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This article provides an overview of evolving Australian records continuum theory and the records continuum model, which is interpreted as both a metaphor and a new world-view, representing a paradigm shift in Kuhn's sense. It is based on a distillation of research findings drawn from discourse, literary warrant and historical analysis, as well as case studies, participant observation and reflection. The article traces the emergence in Australia in the 1990s of a community of practice which has taken continuum rather than life cycle based perspectives, and adopted postcustodial approaches to recordkeeping and archiving. It “places” the evolution of records continuum theory and practice in Australia in the context of a larger international discourse that was reconceptualizing traditional theory, and “reinventing” records and archives practice.  相似文献   

Afterglow: Conceptions of record and evidence in archival discourse   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In the last ten years, influential voices within and on the periphery of the record keeping community have succeeded in establishing the preservation of “evidence” as the governing purpose of contemporary archival theory and methods development. Afterglow offers a critique of the concept of evidence in archival discourse. Its main contention is that one can put records into evidence; one cannot set out to put evidence into records. The argument rests on the following assertions: (1) current discussions of evidence rest on a blindness to certain contradictions embedded in claims that record keeping principally involves evidence keeping, or “evidence management”; (2) a politics of temporality, under which an interplay of disciplinary knowledge claims and professional interest is discernible, helps to account for the contemporary rhetoric describing the relationship between “record” and “evidence”, and (3) the late-twentieth century legal, political, and cultural climate, along with the technological environment, explain the increasing prominence of “evidence” in these knowledge claims and professional ambitions. The essay concludes with recommendations for addressing these issues. Thanks go to Terry Cook, Visiting Professor in the Archival Studies Programme, Department of History, University of Manitoba, and co-editor of this series of essays, for his close reading and detailed comments on this essay. Particularly invaluable was his knowledge of historical and contemporary archival thinking on the notion of evidence.  相似文献   

In 1924, Canadian Dominion Archivist Arthur Doughty (1860–1936) characterized archives as “the gift of one generation to another.” This essay takes these words seriously. It sets aside the common habit of thinking of archival work in terms of “keeping” and “preserving” and experiments with—re-imagines—archives as a form of gift giving. However, as a growing body of scholarship across numerous disciplines is discovering, gift giving is a complex social act. Thus, construing archives as a form of gift opens up new avenues of critical inquiry into archives’ unique temporal consciousness and its importance to accounts of the establishment and unmaking of any social order. This article explores the nature of archival consciousness and its place in social theory.  相似文献   

An attempt is undertaken to define the word “definition.“ The correlation of concepts, such as definition, term, discourse, and frame is discussed and a systematic definition of the term “definition” is given.  相似文献   

Photocopying of reading materials, especially from holdings in libraries is common practice among Malaysian university students. It is unusual to find a student not making photocopies from books or journals. Photocopying machines are easily found in the campus, especially in the libraries with full cooperation from the machine operators. This article will discuss the copyright law in Malaysia with regard to photocopying practices, especially on the controversial term of “fair use” or “fair dealing” as stated in the act. The second part relates to the main findings from a survey conducted in 2009 about photocopying among university students, and the last part provide alternatives available to publishers on ways to control and to overcome this problem.  相似文献   

A new appraisal method for national government records introduced in the 1990s aimed at reducing backlogs in the transfer of pre-1976 records to the National Archives of the Netherlands. Since then, appraisal and disposition decisions are based on macro analysis. Preventing new backlogs from occurring was a second goal. The socalled project PIVOT (1991–2001 and after) coordinated the introduction, development, and implementation of the new appraisal method. This article describes the objectives, method, and appraisal criteria, as well as the criticism and laborious progress of this ongoing story. This article is a revised and enlarged version of an earlier publication, “Makrohindamine Hollandis. Eskimesed kümme aanstat: 1991–2001”, TUNA Ajalookultuuri ajakiri 4 (2003): 150–154.  相似文献   

Until 50 years ago the purpose of publishers in Australia was to act as distributors for overseas companies, mainly British. From 1970 onwards a local publishing industry began to develop, taking advantage of the greatly increased investment by publishers in distribution systems to service the “closed market.” In 1991 the “30-day rule” was introduced, leading to an increased amount of local printing of overseas titles, and a growing number of rights purchases of overseas-published books. The pros and cons of “separating out” Australian rights are addressed in this paper.  相似文献   

20世纪90年代,以弗兰克·阿普沃德为代表的澳大利亚连续体理论者吸收安东尼·吉登斯的结构化理论思想,正式提出多维、动态、宏观的文件连续体理论,这使得从实践中总结出的连续体方法进一步升华为具有时空结构的概念模型。它已经超出了官方文档管理实践的范围,高度概括了人类社会中的一切records管理行为。因此,文件连续体模型中文件保管形式轴上对应四个维度的坐标(Archival)document、Record(s)、Archive和Archives也被赋予了与管理实践不同的概念内涵。本文在正确理解这四个核心术语的基础上,指出我国档案界仅从档案管理实践角度理解文件连续体理论是十分片面的,偏离了其核心思想,是对文件连续体理论的误读。具体而言,这种误读体现在对“连续体”概念、文件连续体理论、文件生命周期理论和文件运动规律的关系理解等方面。  相似文献   

