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正始时期,存在着宗经与反经两种文化思潮,与此相对应,反映在赋学批评上,便是嵇康的《琴赋序》与傅玄的《七谟序》等。而成公绥的《天地赋序》与张华《鹪鹩赋序》等,则进一步表明,由于玄学思维的渗入,赋学批评在理论上的发展正面临着一个较大的空间。  相似文献   

怀疑《长门赋》为司马相如作之理由主要有二:一、陆厥已说“《长门》《上林》殆非一家之赋”;二、司马相如先于汉武帝死,而赋序开篇即说“孝武皇帝”。不过,据陆厥原文分析,“殆非”所说,本意为一家两赋,风格大异,几乎看不出原为同出;而对《文选》所录作品序文的情况进行研究,知《长门赋序》非司马相如作。结论:《长门赋》为司马相如作,本无所疑。  相似文献   

基于序者“序所以为作者之意”与赋者“述客主以首引”的文体观念, 《文选》所录赋作, 或称赋作自身组成部分为“序”, 或“剪截”史辞为“序”,《文选》为赋搜寻“序”的情况, 与《文选》编撰者对“赋”的文体结构与“序”的文体功能的认识有关, 也与“序”的存在形式有关。  相似文献   

怀疑《长门赋》为司马相如作之理由主要有二:一、陆厥已说“《长门》《上林》殆非一家之赋”;二、司马相如先于汉武帝死,而赋序开篇即说“孝武皇帝”。不过,据陆厥原文分析,“殆非”所说,本意为一家两赋,风格大异,几乎看不出为同出;而对《文选》所录作品序文的情况进行研究。如《长门赋序》非司马相如作。结论:《长门赋》为司马相如作,本无所疑。  相似文献   

“辞赋”即赋.《楚辞》之“辞”非文体名;“骚”为赋之一类,而论与赋平列;用赋的手法所写之论,通于赋而非赋。故《全汉赋》当收汉人之“骚”,而不应录《非有先生论》。汉人为赋少有序者,所谓“序”,多为后人缀史辞为之。《全汉赋》仍其旧而不加说明,略欠辨正之功。  相似文献   

女冠诗人鱼玄机好用宋玉《高唐赋》(并序)、《神女赋》(并序)与《登徒子好色赋》(并序)的典故语汇入诗。这从表层看,是因为宋玉三赋中的典故语汇便于诗人抒写情爱内容;但从深层看,在爱情追求、爱情遭遇与自主意识等方面,鱼玄机与三赋中的女性形象确实存在着相同之处,且三赋在当时影响甚大。正是这种同心式的人生挫折感与精神气质上的契合,才使鱼玄机喜欢借三赋之酒杯,浇自己之块垒。  相似文献   

历代赋论赋话对范仲淹赋作的评论主要集中在三个层面:一是探讨本事,比如对《灵乌赋》、《荠赋》的评论,即属此类;二是观察用意,比如对《金在熔赋》、《水车赋》、《用天下心为心赋》等的评论,即属此类;三是赏析佳句,比如对《自诚而明谓之性赋》、《天道益谦赋》等的评论,即属此类。范仲淹由于早年于赋体文学用功甚大,因而在其他文体尤其记序文类写作时常常带有赋体笔法,采用了首尾是文,中间是赋的结构方式。这一现象,应该引起跨文类研究学者的高度重视。  相似文献   

明代万历年间刻本《蜀都赋》作者目前有三种说法:范槲明、阙名、范檞。这三种说法值得商榷。明代《蜀都赋》作者应是安徽休宁林塘人范槲。明万历二十六年(1598),范槲随其父范涞去四川任参政,临行时,程涓有赠言,范槲感动且盟誓,故后有此作。此赋作于万历三十年(1602),有两篇序,一为余寅作,一为程涓作。范槲《蜀都赋》有范槲自作的注,明代江鎏作了详细的注释。  相似文献   

《七十家赋钞目录序》不仅体现了张惠言赋学的主要思想,而且序文本身就是一篇清代学者骈文的代表作。张惠言提出了赋"统乎志"的观点,即强调辞赋的比兴寄托,是对赋学理论的发展。其继承《汉书·艺文志》推源溯流的学术传统,在序文中对22家赋进行评述,是一篇重要的赋学批评文献。另外,这篇骈体序文在写作手法上亦模仿《汉志》与《庄子》,显现了清代常州学者融合骈散的骈文创作理念。  相似文献   

汉晋音乐赋已经出现赋序之作。尽管这些赋序内容短小,形式不一,但它们在介绍音乐赋的写作动机、考证乐器、定位音乐赋的音乐审美倾向以及辑佚失传的音乐赋篇章等方面有着重要的价值。  相似文献   

