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A lexander Bellw as an A m erican scientist.H e m ade the firsttelephone in 1876.Bell w as born in Scotland in 1847. Bellfound a job in the U nited States.H e w orked asateacherin a new schoolforthe deaf.H e liked tohelp the deaf.H e tried to find a w ay to send avoice overw ires.Bellthoughtthatspoken w ords w ere m adeup of different vibrations. H e thought that if aw ire could carry vibrations,itcould surely carrya m an’svoice.Bellkeptw orking atit.H isassis-tantw orked w ith him forne…  相似文献   

Ben w as aw akened by a gunshot. The sharpB noise cam e through thethick stone w alls of the house. It w as cold in the b edroomand B en N ew m an w as shakingas he got out of bed. H e put on his eyeglassesand w ent over to the w ind ow .The field w as covered w ith frost 霜 ( )w hite .N othing m ovedout there in the deep quiet justbefore sunrise. B en looked p ast the fieldto the thick w ood s. Tw o w eeksago he saw a d eer am ong thetrees. H e held his breath w ithago he saw…  相似文献   

请阅读下面的短文,并注意句中的划线部分:①M any years ago,there w as a doctor in a sm alltown.H e was goodand kind.A t any tim e of the day and night,he was always ready to goand help the sick people.②E veryone in the town liked him and peoplealways wentto see him when there w as som ething wrong w ith them.A fter m any years the doctor becam e old.H e began to lose his m em-ory(记忆力),so he often forgot things.③W hen people noticed(注意到)this,they did notgo to see him any m ore.“H e m ay…  相似文献   

O ne day, a poor farm er took a bag of w heat to tow n. H e didn’tknow w hatto do w hen the bag felloffhis horse. The bag w as too heavyfor him to lift.H e hoped thatsom eone w ould com e and help him . B efore long a m an cam e over.Butthe farm er’s heartsank w hen hesaw the m an,w ho w as the great m an in tow n.The farm er w as afraid toask for help. A s soon as he cam e up to the farm er, the great m an got off hishorse and said,“Y ou need m y help,don’tyou? L etm e help you. ”…  相似文献   

A lbert Einstein w as a great G erm an scientist.A young m an once askedhim w hat the secret of success is. T he scientist told him that the secret ofsuccess is hard w ork. A few days later the young m an asked him the sam equestion again. E instein w as very annoyed. H e did not say anything, butw rote a few w ords on a piece of paper and handed it to the young m an.Theyoung m an looked atthe piece ofpaper.O n itw as w ritten : A = X + Y + Z . “W hatdoes this m ean? ”asked the young m…  相似文献   

In Italy, there is a m an nam ed Joseph C ardu, w hose toes arem agic:foretelling earthquakes and volcanic activities. Joseph has been living in the tow n of Janlear at the foot of E tnaafter he w as born. H e has a specialfeeling that the volcano is to eruptor the earth w illslightly quake as long as he feels pain in his toes.O nenight, a good pain w oke him up and he hurriedly w ent to the tow ngovernor, telling him there w ould be a catastrophe. T w enty m inuteslater, allthe tow nsm en …  相似文献   

The first President contributed m uch to getting the new governm entunder way. H e steered his country on a sure and steady course. JohnA dam s said thatW ashington was not influenced by any one m an. H e lis-tened to opinions from allsides and w as m ore independent in his thinkingthan any m an A dam s knew.But all was not easy,peaceful and free fromtrouble,even within W ashington s ow n Cabinet.oolrden美国第一任总统为使新政府正常地履行自己的职责做出了卓越的贡献。他紧紧驾驭自己的国家,使她…  相似文献   

O nce an E nglishm an went to the seashore for his sum m erholidays.H e asked his housekeeper (女管家)to post 1 letters thathe w ould receive 2 his absence.She prom ised him 3 that. The Englishm an rested 4 .A m onth passed but he received 5letters.H e thoughtitstrange and he rang 6 his housekeeper. “W hy didn’ you post m e m y letters?” t “Because you didn’ 7 m e the key of the letter-box,”was the treply. The E nglishm an 8 and prom ised to send her the key.In 9 days…  相似文献   

Steve,a twelve-year-old boy w ith alcoholic parents,w as about to be lost forever,by the U.S.education sys-tem.R em arkably,he could read,yet,in spite of hisreading skills,Steve was failing.H e had been failingsince first grade,as he w as passed on from grade tograde.Steve w as a big boy,looking m ore like a teenagerthan a twelve year old,yet,Steve w ent unnoticed untilM iss W hite.M iss W hite was a sm iling,young,beautiful red head,and Steve w as in love。For the first tim e in his younglife,he couldn’t ta...  相似文献   

A Clever IdeaO ne day the poor old m an lost hisw ay and1.telephoned the police station of help.A policem an2.asked the phone,“This is the policestation.W hat’s3.your trouble?”“I had lost m y w ayand can’t find4.m y house.Could you to help m ehom e?”“Stay where5.you do and we’ll send a car to takeyou hom e.”W hen6.the car reached at the old m an’shouse,his wife opened7.the door,cam e out,thanked the po-licem an.A fter the8.policem an drove away,his wife askedhim how he9.lost his w…  相似文献   

