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Why are so many teachers reluctant to make talking to parents a priority? In the Warnock Report, the 1981 Education Act and, more recently, the Fish Report teachers were urged to form 'partnerships' with parents. Yet very little progress has been made in this direction with the parents of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties. Neil Dawson and Brenda McHugh are two ILEA teachers who have been using a family systems approach in the Marlborongh Family Service Education Unit for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in north west London. In this article they explore the question, 'Why is it so difficult?' and share their ideas and experiences of possible solutions.  相似文献   

从中学英语到大学英语是一个新的转折 ,而许多新生却无法适应。在整个学习过程中仍沿用着中学英语的学习方法和习惯 ,因而出现了许多问题。作为教师 ,应积极引导并帮助他们尽快适应大学英语的学习 ,从而达到大学英语的教学目的。  相似文献   

劝返作为引渡的替代性措施之一,早在2007年的胡星案中就成功使用过。劝返较引渡和引渡的其他替代性措施,确实存在一系列优势,但它的困境也是显而易见的:其前提性条件的具备何其艰难;其是否像有的学者所说的那样应认定为自首;为何杨湘洪至今未被劝返。总之,充分比较劝返的利弊之后,我们是否继续不遗余力地对劝返措施进行提倡,如果提倡的话,如何提倡,则是不得不面对的问题。  相似文献   

Under the apartheid state, higher education was structured to maintain and reproduce the subordinate social and economic position of non-Whites. The post-apartheid higher education sector suffered from fragmentation along racial lines, a lack of sustainability, and a structural incapacity to meet the challenges of restructuring and development. After more than a decade of reform, the Ministry of Education announced the plan to restructure the higher education system, consolidating 36 institutions into 21. Institutional mergers were perhaps the most significant structural change to the higher education system since post-apartheid desegregation of universities. This article examines the role of these new higher education institutions in promoting social cohesion within the university and by extension, the society at large. The institutional functions of the new universities are evaluated on the basis of the following indicators: (a) curriculum, (b) institutional climate, (c) perception of fair treatment of all students and (d) mechanisms to adjudicate community differences. Although all these aspects of institutional functions are important, it is the perception of fair treatment across the higher education system that informs desirable behavior that can promote social cohesion in society as a whole.  相似文献   

Diversity programs are common in the American workplace. Most organizations, either formally or informally, have facilitated diversity interventions designed to educate employees about cultural differences, to recruit a diverse workforce, to enhance career opportunities, or to improve cross‐cultural interactions. Unfortunately, many of these programs have failed to deliver the desired results. One reason for this lack of success is the failure to connect diversity programs to organizational performance systems. This article offers a five‐step process to use in systematically developing performance‐focused diversity interventions and evaluating their impact on individual and organizational success.  相似文献   

薛宝钗“德言工貌”样样俱全,才智出众,而“罕言寡语”、“安分随时”的处世哲学使她成为封建社会淑女的典范,体现着封建朝代贵族女子传统的风范。她虽极力争取美满幸福的生活,却成为了封建礼教的殉葬品。她作为与黛玉对立的典型,实际上和黛玉一样,是一个悲剧人物,值得人们同情。  相似文献   

Uncovering inexpensive, simple techniques to encourage students to act in a pro-environmental manner is of critical importance. Through a four-week field study at a large, environmentally focused elementary school, it was found that placing negatively valenced emoticons (i.e., red frowny faces) on trash cans increased the proportion of recycled material from 22% to 44%. Subsequently, through a controlled laboratory study at a recognized “green” university, it was found that the negatively valenced emoticon increased the percentage of students who recycled their provided paper from 46% to 62%. Therefore, using emoticons as a complement to existing environmental education may be an easily implementable technique to positively change the recycling behavior of both older and younger students.  相似文献   

Unlike a jigsaw puzzle where a piece must fit in only one way to complete a picture, the seven pieces of a geometric tangram can be arranged in many different ways to make figures of birds, animals, people, and objects. This article presents a Tangram Teaching Guide to provide a five-step developmental sequence for teaching tangramming to young children. Teaching resources are included, and a checklist provides a summary outline of the teaching sequence. Tangram experiences help children develop positive attitudes toward geometry, further their shape identification and classification skills, and foster and understanding of basic geometric concepts and relationships.  相似文献   

我省社会主义新农村建设对农业高技能人才的需求广泛,需要农业高职院校为其培养大量的专门人才。依据我省农村发展现状、新农村建设战略规划和农村实际需求,提出以发展急需专业为主,加快专业结构调整,深化教学改革,建立与市场需求趋势相适应、结构合理、特色鲜明的农业类高职专业体系,提高农业高职教育为社会主义新农村建设的服务能力。  相似文献   

In this paper Fiona Reeve, Jim Gallacher and Terry Mayes of Glasgow Caledonian University, bring together two current themes in higher education, work‐based learning and the use of new technology in teaching and learning. The paper begins to explore their interaction by examining the ways in which new technology can help to overcome some of the barriers which exist to work‐based learning. To begin this analysis a general model of a WWW‐based learning resource is described which has relevance for a range of open learning contexts. A central aspect of this model is the use of communication technologies to promote the creation of learning dialogues. The way in which this general model might be applied to work‐based learning is then examined. Having suggested that such a model has much to offer work‐based learning, some of the constraints which might be encountered on implementation are then identified. Finally, the authors conclude that it is in promoting more and better forms of communication that new technology can contribute towards work‐based learning practice.  相似文献   

