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基于农远工程实施过程中河南省农村基础教育课程教师信息化教学能力的实际状况,从教师要提高自身素质、地方教育部门要加强教师教育技术能力培训的力度和实效性、学校要建立信息化教学的环境保障和激励机制三方面提出了促进教师信息化教学能力提升的针对性建议。  相似文献   

The increasing dominance of educational markets means that quality of higher education has the character of open signifiers of periodic occurrence, embedded institutionally as ways of consensual communication on how to go on as smoothly as possible. This promotes the growth of context dependent and local interpretations of how to meet in agreement regarding quality in everyday practices. All interpretations are contextualised and as a result are nullified outside the context in which they occur. Discourses on quality promote flexibility and create periodic legitimacy through discursive nullification processes. On the other hand, institutions have to adopt standards in education as a measure of outcome indicators for benchmarking. When quality is replaced by standards and if standards are equivalent to labour market relevance this might signal the beginning of overall external control over higher education. In the long run it will hardly benefit educational programmes if institutions of higher educations fail to ‘stand for’ quality that, in the very least, can supplement the fulfilment of politically determined targets and standards. In this way the market will have not only graduates who are going into employment but also engaged citizens who can transform and challenge the market.  相似文献   

Over the last half century, in varying degrees and under various names, there has been much interest in learning throughout life for everybody. Although what has been written has stressed its necessity and feasibility, little has been achieved. As is common to all things educational, it has lagged behind the times. Little considered and highly resistant among the obstacles to it are the current concepts, institutions and practices of education. The widespread, systematic study of education in the 19th century grew out of the need to train teachers required by the introduction of universal primary schooling. Concentration by teacher trainers on this task, and their struggle to establish their subject as a coherent discipline to be taught in institutions of higher education was such that the prevailing view of education came to be restricted not merely mainly, as hitherto, but only, to the upbringing of children and young people. Rejecting this view of necessity, adult educationalists have sought for their own field academic recognition as a discipline, emphasizing their differences from initial education. Study of current educational writings from many countries shows that the reconciliation of these two positions, necessary to lifelong education, has not gone very far. Consideration of what might be done to create a process and a habit of lifelong learning for all on the basis of current practice and theory of initial education and adult education, of which lifelong education can only be a contributory element, will require fundamental changes in both. There are few signs so far of the political will and the sense of urgency that will apparently be required.  相似文献   

随着现代远程教育的迅速发展,教育质量引发全社会的关注。教学模式的改变需要教学与管理改革,建立和完善相关的政策法规和科学有效的检查评估机制。加强学校内部管理机制,保证教学环节的落实。整合教学资源充分发挥教学平台的作用是主要措施。保证现代远程教育质量,必须从外部(教育行政部门)和内部(学校)两个方面加强质量保证体系建设。  相似文献   

加强学业职业规划教育是地方性高校提高研究生教育质量和就业水平的必要环节。激发研究生能动性和提高职业规划地位是职业规划教育实施的前提,阶段划分、主客体确认、支撑资源建设和预期效果评估是职业规划教育体系的基本构成,实施则需要从理论与实践相互结合、校内与校外相互衔接、本科教育与研究生教育相互借鉴以及教育功能与地方经济社会发展相互促进四个维度确定模式与途径。  相似文献   

思想素质教育是一个系统工程,在知识经济时代的今天,大学生的思想教育出现了许多新情况、新问题,过去那种教育形式和做法远远不能解决现在大学生较深层次的思想认识问题.用解放思想、实事求是的科学精神,促进教育活动系列化、教育渠道网络化,对这些深层次问题的解决是有益的.  相似文献   

The increasing number of immigrants living and working in Greece has proven to be a challenge for the social as well as educational policy of this country. In order to help adult immigrants to integrate into society and facilitate their access to the job market, the Greek state has introduced special language education programmes. This paper discusses the current trends in Greece regarding immigrant language education and presents findings of a survey which aimed at exploring immigrants’ language needs and preferences. The results of this survey indicate a high interest by immigrants in learning Greek but a very low level of enrolment on and attendance of language courses. As a knowledge of Greek is necessary to improve immigrants’ socio‐economic and professional status, it is suggested that cooperation between immigrant associations and educational policy‐makers is necessary for the design of successful language programmes and the promotion of Greece’s policy of integration.  相似文献   

