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The purpose of this study was (a) to evaluate ten online periodic table sources for their accuracy and (b) to compare the types of information and links provided to users. Limited studies have been reported on online periodic table (Diener and Moore 2011; Slocum and Moore in J Chem Educ 86(10):1167, 2009). Chemistry students’ understanding of periodic table is vital for their success in chemistry, and the online periodic table has the potential to advance learners’ understanding of chemical elements and fundamental chemistry concepts (Brito et al. in J Res Sci Teach 42(1):84–111, 2005). The ten sites were compared for accuracy of data with the Handbook of Chemistry and Physics (HCP, Haynes in CRC handbook of chemistry and physics: a ready-reference book of chemical and physical data. CRC Press, Boca Raton 2012). The 10 sites are the most visited periodic table Web sites available. Four different elements, carbon, gold, argon, and plutonium, were selected for comparison, and 11 different attributes for each element were identified for evaluating accuracy. A wide variation of accuracy was found among the 10 periodic table sources. Chemicool was the most accurate information provider with 66.67 % accuracy when compared to the HCP. The 22 types of information including meaning of name and use in industry and society provided by these sites were, also, compared. WebElements, “Chemicool”, “Periodic Table Live”, and “the Photographic Periodic Table of the Elements” were the most information providers, providing 86.36 % of information among the 10 Web sites. “WebElements” provides the most links among the 10 Web sites. It was concluded that if an individual teacher or student desires only raw physical data from element, the Internet might not be the best choice.  相似文献   

作为高中的起始年段,高一化学对整个高中化学的学习影响深远。在新课程背景下,要解决好高一氧化还原、元素周期律、物质的量等重要理论知识和庞大、零散的元素化合物知识的教学,应加强教材和学情研究,坚持以学案为中心的课堂教学策略,并重视实验教学和学生规范解题与自省习惯的养成。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study are: (a) elaboration of a history and philosophy of science (HPS) framework based on a reconstruction of the development of the periodic table; (b) formulation of seven criteria based on the framework; and (c) evaluation of 57 freshman college‐level general chemistry textbooks with respect to the presentation of the periodic table. The historical reconstruction of the periodic table showed that the periodicity of the elements could be construed as an inductive generalization or as a function of the atomic theory. There is considerable controversy with respect to the nature of Mendeleev's contribution, and various alternatives are discussed: ordered domain; empirical law; and a theory with limited explanatory power. Accommodation of the elements according to their physicochemical properties is considered to be the major contribution of the periodic table by all textbooks, followed by contrapredictions of previously unknown elements (30 textbooks), and novel predictions (corrections of atomic mass) of known elements (10 textbooks). The relative importance of accommodation and prediction within an HPS framework is generally ignored. Few textbooks have attempted to explore the possible cause of periodicity in the table and very few textbooks have explored the nature of Mendeleev's contribution. The development of the periodic table as a sequence of heuristic principles in the form of a convincing argument has been ignored. The textbook approach of emphasizing that the development of the periodic table was an inductive generalization, and that Mendeleev had no model or theory, does not facilitate the spirit of critical inquiry that led the scientists to grapple with alternative interpretations, conflicts, and controversies. It is concluded that the development of the periodic table went through a continual critical appraisal (conflict and controversy), in which scientists presented various tentative theoretical ideas to understand the observed phenomena. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 84–111, 2005  相似文献   

The accompanying article introduces highly transparent grapheme-phoneme relationships embodied within a Periodic table of decoding cells, which arguably presents the quintessential transparent decoding elements. The study then folds these cells into one highly transparent but simply stated singularity generalization—this generalization unifies the decoding cells (97% transparency). Deeper, the periodic table and singularity generalization together highlight the connectivity of the periodic cells. Moreover, these interrelated cells, coupled with the singularity generalization, clarify teaching targets and enable efficient learning of the letter-sound code. This singularity generalization, in turn, serves as a model for creating unified but easily stated subordinate generalizations for any one of the transparent cells or groups of cells shown within the tables. The article then expands the periodic cells into two tables of teacher-ready sample word lists—one table includes sample words for the basic and phonogram vowel cells, and the other table embraces word samples for the transparent consonant cells. The paper concludes with suggestions for teaching the cellular transparency embedded within reoccurring isolated words and running text to promote decoding automaticity of the periodic cells.  相似文献   

