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张新红 《现代情报》2015,35(12):139-142
将MOOC与传统的文献检索课堂教学进行深度融合,构建以学习者为中心、教师协作教学的大学生信息素养教育模式。该模式充分考虑学习者的信息素养基础和个性化需求,能够实现大学生信息素养教育中大班上课与个性化培养、课堂教学与网络教学、协作学习与独立学习的相互结合与补充。  相似文献   

Online shared spaces are destinations where people of common interests interact to achieve common goals or borrow each other's expertise for personal pursuits. Due to a multitude of users, such spaces generate large amounts of content, thus creating a potential for information overload. To deal with it, users of online shared spaces develop information management strategies that frequently involve the use of information technology. In this paper we present a case study of the use of widgets as information management tools in uCern, an online shared workspace where healthcare industry stakeholders get involved in various types of interactions. To understand how widgets served the purpose of information management and whether they were considered useful, we administered an online questionnaire (n = 183) followed by qualitative interviews (n = 5). Data analysis revealed that study participants used widgets as tools that promoted their situation and activity awareness of events and activities going on in uCern and helped them with organizing and accessing the content in a quick and efficient manner. We also describe issues associated with the use of widgets and their usefulness as reported by participants and propose implications for design and development of online shared spaces in relation to information management tools.  相似文献   

Unlike other types of virtual communities, individuals participate in online stock message boards for their material needs rather than non-material needs (e.g., sense of belonging). They may seek and read others’ opinions to make better investment performances. The value of information in online stock message boards may vary from person to person according to their past investment experiences. However, little is known regarding how their past investment performance influences the value of others’ opinions. Therefore, our study investigates how individuals process others’ opinions on stock message boards for their investment decisions when they have different levels of past investment performance. We proposed the unique research model with two paths consisting of both online stock message board factors and individual factors to determine continuous use of online stock message boards. We conducted SEM analysis with 452 questionnaire data. The results, first, showed that message boards factors (e.g., satisfaction using others’ opinions) have a positive impact on continuous intention to use while their own satisfaction with past investment activities has a negative impact on continuous intention to use. In addition, we believe that this is one of the few papers to examine the moderating role of self-attribution bias on the effects of stock investment performance. Our results indicated that investors with strong self-attribution bias lower the usefulness of opinions when losing money while they increased confidence in their investment-related abilities when achieving a profit from investment. This study will help to support and extend the theory of IS continuance model while providing practical insights for online stock message board managers by suggesting ways to vitalize online stock message boards.  相似文献   

信息安全管理与工程是信息安全专业的主干课程,结合当前网络空间安全问题,把课程核心内容案例化,讲授知识点的发展历程、理论技术、实例分析、防范措施,对在线课堂讨论或在线作业进行教学设计,并把思政分析融入案例其他知识点。采取过程化考核方式,将学生分组,让学生合作完成安全管理与工程案例,以调动学生的主观能动性。学生在学习教师讲授的案例和小组完成案例的过程中,培养解决安全管理与工程科学问题的理论技术和政治素养,掌握分析安全工程、实施步骤规划的能力。该文以安全管理BS7799标准中的访问控制案例为例,展现在线教学过程中的案例化教学设计,探讨该课程在线案例化课程思政的教学改革。  相似文献   

苏凯 《黑龙江科技信息》2014,(15):142+144-142
信息素养教育是高校图书馆的一项非常重要的工作,为了做好信息素养教育工作,图书馆应制定信息素养评价体系,为信息素养教育提供行为指南;改变信息教育的教学方式,使学生主动提高自身信息素养;实行学科馆员导师制度,将信息素养教育嵌入专业课程中;将如何使用信息处理软件作为信息素养教育的主要内容;强化信息伦理教育以便迅速提升学生的信息素养,为他们的后续发展和终身学习打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

