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基于Lotus Domino/Notes的图书馆业务流程管理的设计与实现   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目前国内图书馆办公自动化系统无法实现对图书馆业务流程的实时监控,本文介绍了利用Domino/Notes的工作流机制,根据西安交通大学图书馆的具体业务流程,实现对图书馆业务流程管理系统的开发。  相似文献   

Centralized Online Resources Acquisitions and Licensing (CORAL) is an open source electronic resources management system originally developed by the University of Notre Dame Hesburgh Libraries. The CORAL system consists of five modules designed to manage the library electronic resources life-cycle, including licensing and contact information, procurement and activation workflow, usage statistics, and the storage of documentation. CORAL was designed as a flexible and customizable management system, with the ability to utilize each module independently or as a suite to maintain the electronic resources management needs of individual institutions. Scott Vieira of Rice University, Steve Oberg of Wheaton College, and Andrea Imre of Southern Illinois University Carbondale present on the functionality of CORAL and demonstrate the system’s flexibility and extensibility in managing library electronic resources.  相似文献   


Academic libraries have been working diligently to provide device neutral mobile access to key elements of their library websites, like hours, contact information, and catalogs. But once a mobile user makes it through these access points on his mobile device, what happens beyond that point? Can he or she use the library’s links to third-party content, like interlibrary loan forms, the institutional repository, and databases, on a mobile device? Laura Turner, Head of Technical Services at the University of San Diego’s Copley Library, recently performed basic mobile testing of third-party content links on her library’s website. She relied on resource reports generated by Alejandra Nann, Copley’s Electronic Resources and Serials Librarian, as well as Nann’s troubleshooting of access issues during the testing. Their presentation reviewed the efforts and outcomes of testing links to the resources on mobile devices as well as workflow suggestions and promotional ideas for incorporating mobile access as a library service.  相似文献   

This article will introduce and illustrate process mapping as a valuable tool in the academic library setting. Commonly used in the business world, process mapping is the practice of gathering information regarding a specific workflow and diagraming it visually, usually in the form of a flowchart. This representation can then be analyzed for process improvement. In addition to helping assess current workflow efficiency, process mapping is a valuable way for employees throughout the library to see how they are contributing to essential processes. Process mapping can also help to identify areas where departments can work to further collaborate and can contribute to knowledge management and continuity. This article will highlight the valuable benefits of process mapping and document the authors’ experience focusing this activity on the operations at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte’s J. Murrey Atkins Library.  相似文献   

王泽贤 《图书情报工作》2013,57(20):116-122
针对现有高校图书馆荐购系统的不足,提出整合型荐购系统的解决方案。介绍该系统从信息和工作流程等多方面进行整合,构建荐购知识库,在管理读者荐购行为的同时,自动更新荐购记录,并自动向读者进行反馈的工作机理。指出整合型荐购系统的整合原则,分析系统架构和工作流程、荐购流程,重点介绍系统功能设计,荐购书目库全文搜索的实现以及与图书馆集成管理系统的集成、与OPAC整合等实现的难点与重点。  相似文献   

The author summarizes observations on the varying technical services workflows presented during the OhioLINK Road Show presentations. Despite using the same integrated library system, the workflow varies from library to library. The libraries approach workflow redesign incrementally, depending on their particular priorities. The success of any workflow review depends on the quality of the staff and working relationships of the partners involved: library, ILS vendor, bibliographic utility, and materials vendor.  相似文献   

北欧四国公共图书馆事业发展启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱荀 《图书情报工作》2008,52(4):142-142
位于北欧的丹麦、芬兰、瑞典和挪威这四个国家公共图书馆事业发展水平之高,从全国图书馆的密度与人均拥有藏书册数这两个指标上就可以看出。它们高度发展的原因可以归结为以下几点:重视公共图书馆立法;有良好的阅读传统;重视教育,将公共图书馆视为教育的辅助系统,同时将公共图书馆事业看成是社会福利的一部分,让每个公民都享受到图书馆的服务。北欧国家公共图书馆发展的成功经验可以为我国公共图书馆事业的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

论文介绍了公共图书馆制度的起源,分析了我国公共图书馆制度、运行机制的缺陷,并给出了促进公共图书馆发展的几点建议。  相似文献   

图书馆法律保障体系的完善:基础、思路与重点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图书馆行业需要完善的法律保障体系来提高其外向功能,并促进其与社会其它行业同步发展并。图书馆法律保障体系的完善,首先应该以我国现阶段国情为外部基础,以现有图书馆法律成果为内部基础;其次应变内向型思路为外向型思路,把完善图书馆法律保障体系和不断满足社会需要相联系;最后现应把加强国家对图书馆法治建设的宏观控制力度作为今后的重点。  相似文献   

Objective: To make electronic resources available to library users while effectively harnessing intellectual capital within the library, ultimately fostering the library’s use of technology to interact asynchronously with its patrons (users). Methods: The methods used in the project included: (1) developing a new library website to facilitate the creation, management, accessibility, maintenance and dissemination of library resources; and (2) establishing ownership by those who participated in the project, while creating effective work allocation strategies through the implementation of a content management system that allowed the library to manage cost, complexity and interoperability. Results: Preliminary results indicate that contributors to the system benefit from an increased understanding of the library’s resources and add content valuable to library patrons. These strategies have helped promote the manageable creation and maintenance of electronic content in accomplishing the library’s goal of interacting with its patrons. Conclusions: Establishment of a contributive system for adding to the library’s electronic resources and electronic content has been successful. Further work will look at improving asynchronous interaction, particularly highlighting accessibility of electronic content and resources.  相似文献   