It began in 1869, and today we have 118 elements listed in the Periodic table, thanks to Mendeleev's work. Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen are elements presented in many organic compounds. Some of them can exhibit photophysical and photochemical properties. Herein, we proposed an easy to make an experiment in chemistry classes to connect both subjects, periodic table and photochemistry, through periodic tables made of fluorescent jellies. A sheet of PET‐G was heated and put over the periodic table mold made in a 3D‐printing to produce the form used in this work. Quinine and vitamin B2, from tonic water and vitamin supplement, respectively, were the fluorescent compounds selected to be in the gelification process to give the jelly fluorescence. The light source was a black light lamp. This work allowed for the discussion of photophysics and photochemistry concepts, 3D‐printing process, gelification, and the International Year of the Periodic Table of Chemical Elements—IYPT2019—with undergraduate students without the use of expensive reagents or equipment.  相似文献   

德育是教育的灵魂,尤其是卫生高职院校应把大学生的德育放在比较突出的位置。卫生高职院校化学教材中含有丰富的德育内容,化学教师应充分对这些素材进行挖掘,并在教学中适时把德育寓于化学教育之中,对卫生高职大学生养成良好的思想道德素质,树立正确的人生观、价值观和世界观,提高全心全意为人民服务、救死扶伤的思想认识具有重要作用。  相似文献   

微量元素的生理生化功能与元素周期律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
微量元素在人体内发挥首重要作用,它们的生理生化功能必然与其性质有关,而其性质与它们在元素周期表中的位置有关。  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种只需借助一张带有电负性数值的元素周期表,会写化合物的路易斯结构式。而不需其它任何人为规定,就可方便准确地确定出化合物中原子氧化数的方法。  相似文献   

A study of schools entering pupils for the examinations of the Nuffield ‘O’ level Chemistry project suggests that, as yet, such schools are located near the original centres of project activity. Comparison of the heads of the Chemistry departments in matched samples of ‘Nuffield’ and ‘non‐Nuffield’ schools (summer 1969), established no significant difference in academic and professional training or in experience of non‐classroom employment. Nuffield Chemistry schools were found to have a larger percentage of pupils following sixth form science courses but the difference in annual, per capita expenditure on Chemistry teaching was significant only at the five per cent level.  相似文献   

在高校专业课中引入思想政治建设,对大学生进行知识传授的同时进行社会主义核心价值观教育,从而真正实现教书育人,把专业知识与思想政治教育有机结合起来。普通化学是农业院校的一门介绍物质及其变化规律的基础学科。为了更好地推进普通化学的课程思政改革,分析农学类普通化学课程在教学学时、教学内容、教学方法等方面存在的问题,通过增加课程思政元素、改革教学内容、创新教学方法等措施,有效调动学生的学习积极性,提高普通化学课程思政的改革效果。  相似文献   

对原子基态的周期性进行了研究。原子基态由电子组态确定,利用在元素周期表中同一族的元素具有相似的电结构的规律,使用列表的方法,可以确定当电子组态随原子序数Z的增加呈现周期性时,原子基态也随原子序数Z的增加呈现周期性。  相似文献   

