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UDI通用教学设计(Universal Design for Instruction)源于建筑学中无障碍设计理念通用设计(Universal Design),目的是开发和应用技术使学习障碍者的学习机会最大化,文章基于UDI通用教学设计的使用原则,根据Geary提出的三个数学障碍的亚类型,利用各种技术手段刺激学生的三大学习网络,针对数学学习障碍学生提出了具体的教学策略。  相似文献   

UDI通用教学设计(Universal Design for Instruction)源于建筑学中无障碍设计理念通用设计(Universal Design),目的是开发和应用技术使学习障碍者的学习机会最大化,文章基于UDI通用教学设计的使用原则,根据Geary提出的三个数学障碍的亚类型,利用各种技术手段刺激学生的三大学习网络,针对数学学习障碍学生提出了具体的教学策略。  相似文献   

在大学英语教学中,教学环境的创设是每位英语教师需要精心设计的重要环节。20世纪80年代美国CAST(Center For Applied Special Technology)组织提出的"全方位教学设计"(UDL)(Universal Design ForLearning)的教学理念就是强调分析学生,设计教学,制订目标,将现代技术用于教学。本文运用"全方位教学设计"(UDL)(Universal Design For Learning)的理念为大学一年级非英语专业的学生设计了为期一个月的大学英语教学实践,通过这次教学实践活动,笔者对"全方位教学设计"(UDL)(Universal Design For Learning)的理念有了更为深刻的理解:教学设计,教学手段及教学评估的方法是成功教学的关键。  相似文献   

Design Thinking(设计性思维)理念是本世纪初在管理教育领域出现的一种教育改革理念。同为新兴的教育理念.Design Thinking理念与当前高等工程教育领域的CDIO(构思·设计·现实·运作的英文缩写)模式有许多异曲同工之处。同时,二者也存在着较明显的差异。通过把Design Thinking与当前较为成熟的CDIO进行详细对比.可以深入解读和分析Design Thinking观点的特点,并由此探讨Design Thinking理念对我国当前管理教育改革的启示。  相似文献   

从某种意义上说,21世纪是万能设计(Universal Design)的世纪。本从认识和分析UD理念入手,结合21世纪社会的特点,提出了将UD理念引入高等教育的现实意义以及如何贯彻这一理念的具体措施。  相似文献   

本对当前比较流行的几种教学设计理论——泛能教学设计(Universal Design for Leaming)、贯一教学设计(Grounded design for design)、基于学习活动的教学设计、建构主义教学设计(Constructivist Learning Environments)和混合学习(blending learning),从若干个维度,如理论依据、核心思想、使用范围等,进行了分析、比较,希望能对当前实际的教学设计工作提供一些启示。  相似文献   

通过概括垂直搜索应用在教育领域中的应用,分析了其发展要求。在此基础上,提出了垂直搜索引擎在教育领域中的创新应用。  相似文献   

2012年6月29日,Adobe在北京召开了Adobe CS6创意软件巡展发布会,正式在中国推出其最新CS6系列软件。Adobe Creative Suite6针对教育领域用户推出师生版,由Photoshop、Acrobat X、Flash、Dreamweaver、Illustrator、Fireworks、InDesign、Design Standard及Design&Web Premium  相似文献   

人工智能技术在教育领域的应用,改变了学校管理、教师教学、学生学习的传统模式,为教育的高质量发展提供了技术支持.当前人工智能技术在教育领域的应用还面临诸多问题,基于行动者网络理论分析人工智能在教育领域行动者网络中的行动者构成和转译,发现人工智能在教育领域行动者网络的强制通行点是人工智能技术的创新发展.  相似文献   

UDI(Universal Design for Instruction)全方位教学设计理论,是近些年来教学设计领域较为新的概念之一,它发展了关乎残疾人无障碍环境设计的理念,并结合多媒体数字技术,网络平台技术,试图建立一个立体、全方位的教学设计模式,从而满足各种学习风格,各个水平的学习者的需要,最大化每个学生的学习机会。它总结了近些年来脑科学研究的成果,媒体特性的研究,来设定合适的学习目标去关乎每一个学习个体,选择和发展有效的方法和材料,去促进、评估学生的进步。希望能和国内外同行探讨这些应用实践中的困难和差距,借鉴美国的成功经验,比较总结中美教育的共同问题,为以后教学设计有效地在教育教学领域发挥作用,提供一些有意义的见解。  相似文献   