“Macroappraisal, the next frontier” describes a records disposition pilot project which was based on a refinement of the current macroappraisal methodology in use at Library and Archives Canada. Still very much a work in progress, the refined approach builds upon macroappraisal theory and methodology, and this paper presents its application to Fisheries and Oceans Canada, a major federal government department in the Government of Canada. The project focused on providing the institution with total records disposition coverage based on a single archival appraisal and two Records Disposition Authorities. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of appraising records at the mandate level instead of at the function or program level. It also outlines and points to the benefits and advantages of appraising large government institutions intheir totality rather than in smaller, discrete sectors, branches, or divisions. We wish to thank the journal’s readers for their comments on an earlier draft of this article. We also wish to thank Candace Loewen for her insights, comments, and encouragement. Thanks are also extended to our colleagues who commented on various aspects of the project during Library and Archives Canada (LAC) appraisal seminars. Kerry Badgley also wishes to thank Sarah, Paul, and Shannon Badgley for providing a daily reminder of why it is important to document the past.  相似文献   

In the postwar prosperity of the 1920s there burgeoned a new interest in fine book-making, which typically featured handcraft production, luxurious materials, “worthy” texts, and—virtually by definition—limited editions. A small but socially prominent community of bibliophiles and wealthy collectors consituted an eager market for these elite books, distinguished by their visible repudiation of mass culture and “commercialism.” This article examines the publishing enterprise of the Grabhorn Press, one of the foremost producers of finely printed books in twentieth-century America. It analyzes the press's editiorial and design strategies, pricing and marketing policies, and general business practices in order to better understand the cultural paradoxes of producing such books both “for love” and for profit.  相似文献   

Martin Amis’ novel The Information was published in paperback in May 1995. For a number of convergent reasons, the publication became, in itself, a major media event. In examining this occasion., the economic and cultural imperatives that shaped the marketing of The Information and the wider context of contemporary book publishing and its relation to other media, this paper problematises the relationship between cultural and economic value. It considers the discourse around what an author is “worth” in a late capitalist society of fiercely competitive consumer choice, and how the representation of an avowedly “literary” author is mobilised in the marketplace in ways that aim not to threaten to compromise the investment in the difference between literary and popular fiction.  相似文献   

针对目前学界存在的对文件连续体理论的一些误读,本文系统梳理和阐释了文件连续体理论的核心概念、产生背景、主要内容及其应用,指出文件连续体理论是在澳大利亚基于证据和连续体的文件管理思想、文件系列体系思想的基础上,借鉴后保管主义及结构化理论建构的后现代主义文件保管的新范式。它强调文件并非是中立物,文件的运动具有时空延伸性。该理论的终极诉求是建立一个自下而上的、可靠的文件保存体系,以完整保存集体记忆,促进社会民主发展。要实现这一诉求,文件的保存就需多方主体的参与和合作。文件连续体理论为文件管理提供了重要的理论框架,对建构完整的社会记忆具有重要的指导价值,同时也为对传统档案学的核心概念及理论进行批判性反思提供新的视角和工具。  相似文献   

This article explains the re-engineering of the government records disposition program at Library and Archives Canada (LAC) in 2002–2004. The main point is that the framework of accountability has grown since the launch of the macroappraisal program (often referred to as the planned approach to disposition) at the (former) National Archives of Canada (NA) in 1990–1991. The opportunity for building an expanded framework of accountability presented itself after 2000 when a number of “push” (internal to the disposition program) and “pull” (external to the program) factors coalesced to challenge a reduced program. The reengineering exercise involved LAC government records archivists working together to develop the following new program documentation: Government-Wide Plan (GWP); Memorandum of Understanding (MOU); Appraisal Checklist; Terms and Conditions for the Transfer of Archival Records; Briefing Note for the Librarian and Archivist of Canada; and the Multi-Institutional Disposition Authority (MIDA) for Operational Case Files. Significant work also went into creating version three of the Records Disposition Authorities Control System (RDACS). As a result of reengineering the appraisal and disposition program, there is an accountability framework now in place for more than keep-destroy recommendations, one that has moved beyond disposition to include acquisition of and accessibility to the archival record.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on a fresh and fair way to determine a ranking of science journals according to the “number of citations-to and articles published,” data used by SCI Journal Citation Reports of ISI to determine journal ranking by “impact factor.” Impact is considered a latent variable defined by a set of items (citations and articles published). The theoretical background is Item Response Theory, which suggests that, if we can understand how each item in a set of items operates with an object, then we can estimate a measure for the object. The Rasch model is the most common formulation of that theory. This technique is here applied to the citations and articles published of 62 medical journals (objects) to provide a Rasch measure for these journals which is compared with the current “impact factor” computation.  相似文献   

