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在不断发展的通信运营体系中,通信运营商的客户已经从根据网络、品牌选择运营商转向根据终端选择运营商。获取客户的方式已经从传统的卡号销售变为终端销售。从销售卡号业务服务变为销售终端产品,传统的服务技术已经无法满足卖场需要,与零售业更为接近的沟通技巧对销售提升作用已经越发显著。针对运营商定制终端销售调查,本文提出了一系列销售策略、流程及沟通技巧,用于辅助运营商卖场终端销售人员销售技能提升。  相似文献   

何虎 《大众科技》2012,(12):41-42
行业应用服务在通信行业的过渡期是重要发展方向,行业应用服务的质量是市场营销和竞争的关键因素。当前,QCC提供了科学的企业管理方法,通过QCC,能够提高产品和服务质量。文章将讨论在通信行业应用服务中如何使用QCC,并研究在通信产业的市场营销中提高服务质量,提高竞争力的能力的实际方法。  相似文献   

随着数字化浪潮的涌现,数字经济必将对中国的经济产生更为深远的影响,表现在不仅将促进国内生产总值(GDP)更快速的增长,还将提升生产率、消费结构转型、优化投资结构、提升企业出口规模、提高人力资本质量,并引领新型智慧城市的发展。文章构建了非竞争型就业投入占用产出模型,采用支出法GDP(即最终支出的3个方面:消费、资本形成总额和出口总额)核算了我国数字经济的经济规模,最终估计3类支出所形成的经济规模分别对就业的影响效应。研究发现:(1)ICT(信息和通信技术)产业与传统产业的融合能够带动经济规模的扩张,特别是网络消费的增长,以此产生的消费导向型就业效应正在逐步扩大(使得非农就业占全部就业人数比例从2014年的15.2%增长到2016年的20.2%),其中未来应特别关注的发展领域应聚焦在医疗健康、文化娱乐和交通通讯。(2)数字经济对技术密集型制造业的就业影响强于劳动密集型和资本密集型,同时在生产型服务业中也表现出了强有力的就业影响效应,并促使我国产业经济从劳动密集型向技术密集型的转型。(3)中国的数字化转型将带来生产率的提升和创新的提速,并促进职业技能的培养,促使人力资本从低成本优势向职业技能优势转型,从而培养更高技能的劳动力队伍。  相似文献   

The use of the internet and social media have changed consumer behavior and the ways in which companies conduct their business. Social and digital marketing offers significant opportunities to organizations through lower costs, improved brand awareness and increased sales. However, significant challenges exist from negative electronic word-of-mouth as well as intrusive and irritating online brand presence. This article brings together the collective insight from several leading experts on issues relating to digital and social media marketing. The experts’ perspectives offer a detailed narrative on key aspects of this important topic as well as perspectives on more specific issues including artificial intelligence, augmented reality marketing, digital content management, mobile marketing and advertising, B2B marketing, electronic word of mouth and ethical issues therein. This research offers a significant and timely contribution to both researchers and practitioners in the form of challenges and opportunities where we highlight the limitations within the current research, outline the research gaps and develop the questions and propositions that can help advance knowledge within the domain of digital and social marketing.  相似文献   

刘凤芸 《科教文汇》2020,(10):118-119
本文结合当下宁夏葡萄酒行业的发展趋势,结合葡萄酒营销行业对专业素质能力与营销英语能力的需要,改革和创新市场导向下的营销专业大学英语实践教学目标和体系。在CDIO模式下,从英语实践课程框架的构思、设计的理念、实现的目标和运作策略等方面研究葡萄酒营销专业的英语实践课程设计,进一步树立新时代的葡萄酒营销职业发展理念,提高高职葡萄酒营销专业学生在葡萄酒行业的就业竞争力和专业可持续发展性,使其更好地服务于地方经济发展。  相似文献   

Over the last few years, information and communication technologies have become an essential part of daily life, affecting education, employment, and leisure, among other activities. Nonetheless, many individuals still reap few or no benefits from these technologies, and there are resilient gaps in their use. Within this larger context, the authors examine the Internet digital divide between people with and without disabilities from a multidimensional approach. Rather than analyzing the gap in terms of “haves” and “have-nots,” a range of Internet-related dimensions—affordability, motivation and attitudes, skills, usage, and others—is taken into account.  相似文献   

