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动力不足是长期困扰学校改进的一个复杂而困难的问题。本文基于对我国中小学校改进实践的分析和作者参与学校改进的经验,指出了学校改进的主要动力来源,论述了学校改进的动力生成机制,辨识了学校改进的动力供给与传递障碍,并据此提出了建构与优化学校改进动力机制的策略和途径。  相似文献   

从20世纪80年代至今,学校改进运动在西方发达国家有了很大的发展,国外学校改进研究经过不同的发展时期积累了许多成功经验,它们对改进学校质量、提高学生成绩发挥了重要作用。学校效能理论与学校改进理论的整合、明确学校改进概念、关注学习层面的改进、学校改进能力的构建、特殊背景的学校改进和研究方法多样化六个方面是未来学校改进研究的重点。  相似文献   

创新人才的培养,有赖于创新教育,而学校实施教育的主要途径是教学。因此,改进教学方法,是培养创新人才的重要环节。本文论述了改进教学方法的重要意义,阐述了改进教学方法的指导原则,构建了改进教学方法的理性模式,探讨了改进教学方法的具体措施。  相似文献   

美国的学校改进经历了从"制度驱动"到"系统发展"的变革历程,积累了丰富经验。我国农村学校改进有其特殊的现实矛盾性与社会制约性。立足对美国学校改进经验的本土化思考,我国农村学校改进应正视学校改进的文化性,尊重学校改进的实践性,注重改进内容的系统性,加强政府职能的服务性,提高改进主体的融合性,关注学校改进的持续性。  相似文献   

目前,不论是城市还是农村的学校都在进行改进活动。然而,学校改进活动如何开展才能取得成效,却是人们不断思考与探索的问题。其实,学校改进涉及到几个关键性的问题——学校改进应由谁来改进?学校改进什么?怎样改进?如何保障改进?只要这些问题解决了,学校改进也必然会取得预期的成效。  相似文献   

纵观学校改进研究的历史可以发现,学校改进研究主要经历了实证主义、解释学、批判理论三个方法论阶段。到了信息技术时代,学校改进研究的方法论必将发生转变,三种方法论将走向整合,未来需要采用“四大范畴一三重方法论”的学校改进方法论范式开展学校改进研究,以提高学校改进研究的质量,为学校改进实践提供有效的指导。  相似文献   

在阐明课程持续改进与专业持续改进之间关系的基础上,建立了基于产出导向教育(Outcome-based Education, OBE)理念的课程持续改进机制。该机制包含了规定主体框架的课程教学持续改进方法、服务质量管理的课程质量保障体系,以及支持具体操作的课程目标和支撑内涵观测点达成情况评价方法。进而,以土木工程专业毕业设计课程为例,介绍了课程持续改进具体实施过程,开展了课程目标和支撑内涵观测点达成情况分析,采取了优化设计选题、协同设计指导与评价、丰富课程教学资源等持续改进措施,并分析了持续改进效果。  相似文献   

无线信道Jakes模型的一种改进方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍和分析了传统的Jakes模型,提出了改进的Jakes模型,建立了改进的Jakes模型数学模型,并行对改进的Jakes模型进行了仿真。仿真结果表明改进的Jakes模型在计算复杂度和统计独立性方面比最初的Jakes模型更加有效。  相似文献   

指出了三相异步电动机工作原理实验、能耗制动实验和变压器短路实验的不足,介绍了具体的实验改进思想和改进方法.说明了实验改进的注意事项和改进效果。  相似文献   

督导需求明确了学校改进工作的针对性,提升了学校督导工作的实效性,更对督导人员的专业水平提出了更高的要求。本文就基于"需求"的学校改进工作的作用与意义、当下学校改进计划的现状、学校改进行为的基本工作流程、学校改进计划的框架结构与要素分析,以及督导人员为学校提供改进工作服务五个方面作具体阐述。  相似文献   

教师的教学行为对教学效果会产生直接影响,教学行为改进是一个动态的过程并且具有群体性特征。本研究基于经验学习圈理论,对71名教师在2年持续教学行为改进过程中的350节视频课例,采用内容分析法,探究新手教师、胜任教师和成熟教师三类群体的教学行为改进特征。研究发现:基于经验学习圈2年的持续教学行为改进过程取得了显著的改进效果,三类教师均能够较好地改进问题的开放性;讨论后汇报和鼓励学生提出问题是三类教师在教学行为改进中共同的难点;经验学习中的反思性观察和抽象概括两个阶段对教师教学行为的正向改进作用比较小;三类教师群体的教学行为改进着力点明显不同,成熟教师最难改进的教学行为和最难改进的研修阶段与新手教师和胜任教师不同,新手教师与胜任教师存在不同的教学行为改进难点和相同的最难改进阶段。根据上述不同教师群体的教学行为改进特征,可以进一步优化与完善教师教学行为的改进方法与策略,形成更加精准地教学行为改进支持服务与改进依据,丰富教学行为改进的有关研究。  相似文献   