唐昕辉  吴晓伟  胡纬华 《现代情报》2011,31(12):110-115
大学生作为社会发展的重要力量,其信息素养能力日益引起了人们的重视。本研究对上海应用型本科高校的大学生信息素养现状进行了研究,结果发现:(1)信息素养能力方面:应用型本科大学生的信息素养能力水平具有不均衡性的特点;在大学生信息素养能力的4个维度上,大学生的信息意识水平是最高的,信息应用与创新方面的能力偏低,而信息安全与道德则是最低的。(2)信息素养能力影响因素方面:在信息素养能力整体水平上,更容易受学习成绩的影响;在信息素养能力不同的维度上,不同的因素对不同的维度存在着不同的影响;学生的学习成绩对大学生的信息素养影响是最广泛的。  相似文献   

吴建华  郭静  孙静 《情报科学》2012,(7):967-973
通过与美国威斯康辛州《信息与技术素质》课程标准对比分析,发现我国普通高中信息技术课程标准尽管把信息素质作为课程目标,但标准内容严重侧重于信息技术,对信息素质的解析既不完整又不充分。结合我国国情,建议采取三大措施扭转这种局面:加强合作,建立基于全面信息素质观的课程标准和评价标准;普及大学生特别是师范生信息素质教育;研究并开发全国性网络化信息素质教育与评价系统。  相似文献   

针对应用型本科院校的人才培养目标和新生代大学生的特点,文章明确了应用型本科大学生的信息素养和信息素养教育的内涵。在此基础上,以一个课题为例,探索了基于WebQuest的信息素养教学模式,这对网络环境下的应用型本科信息素养教育的研究和实践具有现实指导意义。  相似文献   

The study explores the relationship between value attribution and information source use of 17 Chinese business managers during their knowledge management (KM) strategic decision-making. During semi-structured interviews, the Chinese business managers, half in the telecommunications sector and half in the manufacturing sector, were asked to rate 16 information sources on five-point Likert Scales. The 16 information sources were grouped into internal–external and personal–impersonal types. The participants rated the information sources according to five value criteria: relevancy, comprehensiveness, reliability, time/effort, and accessibility. Open-ended questions were also asked to get at how and why value attribution affected the participants’ use of one information source over another during decision-making. Findings show that the participants preferred internal–personal type of information sources over external–impersonal information sources. The differences in value ratings per information source were striking: Telecommunications managers rated customers, newspapers/magazines, and conferences/trips much lower than the manufacturing managers but they rated corporate library/intranet and databases much higher than manufacturing managers. The type of industrial sector therefore highly influenced information source use for decision-making by the study’s Chinese business managers. Based on this conclusion, we added organizational and environmental categories to revise the De Alwis, Majid, and Chaudhry’s (2006) typology of factors affecting Chinese managers’ information source preferences during decision-making.  相似文献   

当前,大学生的信息素养还存在一定的问题,学生的网络信息检索效率较低、网络道德意识较差,高校对大学生的信息素养重视程度不够。针对上述问题,可以从以下五个方面进行解决:(1)不断深化大学生的信息素养教育。(2)高校应重视培养大学生的信息素养。(3)开展多样化的信息素养教育。(4)高校应开设信息素养专门课程。(5)高校应不断提高教师队伍的信息素养水平。  相似文献   

网络环境下大学生信息素养现状的实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡纬华  吴晓伟  娜日 《现代情报》2010,30(8):135-140
通过使用课题组自编的《大学生网络信息素养能力量表》,对上海市部分高校475名本科大学生开展问卷调查,得出以下结论:①当前大学生的网络信息素养总体较好,但网络信息技能还有待提高;②大学生使用网络更多的是为了休闲、娱乐,而较少利用网络开展学术研究;③女生的信息安全与道德得分显著高于男生;文科大学生的信息创造得分显著高于理工科大学生;此外,年级和生源地均是影响大学生网络信息素养的重要因素。  相似文献   

