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This article compares four European information and communication technologies (ICT) development projects spawned by national and EU initiatives to create the “European information society.” These projects, which sought to support learning and better use of ICT, were all the result of opportunities opened up by political initiatives. The analysis indicates that the main problems that afflict these projects stem from varied expectations and interests of the major actors. These problems can be mitigated considerably if a feeling of ownership is generated among the participants. This sense of belonging, however, is difficult to foster in a “top-down” project. Hence there is a need for a better balance between the “top-down” and “bottom-up” influences in the development of such projects.  相似文献   

肖海丰 《科教文汇》2021,(10):84-85
“水文学与水资源”课程主要是教授水文学与水资源的基本概念和原理,课程中蕴含大量的思政元素。该文对在“水文学与水资源”课程中开展课程思政的策略进行了分析,具体包括:在绪论课学习中合理融入思政要素;精心设计实验课,从而培养学生的科学态度;采用各种灵活的学习方式,增进课程思政的实效;关注与“水文学与水资源”课程相关的时事和学生的生活实践,将其作为课程思政的切入点;建设“水文学与水资源”课程思政教育资源库。  相似文献   

行之有效的教学方法是增强高校思想政治理论课实效性的重要途径。教学实践证明,在“中国近现代史纲要”课程教学中运用历史情景剧,对激发学生学习兴趣、提高学生的历史认知能力、培养学生综合素质、提升思想政治理论课的教学实效有着非常明显的作用。针对历史情景剧教学法在实践中存在的问题,可从提高学生对历史情景剧的功能认识、融合专题教学、加强过程管理、增加资源投入等方面出发,推进历史情景剧在思想政治理论课教学中的运用。  相似文献   

Analyzing and extracting insights from user-generated data has become a topic of interest among businesses and research groups because such data contains valuable information, e.g., consumers’ opinions, ratings, and recommendations of products and services. However, the true value of social media data is rarely discovered due to overloaded information. Existing literature in analyzing online hotel reviews mainly focuses on a single data resource, lexicon, and analysis method and rarely provides marketing insights and decision-making information to improve business’ service and quality of products. We propose an integrated framework which includes a data crawler, data preprocessing, sentiment-sensitive tree construction, convolution tree kernel classification, aspect extraction and category detection, and visual analytics to gain insights into hotel ratings and reviews. The empirical findings show that our proposed approach outperforms baseline algorithms as well as well-known sentiment classification methods, and achieves high precision (0.95) and recall (0.96). The visual analytics results reveal that Business travelers tend to give lower ratings, while Couples tend to give higher ratings. In general, users tend to rate lowest in July and highest in December. The Business travelers more frequently use negative keywords, such as “rude,” “terrible,” “horrible,” “broken,” and “dirty,” to express their dissatisfied emotions toward their hotel stays in July.  相似文献   

管理学是经管类专业的一门专业基础课,主要面向大一新生。学生学习管理学,可以掌握管理的基本理论、方法和思想,具备管理思维。该文对管理学课程思政进行研究,以立德树人为目标,将课程思政融入管理学课程教学,以此来培养学生的爱国主义精神和社会责任感,实现“育人”的作用,为学生今后的学习和工作打下基础。该文梳理了管理学课程思政的素材来源、形式和融入点,对于当前管理学的课程思政改革创新具有参考意义。  相似文献   

司莉  周璟 《情报科学》2022,39(2):36-42
【目的/意义】用户参与对于“一带一路”专题数据库的资源利用、价值实现以及可持续发展具有重要影响, “一带一路”专题数据库用户参与激励机制尤为重要。【方法/过程】本文在分析数据库建设角色定位,以及用户参与 动机基础上,使用文献调研法借鉴用户参与激励机制相关实践,构建了“一带一路”专题数据库用户参与激励机制。 【结果/结论】用户参与角色划分为5类:规划建议者、资源贡献者、资源描述者、资源审校者、维护与评价者,其参与 动机有内在动机和外在动机,提出以荣誉激励和情感激励为主,利益激励为辅的“一带一路”专题数据库建设用户 参与激励机制,其中荣誉激励机制包含积分制-排行榜激励、徽章激励、书面认可激励,情感激励机制包含任务设置 趣味化、系统设计人性化。【创新/局限】本文构建的用户参与激励机制服务于“一带一路”专题数据库建设全过程, 能有效提高用户参与度与忠诚度,进一步发挥“一带一路”专题数据库的使用价值。  相似文献   

