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In 2001, The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Libraries cataloging and acquisition units merged to become a larger totally integrated department, renamed Bibliographic Services. Historically, acquisitions and cataloging functions were managed separately, although initial pre-order cataloging procedures were in place since late 1993. Prior to the merger in 2001, cataloging staff selected and exported MARC records in advance of the ordering functions performed exclusively by acquisitions staff. Library administrative personnel, concerned with the persistent lag time from receipt of the order card to actual receipt of the item, mandated change. After implementing new procedures and streamlining workflow, a sample analysis of productivity and fill rates for two fiscal years, before change and after, demonstrated significantly that cataloging at point of order is desirable in providing faster delivery of new materials.  相似文献   

In 2001, The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Libraries cataloging and acquisition units merged to become a larger totally integrated department, renamed Bibliographic Services. Historically, acquisitions and cataloging functions were managed separately, although initial pre-order cataloging procedures were in place since late 1993. Prior to the merger in 2001, cataloging staff selected and exported MARC records in advance of the ordering functions performed exclusively by acquisitions staff. Library administrative personnel, concerned with the persistent lag time from receipt of the order card to actual receipt of the item, mandated change. After implementing new procedures and streamlining workflow, a sample analysis of productivity and fill rates for two fiscal years, before change and after, demonstrated significantly that cataloging at point of order is desirable in providing faster delivery of new materials.  相似文献   

PromptCat is a new service offered by OCLC, in conjunction with monograph materials vendors, that provides libraries with a full bibliographic record from the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC) simultaneous to the supply of materials from a vendor. The library's holdings are set automatically on the OLUC record. Because PromptCat eliminates the need for libraries to do individual title-by-title searching and record selection when materials are received, it will streamline local cataloging activities. It may also provide an impetus for libraries to reevaluate local editing practices and determine whether materials can be processed quickly upon receipt in acquisitions rather than in copy cataloging.This article addresses issues relating to PromptCat, including tests of the service conducted at The Ohio State University (OSU) and Michigan State University (MSU), an estimated cost/benefit analysis based on OSU's approval plan, and issues including coordination between OCLC, materials vendors, system vendors, and the library as well as workflow, organizational implications and staffing issues.  相似文献   

Automation of vendor files and integrated library systems are changing (a) the process of collection development, (b) the role of the collection developer, (c) the relationship between libraries and vendors, and even (d) the library's organization. By combining files in the bibliographer's workstation, paraprofessional staff can select the core collection; professionals will focus on expensive or fringe titles. Programmed or mechanical selection can replace staff decisions in acquiring the core titles. Automation may increase successful cooperative collection development and expand the responsibilities of collection developers. Professional roles will change to include more policy, preservation, evaluation, and process assignments. Collection development activities may be decentralized and combined with reference and cataloging subject groups or become part of acquisitions processing teams.  相似文献   

This article briefly describes the acquisitions workflow at a small, liberal arts college library as one possible method to utilize a book vendor’s online system. The discussion focuses on the logistics of the workflow and the interaction between the system and the library’s ILS. Outsourcing of cataloging and physical processing are also discussed.  相似文献   

A survey of selected library materials jobbers, cataloging agents, and library consortia shows that communication standards, vendor and library automation, and new partnerships among vendors and libraries are leading to greater opportunities for outsourcing acquisitions, cataloging, and collection development. Currently libraries can depend on vendors for preorder searching, verification, and claiming functions as well as copy and original cataloging. Libraries can receive shelf-ready materials from jobbers or cataloging agents; those that collect mainstream materials have the most options; others must shop among vendors. Collection development is the function least changed by automation, but materials jobbers are orienting more electronic services towards this area. Librarians should become full partners in the development of contract services. To do this, librarians must understand the evolving roles of the traditional partners and the costs and risks involved.  相似文献   


Adelphi University Libraries contracted to outsource copy cataloging and physical processing with Blackwell's Book Services in 1995. Since May 1996, 17,000 shelf-ready titles and over 16,000 catalog records have been received and loaded to our Innovative Interfaces OPAC. Costs, implementation, workflow, and benefits are discussed in this article. The outsourcing program, although hampered by staff shortages in the Libraries, has been highly successful in achieving enhanced cataloging and improved processing at reasonable costs.  相似文献   

Demand-driven acquisitions (DDA) of electronic books (ebooks) has been a favored method of acquisitions in academic libraries for a number of years. Despite careful consideration and planning ahead of implementation, snags and hiccups may erupt in the acquisitions and cataloging workflow while executing a DDA pilot. Technical Services must remain attentive, collaborative, and flexible in order to redress known issues and anticipate potential ones. DDA is ultimately a worthwhile endeavor that has the potential to replace traditional bibliographer ebook title selection, particularly when the long-term integrity of a collections budget is in question.  相似文献   