Conclusion The number of errors in the recognition of unfamiliar phonemic contrasts increases with high or low frequency limitation. This increase in errors is not the same for all phonemic contrasts, but the contrasts are affected in the same manner by either limitation. Consonants are affected more, and German shows a much clearer picture than does French. Rank ordering contrasts according to numbers of errors give support to a concept of“order of difficulty” of recognition of foreign phonemic contrasts.  相似文献   

提高学生作文能力既要从正面给予示范,借鉴成功的经验,也需要从作文的病例中吸取教训,获得有益的启示,二者不可偏废。准确地辨析和找出文章中问题是作文的一种能力,对于修改完善文章具有重要的作用,无疑也是提高写作水平的重要途径。  相似文献   

思想政治课中的错题是重要的课程资源。教师通过错因分析引导学生"知错能改",让学生学会学习,这不仅是思想政治课程目标得以实现的重要内容,也是提高学生学习能力和综合素质的需要。文章拟分析错题资源的重要价值,并比较教学目标的三维度与目前教学中存在的实际情况,通过简单的课例形式展现开发错题资源的重要意义。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that pigeons could learn a serial list of colors and to select each color in the proper order when presented with an array of colors. Errors of jumping forward in the required sequence (forward errors) were most probable, with jumps backward in the required sequence (backward errors) being relatively improbable. One proposed explanation for the higher probability of forward errors suggests that the pigeon pecks at the correct stimulus without activating the response switch and then pecks the next stimulus in the sequence closing the response switch. This “inadequate-peck” hypothesis suggests that forward errors are due to weak stimulus control and that increased feedback for correct pecks should therefore reduce forward error probability relative to a low-feedback condition. The present study compared responding under conditions of high and no experimenter-provided feedback for correct pecks. As the feedback did not affect the probability of forward errors, the inadequate-peck hypothesis was not supported. A short-term memory explanation is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

汉语专化现象是种复杂的语言现象,在对外汉语教学中,外国留学生由于文化背景、知识背景的差异常忽略专化意义的学习,因而常出现由于没有掌握专化意义而产生的种种偏误,导致产生语言交际障碍。对外汉语教学可以从教师意识、教材编写及词典编纂等方面对专化意义予以重视,从而减少留学生因专化意义而造成的偏误。  相似文献   

From a cognitive perspective, informative feedback is assumed to be confirmatory or corrective. However, feedback is not always effective and errors persist. In cases where errors persist, an analysis of errors as well as correct responses is recommended in order to better understand the processing of informative feedback. A model of multiple-choice processing is introduced to provide the context for a consideration of the role of error analysis. Data from experiment 1 demonstrate the use of semantic retrieval cues in multiple-choice performance. While informative feedback improves post-test performance, it is difficult to demonstrate a differential effect for type of feedback. Experiment 2 suggests a threshold effect for informative feedback. Information beyond that which is necessary for the confirmation of a correct response and/or the correction of an error has a deleterious effect on post-test performance. Error analysis indicated a disproportionate number of perseverative errors when the use of a retrieval process was not required at post-test.  相似文献   

It is expected that children increasingly learn to identify errors throughout their schooling process and even before it. As a further step, however, some scholars have suggested how a culture of error should be implemented in the classroom for the student to be able not only to locate errors but also, and above all, to learn from them. Yet the various proposals aimed at generating a culture of error in the classroom keep regarding error as all those responses and reactions that are not considered as true or correct in each specific case, thereby not realizing that many of these alleged errors are really anomalies with very different characteristics and consequences despite their seeming resemblance. In this paper, I rely on Ludwig Wittgenstein’s On Certainty to clarify the difference between errors and anomalies. Subsequently, I provide guidelines that may be adapted by each teacher to her students’ needs and development level in order to foster a culture of error that begins by distinguishing error from anomaly, which constitutes a practical as well as conceptual necessity particularly in Child and Primary Education, as it is just then when anomalies most frequently arise in the form of questions and answers.  相似文献   

少数民族学生学习汉语时常常出现语序方面的偏误,影响了他们的语言面貌。汉维语是属于不同语系的语言,正是这种在语序方面存在的较大差异,造成了民族学生学习汉语时出现语序偏误。  相似文献   

主要探讨排名算法的原理及在实际应用中的实现。通过区分"田赛"和"径赛"的升降序,实现对比赛成绩的类似于Excel的Rank排名,并与裁判所提交的赛场手工排名进行比较,来判断裁判所提交的纸质数据是否有效,从而具有一定的纠错功能。  相似文献   

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