新的经济环境和就业形势对高职院校商务专业的人才培养提出了新的要求,如何培养符合社会需要的复合型人才成为了高职院校的一个新课题。要提高商务英语专业的教学质量就需要改变原有的教学方法。任务导向教学法在高职商务英语教学过程中的应用是十分重要和必要的,为商务英语教学提供了一种新的思路。在教学中要改变传统的教育质量观,在项目中完成能力培养;要适应"90后"特点,注重学生能力本位教育;提高教学过程实践性,实现"教学做"一体化。  相似文献   

李丽 《成人教育》2019,39(5):59-62
行之有效地开展农民继续教育是农业地区地方高校助力提高农民素质、促进农民就业增收、解决"三农"问题的重要举措,对实现农业转型升级和乡村振兴具有重要意义。通过对农业地区地方高校开展农民继续教育的重要意义进行深入分析,结合地方高校在开展农民继续教育工作中面临的机遇和挑战,提出了应明确服务面向农村地方经济的办学理念;构建以培养新型职业农民为核心的农民继续教育体系等策略,以期为地方高校积极探索开展农民继续教育的新路径和新思路,推动乡村振兴提供参考。  相似文献   

Recent technological developments have greatly influenced the ways American universities deliver educational course offerings to students at a distance. The perception of pre-service teachers in distance education programmes is germane to the planning and delivery of distance education courses in teacher education departments in the future. The results of this American study revealed a differing perception between male and female students in the area of course structure, student/teacher interaction, overall course satisfaction and peer interaction. As a result of this study, recommendations are provided for teacher preparation programmes to improve distance education course offerings for prospective teachers in the USA and implications for educators involved in teacher preparation internationally.  相似文献   

知识经济的来临引致了对既有高等教育理念的新思考和再认识 .知识经济的发展给正处在由计划经济向市场经济体制转变过程中的云南高等教育事业的改革和发展提出了严峻的挑战 ,同时也提供了前所未有的新契机 .云南高等教育中存在的问题主要是政府对高等教育介入太深 ,管得过细过死 ,使高校成了政府的附属部门 ,而不是具有明晰的经济功能和社会功能的法人实体 ;高校缺少必要的办学自主权 ,不能根据市场需求来优化自身的资源配置 ;专业设置不能适应地方经济社会发展特点 ;教学管理体制不尽合理等 .云南的高等教育一方面要走产学研三结合一体化的道路 ,抓住科技成果转化和高新技术产业化这一知识经济的关键环节 ,促进科技对我省国民经济增长的贡献率 ;另一方面 ,要优化教育结构 ,提高办学质量和办学效益 ,为云南的经济社会发展培养和造就大批知识型的劳动者 .总之 ,打破旧的高校行政管理体制 ,改革我省高校的投资体制和以学年制为主的教学管理模式 ,加快师资队伍培训的速度 ,迎接知识经济的到来 ,这是云南高等教育的必由之路  相似文献   

大学与中学思想政治教材内容重复现象引起人们越来越多的关注,对此,见仁见智、众说纷纭。事实上,有些重复是很必要的,因为它可以帮助同学们记忆,提高思想政治教育的教学质量,而有些重复又是令人反感、厌恶的,它会让学生感到疲劳,丧失学习的兴趣,所以必要的重复应该怎么去做,重复的频率是多少,如何避免不必要的重复,这些都是本文要阐述的问题。  相似文献   

This paper looks at reasons why women are still under‐represented in tertiary level technological education after 20 years of discussion, and argues that it is important for society to look at ways of not only improving educational access to women but also providing equal benefit once enrolled. Distance education is often seen as a solution to access problems but the particular needs of women in distance education must be considered. Financial, attitudinal and skills barriers may need to be overcome if there is a pre‐enrolment requirement of quality access to computing equipment. Ways of improving both participation and persistence of women in information technology courses are discussed.  相似文献   