The Corley Smith Library is a small, special library located at the Charles Darwin Research Station in the Galapagos Islands. Currently, the library is managed by international volunteer librarians in collaboration with Station staff and local volunteers. Recently the library migrated its online public access catalog to Koha. We describe the process of selecting an open-source integrated library system and implementing Koha. Cataloging in this remote location presents challenges related to technology, staff expertise, language, local practices, and obtaining supplies. We define the strategies to address these issues, including long-term goals of copy cataloging with Z39.50 and remote cataloging by volunteer librarians.  相似文献   

Institutions have sought to improve technical services workflows by merging some acquisitions and cataloging functions in different ways and with varying results. Those institutions’ experiences with the merging process contrast with the process implemented at UCLA. At UCLA a process of cataloging on receipt was planned and implemented in the Print Acquisitions Department, in cooperation with the Cataloging & Metadata Center. The process resulted in significantly faster delivery of print books from receipt to shelf for materials not batch packed for remote storage.  相似文献   

传统的复本是指与正本的内容和外在形式特征完全一致的图书,是图书编目意义上的复本,隐性复本是指与正本的内容相同而外在形式特征不同的图书,是读者需求意义上的复本。根据编目工作的确认原理,隐性复本不应该集中著录于同一条书目记录中,而是应该分别建立书目记录,同时应在书目记录之间建立关联,以充分揭示隐性复本,满足读者需求。  相似文献   


Documentation is the written record of activities, policies, and procedures within a certain organization or group. Libraries, especially technical services units, need to be more vigilant about documenting the important activities of their departments for current and future use. After looking at past library literature, this article highlights ways to incorporate documentation into acquisitions, serials, and cataloging units while emphasizing the importance of these activities and making sure all staff members are involved.  相似文献   

OCLC's on-line services began in 1971, but only for monographic cataloging. It was 1974 when serials records were first allowed into OCLC's data base. Then came CONSER in 1975, serials check-in in 1976, and card production for serials cataloging in 1977. The University of Illinois at Urbann-Champaign (UIUC) has gradually increased its use of 0CLC's serials services for preorder searching, precatalog searching, and, most recently, full serials cataloging and card production. But UIUC has not committed itself to the use of OCLC for serials check-in or the planned acquisitions system. It will depend on the alternatives.  相似文献   

制定分编工作细则规范套录编目的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
套录编目是现代图书编目的一种重要手段,本文在介绍套录数据种类的基础上,阐述了套录编目的优点和存在问题,强调制定分编工作细则以规范套录编目。  相似文献   

The staff of the Quillen-Dishner College of Medicine Library cataloged 702 audiovisual titles between July 1, 1982, and June 30, 1983, using the OCLC database. This paper discusses the library's audiovisual collection and describes the method and scope of a study conducted during this project, the cataloging standards and conventions adopted, the assignment and use of NLM classification, the provision of summaries for programs, and the amount of staff time expended in cataloging typical items. An analysis of the use of OCLC for this project resulted in the following findings: the rate of successful searches for audiovisual copy was 82.4%; the error rate for records used was 41.9%; modifications were required in every record used; the Library of Congress and seven member institutions provided 62.8% of the records used. It was concluded that the effort to establish bibliographic control of audiovisuals is not widespread and that expanded and improved audiovisual cataloging by the Library of Congress and the National Library of Medicine would substantially contribute to that goal.  相似文献   

随着计算机编目的开展,套录编目已经成为当前图书馆编目工作的主要形式。利用套录数据编目,可以提高工作效率和数据质量,还可以解决图书馆编目人员不足的问题。介绍了图书馆套录数据的各种来源,分析了套录数据存在的问题,探讨了解决这些问题的办法。  相似文献   

An experiment in latest entry cataloging of selected serial title changes is currently being conducted at Northwestern University Library. The integrated structure of Northwestern's automated system NOTIS and its applications to serials processing were primary factors leading to the investigation of latest entry cataloging as an alternative to the current standard of successive entry cataloging for serial title changes. A systematic investigation was conducted through most of 1985 and allowed project staff to identify and evaluate a number of concerns and problems. The study team is encouraged with the results, but will continue gathering cataloging statistics and will conduct user studies before adopting latest entry cataloging as a permanent option.  相似文献   

In 1993, the administration of the Wright State University Libraries decided to outsource its cataloging operations to improve the quality and reduce the costs of cataloging. A number of alternatives were considered and rejected; outsourcing was deemed to be the most appropriate solution for WSU. The decision was influenced by the business management literature that advocates radical reengineering of processes. Although some acquisitions processes have been performed for years by vendors, these processes should be reexamined and questioned, especially with the rise of electronic publishing. Increased outsourcing of acquisitions may be one answer. Even with outsourcing, acquisitions managers will still be required, but they will need a broad set of skills and qualities to face the new electronic environment. These skills are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

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