田朝晖 《大众科技》2014,(8):135-136
现代社会的进步和发展推动了我国人均生活水平的不断提升,同时,也加速了人们对汽车的需求,汽车营销成为了一个具有巨大市场发展前景的行业。汽车营销专业是一个集文化素养与专业技能相结合的学科,在教学的过程中,教师不仅仅要注重对学生进行知识和技能的讲解,更要通过教学活动,提升学生的文化素养和道德品质。文章主要对团队互助模式在汽车营销专业教学中应用的作用和方式进行分析,希望对汽车营销专业教学产生一定的辅助性作用,为学生未来的成长和发展奠定良好的基础。  相似文献   

目前我国物流人才十分紧缺,高职教育应面向就业市场,灵活设置物流专业,着力培养具有较强现代物流操作技能的实用人才。本文分别就现代物流人才的需求、物流管理专业教学存在的突出问题、物流行业就业岗位对人才的能力要求、物流管理专业加强实践教学几个方面进行了分析。  相似文献   

我国教育部门早在2009年提出的《高等职业教育英语课程教学基本要求》中就明确指出,高职高专院校要注重对学生英语交流能力的培养,需要学生具备运用英语处理本专业相关问题的业务能力。这也对高职高专院校教育类专业人才的培养提出了更高的要求。该文就教师职业能力培养背景下的高职高专大学英语立体化教学模式进行研究,对如何提升学生的英语运用能力进行客观、全面的分析,希望对同行业的教育工作者有所帮助。  相似文献   

我国保险市场是一个快速成长的巨大市场,因此,保险专业人才需求巨大,然而人才短缺已经成为制约我国保险业快速发展的主要瓶颈。2006年颁布的《国务院关于保险业改革发展的若干意见》明确指出,加快保险业改革发展对构建社会主义和谐社会意义重大,发展的潜力和空间巨大。一个行业的快速发展离不开人才的大量充实和培养,为此,大力发展保险专业高等教育,培养有一技之长的应用型人才已成为当务之急。  相似文献   

我国出版业面临数字化大变革,产业形态的升级换代己进入加速期。目前,推动传统出版企业向数字出版转型成为行业的核心任务之一。数字化改变了企业的经营战略和出版方式,改变了企业的内容、制作、传播、销售和增值服务等所有重要出版环节,催生了新型业态和新型的营销渠道,使出版企业的经营管理面临脱胎换骨的改造。本文从出版企业产业链各重要环节入手,着重探讨了数字化对出版企业经营管理的影响,提出了出版企业为顺应数字出版潮流在经营管理上应采取的对策措施,以对出版业数字出版的良性发展有所助益。  相似文献   

Marketing professionals face challenges of increasing complexity to adapt classic marketing strategies to the phenomenon of social networks. Companies are currently trying to take advantage of the useful collective knowledge available on social networks to support different types of marketing decisions. The appropriate analysis of this information can offer marketing professionals with important competitive advantages. This work proposes a new methodology to extract the social collective behavior of Twitter users concerning a group of brands based on the users’ temporal activity. Time series of mentions made by individual users to each company’s Twitter account are aggregated to obtain collective activity data for the companies, which is a consequence of both the company’s and other users’ actions. These data are processed using classical unsupervised machine learning techniques, such as temporal clustering and hidden Markov models, to extract collective temporal behavior patterns and models of the dynamics of customers over time for a single brand and groups of brands. The derived knowledge can be used for different tasks, such as identifying the impact of a marketing campaign on Twitter and comparatively assessing the social behaviors of different brands and groups of brands to assist in making marketing decisions. Our methodology is validated in a case study from the wine market. Twitter data were gathered from four regions of different countries around the world with important wineries (Italy: Veneto, Portugal: Porto and Douro Valley, Spain: La Rioja, and United States: Napa Valley), and comparative behavior analysis was carried out from the perspective of the use of Twitter as a communication channel for marketing campaigns.  相似文献   

《The Information Society》2013,29(5):349-364
This article reports the results and conclusions of a mixed-methods research strategy designed to assess the potential of community networking in rural Tamil Nadu, India. The data reported and analyzed in this article include socioeconomic and household spending, agricultural marketing and price search, availability and use of information on agricultural problems, and communication media use. We use these data to define a framework of existing sources of information for various community agents, with a special emphasis on farmers. We analyze the methods and costs at which these agents obtain information, and identify information and communication gaps that information and communication technologies (ICTs) may help alleviate. This study allows us to demonstrate opportunities for socioeconomic development through ICT-enabled information access. The article concludes by stating the importance of basic communication technologies and contextually relevant information services, and suggesting recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

