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本文报道独叶草 Kingdoinia uniflora 的花、果实和种子的形态结构规律。  花的各部分     多而无定数,呈螺旋状排列。花被片的脉序呈开放的二叉分枝,可分三类。雄蕊分能育和不     育两类,维管束单一,后者顶端的凹沟内具蜜腺,前者的花粉囊呈侧向-外向着生。心皮分化     为三部分,子房具柄,含1枚横生胚珠。开花时,心皮不完全闭合,属半开放型,近似黄连属(Coptis)植物。聚合瘦果,种子1枚,胚处于原胚期,胚乳丰富。文中还讨论了有关形态演化问题。  相似文献   

冯志舟 《百科知识》2009,(24):34-34
花单叶孤 1914年,一位名叫史密斯的英国人在云南滇藏交界的梅里雪山上发现了一种高不足10厘米、只生一片近圆形叶子的植物。这种植物的茎是带有细长分枝的根状茎,茎上长着许多鳞片和不定根,开一朵淡绿色的花;叶和花的长柄就着生在根状茎的节上。从地上看,好像这只是一株独立的植物,所以史密斯称之为独叶草。此发现一经公布,立即引起了国内外学者的兴趣。  相似文献   

台湾杉属Taiwania包括秃杉T.flousiana Gaussen和台湾杉T.cryptomerioides Hayata 两种。秃杉现已列为我国一级国家重点保护植物。本文作者在光学显微镜和扫描电镜下,系统    观察了秃杉营养苗端,叶角质层内、外表面及叶子内部结构,幼茎,茎的次生韧皮部和次生木质 部的结构等。通过对秃杉各营养器官形态结构的观察,并结合有关文献资料,同杉科其它各属作了比较分析,我们不赞同将台湾杉属提升为一个单型科——台湾杉科的主张,而支持Hayata (1906;1907)早期提出的关于台湾杉属应作为杉科中的一个属,其系统位置可介于密叶杉属与杉木属之间的观点。  相似文献   

独叶草属的胚乳发育为五福花型,其早期分化属细胞型;胚胎发育为石竹型下的独叶草亚型;珠   被内层的部分细胞形成栅栏组织状,最后消失或近于消失;反足细胞宿存,部分不育大孢子宿存并和部  分珠心组织一起形成珠孔塞状结构。这些性状表明它与星叶草属间的相似性要大于与毛茛目其它成员 间的相似性。  相似文献   

独叶草花粉形态的研究及其在分类上的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 独叶草  (Kingdonia uniflora Balfour f.et W.W.Smith)  为我国特有植物,     由于它的开放的二叉分枝叶脉,引起了植物学家的很大兴趣和广泛注意,并从     各个方面对它进行了研究。关于它的花粉形态,除Forster(1961)曾有过简短     描述外,国内外都未研究过。本文对它的花粉形态进行了系统的研究,通过光学     显微镜、扫描电镜和透射电镜观察了它的外部形态和外壁结构。  并讨论了有关    分类问题。  相似文献   

