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方能 《考试周刊》2021,(2):141-142
历年高考真题作为复习备考的重要资源,在历届高考备考中都发挥了重要的作用,研究历年高考真题也成为一线教师备考的一项重要环节.文章在研究2020年全国Ⅲ卷历史试题的基础上,尝试探寻更有效地发挥历年高考真题在复习备考中的作用,进而更好的指导2021年历史学科的高考复习备考工作.  相似文献   

为使辽宁省高三数学教师进一步明确2013年高三复习备考工作目标,加强高三复习备考工作校际间的交流,更好指导本校复习备考工作,辽宁省基础教育教研培训中心高中部主办了辽宁省高中数学学科2013年高三复习备考研讨会。辽宁省各市教研员及高三数学教师近350人参加了会议,会议由辽宁省高中数学教研员宋明新老师主持。  相似文献   

《考试说明》实际上就是考纲,它是高考命题的依据,也是指导高三复习备考的依据。1996年《历史科考试说明》,是在总结1995年高考历史命题的成功与不足之后,在1995年《历史科考试说明》的基础上加以修订制定的。因此,正确理解和把握1996年《历史科考试说明》,对指导当前高三文科生的复习备考具有重要意义。  相似文献   

在每次不同的高考方案下,高考备考复习都是一个从大胆摸索到不断总结的过程,要提高高考备考效率。高三老师理应不断创新复习方式、方法,把握其规律。2010年以来广东省实行“3+文科(理科)综合”的新高考方案,作者在高考备考复习过程中不断思考、总结,对文综政治形成了一套用哲学方法指导科学复习的思路,以及必须注意把握好的四个原则。  相似文献   

钟烙华 《广东教育》2009,(11):39-42
在上一期我们对2009年高考中在“三角函数的概念、同角关系、诱导公式”“三角函数的图像和性质”等考点进行分析、总结以及提出2010年高考备考复习的指导意见,下面我们将继续对“在三角恒等变换”“解三角形”等考点进行分析、总结,提出2010年高考备考复习的指导意见.  相似文献   

我省1993年中考将由各地市自行命题。各地市对于组织指导中考的命题、复习、备考等工作极为重视。在组织指导复习备考中,我以为:明确中考性质;确定复习范围;健全学生应考心理和培养学生解题能力是几个不容忽视的问题。现从这几方面谈谈个人的看法,仅供参考。  相似文献   

作为高三教师,进入高考复习备考阶段,学校要求每位教师要傲近三到五年的高考试题,以熟悉国家高考命题的意图、范围和规律,有针对性地进行复习备考指导,在认真做了2008年全国高考理科数学一卷第9题后才惊叹于命题者的命题意图,就是看似平淡的考题,却引领教师进行复习备考工作,可谓是看似平淡却是以考导考.  相似文献   

新一届高考的同学们,大家好!新学期又开始了,同学们的高考第一轮复习已经全面启动,你是否因刚升入高三而手足无措?你是否为高三的复习备考而忧心如焚?你是否因高三的复习而十分亢奋?为指导和帮助同学们顺利、高效地完成全年的复习任务,我作为在一线中学工作多年并长期从事高考心理辅导的专职心理教师,愿将我这些年对高考复习备考研究的方法与大家分享,希望能对大家的备考复习有所帮助.  相似文献   

2014年将是辽宁省实施学业水平考试的第三年,教师如何指导学生在学业水平考试中知彼知己,科学备考,取得优异成绩,笔者结合自身的教学和备考经验,谈一谈复习的方法和策略。  相似文献   

中考语文复习指导的内容涵盖面广,如何把握重点,突出难点,实现备考复习效果的最优化,这是中考复习备考的关键。我个人的体会是重点抓好以下五个方面。  相似文献   

测验公平有很多不同的定义,基于效度对其进行界定对于测验开发者而言是最有用的。要开发一个公平的测验,对试题进行公平性审核是不可缺少的重要一环。为使审核过程不那么主观,应遵循一定的审核原则。此外,为更好地解决公平性审核过程中出现的问题,还应建立规范的审核程序。ETS在对测验进行公平性审核的方面积累了丰富经验,其中有不少值得借鉴之处。  相似文献   