该文从理论定位、基本内涵、结构功能、途径和方法等方面梳理“八个相统一”思政课改革创新理论的研究现状,指出当前学界着力于研究“是什么”的理论阐释,而对于在实践中“怎么办”、实践中存在的问题以及如何克服这些问题缺乏分析和研究。“八个相统一”思政课改革创新理论,要在理论与实践结合的基础上进一步推进研究。  相似文献   

为响应教育部关于“加快重点领域知识图谱性教学资源库建设”的建议,整合现有企业资源和高校资源,文章以中国石油大学(北京)克拉玛依校区为例,结合疫情防控期间线上教学的经验及成果,以工程教育专业认证视域下的培养方案与课程大纲为基础,分析油气集输课程资源库建设的意义和背景,提出油气集输课程资源库建设的总体思路,结合知识图谱的概念理顺油气集输课程的知识脉络,并将课程思政融入油气集输课程的教学过程。课程资源库建设成果可以为相关专业的师生提供有力的线上教学支持,引导学生建立个人知识图谱思维,提高其分析问题、解决问题的能力,鼓励其扎根西部,成为“能担重任的西部建设者”。  相似文献   

新时代大学生"互联网+"时代药理学课程思政模式注重发挥互联网技术在高校课程思政中的作用,真正实现互联网与大学生思政教育的有机融合。伴随着新时代以互联网为载体的知识的普及,高校教师的课程思政方式得到了极大的拓展,同时面临着许多的机遇和挑战,利用互联网进行教学改革已是势在必行。充分挖掘药理学课程思政元素,可以取得更好的育人效果。  相似文献   

课程思政是当前高等教育专业课程改革的新方向和新趋势。新时代的塞罕坝精神“牢记使命、艰苦创业、绿色发展”是重要的课程思政资源。因此,该文围绕恢复生态学课程的建设,以课程思政教育理念为指导,基于塞罕坝机械林场的教学实践活动,深入挖掘塞罕坝精神的课程思政元素,通过看展览、听讲座、游森林、做调查、写心得等多种形式将塞罕坝精神融入恢复生态学教学,在课程教学中进一步弘扬和传播塞罕坝精神,并为恢复生态学课程的教学思政育人提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   


Several information processing technologies which are capable of augmenting human performance in handling a range of emergency situations are featured in this discussion. Among the more sophisticated systems which have proven useful in enhancing information collection, transmission, and selective processing are packet radio networks, “expert planning systems,” multiple‐satellite technology, and such related emerging developments as “internetting” and “machine intelligence.”  相似文献   

周正丽  万美君  王云 《科教文汇》2021,(10):103-104
课程思政建设是新时代中国高等教育建设发展的重要工作,如何在医学专业课程中挖掘和表达思政因素,推动课程思政全面实施,成为医学界研究的重点问题。该文以职业道德教育、人文素养教育为主题,以“敬畏生命、尊重生命、珍惜生命”教育为核心,围绕“口腔解剖生理学”课程的口腔临床特色和解剖学特征,努力挖掘该学科的思政教育内容,初步探讨了在“口腔解剖生理学”教学中开展课堂教学、隐性思政教育、实践思政活动的方式,以实现该课程从教学到育人的转变。  相似文献   

王颖 《科教文汇》2021,(11):107-108
随着工程教育认证标准的提出,传统的以知识传授为主体的软件工程课程教学模式需要转变到以能力和素养为主体的模式。将课程思政融入“软件工程”课程建设中,可以有力地促进学生能力和素养的提升,并进一步达成工程教育认证毕业要求指标。该文以工程教育专业认证为抓手,从教学目标和教学内容重构、课程教学模式创新、课程评价体系优化三个方面论述了融入课程思政元素的教学改革举措,为面向工程教育认证的“软件工程”课程思政建设提供可选的方案与参考。  相似文献   