1.  The present paper describes the observations of chromosome  numbers  and karyomorphology of 2 species of 2 endemic genera and I endemic species of Chinese Ranunculaceae: Asteropyrum peltatum (Franch.)  Drumm et Hutch. 2n=16, x=8; Kingdonia unifolia Balf. f. et W. W. Sm. 2n=18, x=9 and Calathodes oxycarpa Spra- gue 2n=16, x=8.  The chromosome counts of three ranunculaceous genera are repor- ted for the first time.       2.  The morphylogical, palynological and cytological date in relation to the syste- matic postition of Asteropyrum, Kingdonia and Calathodes within the family Ranun- culaceae are diseussed and resulted in following conclusions:       (1).  On the basis of the basic number x=8 in Asteropyrum, it is further con- firmed that this genus is distinct from the r elated genera such as Isopyrum, Dichocarp- um and other allied taxa.       The comparison of Asteropyrum with Coptis shows that they are identical in short chromosomes, with magnoflorina and benzylisaquinodine type of alkaloides, but dif- ferent from coptis in the chromosome numbers (T-type), pantocolpate pollens, united carpels and the dorsi-ventral type of petioles.  In view of these fundamental morpho- logical and cytological differences, Asterop yrum is better raised to the level of Tribe. However Asteropyrum and Coptis may represent two divaricate evolutional lines of Thalictroideae.       (2).  The systematic position of the genus Kingdonia has been much disputed in the past.  We support the view of Sinnote (1914), namely, the trilacunar in leaf traces “the ancient type”, appeared in the angiosperm line very early, while the uni- lacunar of Kingdonia may be derived from the trilacunar.  On the basis of the chromo- some numbers and morphylogical observation, the present writer accept Tamura’s and Wang’s treatment by keeping Kingdonia in Ranunculaceae instead of raising it to a family rank as has been been done by Forster  (1961).  Kingdonia and  Coptis are similar in having short chromosome with x=9, but with one-seeded fruits; therefore it is suggested that placed into Thalictroideae as an independent tribe, indicating its close relationship with Coptideae.        (3).  Comparing with its allies, Calathodes being with out petals, seems to be more  primitive than Trollius. But Calathodes differs from Trollius with R-type chromosomes in having T-type chromosome with x=8 and subterminal centromere.  Those charac- teristics show that it is very similar to the related genera of Thalictroideae.  But as Kurita already pointed out that most speci es of Ranunculus have usually large long chromosomes but some species have compar ativelly short chromosomes, therefore we regard T-type and R-type chromosomes appear independently in different subfamilies of Ranunculaceae. According to Tamura, G alathodes seems to be  closely related  to Megaleranthis, because of the resemblance in follicles.  But due to lack of cytological data of the latter genus, the relationship between the two genera still is not clear pen- ding further studies. From the fact that the  morphology and  chromosomes  of  the Calathodes differs from that of all other genera of the Helleboroideae, we consider Calathodes may form an independent tribe of its own with a closer relationship withTrollieae.  相似文献   

   本文根据我国薯蓣属(Dioscorea L.)根状茎组(Sect.  Stenophora Uline)的外部形态特征、细胞染色体数、花粉形态、植物化学成分、地理分布等的规律,证明根状茎组是该属中的一个比较原始的自然类群:1.具横走的多年生地下根状茎,其它组是一年生或多年生的块茎;2.大部分是2倍体,其它组是多倍体;3.花粉粒单沟型,外壁纹饰网纹或颗粒条纹,其它组为双沟型,外壁纹饰网纹;4.含甾体皂甙元(steroidal sapogenin),其它组不含。   我们的研究观察证明,N.N.TepaCNMeHKO根据R.Knuth系统(1924)提出的薯蓣皂甙元在该属中无分布规律的说法是无充分依据的。   本文讨论了某些组或种的划分及系统位置:取消sect.Illigerestrum Prain et Burk.;将马    肠薯蓣(D.simulans Prain et Burk.)改属根状茎组;触丝薯蓣(D.tentaculigera Prain et Burk.)应列入顶生翅组  (Sect.shannicorea Prain et Burk.),  并提出了盾叶薯蓣  (D. zingiberensis  Wright)和穿龙薯蓣(D.nipponica Makino)种的划分和定名的意见。  相似文献   

就如何正确应用ILASII2.0流通子系统的统计功能进行了阐述.  相似文献   

实验室知识生产的多样性问题是当前我国重组国家重点实验室体系的重难点。但是,当前科学哲学界主流的拉图尔的社会结构说、库恩的认知结构说,都无法解决实验室知识生产的多样性问题。作者结合社会结构说和认知结构说,以歌德开创的直接描述实验室知识生产进程的现象学方法形态学为工作平台,剖析实验室知识生产的多样性问题。在形态学视角下,实验室是形态建构的描述产物,实验室知识生产的多样性是实验室形态建构的描述结果。实验室的形态学表现出三个充分条件:实验室的原型(形变本原)、实验室的形态素(形变因素)、实验室的类型(形变结果)。本文研究开阔了形态学方法的应用领域,并为国家重组国家重点实验室体系提供更多描述性的经验支撑。  相似文献   