开展现代远程开放教育,地市电大应找准位置,履行职能,拓展功能,发挥自身优势,尽快转变教育观念,加强基础设施建设。完善教学质量保证体系,培养合格的应用型人才,把电大建设成当地的现代远程教育学习中心。  相似文献   

文化素质教育应确立全人教育理念   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
要使文化素质教育更深入更有效 ,必须确立起全人教育理念。当前的大学文化素质教育 ,由于离开大学生整体素质的培养 ,孤立地、局部地进行文化素质教育 ,实践效果欠佳。全人教育理念是对大学教育特别是大学文化素质教育的正确定位 ,是教育者对教育的理想追求 ,它强调的是在文化教养、专业水平和综合素质等方面培养完全的相对完善和完美的人。在全人教育理念与素质教育观的指导下 ,教化、示范、养成是深入开展文化素质教育的基本途径。  相似文献   

高等师范院校可持续发展教育实习模式探析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
高等师范院校的教育实习教学环节,是由师范教育的实践性所决定的。抓好高等师范院校学生的教育实习教学环节,是提高高等师范院校学生教育教学实践技能的重要途径。高等师范院校应提高认识,改革传统教育实习中存在的弊端,探讨解决其存在问题的方法,建立可持续发展教育实习模式,完善教育实习质量监控机制,确保教育实习质量,为用人单位提供具有较高教育教学实践技能的合格教师,从而促进高等师范教育可持续发展。  相似文献   

This study investigates possible relationships among motivational and learning variables (interest, self‐efficacy and self‐regulation) and three types of student engagement (behavioural engagement, emotional engagement and cognitive engagement) in a distance education setting. Participants were 203 students enrolled in online classes in the fall semester of 2008 in the Schools of Gerontology and Engineering at a large research university in the south‐western USA, who completed an online survey assessing their levels of situational interest, computer self‐efficacy, self‐regulation and engagement in distance education. Situational interest and self‐regulation were found to be significantly correlated with three types of engagement (behavioural, emotional and cognitive), while computer self‐efficacy did not appear to be associated with any of those engagement variables. Results suggested that online activities and tools such as multimedia and discussion boards may increase emotional engagement in online learning, although they do not necessarily increase behavioural or cognitive engagement, that educators should identify students who are taking online courses for the first time and provide necessary technical help to increase their emotional engagement, and that it is important for educators to offer students strategies for increasing their self‐regulation in distance education environments.  相似文献   

论职业教育中的创业教育渗透   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着社会经济发展以及产业结构变化,劳动力供大于求的现状,使就业面临着前所未有的压力。因此,在职业院校渗透创业教育,培养大批具有强烈创业意识和创业能力,敢于创业、勇于创业的人才,具有相当重要的现实意义,是培养大批适应新世纪需要的高素质劳动者的具有前瞻性的对策。渗透创业教育的导向在于加强培养创业精神、掌握创业本领、增设创业教育课程、进行学科渗透教育,重在联系实际和能力的培养,注重知识的生活应用,以体现学以致用的教育原则。  相似文献   

我国加入WTO以后,高等职业教育将面临巨大的挑战。高职院校要想在激烈的竞争中立于不败之地,必须进行改革。首先要转变教育思想和观念,树立正确的人才观、质量观和教学观。高职教育要突出其应用性、实践性,以满足社会需求为目标构建课程体系。加强实践教学环节,提高学生的理论应用能力,走产学研合作的道路。  相似文献   

英国QAA的学科评估方法及其启示   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
提高高等教育质量的一个有效方法是对高等学校进行质量评估,远程高等教育也不例外。英国长期坚持对高校教育质量进行评估,并不断创新完善,建立了高等教育质量保障总署(QAA),既对传统高等教育也对远程高等教育进行评估,建立了一套系统的、有效的评估体系。本文重点对QAA的学科评估方法进行分析,希望能对我国当前正在组织实施的包括网络远程教育在内的高等教育评估提供一些启示。  相似文献   

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