The German registry system is unique in its approach to records management. By way of better understanding this approach, the historical development of this registry is portrayed in its characteristic phases: first the adoption of the practice of using registers in the Middle Ages; second the transposition of this practice into a complete recordkeeping system in the Prussian administrations of the 18th and 19th centuries; third the attempt to streamline this system in the early 20th century; and fourth the nature of the registry in modern German administrations, and in particular how it has adapted to the use of electronic records. Apart from the historical presentation, however, this study also aims to highlight central concepts of the German registry, including entries, action files, and the idea of registry itself being applied to the entire activity of keeping records. Finally, it is suggested that these concepts can provide new insights into various areas of archives as well as into current recordkeeping problems. This article is a completely revised version of the thesis which I submitted in 1997 (under the title “The German Registratur”) for the Master of Archival Studies degree at the School of Library, Archival and Information Studies, University of British Columbia. My thanks to Angelika Menne-Haritz and Wendy Duff for their comments during the writing of this revision.  相似文献   

The forces for change in the 600 hundred-year history of book publishing have never been more powerful and fundamental than in 2011. Barely 12 months ago, what publishers viewed as “innovation” was the creation of digitized versions of physical books to be ‘consumed’ on e-reading devices. As 2011 begins, that change is largely regarded as accepted business practice, and the edge of “innovation” is moving in more complex directions. Publishing finds itself in the midst of a ‘phase shift’ from the scarcity model of print to a complex, new world of digital abundance. The dimensions of change, moreover, its speed, and its extent are still unknown. While book publishing begins with the creative work of authors, digital technologies are turning the business models inside out. Among the forces for change acting on book publishing, this article examines several phenomena that are working their way in from the edge to the center of the industry, including complex interwoven considerations around container, context, and customer.  相似文献   

A basic challenge of the Weinberg Report addressed the question of information overload. The Weinberg Panel was extremely concerned with the proliferation of scientific literature and the specific issue of how to sift through reams of data to find the “gems” of wisdom, or that which is truly new and useful. In the early 1960s when the report was being written, computers were not part of the information access and retrieval infrastructure. Writing twenty-five years later, in 1988, Dr. Weinberg recognized that the panel had not adequately taken into account the impact of the computer and the growth of the information industry. Today we have a new world of microcomputers and networked information which is fundamentally shifting the paradigm of scientific communication. We have new capabilities, including electronic publishing, visualization techniques, even virtual reality. Without getting into a great debate about the definition of “grey literature,” the main characteristics have traditionally been described as: rapid publication, wariable formats, no public peer review, and no commercial source of general availability. With networked information and multi-media technology, the new world of grey literature is emerging with an interesting set of new and revived challenges. This article looks at the most interesting characteristics, and based on them, presents the thesis that in the 1990s we are facing a new generation of “grey literature”.  相似文献   

The author, a professor at the University of British Columbia, outlines the foundations of macroappraisal theory within the Canadian federal government's records acquisition program, placing Terry Cook's 1992 essay “Mind Over Matte: Towards a New Theory of Archival Appraisal” at the heart of his students' analysis of theoretical writings. In addition to reflecting on the importance of case studies on the application of macroappraisal theory and methods, he concludes by touching on the applicability of macroappraisal to elements outside the public sphere.  相似文献   

This article reports on a research study that tested the effect of statements of “ literary warrant ” on lawyers, auditors and information specialists’ evaluations of a set of functional requirements for electronic evidence. It found that legal statements can increase the rating of importance of some of the functional requirements. Its results also provided evidence that differences in subjects professional backgrounds and their computer knowledge can affect the ratings of importance the subjects gave to the functional requirements. This study was completed as part of the requirements for the author’s doctoral program. It has benefited immensely from the insightful comments received from members of her doctoral Committee: Richard Cox, Margaret Hedstrom, Edie Rasmussen, and Steven Hirtle. David Bearman first purposed the concept of “ literary warrant ”, and this study has also profited greatly from his wise advice.  相似文献   

For the definition of electronic records, the use of new terms, like literary warrant, is not necessary, and for the European perspective even not understandable. If this expression simply means best practice and professional culture in recordkeeping, we only to know what creators did for centuries and still do today and probably will do also in the future, by referring to the archival science, diplomatics and archival practice for clarifying definitions in the recordkeeping environment. A multi-disciplinary approach is still required for the electronic recordkeeping system as it was in the past for traditional records, but the theory and the terminology should be consistent and based on the deep understanding of essential characteristics of records and essential requirements of good recordkeeping to produce in the first place and maintain reliable and authentic records. Of course, a record is more than recorded information created in the course of business activity: a record is the recorded representation of an act produced in a specific form – the form prescribed by the legal system – by a creator in the course of its activity.  相似文献   

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