模糊集理论几十年来在许多领域都得到了广泛的应用,特别是在模糊信息处理及模式识别中的应用。在图像物体特征提取和识别方面,数学形态学是一门非常实用的图像处理技术。基于完备格上的数学形态学,以此推导在模糊集理论上建立数学形态学,并讨论了模糊形态学算子的相关性质。  相似文献   

 The present paper is an attempt to throw some light on two Composite genera, Cavea W. W. Smith et Small and Nannoglottis Maxim., of which the generic  features and the systematic position were heretofore rather badly known.       Cavea, a monotypic genus based upon Saussurea salwinensis Drumm., was described by W. W. Smith and Small as monocious.  From the ample material now in our com- mand, it is found that the genus is either monocious and dioecious, the capitula in the latter case being homogamous.  The individuals exclusively provided with sterile flowers are usually smaller in size, sometimes even stemless.   Such  repartition  of  sexes  was known in the subtribe Plucheinae (tribe Inuleae), to which W. W. Smith and Small were correct to ascribe their genus.       Nannoglottis was considered by Maximovicz as un abnormal  genus  of  the  tribe Inuleae, having heterogamous capitula with one series of peripheric fertile ligulate pistil- late flowers.  Having examined the type specimen of N. carpesioices Maxim. and the ex- tensive collection from Kansu and Tsinghai, we incline to say that the genetic characters as discerned by Maximovicz are doubtlessly due  to  his  inaccurate  observation.   The flowers of Nannoglottis are in fact trimorphous, of which the  pistillate ones  are  2-3- seriate, the outer being shortly ligulate and the inner, short-tubulate with truncate apex. Handel-Mazzetti, much later, indicated that, in another species, the pistillate flowers are 2-3-seriate, but no mention was made about the inner tubulate pistillate flowers.       Franchet, appearing to be unware of Maximovicz's genus, founded his Stereosanthus Franch. and considered it as a genus intermediate between the tribes Inuleae and Sene- cioneae.  The genus was misinterpreted by Franchet as having dimorphous flowers, the pistillate ones being all ligulate.  Curious enough, one of the major generic features, viz., the presence of inner tubulate pistillate flowers, was neglected by all early botanists and was first recognized by Handel-Mazzetti fourty years later.       However, Handel-Mazzetti was still unacquainted with the characters of Nannoglot- tis and proposed therefore his new genus Vierhapperia Hand.-Mzt. on the reason that the flowers are trimorphous.  Moreover, he compared his genus with Conyza L. and Erigeron L. of the tribe Astereae, but the characters marked by him appear not to be different from those of Nannoglottis.       From the above morphological comparaison, it is evident that Nannoglottis and two other genera in question possess in common important characters in the general appea- rance, the flower-forms and the structure of achenes and pappus.  The differences in the disposition of involucral bracts and the length of ligules are criteria good for separating species, but can hardly be regarded as sufficient  for  generic  delimitation.   Moreover, these three genera are almost similar in their geographical distribution.  These points are adequate to warrant that Stereosanthus and Vierhapperia are in reality congeneric with Nannoglottis.      Nannoglottis appears to have been correctly placed by Hoffmann  in  the subtribe Senecioninae (tribe Senecioneae) though in that subtribe it finds no close relatives.  On account of the outstanding characters of the genus, a further study of its systematic posi- tion is required.      The present paper is brought to close by a tentative scheme of classification of the genus so amplified, of which two sections, namely, sect. Stenolepis Ling et Y. L. Chen (Stereosanthus Franch., p. p. min.) and sect. Nannoglottis  (Stereosanthus  Franch., p. p.maxim.; Vierhapperia Hand.-Mzt.), altogether including 9 species, are being proposed.  相似文献   

泰山苋的名实问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发现泰山苋 A.taishanensis F.Z.Li et C.K.Ni即为源于美洲的合被苋 A.Polygonoides L .,故于归并。  相似文献   

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