The work reported here involved a comparative study regarding the understanding that high school students (16–18 years) have of the concept of chemical elements and their periodic classification. More specifically, the level of knowledge on this topic was compared before and after the completion of baccalaureate studies in a sample of Spanish students. In order to achieve this goal, a questionnaire was developed that included 14 items in an open format, through which various aspects of the students’ understanding of the idea of chemical element and their periodic classification were assessed. In addition, the application of this knowledge to interpret and predict the behaviour and properties of elements and to carry out calculations on the atomic composition of the elements was evaluated. Aspects concerning the acquisition of scientific knowledge, the application of knowledge to different contexts and situations, and the use of scientific evidence to draw conclusions and knowledge about the nature and history of science were evaluated. The questionnaire was previously validated with a large group of students. The results of this study show that improvements occur primarily in addressing higher level cognitive questions (analysis, synthesis and evaluation) in comparison to the lower level tasks (capacity for retention, understanding or direct application of learning). In addition, students who start high school have a very limited understanding of the ideas behind the Periodic Table of the chemical elements and that their lack of understanding, to a large extent, remains upon completion of the baccalaureate. These results suggest that there are real difficulties in understanding this topic and show the limited influence of the studies completed in high school.  相似文献   

This study was designed to explore the effects on learning of: (1) structural modifications to the periodic table, (2) the location of a periodic table within instructional materials, and (3) the presence of a two-page schema showing relationships between the topics explained in the written materials and the periodic table. One hundred and sixty high school students were randomly assigned to one of eight treatments. A 28-item posttest (KR –; 21 = 0.72), consisting of multiple choice and constructed answer items, was designed to measure subjects' ability to use their periodic tables to obtain factual information and to solve qualitative chemistry problems. Regression analyses using the multiple choice portion of the posttest as a dependent variable and table type as an independent variable revealed that for subjects with minimal experience with the periodic table, those who received the table with added visual data performed significantly better than subjects who received either of the other two tables (df 3,93; F = 2.72; p < 0.05). For subjects familiar with the periodic table, significant vocabulary X table (df 3,49; F = 3.22; p < 0.05) and vocabulary X location (df 1,49; F = 4.46; p < 0.05) interactions were detected. Subjects high in verbal comprehension tended to take advantage of the modified tables, while those low in verbal comprehension processed the traditional table with less information most effectively. These latter students also benefited more from having the periodic table alongside their written materials.  相似文献   

Student drop-out remains a critical issue facing educational professionals. For higher education, the vast research in the past 40 years has been influenced by the work of Tinto and his model of student persistence. In this model are several elements that have proven to sharpen the focus of student drop-out research such as the concept of integration. The philosophical foundation for these concepts stems from Durkheim’s work on suicide. Specifically, Tinto’s employs Durkheim’s “egotistical” suicide type as an analogy for student departure while attributing students’ departure as a decision to separate themselves from the academic community. However; assigning causation of student departure to students’ decisions stands in stark contrast to the theoretical underpinnings of Durkheim’s work. Durkheim believed that certain social tendencies cause suicides. If student drop-out is to be typified by a certain Durkheimian suicide “type,” then specific social facts must exist in those societies. In this article, student departure in higher education will be examined using Durkheim’s theory of suicide complemented with Bourdieu’s theory of symbolic violence. Egotistical suicide will then be re-examined as an analogy for student departure and the Durkheimian suicide “fatalistic” will be presented as suitable analogy for student departure.  相似文献   

桥联配合物是从化学键的角度通过桥配体结合起来的化合物.多核配合物是从原子数目上讲含有多个金属原子的化合物,从概念上讲二者略有不同,不能将他们混为一谈.文章讨论了二者的联系与区别,提出了桥联配合物的定义、命名,并研究了主族元素桥联配合物的结构与功能和在周期表中形成的倾向性。  相似文献   

以临床医学专业本科“有机化学”课程教学为例,提出并实践了基于交互的启发式学习(IBHL)。通过课程成绩与问卷结果分析,探讨启发式学习方法(IBHL)对医学类院校“有机化学”课程学习效果的影响,总结启发式学习方法(IBHL)在教学中的作用。结果表明,基于交互的启发式学习方法可以显著提高学生成绩,有助于提升和培养学生分析问题与自主学习的能力,为医学院校“有机化学”课程的教学改革提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