We identified a lack of theoretical concepts and empirical knowledge about the perception and usage of social bots from the organizational and communication management perspective. Therefore, we first introduce social bots in the realm of communication and information management by using a profound literature review. Second, by building on mediatization theory and strategic communication, we introduce the concept of deep strategic mediatization. By surveying the attitudes towards and usage of social bots of leading European communication professionals (n = 2,247) from 49 European countries, we thirdly offer first indications how diverse European organizations in different European regions use social bots. Results indicate, that leading communication professionals in Central and Western Europe as well as Scandinavia perceive highly ethical challenges, while in Southern and Eastern Europe professionals are less skeptical regarding the usage of social bots. Only 11.5 percent (n = 257) declare their organization uses or are making plans to use social bots for strategic communication. They are used primarily for identifying and following social networks users. This refers specifically to the usage of digital traces for strategic communication purposes e.g., to identify topic area opinion leaders or social media influencers. However, this represents only a small minority of the sample – leading to the conclusion that only a small minority of organizations already practice deep strategic mediatization.  相似文献   

This article reports the results and conclusions of a mixed-methods research strategy designed to assess the potential of community networking in rural Tamil Nadu, India. The data reported and analyzed in this article include socioeconomic and household spending, agricultural marketing and price search, availability and use of information on agricultural problems, and communication media use. We use these data to define a framework of existing sources of information for various community agents, with a special emphasis on farmers. We analyze the methods and costs at which these agents obtain information, and identify information and communication gaps that information and communication technologies (ICTs) may help alleviate. This study allows us to demonstrate opportunities for socioeconomic development through ICT-enabled information access. The article concludes by stating the importance of basic communication technologies and contextually relevant information services, and suggesting recommendations for future research in this area.  相似文献   

基于营销理念的高校图书馆数字参考咨询服务   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章论述了高校图书馆数字参考咨询部门引入营销的必要性,指出了影响数字参考咨询服务过程中营销实现的3个因素,并提出了营销动力模型.最后通过外部营销、内部营销和关系营销三方面提出了数字参考咨询服务的营销策略.  相似文献   

咨询业作为新兴服务业发展快速,但相对于西方有着近百年管理经验的我国咨询行业却仍然处于起步阶段,行业的发展与国内的政策环境给咨询业提出挑战也带来机遇。我国大部分中小咨询企业还停留在管理技能培训、创意性公关策划、系列认证申请咨询、计算机相关的信息化改造以及简单的营销咨询等阶段,总体竞争能力不强。为此,企业竞争战略选择和实施是关键。  相似文献   


Considerable attention has been devoted in recent years to the digital divides that exist between and within countries. Within developing countries, information and communication infrastructures are often limited. This paper focuses on the digital divide within Bhutan. More specifically, the paper identifies two related dimensions of the digital divide in Bhutan—access and skills—and argues that the interaction between geography, resources and services will shape how the divide is tackled.  相似文献   

Chief Digital Officers (CDOs) play a multitude of roles as they facilitate digital transformation. In this opinion paper, we draw on an interview that we undertook with the CDO at a major Chinese software and technology services firm to highlight the intricacies and idiosyncrasies of digital transformation work both within the organization and externally to clients. We characterise the nature of the CDO’s role as ‘the art of digital transformation’, recognising the blend of business and technology knowledge with superior communication and persuasion skills.  相似文献   

On the basis of a knowledge management perspective, this paper expands the literature on new ventures’ capabilities by considering how these firms fill knowledge gaps and develop the technological, marketing, management, and ICT capabilities they need to compete. In particular, this paper investigates the role of networks in these dynamics. Although new technology-based firms have great potential to introduce innovative products into the market, they might suffer from more critical knowledge gaps and capability weaknesses than established firms. The results of a quantitative investigation of an original data set of more than 400 Italian new ventures specializing in high-tech industries show that these firms acquire knowledge to support their capability growth mainly through the management of intense relations with multiple external sources of knowledge. In addition, capability development is supported by the variety of founders’ industry experience and the presence of young graduates among the founding team.  相似文献   

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