This paper describes the use of newspapers in a philosophy of science course.Using the newspaper as a required text facilitates student exploration of the nature of science by examining current scientific topics. Students in the course read The New York Times on a weekly basis. The articles from the Times support two pedagogical activities: newspaper journals and weekly discussions. The journals consist of free responses to published articles and serve as a means to encourage students to direct their own learning. The weekly discussions permit a free exchange of ideas about controversial topics while facilitating discourse about a multitude of topics concerning the nature of science. This paper describes the course design and provides several examples of how newspaper articles can be used as pedagogical resource.  相似文献   

标准的简化是值得人们长期研究和探讨的一个问题。本文侧重对“尺寸注法”国家标准(GB4458.4—84)中的部分条文提出了几条修改意见:对条文的准确性、图例的示范性进行论述;对标准中线性尺寸的数字方向、尺寸线的终端形式中,均允许两种形式并存的不合理性进行分析,提出只能用一种形式的好处;也提出有些规定要扩大其使用范围的必要性和可能性。是使标准简化,适用范围扩大,图样中标注统一、明了,标准得以合理发展的有益之举。  相似文献   

This paper presents a systematic review of university students’ emotions in connection with virtual learning based on 91 articles published between 2002 and 2017 in four international journals that focus on virtual learning and educational technology or on learning in higher education. These journals were considered potential channels for research on emotions in virtual learning and higher education. The objective was to analyse the articles for concepts and theoretical background related to virtual learning and emotions, contextual focus, methodological choice, and/or results. The review showed that the most common emotion-related concept was “satisfaction.” The most common context for the articles was a complete non-physical learning environment (e.g. Second Life). Approximately 60% of the articles used quantitative methods. The most common design for studying emotions was an explanatory design. Students’ emotions were mainly studied through concepts related to emotion (e.g. “satisfaction”). Yet only a few of the studies focused on the fluctuation of emotions in the course of events, relying instead on post hoc data that treat students’ emotions as traits rather than states.  相似文献   

In this article, I comment on the seven articles that appeared in the special issues of Educational Technology Research and Development (1998, 46(4); 1999, 47(2)) and an associated American Educational Research Association (AERA) symposium, as well as other selected developments in educational technology as presented in a recent edited volume (Jacobson & Kozma, in press). I address the importance of the research and development (R&D) described in these articles and identify five interconnected themes that cut across many of them: the centrality of design, the enabling capabilities of technology, collaboration with new partners, scaling up of projects, and the use of alternative research methodologies. Together, the projects described in these articles are defining new directions for educational technology that put it at the forefront of educational R&D. At the same time, I direct a critique and challenge to traditional instructional systems design (ISD) technology programs.  相似文献   

《全元文》在整理过程中未充分利用地方金石志,使不少理应收录的文献仍散罗其中。文章从地方石刻材料中辑得《全元文》失收之文六篇胪列于下,以补其阙。  相似文献   

黄侃诗文几经整理,搜罗大备,然尚有遗漏。通过爬梳载籍,发现黄侃佚文十二篇,凡序跋题辞五篇、释文二篇、书信四通、箴一篇,为当世已刊所未及,可补其阙。兹加以整理,并略加考释。  相似文献   

对期刊评价指标影响因子的修正   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据期刊评价指标影响因子的含义及计算方法,分析了决定影响因子高低的发文量、时间跨度和被引次数三个基本要素。同时为了克服该指标的缺陷,使期刊评价工作更加合理,提出对影响因子进行统计修正的思路及其期刊被引标准频次指标的设计,以求客观、公正的期刊评价。  相似文献   

The term "design experiments" was introduced in 1992, in articles by Ann Brown (1992) and Allan Collins (1992). Design experiments were developed as a way to carry out formative research to test and refine educational designs based on principles derived from prior research. More recently the term design research has been applied to this kind of work. In this article, we outline the goals of design research and how it is related to other methodologies. We illustrate how design research is carried out with two very different examples. And we provide guidelines for how design research can best be carried out in the future.  相似文献   

唐代社会神灵崇拜非常普及,祭神成为整个社会的风俗,与之伴生的祭神文在此时达到空前繁荣,文能通神的信仰盛行于世;唐代祭祀文化与祭祀文学存在密切相关性,唐代祭神文参与仪式,使仪式更具交流沟通性,让行为与过程再现并留存于文本。  相似文献   

Backward design is a course creation method that encourages teachers to identify their goals for student understanding and measurable objectives for learning from the outset. In this article we explore the application of backward design to the production of scholarly articles. Specifically, we report on a writing group program that encourages group goal setting and the acquisition of skills required to achieve these goals. We discuss the relationships between backward design principles and the development of scholarship for publication as well as offer suggestions of best practices for academic writers.  相似文献   

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