任何运动技能训练或运动成绩与时间周期,大多呈S型或波浪式曲线,时而上升,时而下降,这是符合运动技能形成过程的普遍规律。只有科学地运用这一理念,才能成功地指导我国乒乓球运动训练与比赛。我国乒乓球队之所以长盛不衰,正是充分地掌握这一客观规律,致使我国乒乓球事业处于主导地位,捍卫了国球的荣誉。  相似文献   

Background: This study uses problem-based learning (PBL) to ensure that students comprehend the significance of green chemistry better by experiencing the stages of identifying the problem, developing hypotheses, and providing solutions within the problem-solving process.

Purpose: The aim of this study is to research the effect of PBL implemented in cation analysis experiments in an analytical chemistry laboratory course on students’ level of understanding of the subject of ‘Green Chemistry and Sustainability’.

The study group: The study group consists of second-grade students who participated in an Analytical Chemistry Laboratory within the General Chemistry III course in the Department of Science Education of the Faculty of Education of a state university in Turkey (N = 63).

Design and methods: Quasi-experimental design was used in this research. Students were randomly divided into two groups, an experimental group (N = 31) and a control group (N = 32). Laboratory experiments in which qualitative and quantitative cation group analyses were conducted were carried out in the experimental group with PBL that involved five different scenarios inspired by daily life. In the control group, experiments were performed as closed-ended experiments. The ‘Green Chemistry and Sustainability Test’ (GCST) and semi-structured interviews were used as data collection tools. The independent sample t-test was used in determining whether there was a significant difference between groups by GCST, reviewing pre-test–post-test scores for the control and experimental groups, and semi-structured interviews were analyzed by content analysis.

Results: The results showed that there was a significant difference in favor of the experimental group in GCST post-test scores (t = 10.554, p < 0.05). Considering students’ opinions, there were positive statements, such as that they had taken an active role and had their interest aroused interest since problems in the experiments were related to daily life.

Conclusion: PBL enhanced students’ level of understanding of green chemistry and sustainability subjects and helped them obtain a different perspective in terms of environmental awareness.  相似文献   


The growth in importance of performance assessment in education over recent years has been linked with a concern to ensure that the service represents ‘value for money’. To date the absence of a satisfactory analytical framework has meant that questions of ‘effectiveness’ and ‘efficiency’ have been kept separate. An additional problem has been that, whilst there are many different outcomes which are appropriate for education authorities to pursue, conventional models handle these only one at a time.

In this paper we use data on the 96 English LEAs to show how an underlying model allows authorities to be compared in terms of ‘efficiency’ when facing different environmental circumstances and utilising different resource inputs. The technique of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) is first described in the context of an explanatory model, and then the results of applying this to the English LEAs are presented.

As distinct from a league table’ analysis, DEA gives some indications of where improvements are to be sought. It allows for ‘trade‐offs’ between outputs of different types and provides a small but distinct peer group of ‘efficient’ authorities to which an ‘inefficient’ LEA can be compared.

The efficiency measure used is ‘relative efficiency’ which arises from comparing the actual performance of an inefficient authority with that of others which can be used to model its environmental circumstances and resource inputs.

A number of case studies are described. The limitations of the technique, and the caution required in interpretation, are discussed.  相似文献   

教育本应是人类智慧种子的一片光明沃土,但面对事实,我们不得不承认它还有阴暗的一面。在现实的教育实践中,教育的正当性正在失落,表现的扭曲形式就是教育暴力的出现。这种扭曲的教育暴力以一种特殊的方式制约着当今教育的发展。要规制这种行为、排除这种扭曲,必须从现实中找到问题的源头。教育理想的冲突、教师素质的缺失和学生权利的遮蔽是教育暴力产生不可回避的因素,通过这些因素的分析对遏制教育暴力,推进教育走向和谐健康的发展轨道具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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