The need for quick, timely, and accurate information is critical in emergency events. During mass emergencies, people assemble information from both official and unofficial sources. As digital access expands, people will increasingly incorporate information from digital sources into decision making and assess it against the local circumstances they experience. If we extrapolate what such behavior means for the future, we can see that information management under emergency conditions will need to become increasingly socially distributed. The key question then is how to assess the quality of information: how “good” or “bad” it is; whether it is “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Borrowing from Simon's notion of satisficing, the authors argue that people's assessment of information helpfulness and credibility is a function of the “everyday analytic” skills they employ during mass emergencies. To facilitate the critical work of “everyday analysts,” we outline a research agenda for the development of analytical support tools.  相似文献   

在前期开展方剂学课程思政教学的基础上,方剂学教学团队从“抗疫”主题方向深入开展课程思政教学改革。文章明确了“统一行动,学生参与,考核评定,拓展延伸”的课程思政运行机制,提出了针对“抗疫”主题修订的课程思政教学目标,并重点论述了“抗疫”主题课程思政的具体实施情况,即课程思政主渠道建设、利用“第二课堂”开展“抗疫”主题系列活动以及在对外教学中融入课程思政元素等,同时探讨了课程思政质量考核评价体系,全面介绍了方剂学“抗疫”主题课程思政教学改革情况。课程思政教学改革的实施,提高了学生的政治认同,培养了学生的家国情怀,提高了学生的文化素养和道德修养。  相似文献   

"气象设备保障"课程思政改革的目标是,培养学生成为爱国热情高、职业素质强、专业技术硬的优秀技术人才。该文从"气象设备保障"的课程特点出发,在"气象设备全寿命技术保障流程""气象观测仪器"等不同章节建立了课程知识点与思政元素的对应关系。在"气压仪器检定"章节,采用讲述式的方式植入坚持党的领导、心怀职业道德和勇敢面对困难等思政内容,取得了学生思想觉悟和业务能力双重提升的教学效果。  相似文献   

In the 1990s, knowledge management originated as a post-Fordist, information society, discourse that stressed the sociotechnical “capture” and distribution of knowledge as a sharable, information resource. Following a postindustrial model, the information/knowledge economy was seen as the leading productive sector. Today's networked systems mix information processing and retrieval and communication technologies in new ways. While such systems demand new tools for capturing, organizing, searching, ranking, and visualizing knowledge, such systems also offer new opportunities for education and for better, shared, research. This article reviews the status of computational technologies in university education in, and since, Jean-François Lyotard's The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge and then offers recommendations on bridging the divide between networked and critical thinking through the reorganization of the university and some of its functions.  相似文献   

A “quick-and-dirty” input-output measure for libraries is derived using readily available data. The library is defined as a system that acquires books as input and circulates books as output. By simply dividing the number of books circulated per unit time by the number of books acquired in that same time, such a measure is created. Used like a temperature thermometer, the C/A ratio has to be “just right” (not too high and not too low) if the library is to be considered “healthy”.  相似文献   

历史上反复出现的重大公共卫生突发事件,大都是“同一健康”失序的体现,其背后则潜藏着人与动物二元对立的认识论误区。理性的人与作为机器的动物之间的森严等级关系,造成了“自我”对“他者”的支配与控制,鼓励了人类对动物和环境的践踏。然而在人类对动物和环境肆意妄为的同时,其自身也以全球疫情、气候变暖等形式受到了反噬。历次针对疫情的“战争总动员”就源于普遍联系的健康网络中人与动物关系的破坏。如果我们不认真反思这种认识论上的误区,那么历次疫情爆发不过是未来更多危机的彩排。只有瓦解泾渭分明的二元对立,在全球范围内展开普遍合作、践行“同一健康”议题,人类才能与动物、环境共同生活与共同发展,在拥有“同一世界”的同时,享有“同一健康”。  相似文献   

Good information storage and retrieval systems should not only meet the looseness of human memory but also the looseness of natural language. Our information trace method allows for the creation of mechanical systems that combine looseness with indulgence. In accordance with this method, information records consisting of pieces of natural language are attached to each other, leaving fuzzy semantic traces behind in the form of sets of three-letter-strings which have been derived from the original texts. The system calculates an “importance value” for each possible answer to a user query. Queries also may be given in the form of a simple piece of natural language. Answers are communicated to the user, if he so wishes, in descending order of “importance value” as calculated by the system.  相似文献   

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