Information and communication technologies in use in government systems can bring about expected benefits only when citizens are willing and able to use such systems. Previous studies from various disciplines provided a fundamental understanding of human behavior with technology adoption that focused mainly on the technical and supply sides of this adoption. We argue that it is necessary to move away from an assumption that users form a homogeneous group under the phenomenon of the digital divide. Having conducted an online experiment, this study empirically examined the effects of personal factors, particularly the perceived information literacy, and the perceived information overload, on the user’s perceptions on the usefulness and trust in a government website. We find that the higher an individual perceives one’s information literacy, the more he or she trusts the website, and this is mediated by one’s perceived information overload (negatively) and perceived usefulness (positively). This research provides a more balanced understanding of the behavior of e-government adoption, supplemented with the details of citizen engagement factors, and specifies meaningful practical implications for successful e-government policies.  相似文献   

信息时代大学生信息素质及其培养   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
王辉 《情报科学》2003,21(2):133-135
本文阐述了信息社会环境下信息素质的内涵及信息素质的社会作用,结合对一定范围的大学生信息素质的调查和分析,进一步探讨了如何培养与提高大学生的信息素质。  相似文献   

刘嘉 《科教文汇》2012,(19):11-12
网络是信息时代下高校大学生思想政治教育的有效载体。研究生具有群体结构复杂化、思想多元化等特点。如何针对研究生这一特定群体,构建科学的网络思想政治教育体系,把握研究生网上思想政治教育的主动权,已经成为当前加强和改进研究生思想政治教育的当务之急。本文通过分析网络媒体技术在思想政治教育中的优势和特点,提出了以网络思想道德教育、网络成长指导教育和信息素养教育为主要建设内容,构建研究生网络思想政治教育体系,以占领网络这一思想政治教育新阵地,开创研究生思政教育新局面。  相似文献   

赵莉 《情报科学》2004,22(12):1511-1514,1518
本文介绍了国内外图书馆通过取得集团许可证、国家许可证推进公共信息获取的有益尝试,指出实施许可证是使用和管理网络信息资源的有效途径,也是平衡知识产权权利人和社会公众利益的有效机制,并就我国网络信息资源许可证制度的建设提出了建议。  相似文献   

21世纪是信息化时代,随着计算机技术和通信技术的飞速发展,互联网对教育产生了深远的影响。学生能否从因特网快捷、准确地获取所需知识,除了熟练应用计算机之外,学生的信息素养也起到了至关重要的作用,本文主要讨论了提高学生信息素养的方法与途径。  相似文献   

信息技术浪潮推动高校学生党员教育管理进入网络场域,这既是新时代党建引领立德树人工作的现实要求,也是网络信息化下的意识形态安全的必然选择。互联网以其特性重构着高校学生党员教育管理的技术生态、空间场域、思维理念,在党建具体实践中,必须正确认知引领地位和主体角色、着力强化政治素养和媒介素养、始终坚持一个目标和多元协同,如此才能切实发挥好组织育人作用。  相似文献   

论财经商贸高校学生信息素养的培养   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王玉  龚国伟 《情报科学》2001,19(8):894-896
本文论及了信息素养的定义,从信息化社会需要,人才竞争需要等几方面说明了财经商贸高校学生信息素养培养的必要性,并结合教学实践提出了培养学生信息素养的方法。  相似文献   

随着近年来互联网技术越来越发达,网约车进入大众视野,网约车的出现可以进一步缓解人们的出行压力,这种既简单又便捷、可以满足不同顾客需要的出行方式,日益受到大众喜爱。然而,网约车市场的监管不严格,治安和刑事案件频发、网约车司机的素质高低不等、网约车平台管理模式混乱等现象,给当前高校大学生的人身安全造成了一定的威胁。基于网约车环境下,大学生的安全如何得到保障是我们需要重点思考的问题。  相似文献   

邹薇 《情报探索》2014,(7):31-34
以广东药学院的大学生为调查样本,采用调查问卷和访谈法,对大学生移动上网获取日常生活信息行为进行研究。分析了大学生移动上网获取日常生活信息过程中的活动内容、主题特征、信息获取行为模式及其影响因素,以期从理论上弥补国内对日常生活信息获取研究的不足,推动其理论创新。  相似文献   

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