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<正>Long time ago there lived a priest who was very lazy and poor.He did not want to do any hard work but used to dream of being rich one day.He got his food from others.One morning he got a pot of milk.He was very happy and went home with the milk.He boiled the milk,drank some of it and put the remaining milk in a pot.  相似文献   


本文节选自《世界是平的》一书作者托马斯·弗里德曼(ThomasL.Friedman)3月6日在《纽约时报》发表的专栏文章。文中,弗里德曼通过介绍两位科技创新人才,呼吁人们进行创新,追逐梦想。  相似文献   

《蝴蝶梦》中出现了众多的意象,其中有些意象反复出现,有深刻的隐喻意义。石楠花与庄园的多次出现与吕蓓卡的人生变化交织在一起,粘合了绚烂与毁灭的过程。同时,吕蓓卡的"生"与"死"也是一种命运的隐喻,揭示了在浮华的背后其实是对男权社会的一种抗争。隐喻手段的运用直接为文本思想的表达提供了一条隐性线索,也使得文本具有更加多元性的解读。  相似文献   

梦幻岛既是《小飞侠彼得·潘》和《重返梦幻岛》两书产生故事的前提,也是其精彩故事的重要组成部分。梦幻岛作为一个空间概念,它属于孩子的独立天地;作为一个时间概念,它属于儿童时代。梦幻岛是展现孩子梦幻最理想的环境,是孩子梦幻的象征,是孩子的欲望与渴求。梦幻岛属于儿童的梦幻,不管大人对孩子有没有过失,孩子对大人有没有误解,孩子在一定的年龄阶段,他们应该拥有自己心中小小的独立王国。梦幻岛正是在这一点上它受到一代代孩子的欢迎,也给成人留下欢乐童年的永远记忆。梦幻岛的魅力是永恒的。  相似文献   

在政治性小说《1984》中,乔治.奥威尔非常成功地运用了象征这一表现手法。象征手法的使用加深了作品的文学性,增强了作品的可读性,使作品更深刻地反映了极权社会里的恐怖与残酷。小说中最主要的三处象征为:黄金乡、玻璃镇纸和无产者。这三种意象具有丰富、深刻的象征意义,对于突出作品主题、揭示人物性格起到了重要作用。而作品中其他象征的运用也不可忽视,如"2+2=4"象征了极权社会里的自由。  相似文献   

面对命运的捉弄,庄子采取了一种顺应的态度,呈现出一种悲态人格。庄子的这种悲态心理在《齐物论》中的庄周梦蝶一段中有所反映:从形式来看,庄子用梦的形式来寄托他的思想,而正是这种形式暴露出他的悲态心理;从内容来分析,蝴蝶又是庄子精神境界的象征,蝴蝶的引用也透露出他的悲态心理;最后一个终极提问,将庄子的悲态心理暴露无遗,将它提升到了一个绝对的高度。  相似文献   

Dreaming our future: Developing democratic professional practice?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper addresses issues in relation to recent criticism of teacher education, set in the broader context of political agitation for changes to the purposes, role and outcomes of education within society. The paper raises questions around the purpose of schooling and its role in modern societies and argues for the pedagogical importance of critical dialogue to a democratic conceptualisation of education and promotes the idea of professional education as democratic practice.  相似文献   

近年来,金融危机频繁爆发的根本原因是虚拟经济与实物经济的背离,虚拟经济的过度膨胀与实物经济的相对萎缩导致经济危机以金融危机的形式爆发出来,危机的实质仍然是生产相对过剩,这种过剩是由于过度投资,产业结构失调,贫富分化等原因造成的。  相似文献   

This paper is based on two studies of teacher recruitment and retention commissioned by the General Teaching Council of Wales and the ESRC. Using official statistics from a variety of secondary sources, it shows trends over time in teacher numbers in England and Wales, and examines teacher vacancies, pupil‐teacher ratios and teacher wastage. It concludes that although individual indicators, examined in isolation, are an inadequate basis for assessments of the situation, there is no evidence in the data of any ‘crisis’ of teacher supply or demand in Wales (or indeed most of England). There are regional, occasional and subject‐specific disparities, but there are now more teachers than ever before, while the number of pupils in schools is falling. The paper, therefore, considers a variety of possible explanations for the widely‐held belief that there is a serious shortage of teachers.  相似文献   

In this article, we, a multivocal-thinking-assemblage, trouble what we feel is the dogmatic image of thought in science education. Beginning with Lars Bang’s (Cult Stud Sci Educ, 2017) dramatic and disruptive imagery of the Ouroboros as a means to challenge scientific literacy we explore the importance of dreams, thinking with both virtual and actual entities, and immanent thinking to science education scholarship. Dreaming as movement away from a dogmatic image of thought takes the authors in multiple directions as they attempt to open Deleuzian horizons of difference, immanence, and self-exploration.  相似文献   


In this postformal co-autoethnographic research, the authors explore the changing landscape of American research universities from their respective locations as mid-career, post-tenure critical pedagogy scholars. By using autobiographical narratives in parallel with a running discussion of rodent habits and habitats, they explore the influence of Enlightenment humanism and Western epistemology in a) forming ‘the academy’ as an institution, and b) regulating how research and knowledge production are taken up within a rapidly neoliberalizing context. They recalibrate their ‘theories of change’ to recast critical researchers and critical pedagogy in relation to a volatile and hostile institutional context. By moving away from progress narratives of education for social change, the authors posit that critical pedagogy and critical research can be thought of as akin to ‘wayfinding,’ providing guidance, direction and reprieve while within the disorienting and violent flux of neoliberalization.  相似文献   

秘书工作是一个复杂的工作,他的工作内容比较琐碎,涉及到企业的各个方面,凡是与企业有关的一切,好像秘书的工作都可以与之相关。秘书工作是协助企业领导做好服务工作,保证企业业务的正常运转。当企业发生危机时,秘书的工作就显得更加重要。因此,秘书人员一定要注意提高自己的危机处理能力,当有危机发生时,能快速、有条不紊的协助企业领导做好危机处理工作[1]。随着经济的发展,对秘书的危机处理能力要求越来越高,秘书的工作效率对企业的利益、领导的工作效率具有重要的影响。  相似文献   

I examine and question whether the goal, or dream, of service-learning has been actualized in practice. I raise the possibility that what educators dream of—a critical service-learning able to ameliorate persistent real-world inequities—may be a case of their dreaming being fulfilled, rather than their dreams. More specifically, I argue that although the dream of critical service-learning has been incredibly successful at driving research and practice in higher education, it has not fulfilled the goal of impacting the very people and communities educators purport to serve. Thus, the groups most wishing for the success of critical service-learning are those whose dreams are most fulfilled. I offer a set of tenets that, I hope, will encourage educators to dream different dreams.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的翻译事业蓬勃发展,译作数量迅猛增加,但是遗憾的是翻译质量并没有得到相应的提高.许多质量低劣的译品明目张胆地充斥着翻译市场,污染着神圣的翻译事业,使翻译面临着严峻的危机.只有剖析导致翻译危机的原因,才能真正解决危机问题.  相似文献   

改革开放以来,中国的翻译事业蓬勃发展,译作数量迅猛增加,但是遗憾的是翻译质量并没有得到相应的提高。许多质量低劣的译品明目张胆地充斥着翻译市场,污染着神圣的翻译事业,使翻译面临着严峻的危机。只有剖析导致翻译危机的原因,才能真正解决危机问题。  相似文献   

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