化学实验中学生要对产生的现象进行科学的分析、判断,这就需要培养学生的观察能力.要他们知道观察什么,怎样观察,选择什么样的观察方法,使之逐步学会仔细、敏捷、全面、系统地观察分析及抽象思维,提高观察质量,向理性认识发展.  相似文献   

This article attempts to characterize the general problem of selecting methods for decision-making. The traditional rational approach to choice is from economics, which offers expected-value maximization. The task environment of decision method selection, however, does not seem to provide the data necessary for carrying out the expected-value calculations. Our approach uses methods from the field of cognitive science. We develop the notion of domain size in fields such as chess, borrowing the concept of a chunk from human memory. We then develop a heuristic rule for choiceamongmethods. We propose this rule as one of many possible rules.  相似文献   

现代社会的信息化使得学校德育处于一个完全开放的社会环境中。在各种不同的意识形态、价值观、道德观的冲击下,学校德育面临许多困境。只有变“强迫服从”为“教会选择”才能使学校德育摆脱困境,为社会培养更多的人才。  相似文献   

Have you ever heard comments such as “In this program we focus on learning —not playing” or “Is this a day care program where children learn or play?” At a time when the importance of early life experiences has gained public attention, there is the temptation to overlook or at least misunderstand the value and importance of play.  相似文献   

Viewing themselves in two hypothetical roles-as terminal patients and as family members related to a terminal patient-48 adults were surveyed on their expectations and preferences about how information should be communicated when a terminal illness is first diagnosed. Identifying with the patient role, respondents believed patients should be told the truth immediately and unconditionally. In contrast, respondents indentifying with family members perceived conditions under which the rights of patients should be abridged. In this latter role, male respondents were significantly less likely than males to imagine themselves as able to inform a loved one about a terminal illness. Nevertheless, for both sexes, early childhood experiences communicating about death and dying were found to be a better predictor of the case with which respondents can imagine communicating with a terminally ill loved one than are current adult attitudes and experiences. Regardless of personal ease in discussing death, however, most respondents thought the physician, not family members or other health care professionals, should decide when and how the terminally ill adult should be informed--a noteworthy finding in light of the fact that 83 percent of all respondents consider physicians poorly equipped for this role.  相似文献   

Working within the framework of a Wittgensteinian view of number, I exp the learning of English speaking and Yoruba speaking children as they work towards mean ful use of number names. I find that English speaking children and Yoruba speaking child appropriate different types of concepts in their development towards number use. The conc differ because the types of material objects that English speakers and Yoruba speakers tal differ. It seems that monolingual Yoruba speaking village children might be slower in apprc ating concepts associated with number use in Yoruba than their bilingual compatriots monolingual English speaking children, and that the bilingual children's learning is enhance their bilingualism.  相似文献   

当代大学生自信心的缺失与培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自信心是大学生发展的原动力,自信心不足困扰很多大学生,缺乏自信导致大学生失去发展的内在动力。未来的社会是充满着机遇和发展的社会,也是机遇和发展稍纵即逝的社会,只有充分自信的大学生,才能正确把握自我,及时抓住机遇,使自己的才智得到充分发挥。高校对如何培养、提升大学生自信心的问题进行研究具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

由于受中国文化和中国传统思维方式的影响,英语在中国的使用过程中,不可避免地具有了中国特色,从而导致“中国英语”客观存在。“中国英语”在丰富英语语言词汇方面、在中国与国外进行贸易交往等方面也具有一定积极意义。  相似文献   

An enduring educational dilemma is that young people from economically disadvantaged backgrounds do not have their needs met in conventional schooling. As a result, many have left school by Year 11. To counter this trend, some schools in disadvantaged areas introduce targeted in-school interventions before Year 11 to meet the needs of their students. Many of these interventions, which are highly successful in engaging students and supporting them to achieve, have insights to offer schools, but they remain on the margins as programmes for particular young people. However, a government secondary school in Victoria, Australia has been an exception. It was inspired to apply aspects of a successful intervention, Hands On Learning, to a whole-school initiative to enhance the engagement of all of its students. I used a case-study approach to investigate the initiative’s first year of implementation. Findings revealed that the majority of students did report engagement. However, economically disadvantaged students faced barriers to full participation that negatively impacted their learning experiences. The inequitable distribution of educational benefits demonstrated that whole-school adaptation of an intervention is not straightforward and unless the needs of disadvantaged students are targeted in the whole-school initiative, they are likely to experience educational disadvantage.  相似文献   

根据江泽民总书记“三个代表”的重要思想,阐述新时期如何发挥思想政治教育的优势,使这项工作做到入情入理,情理融合,达到良好效果。思考与探究的要点是情与理的同一性、差异性与辩证性。  相似文献   

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