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When Mississippi State University Libraries established a university press approval plan, the Collection Development Department was asked to decide whether to cancel existing standing orders with seven university presses or block these presses from the approval plan. Books were received through both avenues for eight months so that cost, timeliness of delivery, and receipt of titles most appropriate for the Libraries’ needs could be compared. Findings showed a 4.72% cost savings with the approval plan, but 82% of the titles were received earlier through the standing orders. Of books received through the standing orders, 29% were not received through the approval plan, with more than half not matching departmental profiles. Return privileges with the approval plan meant unsuitable titles could be returned, a significant advantage not possible with the standing orders. As a result of the study, the libraries chose to cancel the standing orders and receive books selectively through a university press approval plan.  相似文献   

It is important for academic librarians to demonstrate that they are trusted stewards of public money when purchasing e-book products; however, prior studies seldom examine the rationality in librarians' decision-making processes. Interviews including 20 librarians from 19 different institutions were conducted to collect data about their decision-making processes when purchasing e-book products. Institutional theory was used as a framework to analyze interview data. Librarians' perceptions of the environment where their decision process occurred were described as full of uncertainty, with the e-book market viewed as non-competitive with limited alternative products. Seven strategies the interviewees adopted to justify their purchase decisions were then identified, including experimentation, incorporating users' input, reliance on written documents, learning from past experiences, learning from other libraries, group decision, and aggressive negotiation. Decision-making processes were a mixture of institutional and rational actions. Factors affecting rationality in librarians' e-book purchase decisions could be applied to other types of decision-making in library settings, allowing stakeholders to better understand and interpret the situations that either help or hinder the rationality in library's decision-making.  相似文献   

微博是图书馆用户服务的一个很好的工具和窗口。以新浪微博为例,对图书馆微博与图书馆网页进行比较研究,分析两者的异同,以帮助图书馆更好地利用微博平台。  相似文献   

尼古拉斯.卡尔著的《浅薄》,在全球范围内产生了很大的影响,作者敏锐地提出了互联网如何毒化了我们的大脑的课题,也引发了各方面的争议。互联网究竟是毒害了我们,让人们变得浅薄?还是引起了另一种思维的革命?这是值得讨论的话题。  相似文献   

隐喻既是修辞手段也是认识方式,甚至还是创意思维。有关图书馆的隐喻很多,有赞誉性的正隐喻,也有诋毁性的负隐喻。无论图书馆在隐喻中作"本体"或"喻体",其积极作用都是不可忽略的。好的隐喻,体现出了思想技师们高超的想象力与审美境界。数不清的图书馆隐喻就是丰姿多彩的人生万花筒。  相似文献   

姜化林 《图书馆杂志》2020,(3):100-106,132
根据中日文学类分类号转换工作实践,对《日本十进分类法》与《中国图书馆分类法》(第5版)的标记符号、文学类时代划分、文学类大类设置和文学类分类体系进行对比与分析,提出了文学理论、文学史和文学作品与研究的转换规则,并罗列了大量的转换实例,力求解决工作之需。  相似文献   

陈捷  吕海清 《编辑学报》2003,15(6):463-464
探讨论著栏目的文化渊源、发展历程、在医学学术期刊中的重要地位及对医学期刊发展的影响。指出论著栏目经历了初始、发展和成熟3个阶段,以及每个阶段的特点。认为学术期刊栏目最本质的属性是学术性,应在保证论文的学术水平、提高编排质量上下工夫,使论著栏目更加发扬光大。  相似文献   

中小学阶段是培养阅读习惯的关键时期。针对我国青少年读者经典名著浅阅读现状,以高中语文课标必读书目推荐作品《巴黎圣母院》为例,选取同名译者的原译本与简读本,选取同章节进行文本阅读比较分析;采用分词统计、情感分析与社会网络分析方法,分别从词汇、句法和语义语境层面比较经典原译本与简读版的差异。结果发现,简读本在词汇量、修辞句法、人物关系及情节发展等方面均与原著有显著差异,简读本一定程度破坏了经典的原生性和自洽性。由此提出对青少年经典阅读教育中原著与简本并行的质疑,认为应立足读者的阅读能力和接受水平进行经典推荐导读,青少年读者拥有选择符合自己兴趣,能够保证自主阅读流畅性的文学经典作品的权力。  相似文献   

Preparing librarians to meet the information challenges faced in the current and future health care environments is critical. At Johns Hopkins University, three NLM-funded fellowship programs provide opportunities for librarians to utilize the rich environments of the Welch Medical Library and the Division of Health Sciences Informatics in support of life-long learning.  相似文献   