Last Words     
M r Y oung w orked in a factory.H e was an able worker.H e could getm ore m oney than his workm ates.H is wife w as able,too.She did all thehousework and took good care of their children.They w ere never worriedabout food or clothes.But they were both m iserly(吝啬的)and tried tosave everything.Their fam ily wore old and brokenclothes.M r Y oung always went to work on foot andhis children w alked to school.O ne afternoon,while M rs Y oung was cookingsupper,she heard the bell.A m an said on…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.—yesterday?—It w as N ovem ber24th.A.W hat tim e was itB.W hat day was itC.W hat was the dateD.W hat was the day2.—have you been to Shanghai?—Twice.A.H ow often B.H ow m any tim esC.H ow soon D.H ow long3.—do you usually go to the m ovies?—Twice a w eek.A.H ow soon B.H ow longC.H ow often D.H ow far4.—will it take us to get there bybus?—A bout tw o hours.A.H ow soon B.H ow oftenC.H ow long D.H ow quick5.—will the m eeting be ready?—In an hour.A.H ow soon B…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单词拼写。根据首字母和句意或所给的汉语提示,写出句中所缺单词的正确形式。1.M ery Streep w as a fam ous actress.W hen she w as still a student,sheplayed r in m any plays.2.This film is for a only.C hildrenm ustn’t w atch it.3.Zhang Y im ou is a fam ous d inChina.4.W ar started again after eight years ofp.5.A p school is the first schoolyou go to.6.A fter they got m arried,they had m anyyears of(幸福).7.H e really could not m arry her—it w ouldm ean the end of his(事业).8.She w ants to st…  相似文献   

A shepherd brought his sheep into the field to graze, and sat downunder a tree to rest.Suddenly a tiger cam e outofthe w oods.The shepherd picked up his staffand jum ped up.The tiger w as just about to spring at the m an when he saw the staffand got frightened. The tiger thought it was a gun. They stared at eachother,and neither dared to m ake the first m ove.A t that m om ent, a fox cam e running by. The fox saw that the tigerand the shepherd were afraid of each other and decided to turn th…  相似文献   

M y brother,M ingm ing,is in the third grade.Every m onth he saves 20yuan of his pocket m oney to buy holiday presents for those he loves in the Project H ope School. O ne day,M ingm ing and I w ent to a nearby superm arket.H e picked up a hand basket and went off on his ow n while I was waiting patiently reading in a bench. H alf an hour later when he cam e up to the check- out counter,there was a sm ile on his face. M ingm ing reached into his pocket for m oney,but there was only ten yua…  相似文献   

(A)Wu Junqi has long been linked to alcohol.Of course he s not adrunkard(醉鬼),he actually rarely has a drink.The33-year-old m an isa bartender(调酒师)in a pub named“Shock”in Beijing.Wu s“m orning”starts at7p.m.and his day usually finishes at twoin the m orning.Standing in front of a shelf full of bottles of alcohol(酒精),he m akes one cocktail(鸡尾酒)after another for his custom ers.“I m ake a cocktailto m atch the custom ers age,m ood and even theclothes he w ears,”said W u.H e star…  相似文献   

M r Zhang is our English teacher.H e is am iddle-aged m an w ith thick glasses.H e is talland handsom e.There is always a sm ile on hisface.M r Zhang is good at teaching and he al-ways tries his best to m ake his lessons livelyand interesting.W e can easily understand andrem em ber his lessons. H e uses different w aysto im prove our abilities in listening, speaking,reading and w riting. H e often tells us som efunny stories. Som etim es he even draws funnypictures on the blackboard and sin…  相似文献   

O nce w hile trying to reach his car key, L i K a-shing dropped a tw o-dollar coin, w hich rolled underthe car. H e figured thatw hen the car started the coinw ould fallinto the gutter, so he squatted dow n in anattem pt to pick it up.Seeing this, an Indian attendanton duty im m ediately picked it up for him . H aving retrieved his coin, L iK a-shing surprisingly gave the attendant 100 dollars as a rew ard. H isexplanation for such a big rew ard w as: “If the attendant hadn’t pickedup the…  相似文献   

In every language there are w ords that have som e interesting storiesbehind them .The word “sandw ich”for exam ple,is very com m on in E ng鄄lish. If we want to know the story behind it, w e m ust know som ethingabout an English noblem an nam ed Sandwich who lived in the 18th century. Sandwich w as rich, but he liked to play card for m oney. H e oftenplayed for 24hours,and did not even stop to have his m eals.H e orderedhis servants to bring him som e m eat and bread and he played while eat鄄ing. H e put the...  相似文献   

A bout ten years ago, a young and very successful businessm an nam ed Josh w as traveling down a Chicago neighborhood street.H e w as going a bit too fast in his sleek,black,12-cylinder Jaguar X K E ,which was only tw o m onths old. H e w as w atching for…  相似文献   

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