Permitting item review is to the benefit of the examinees who typically increase their test scores with item review. However, testing companies do not prefer item review since it does not follow the logic on which adaptive tests are based, and since it is prone to cheating strategies. Consequently, item review is not permitted in many adaptive tests. This study attempts to provide a solution that would allow examinees to revise their answers, without jeopardizing the quality and efficiency of the test. The purpose of this study is to test the efficiency of a “rearrangement procedure” that rearranges and skips certain items in order to better estimate the examinees' abilities, without allowing them to cheat on the test. This was examined through a simulation study. The results show that the rearrangement procedure is effective in reducing the standard error of the Bayesian ability estimates and in increasing the reliability of the same estimates.  相似文献   

试卷检查是高校教学质量监控的重要环节.高校现行的主要试卷检查模式存在时间安排缺乏时效性、自我检查缺乏自觉性、人员配备缺乏合理性、检查项目缺乏针对性、检查对象缺乏代表性、平时成绩缺乏客观性、试卷外审缺乏预防性等问题.针对上述问题,应强化制度建设,合理设计检查程序、引导有效自查、合理配置人员、优化检查内容、扩大检查覆盖面、加强平时成绩监管、加强教学基础建设与教学管理的改革,以完善教学质量监控体系.  相似文献   

The effects of varying placement of a review period and test expectancy on students' notetaking, review strategies, and performance on delayed free recall, application, and cloze tests were investigated. One hundred fifty-six undergraduates took notes on two texts with the expectation that they would be tested for quantity of information remembered from one text and for their ability to apply information from a second text. Students were assigned to one of five review conditions: (a) at acquisition, (b) 1 day after acquisition, (c) prior to test, (d) mental review prior to test, and (e) no review. Results revealed that placement of a review period influences free recall performance, but has no effect on cloze and application test performances. Contrary to prediction, varying expectancy did not enhance performance on criterion measures which matched students' expectancies compared to those which did not.  相似文献   

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is a nationwide testing program for literacy and numeracy in Australia. Several studies explored and used NAPLAN numeracy test results as a source of valuable data and a potential means to improve education. This paper presents a systematic literature review to investigate the use of NAPLAN numeracy test results in those peer-reviewed articles in relation to the purposes of NAPLAN results mentioned by the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA). Findings showed a variety of uses of the NAPLAN numeracy test results in these studies. Most of the studies used the test results to map student progress and identify strengths and weaknesses in teaching. A significant number of studies used the NAPLAN numeracy test results that differ from the purposes mentioned by ACARA. The review concluded that there is currently insufficient use which reflects the purpose of NAPLAN test results.  相似文献   

为了探究在同义词学习中测试对未测试内容的影响.采用单因素被试间设计,分为测试组、重学组与控制组三种学习方式.发现对于测试组的被试,重测成绩显著好于未重测成绩;测试组的重测成绩与重学组的重学成绩显著好于控制组的成绩;测试组的未重测成绩与重学组的未重学成绩、控制组的成绩比较不存在显著差异.  相似文献   

Despite showing robust benefits in lab-based research, there remain relatively few studies exploring the spacing effect in educational contexts with meaningful materials. In this study, participants (N = 169 undergraduate students) attended a simulated university lecture where they were presented with natural science curriculum material. Participants reviewed the material either one day or eight days after the lecture via an online review. Participants completed a final test on the material five weeks after each respective review. During the review and final test participants were asked both factual and higher-level (application) questions. Results showed that reviewing material eight days after the lecture led to better final test performance for both types of questions when compared to reviewing only one day after the lecture. This study suggests that spaced review is a robust and effective strategy that can be and should be adapted to classroom practice.  相似文献   

The psychometric literature is replete with comprehensive discussions of test validity, test validation, and the characteristics of quality assessment programs. The most authoritative source for guidance regarding sound test development and evaluation practices is the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing. However, the Standards are not legally binding. In this article, we review the way in which validity is conceptualized in the Standards and compare this conceptualization with validity evidence presented in specific court cases involving legal challenges to tests. Our review indicates that, in general, there is strong congruence between the Standards and how validity is viewed in the courts, and that testing agencies that conform to these guidelines are likely to withstand legal scrutiny. However, the courts have taken a more practical, less theoretical view on validity and tend to emphasize evidence based on test content and testing consequences.  相似文献   

高中数学二轮复习是在一轮复习的基础上的进一步提升,要求复习要有针对性与系统性,以减轻学生多余的学习负担,争取满意的高考成绩。文章以“函数与导数”为例说明全国卷数学试题的若干特点,以强调针对性复习的重要性。  相似文献   

英语二轮复习备考策略包括对照《考试说明》,明确复习方向;分析学生存在问题,改进复习方法;针对考点复习,提高复习效率。  相似文献   

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