[目的 /意义]研究、探索现存图书馆的合理的修缮与扩建设计,并使之契合智慧图书馆的运行模式.[方法/过程]从历代的图书馆的影响因素、建筑特征展开,阐述图书馆建筑的发展趋势,并以北京大学图书馆1996-1998年、2003-2005年、2017-2020年的3次修缮、扩建为例,分析其平面组合,研究修缮扩建的有效建筑设计手...  相似文献   

西域文书是非常珍贵的历史档案,文书残片修复是整理、保存及利用的前提和保证。修复方法的评价和选用是文书残片修复的核心和关键。国内外对于特别珍贵历史档案修复持非常谨慎的态度,也缺乏相应的理论研究。国家图书馆、旅顺博物馆、新疆博物馆、中国人民大学博物馆馆藏相同性质的文书,分别先后采用不同方法开展西域文书残片修复。针对上述4个馆藏单位不同的残片修复方法在技术方法、材料选择、修复效果与功能等方面展开比较;结合多级模糊综合评价方法对4种修复方法进行定量化研究。研究表明:“修补+开窗镶”兼顾修复、保存、利用等功能,从可实施性和修复后效果两个综合指标得出“修补+开窗镶”的方法最佳,“镶接技术”“册页装订”和“纸浆修补”次之。  相似文献   

If publishers of learned journals are going to make a success of their web publishing, they should not forget all the skills they have developed in publishing in print. This paper reviews the application of familiar journal publishing skills in the context of electronic journals or electronic editions of printed journals, and pinpoints areas where these skills apply in web publishing and where new skills are necessary.  相似文献   

取舍之间:图书馆知识服务内涵再探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“解决问题”“知识创新”以及对馆员专业知识背景的诉求,作为图书馆知识服务的内涵一直被反复阐述.但是信息服务和知识服务的关系表明,图书馆知识服务的重点在于适应用户不断变化的需求,而不在于解决问题;在于提供系统化的信息,而不在于知识创新;在于服务能力的提升,而不在于对图书馆员专业知识背景的诉求.  相似文献   

The Request for Proposal (RFP) process provides librarians a rational method of finding the right vendor for major contracts because it gives librarians the opportunity to look at all aspects of book and serial purchasing. It allows librarians to select vendors on the basis of customer service, electronic or computing services, and financial condition, as well as discounts and service charges. The educational benefits of the RFP process are so immense that such a process should be considered by libraries whether or not it is mandated by state law. Determining how many and which RFPs will be needed, planning the timeline, selecting the RFP committee, planning on-site presentations, writing the RFP, developing the vendor selection criteria, and evaluating responses are a few of the elements of the RFP process.  相似文献   

This self-reflexive activity acts as an introduction to how we talk about and express gender identity, as well as the assumptions we may have about gender identity norms and expression. The activity illuminates student’s subconscious behaviors and understandings of gender, pushing them to sit self-reflexively with their own understandings of gender as an identity, expression, binary, and potential locus of shame/freedom.

Courses: Introduction to Women and Gender Studies, Intercultural Communication, Media Studies, Gender and Communication, Performance Studies

Objectives: Designed to introduce students to their own understandings and embodiment of gender, this activity asks students to be honest about their preconceived notions regarding gender that they bring with them into the classroom. The activity utilizes predesigned components that test students’ subconscious knowledge of the gender binary. This is a one-time activity that can be conducted in one 50- or 75-minute class period.  相似文献   

是杜参还是富参——《七略》、《别录》研究一得曹之ABSTRACTInthestudiesofQiLueandBieLu,researcherssinceTangDynastyhavemistakenlyregardedDuCanasoneofthec...  相似文献   

文章首先指出信息技术政策在促进社会经济发展方面的积极作用,然后介绍863计划和信息高速公路计划的相关信息技术政策及计划的影响并对信息技术政策进行比较性分析,最后提出信息高速公路计划中信息技术政策的运用实践可以为我国提供一些启示。  相似文献   

传统广播电视的数字化进程是革命性的。数字新媒体不仅在频道定位、内容形态、赢利模式、产业链等方面改变了广播电视的业态,同时也为广播电视带来了新的传播生态和社会交往方式。广播电视新媒体的发展必须要认清数字媒体对广播电视业态以及媒介生态的影响。决定广播电视新媒体发展方向的不是技术本身,而是民众数字生活水平的提高。  相似文献   

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