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教学过程中的科学认识与艺术创造是紧密联系的.对教学的科学认识有待于通过艺术创造形成新的教学实践来实现它的价值.教学的艺术创造必须受教学科学规律的指导和制约.不重视掌握教学的科学认识,就没有艺术创造的自由,不能使教学活动取得积极的成果,而只是空谈客观规律、不重视教学的艺术创造,也不能使教学活动富有成效.  相似文献   

传统科学哲学执着于科学认识的结果而忽视科学认识的过程,也因而面临着难以摆脱的困境。现象学以其超越经验科学和朝向发生构造之过程的鲜明特点而为科学哲学展示了新的领域和前景。本文首先论述以现象学思路探讨科学认识发生过程的必要性和可能性;然后以大量的篇幅来考察和评述经典现象学家对科学认识发生过程的相关论述,勾画出这个过程的三个阶段;最后简要讨论了现象学科学哲学的前景和有关问题。  相似文献   

科学认识过程是化学研究与学习的重要过程,以材料的获得、加工与描述为内容的科学认识过程方法,是高中化学教学的重点之一。材料的获取方法是科学认识过程方法的基础,材料的加工方法是科学认识过程方法的核心,材料加工之后的描述,是科学认识过程方法的概括。  相似文献   

亚里士多德及其所开创和构建的"亚氏科学认识模式",特别是其在演绎过程所采用公理化方法,长久示范着后世的科学发展,直接塑造了古代科学和整个近代科学精神.因此,通过对亚氏科学认识模式及其影响的分析,对我们更好把握科学发展的脉络的价值是显而易见的.  相似文献   

论科学精神   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人的精神始于认识。科学精神则来自科学认识,它是由科学理性、科学追求和科学道德这三个方面构成的。科学理性表现为实证性、普遍性、相容性和可怀疑性四个科学认识的基本原则。而科学认识在创新、开拓和统一的发展过程中的不断突破,则表现了作为科学的内在激励机制的科学追求精神  相似文献   

由学对教的反馈信息和教对学的反馈信息的全过程,便构成了数学教学系统中的反馈.数学教学系统中的反馈包括正反馈和负反馈.数学教学系统中的控制方法包括教师子系统中的控制方法和学生子系统中的自控方法.对数学教学系统中的反馈和教师、学生子系统的控制方法进行研究和探索,有助于数学教学系统效能的提高.  相似文献   

教学的认识过程是以现成的科学认识成果为对象的,它同科学认识成果的形成过程并不等同,后人无需也不可能重复科学认识成果形成的全部过程。但是,“对待科学认识成果,必须表现出与科学认识成果中被‘对象化’、具体化了的人类活动相符合的活动”,这就是说,我们在教学中必须把抽象的理论具体化,进行必要的认识成果形成过程的复原。明确这一重要哲理,对于克服目前尚为普遍的从理论到理论或从理论到实践的教学倾向,构建新的教学模式,均具有重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

在化学课堂教学中,教授化学科学知识时,要让学生充分体验认识化学知识要经历由"感性→理性→应用"的科学认识过程.由于在这个科学认识过程的各环节中蕴涵着各种具体的科学方法,因此要结合具体的教学内容予以落实.  相似文献   

EFL写作教学中的同伴反馈及同伴和教师组合的反馈对学生英文写作水平的提高有着积极的促进作用,在写作教学的反馈训练中采用匿名约束反馈方式。并根据此模式搭建网络平台,以使匿名约束反馈得以高效、顺利地进行。为进一步研究匿名约束反馈方式在EFL写作教学中的作用,对东北某外国语大学信息专业两个年级的学生进行两年的实验跟踪。通过数据统计、访谈、观察等实证研究,得出关于学生反馈行为方面的改变有:1.学生反馈的内容由只关心具体到宏观具体都关注;2.学生在反馈过程中自信心增强;3.学生反馈的质量增高;4.学生更加注重对反馈的学习。  相似文献   

"纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行.""实践是检验真理的唯一标准",强调的是实践在认知过程中的重要作用.科学实践是科学认识活动的基础,是直接获得第一手资料的重要途径.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the literature on the effects of feedback provided to teams in higher education or organizational settings. This review (59 empirical articles) showed that most of the feedback applications concerned “knowledge of results” (performance feedback). In contrast, there is a relatively small body of research using feedback conveying information regarding the way individuals or the team performed a task (process feedback). Moreover, no research compared the effectiveness of process versus performance feedback. Concerning feedback effectiveness, half of the studies implementing performance feedback research reported uniformly positive effects while the other half resulted in positive effects on some dependent variables and no effect on others. All the studies using solely process feedback showed mixed positive results: some dependent variables improved while some others did not change. None of the studies reported any negative effects. This review also highlighted 28 key factors supporting feedback interventions effectiveness.  相似文献   

言语交际。信息传递,不都是简单的、单向的、固定的、一次性的。更多的。因此而更有现实意义和理论价值的,乃是那些复杂的、双向的、随机的、多次传递方能完成的。因此,判定某处修辞是成功的还是失败的,必须考察其在一个复杂的修辞流程中所起的作用,视其所造成的到底是正反馈还是负反馈。如若其所造成的是正反馈,那么,不管它多么生动、形象,都是失败的修辞;如若造成的是负反馈,那么,不管它多么朴拙、背谬,都是成功的修辞。  相似文献   

