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名词化或名物化是汉语语法研究的棘手问题,直接影响汉语中名词和动词的划界.从认知语法角度观察,名词化是作为一般认知能力的概念物化作用的结果,光杆动词,动词短语、小句都可以发生名词化.  相似文献   

汉语中,当名词、动词做中心语时,对名词、动词做修饰、限制的修饰语,无一不是前置的,这就表现了汉语所带修饰语位置关系的极端性。本文从汉语名词、动词的前置性修饰语入手进行分析,使汉语的名词、动词的前置性修饰语的位置极端化现象更加清晰、明了。  相似文献   

从隐喻的定义,俄、汉语与自然现象名词搭配的动词隐喻及其异同等四个方面,对俄汉语与自然现象名词搭配的动词隐喻进行了研究,旨在了解俄汉语的区别,俄汉两民族的不同认知方式,以及与表示自然现象的名词搭配的动词隐喻理据性,以便今后更加准确地掌握和使用此类词汇,促进俄语学习者的俄式语言思维,提高俄语动词隐喻形式使用的准确性,同时对更深层地研究俄语有一定的借鉴作用,也为今后研究俄汉的文化差异提供素材。  相似文献   

孙琴 《青海师专学报》2005,25(1):209-210
相对于语言学家热衷于研究现代汉语动词和形容词的配价,对名词的配价研究比较薄弱,本文重点总结了20世纪90年代以来语法学家在现代汉语名词配价研究领域取得的主要成果.  相似文献   

文章采用美国认知语言学家Langacker提出的“统括式扫描”和“序列式扫描”这两个概念,论述了人类对动态空间关系的两种常见认知策略,说明了在客观空间关系的句法表征中,不同的语义侧面是如何得到凸显的,并用英语和汉语的例子进行了对比,指出了英、汉语动词在完成性方面的差别。  相似文献   

在现代汉语中,名词用作动词现象主要表现为名词后面带宾语、名词(或名词性词组)用作句子的谓语中心并在其后出现助词“着”等五种情况。名词之所以能用作动词与人类认知心理有密切关系,特别是认知中的语义联想机制在名词用为动词的过程中发挥了巨大作用。对活用和误用两种性质不同的转类现象进行了区分,并划分了转类和非转类、转类与兼类现象。  相似文献   

周小文 《现代语文》2014,(3):142-145
通过实验激发说汉语者创造名词动用,发现汉语名词动用对来自英语处所类动词与移位类动词的两类致使-移动情境敏感。在致使-移动情境?中,被试强烈地倾向于选择表示位移终点的名词作为动词;在致使-移动情境Ⅱ中,被试强烈地倾向于选择表示位移物体的名词作为动词。这种选择表现出与英语的高度一致。实验结果表明,对可能转化为动词的名词的选择不是任意的,而是由主体的认知模式与概念结构所决定的。  相似文献   

从认知语法角度观察,光杆动词、动词短语、小句都可以发生名词化,但固化程度不同.固化程度较高的名词化可以在词典中予以标注,固化程度较低的名词化不必标注,而是由说话人在语境中通过计算(computing)产生.汉语中动词的名词化用法是通过构式派生(derivation by con st ruction)的,没有形态标记,名词化用法固化程度较低,这是造成汉语语言学界对其长期存在争议的根本原因.  相似文献   

转喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种认知能力,在汉语动词名词化的过程中,转喻具有极强的解释力。用认知语法分析,动词名词化中的转指就是概念转喻这一认知能力作用的结果,其本质是以过程来转喻过程中的参与者。  相似文献   

转喻不仅是一种修辞手段,更是人类的一种认知能力,在汉语动词名词化的过程中,转喻具有极强的解释力。用认知语法分析,动词名词化中的转指就是概念转喻这一认知能力作用的结果,其本质是以过程来转喻过程中的参与者。  相似文献   

In Chjnese language, we all know tha some nouns can be used as verbs, for instance: "a a 4 t * * ." The originalmeaning ofee 8 '5s a bolt or IatCh, here it means to fasten with a boIt or a latch. As a noun, "ar means all the phenomenaassociatedwith eleCtrns andPTDtons. However ". - 4l t * o" "t,s a verb that means to give org6t an electric shock.Anothgr cxample is 'We 4 t t e". The charastcr W" does nO mean shoulder, bot means to undertahe or bear Evenin many Chinese idioms, it is easy t…  相似文献   

"转指"是指名词或动词语义发生变化,转而指称与其相关的另一个名词或与该动作相关的各种对象。本文考察《周易》中名、动词的转指,由于名、动词转指内涵相包含,我们将名、动词的兼类也看作用名词的一种广义的转指。动词的转指分为动词后附加助词的转指和不加助词的转指,二者转指性质不变。  相似文献   

