乐)3.Free talkT:H ow are you?S1:Fine,thank you.And you?T:I'm fine,too.Now pleaseintroduce yourclassm ates to m e.S1:H ello,…This is M issYang.This is…S2:Nice to m eetyou,M issYang.T:Nice to m eetyou,…(设计意图:本课所学的内容与食品有关,开头唱《苹果歌》,为本课学习作准备。通过唱歌、自由交流等热身活动,创设英语学习气氛,调整学生的精神状态。)Step2.Revision1…  相似文献   

第一部分单元教学提示(一)教学要点参考 1.能力目标(1)能够用已学的数字描述物体的数量。(2)能够运用句型“How many…can you see?I can see… How many… do you have?I have…”。询问和回答物体的数量。  相似文献   

how一词“善交朋友“,用法很多,下面就请它闪亮登场,让我们一起瞧瞧它的“交友”本领。1.用于问候1)“H ow do you do?”是人们初次见面时的问候语,其答语仍用“H ow doyou do?”。2)“H ow are you?”是熟人之间常用的问候语,其答语一般用“Fine,thankyou./Im fine,thank you.A nd you?/V ery w ell,thank you./Im O K.”等。2.用于询问动作执行的方式、手段等。例如:—H ow do you go to school?你是怎样去上学的?—By bike.骑自行车。—H ow did you learn to swim?你是怎样学会游泳的?—W ith m y fathers help.在我父亲的帮助下…  相似文献   

Test Your IQ     
1.W hich num ber should com e next?144,121,100,81,64,?A.17B.19C.36D.492.If you rearrange the letters“A N LD EG N,”you will have the nam e of a(n):A.ocean B.country C.state D.city3.Two cars start off at the sam e point on astraight highway facing opposite directions.Each car drives for6m iles,takes a leftturn,and drives for8m iles.H ow farapart are the two cars?A.2m iles B.11m ilesC.14m iles D.20m iles4.Two girls caught25frogs.Lisa caught fourtim es as m any as Jendid.H ow m any fro…  相似文献   

Some和any可以说是我们的老朋友,经常见面。他们都有“一些”的意思,都可用作形容词、代词,都可修饰或代替可数名词的复数形式和不可数名词,但他们又不完全一样。请看——一、some一般用于肯定句中。如:I can see some flowers.我能看见一些花。There are some hills in the picture.图画里有几座山。二、any一般用于否定句或一般疑问句中。如:1.——Can you see any books on the desk?你能看见桌上有一些书吗? ——Yes,I can see some.是的,我看见一些。2.——How many bananas can you see in the picture?在图画里你能看到多少支香蕉? ——I can't see any.我一支也看不到。值得注意的是:在下列情况下,some也可用于疑问句中。(1)希望对方做出肯定回答时。如:  相似文献   

1.—H ow m uch is this T鄄shirt芽这件T恤衫多少钱?—It’s seven dollars.7美元。H ow m uch is/are...芽意思是“……多少钱?”,用于询问价格,回答常用It is/Theyare...。例如:—H ow m uch is this book芽这本书多少钱?—It’s ten yuan.10元。—H ow m uch are these vegetables芽这些蔬菜多少钱?—They’re twenty鄄three yuan.23元。询问价格还可以用H ow m uch do you w antfor...芽W hat’s the price of...芽表达。例如:—H ow m uch do you want for these pen鄄cils芽这些铅笔多少钱?—Five dollars.5美元。—W hat’s …  相似文献   

同学们,新的学期又开始了,你的生活也翻开了新的一页,在紧张学习的同时,相信你的课余活动也是丰富多彩的。下面赶快进入我们的口语交际室,就“课余活动”和“健康”这两个话题演练一番吧!情景主题一:谈论课余活动要点说明:“W hat...usually do...?”和“H ow often...?”是谈论课余活动时的常用句型。前者表示“通常做什么”,后者表示“多长时间(做)一次”。请看对话:(情景一:两位同学在谈论周末活动。)A:W hat do you usually do onweekends?周末你通常干什么?英语B:I usually play football.我常踢足球。A:H ow often do you play fo…  相似文献   

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