口语是心理认知活动,也是思维创作和社会交互活动,它涉及情感,积极的情感促进语言学习,消极的情感阻碍语言学习。传统的口语教学忽视情感问题,使学生交流时的心理障碍无法消除。文章从论述情感与语言学习的关系入手,分析消极因素对口语教学产生的影响,探讨如何在教学中对学生进行积极情感因素的培养,克服口语表达中的心理障碍。  相似文献   

大学本科研究性学习的内涵与特征   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
大学本科研究性学习既是学习方式,又是过渡性学习发展环节。它是在教师指导下,以学生作为主体从事的以学习和发展为目的的研究活动,是体现从“学习科学真理的认识过程”到“发现科学真理的认识过程”的过渡性认识发展环节,是教学从“教”到“不需要教”的中间转化环节。  相似文献   

Despite the developmental perspective of school inspections, teachers in inspected schools are not always willing to accept the school inspection’s feedback for their further improvement of teaching and learning processes. Literature distinguishes several aspects of feedback that stimulate or hinder the acceptance of feedback, such as recipient’s cognitive and affective responses to feedback. This study investigates teachers’ cognitive and affective responses to school inspection feedback in relation to feedback acceptance. It draws on data from 21 in-depth interviews with teachers in eight primary schools. We found that positive perceptions of the inspectors’ credibility enhance teachers’ feedback acceptance. This is also the case for positive, clear feedback. Under these circumstances, emotions of joy, happiness and relief are expressed. Conversely, respondents tend to reject feedback when inspectors are perceived to be inadequately informed, arrogant or disrespectful. When negative feedback is rated as unfair, negative emotions, such as anger and sadness, interfere with feedback acceptance. In essence, we conclude that both feedback content and feedback source characteristics are decisive in the acceptance of process. From a practical perspective, the findings suggest there is a need to build on supportive relationships between teachers and school inspectors.  相似文献   


During their doctoral studies, students undergo an emotionally and intellectually intensive process involving a wide range of positive and negative experiences. This article analyses PhD students’ perceptions of the most positive and negative experiences related to doctoral study conditions. Previous researchers have primarily focused on analysing experiences that negatively affect doctoral work and have related these experiences to institutional, social and individual variables. However, little is known regarding positive experiences and how both positive and negative experiences are interpreted and related to variables connected with doctoral study, such as discipline, funding, enrolment type, and the stage of the doctoral process. In total, 1173 doctoral students from 56 Spanish universities completed an open-ended online survey. The findings indicate that opportunities for PhD students to communicate their scientific advances, receive expert feedback and interact with other researchers have a high positive influence on their doctoral journey. However, funding difficulties, particularly for students in the social sciences, and relationships with the research community, principally with the supervisor, were perceived as the main negative challenges. Experiences related to research design, data collection and analysis were perceived either negatively – primarily for mid-level students – or positively. These results should be considered in future doctoral programme policies to determine when, how and why to provide specific support during the doctoral process.  相似文献   

叶芳 《文教资料》2006,(10):174-176
听是一个复杂的生理和心理过程,它必然涉及情感。积极的情感促进语言学习,消极的情感阻碍语言学习。本文分析了传统听力教学中心理障碍的产生及其危害,阐述了图式理论的定义与内容,并对英语听力教学中如何运用图式理论培养学生积极情感进行了研究与探索。  相似文献   

This study compared the effects of social persuasion from parents and teachers on students’ self-efficacy in reading comprehension in English as a foreign language. Ninety-nine Grade 8 Chinese students in a secondary school in Hong Kong completed a questionnaire with six scenarios which tapped their self-efficacy after receiving positive and negative feedback that were described as coming from their teacher, mother and father. Students decreased their self-efficacy after receiving negative feedback and the source of feedback did not make a statistically significant difference. Conversely, positive feedback led to an increase in self-efficacy with the mother’s positive feedback leading to a higher increase in self-efficacy than feedback from the teacher and the father. No statistically significant difference was noted in the change in self-efficacy after receiving feedback from the father and the teacher. Parents and teachers should increase the use of positive feedback and decrease that of negative feedback. Implications for collaboration between teachers and parents in providing positive feedback on students’ academic performance were discussed.  相似文献   

以教学技能培训、教学反馈技术、现场指导技术等为干预手段的“专家协同强化反馈”教师教育模式,可以有效地提高教师的教学监控能力。实验验证了教师教学活动是由认识活动决定的,而学生经常性的反馈可以使教师对自己的教学行为获得准确和客观的认识;教师具有不断提高自我的内在需求,对于学生的反馈和专家的意见会有积极接纳的态度;教师教学能力的发展与其教龄不是线性函数关系,需要自我觉醒、专家的扶持和教育对象的认同;任教班级学生对教师教学行为的评价能较准确地反映教师的教学监控能力水平;以教学技能培训、教学反馈技术、现场指导技术等为干预手段可以改进教师的教学行为;“专家协同强化反馈”教师教育模式能帮助教师提高教学监控能力。  相似文献   

人类的真理性认识活动,是有目的、有计划地探索和把握客观世界的本质和规律的过程,这个过程是在实践的基础上,通过对客体的感性掌握进而上升到对客体的理性掌握,再通过实践检验这种理论的能动的辩证过程.由于这一过程的复杂性和曲折性,认识主体在该认识过程中的每一阶段,都需要运用正确的方法.真理性认识方法是人类探索未知领域获取科学真理的精神手段,是人们在真理性认识活动中为达到获取真理的认识任务而采取的措施、步骤、程序、计划、方案等等的总和.真理性认识方法是人类科学认识的结晶,是主体的真理性认识能力的基本要素,它为人们的真理性认识指明正确的途径.  相似文献   

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