The spelling of many disyllabic English word endings holds cues to their grammatical category, beyond obvious inflectional endings such as -ing for verbs. For example, some letter sequences are clearly associated with nouns (e.g., -oon) and others with verbs (e.g., -erge). This study extended recent research by Arciuli and Cupples (2006), and confirmed that skilled adult readers are sensitive to these orthographic cues. It was found that adults were more likely to treat pseudowords as nouns when they had noun-like endings than verb-like or control endings, and more likely to treat pseudowords as verbs when they had verb-like than noun-like endings. This sensitivity held across three tasks (sentence construction, sentence judgement, and pseudoword judgement), which required increasingly explicit awareness of the way that cues could allow grammatical categorisation. In some tasks sensitivity to verb-like endings was related to reading ability, although not to spelling ability or grammatical awareness. Implications for our understanding of language processing are discussed.  相似文献   

汉语语法学界普遍认为,只有少数双音节名动词可以直接充当定语,但实际上有相当一些动词也可以直接修饰名词。如果从反面人手找出哪些动词不可以修饰名词中心语,并对名词中心语进行分类,然后找出动词作定语时的语法位置,就能使人更清楚地认识这个问题。  相似文献   

论文根据对大约六百个动词的考察,认为现代汉语中有44个狭义非名宾动词、五百多个广义非名宾动词。这些非名宾动词可以按照功能性质进行分类,其中狭义非名宾动词可以分成4类,广义非名宾动词可以分成9类。通过分类描写,证实了这类动词的存在,真实地反映了它们的全貌。  相似文献   

提出了英语中也存在着与古汉语的使动用法类似的词的使动用法,并分析了这些使动词的词根,得出了英语中的使动词的词根多数是由动词、形容词及名词构成,而这与古汉语具有很大的可比性和相似性的重要结论。还对英语中的这些使动词在英语词汇中所占的比例进行了统计分析,使结论更加可靠。另外也比较了英汉使动用法的差异。  相似文献   

活跃在现代汉语中的成语,是从古代汉语中沿袭继承下来的,深深地打上了古代汉语的烙印,遗存了许多古代汉语的语法特点。对成语中词类活用的语法现象进行了探析,具体分析了成语中的使动用法、意动用法、名词用作动词、形容词用作动词以及名词作状语的语法现象,以加深对汉语成语中词类活用现象的理解,更好地把握成语深厚的文化意蕴。  相似文献   

韦达 《河池学院学报》2003,23(1):97-100
汉语和壮语的实词都有活用现象 ,本文具体介绍它们在名词用如动词和量词、动词用如名词和量词、形容词用如名词和动词等三个方面的共同之处 ,为的是使读者特别是学生能够通过对照、比较来加速掌握这种现象 ,摆脱古代汉语词类活用的困扰。  相似文献   

从隐现和替换看“关于”、“对于”的语义功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李秉震 《中国语文》2012,(2):139-148,192
"关于"、"对于"的隐现是由话题句内部话题和述题之间的语义关系决定的,当话题和述题之间语义关系密切时,"关于"、"对于"倾向于不使用,当语义关系不明确时,二者必须使用。"关于"、"对于"的替换由述题中的动词和名词性成分的语义小类决定,"关于"倾向与言说动词、内容义名词、言说动词的小句宾语共现,"对于"倾向与心理动词、心理名词及心理动词的小句宾语共现。当述题中的动词或名词兼有言说义和心理义时,二者可以互换。  相似文献   

Putting the "Noun Bias" in Context: A Comparison of English and Mandarin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently, researchers have been debating whether children exhibit a universal "noun bias" when learning a first language. The present study compares the proportions of nouns and verbs in the early vocabularies of 24 English- and 24 Mandarin-speaking toddlers ( M age = 20 months) and their mothers. Three different methods were used to measure the proportion of noun types, relative to verb types: controlled observations in three contexts (book reading, mechanical toy play, regular toy play), identical across languages; a vocabulary checklist (MacArthur Communicative Development Inventory); and mothers' reporting of their children's "first words." Across all measures, Mandarin-speaking children were found to have relatively fewer nouns and more verbs than English-speaking children. However, context itself played an important role in the proportions of nouns found in children's vocabularies, such that, regardless of the language spoken, children's vocabularies appeared dominated by nouns when they were engaged in book reading, but not when they were playing with toys. Mothers' speech to children showed the same language differences (relatively more verbs in Mandarin), although both Mandarin- and English-speaking mothers produced relatively more verbs than their children. In sum, whether or not language-learning toddlers demonstrate a "noun bias" depends on a variety of factors, including the methods by which their vocabularies are sampled and the contexts in which observations occur.  相似文献   

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