广育学会是天津最早的私塾改良团体,1905年成立后一直积极从事私塾改良活动,在官方未正式介入之前,天津的私塾改良一直由其领导,为近代天津的私塾改良做出了重要贡献。  相似文献   

Ideally, school effectiveness research and school improvement might have a relationship with a surplus value for both. In reality, this relationship is often troublesome. Some problems can be attributed to the intrinsic differences between effectiveness and improvement, such as different missions. However, an analysis of the current situation in effectiveness and improvement shows that there are many possibilities at all stages of research studies and improvement projects for a more fruitful relationship. In this article, stronger links between effectiveness and improvement are advocated. Such links can be achieved by better‐guided processes of application and reconstruction of knowledge during effectiveness research and improvement. These processes, illustrated by some successful projects which have started recently, are described under the heading of sustained interactivity.  相似文献   

On most community college campuses where quality and improvement are taken seriously, there are at least three coexisting languages. The language of total quality management is spoken by administrators and by faculty members who teach management or business courses; the language of assessment is spoken by both faculty members and administrators; and the language of teaching and learning is spoken primarily by faculty members and academic administrators. Each language reflects a philosophical commitment to improvement. Each overlaps in terminology with the other two. Each suffices well in its own domain. Yet each is, by itself, insufficient as a campuswide lingua franca of continuous improvement. These languages may continue to coexist. If a college is really to accomplish a paradigm shift throughout the institution, however, it must generate its own language—a language spoken by all, a language that describes and discusses a campuswide system of quality, improvement, and change.  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of which the purpose was to understand the role of principals in changing underperforming schools towards sustainable improvement in one circuit area of North-West, South Africa. School principals play a crucial role in guiding schools towards sustainable improvement by shaping a vision of academic success for all learners. Managing teaching is one of the core modules in South Africa’s new national qualification for school principals, and that being the case, principals should play a central role in effecting the educational transformation of all learners. The quality of principals’ leadership is the key factor driving the transformational turnaround and improvement required in schools. They perform a highly complex and dynamic role in enhancing and sustaining school improvement. It was the goal of this qualitative study to explore cultural, structural, and agential challenges faced by principals in their effort to provide for change and improvement in their schools. Six schools were purposefully selected to participate in the study and semi-structured interviews were used to gather data from the principals. The study established that paying attention to cultural, structural and agential factors in schools increases their ability to sustain learner improvement.  相似文献   

This paper is based on a multiple case study of schools which have been identified as improving their performance for about a decade. We proposed different criteria by which to characterize and study these improvement processes and, by applying them to our sample, we elaborated a typology of school improvement trajectories: we identified 4 different trajectories of school improvement. We called the first type restricted improvement because at its center is the management of processes that mainly target academic achievement tests; the second is incipient improvement, which is based on changes that restructure the school processes; the third identified trajectory are cases where school improvement is moving toward institutionalization, while the last are those cases where improvement has been already institutionalized and the schools have achieved high levels of educational effectiveness. We identified challenges that schools face at different stages of school improvement and discussed some related policy issues.  相似文献   

单从某些局部因素出发去改进薄弱学校的尝试往往是很难成功的.为此,本文选取了H中学作为个案,以学校作为改进单元运用质的研究方法进行了深入的研究.研究发现:学校改进是外驱力和内驱力共同作用的结果,在学校改进的不同时期内外驱力所起的作用是不同的;影响学校改进的主要因素包括学校制度的改进、关爱共同体的形成、校长的领导力、教师专业成长、环境建设、教育资源的共享等.薄弱学校改进的过程为学校自身发展、外部合作者和决策者提供了多方面启示.  相似文献   

In this selective review of research of school improvement in the Scandinavian countries — Denmark, Norway and Sweden — we use the definition of ‘school improvement’ first proposed by Miles and Ekholm [1985]. They state that school improvement is ‘a systematic, sustained effort aimed at change in learning conditions and other related conditions in one or more schools, with the ultimate aim of accomplishing educational goals more effectively’ [p. 48]. Using this definition, we focus on school improvement that occurs at the local level. We also focus on efforts that are planned and managed rather than those that are haphazard. We deal mainly with school improvement at the comprehensive level of the school system in the three countries.  相似文献   

素质教育旨在提高国民整体素质。学校美术教育是素质教育的有力传播手段 ,它需要教师自身素养提高、学生全面发展。学校美术教育要真正对素质教育起到促进作用 ,就必须体现它的综合性、完整性 ,充分发挥其功能  相似文献   

Training is often the performance improvement solution of choice, yet how often does the best training not yield performance improvement? There is a growing body of evidence that indicates that many times performance improvement can be achieved faster, cheaper, and better by altering factors in the workplace than by training. This article describes an activity designed to illustrate the importance of workplace factors in improving performance and a study that demonstrates its validity. Results of the study indicate that two-thirds of the participants believed the environmental factors of information, resources, and incentives needed improving in order to enable them to improve their own performance.  相似文献   

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