Faced with increased demand from student and faculty for a speedier and more user-friendly method of obtaining materials from other institutions, the interlibrary loan (ILL) department sought to implement a management system which would accomplish the task. Students wanted remote interconnectivity to the system and staff wanted increased workflow efficiency, reduced paper work, and better data management. This paper focuses on Washington College's experience in selecting and implementing an interlibrary loan system, which would enhance student satisfaction as well as that of the library staff.  相似文献   

网络读者访问流量统计分析系统的研究与实现   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
随着图书馆信息资源建设数字化、网络化的发展,图书馆的工作流程和服务模式也随之向网络化、智能化方向发展,原有的读者信息统计方法已不能满足现代图书馆的需要。本文叙述了利用网络信息计量学方法和计算机技术,研究出经济实用的图书馆网络读者访问流量统计分析系统,该系统经实际应用证明可以高效、准确地描述网络读者访问情况。  相似文献   

简要介绍了积分系统在少年儿童图书馆的应用,并以温州市少年儿童图书馆为例,分析积分系统如何与图书馆业务管理系统相结合,如何通过积分系统对少年儿童图书馆的活动和流通业务进行管理以及引导管理广大读者在少年儿童图书馆的各种阅读行为,培养少年儿童良好的阅读习惯。  相似文献   

深圳市宝安区公共图书馆服务体系建设探索与未来发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
深圳市宝安区是全国最早开展图书馆网络建设的地区之一,从上世纪九十年代初期开始,宝安经历了公共图书馆事业的起步发展、大规模"百村书库"工程建设、街道图书馆建设、以及"图书馆之城"建设时期的总分馆制探索等不同的阶段,道路曲折坎坷,但光明的未来发展也引宝安图书馆人期盼。宝安在建设区域性公共图书馆服务体系方面的经验教训,可供其它地区在发展公共图书馆事业时参考。  相似文献   

论文在组织结构评价指标体系构建原则下,从与图书馆实际的匹配性、对外部环境的适应性、运行速度、协同性、先进性及服务绩效等六个方面,设计了图书馆组织结构评价的指标体系,同时运用模糊数学中的模糊综合评判法,构建高校图书馆组织结构评价模型,旨在为图书馆改进和完善组织结构提供了方法和依据。  相似文献   

主题图书馆建设中的若干问题与发展思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主题图书馆是公共图书馆事业发展新时代的产物,从满足人民群众的基本文化需求提升到高品质的文化需求;从解决普遍均等服务的普通公共图书馆总分馆到解决专门服务的公共主题图书馆,主题图书馆的功能价值在不断彰显。目前主题图书馆建设中存在一些问题和误区,应当重点解决。今后,主题图书馆要走体系化发展道路和文旅融合发展道路;要加强主题资源建设,发展"主题+"模式;要将主题图书馆纳入公共图书馆总分馆制建设之中,在公共图书馆"十四五"规划中重点发展。要优化主题图书馆的科学布局,形成主题图书馆总分馆体系,让更多的地方、更多的市民享受到就近的主题图书馆服务。  相似文献   

图书馆学术资源推荐服务是新信息化环境下图书馆的一种新的服务模式。基于关联数据的图书馆学术资源推荐可通过关联规则向用户推荐其满意的、相关度高的学术资源,关联数据架起了图书馆学术资源推荐与用户之间的桥梁。基于此,文章构建了基于关联数据的图书馆学术资源推荐系统框架,并展望了需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   

图书馆作为服务组织,服务承诺制是提升图书馆服务水平的又一制度选择。笔者在对图书馆服务承诺涵义、类型及意义进行概述的基础上,通过调研,分析了国内图书馆服务承诺的开展现状及其存在的问题,并提出相应的解决措施,为图书馆服务承诺制度的完善提供解决思路。  相似文献   

阐述了在Lib2.0时代,图书馆需求发生了重大变革,创新文献资源管理平台的管理模型刻不容缓。为适应我国城市区域性图书馆发展集成服务的需求和高校合并之后多馆管理的需求,提出从传统的单馆集中管理作业模式拓展到多馆分布管理及多馆集中分布式管理作业模式。调整了传统图书馆集成系统的作业流程,完善了相关功能,构建了动态的图书馆资源管理平台的管理模型,并进行了相关实践。  相似文献   

从LibQUAL+的变化看图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
LibQUAL+是美国研究图书馆协会(ARL)推行的用于图书馆服务质量测评的一种方法,是基于用户感知对图书馆的服务质量进行测评的工具。经过8年持续实践,LibQUAL+测评指标得到不断修改完善,已经形成一个比较成熟的图书馆服务质量测评体系。研究8年来LibQUAL+的变化发展,可以探索图书馆服务评价的特点和规律,寻求图书馆服务质量测评的发展方向。  相似文献   

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