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1.今天谁值日? 正:WhO’s on duty today? 误:Wh0’s in duty today? 析:on duty的意思是“值日、值班”,是一个固定短语,on不能换成其他介词。2.我们都到齐了。正:We are all here.  相似文献   

If you are on duty todayA:Stand up!B:Good morning,class!A:(and all the students)Good morning,teacher!B:Sit down,please.Who is on duty today?A:I am.  相似文献   

让我们来看一个带有普遍性的课前导入的例子:T:Who' s duty on today?S: I am.T: What' s the date today?S: It' s March 20^th.  相似文献   

教学过程:Step1.R evision1.G reetings.2.Sing an English song“I love you”w ith thetape.3.T:W ho's on duty today?S1:I am.T:A re you ready?S1:Y es.T:O K。Com e here.G ive us a duty report.(S1w ho is on duty asks som e questions learntbefore.)(值日生报告活动  相似文献   

【知识梳理】1.重点短语: 1.sit down 2.on duty 3.in English 4.have a seat 5.at home 6.1ook like 7.look at 8.have a look 9.come on 10.at work ll.at school 12.put on 13.look after ld.get up 15.go shopping  相似文献   

笔者曾听过好多初中各个年级的英语课,开头都是形式千篇一律的值日生报告——教师问,学生答:Who’s on duty today?Is everyone here today?  相似文献   

1.Who's on duty today?今天谁值日? 本句常用来询问卫生值日情况。其回答通常是:I am./I'm on duty today./Li Lei is.等。2.You are welcome.不客气。它常单独使用,表示“不客气、不用谢”等意思,主要用来回答对方致谢的用语。相当于That's all right./That's OK./Not at all./  相似文献   

吕浙  碧群 《初中生》2007,(3):56-57,51
1. It was a summer afternoon and the temperature was nearly 37~C. Police officer Jack was still busy in the railway station, because he was on duty.  相似文献   

先请看下列句子;①There was no one in the street____the policemen on duty.②The street Wit s e mpty____the policemenn on duty.③I know nothing about it____what 1 heard from you.④Everyone was right____me.以上四个句子的空白处,该用 except 还是 except for?这是初学者常常遇到的难题。正因为二者都表示“除……之外”的意思,初学者往往受汉语的影响而发生误用。要正确地使用它们,必须弄清它们在含义上和用法上的区别。  相似文献   

单词识记:1.airplane n.飞机2.terrify v.使害怕,使恐惧;adj.terrified;be terrified of sb./sth.对某人/某事感到恐惧或害怕3.on adj.开着的,接通的,工作着的;be on在进行中;on duty在值日;on business在出差:on the wall在墙上4.insect n.昆虫  相似文献   

One evening,a British warship dropped anchor①nearMaldive.In the depth of the night,the sea was terriblycalm.Around four o’dock in the morning,Satalki,a seaman,was on duty.He was walking on the deck②when an idea came  相似文献   

一、介词短语1.in English 用英语2.in Chinese 用中文3.on duty 值日4.at home 在家5.at school 在学校6.in Picture 1 在图1中  相似文献   

为突出新课改,努力达到新课标所要求的目标,我们全体高一教师一直在摸索教学思路。我在吸取以前的教学心得基础上,本学期大胆尝试这样几点:一、每节课开始进行学生的on duty环节学生按学号顺序自己课前书写英语短文,不限定题材和体裁,但限定篇幅。必要时教师可以帮助学生查找资料并加以指导,避免出现语法错误或用词错误。该学生根  相似文献   

1. on show意思是“陈列,展览”。on表示“处于某种状态中”。show在此作名词用,与on构成短语,on 名词还有on duty(值日),on sale(出售),on business(出差),on leave(休假)等。例如:There are a number of model cars on show in the museum. 在博物馆里有许多模型汽车展出。Some of the old things are on sale now. 现在有些古老的东西正在出售。She went to Beijing on business last week. 上周她到北京出差去了。Her assistant is on leave now. 她的助理也正在休假。She could show you around next week. 她下周可以带你转转。…  相似文献   

一、利用课前三分种Free Talk的时间,因势利导,进行德育渗透每天课前三分钟的自由谈话或值日报告,教师可根据学生所说的内容进行适当的思想教育。例如,有一天,有个学生说了下面一段话:Iam on duty today.W hen Icleaned theclassroom,I found som e m oney on the floor.Everyone knows m oney is very useful.Now whocan guesswhatIwilldo with it?然后,启发学生回答:W e are sure he willnottake itby his own.H e willgive the m oney to the loser.这样一问一答,既能达到练习口语的目的,又能对学生进行拾金不昧的思想品德教育。二…  相似文献   

Tony marries Lucy.Tony娶了LucyHave a lovely baby.生了个可爱的宝贝From now on,they won’tlonely.从此他们不再孤寂Everyday they get upearly.每日早起Do their duty.尽职尽责To keep the baby healthy.让宝贝健康成长No matter it’s sunny,rainy or windy.无论风雨还是晴天To look after a baby isnot easy.照顾宝贝可真不容易  相似文献   

Spielberg and Hanks glorify WW Ⅱheroes in the 10-hour Band of Brothers, but Ken Tucker wonders if you'll do a full tour of duty. There are a couple of things that make it difficult to clearly assess Band of Brothers, the 10-hour World War Ⅱminiseries based on Stephen E. Ambrose's best-selling nonfiction book. First, it arrives at a time when a unique combination of  相似文献   

Repulse Bay( 浅水湾 ) The beach here is one of Hong Kong's most picturesque( 独特的 ). Golden sand lines the bay to the traditional Chinese-style Life Guard Club (香港拯溺总会). There are shower and changing facilities and lifeguards on duty from April to October. Formerly the old colonial Repulse Bay Hotel, the lovely, rebuilt Repulse Bay Arcade (有拱廊的街道)houses, shops and restaurants.  相似文献   

The population of the world is growing faster and faster,so the en-vironm ent of the earth is becoming worse and worse.The problem of the environm ent has already been one of the most im portant problems.The people on the earth don't care about the environment.They throw rubbish here and there.They spit in the public place.They cut down trees and so on.All of thesecause the environm ent problem.As am em ber of the society,we m ust dom y best to protect our environm ent.It's our duty to keep …  相似文献   

一、哪些名词与冠词无缘 1.泛指的抽象名词、物质名词或名词复数。例如: I’m on duty today. 2.大多数专有名词。例如:We speak Chinese. 3.表示家庭成员的名词。例如:Mother often does the cooking. 4.已有物主代词、指示代词、不定代词等修饰的名词。例如: My computer is new.  相似文献   

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