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Conclusion This paper has described the intertwining of linguistic, cognitive, and emotional development in a boy who has a severe language disability. Development proceeded through the usual stages and at the expected ages, yet there were interesting shifts and interactions that appear to be a function of Tony’s individual developmental style, and also, possibly, of intervention. One is particularly struck by the diminishing significance of language comprehension difficulties; expressive problems continue to be troublesome, but verbal conceptual ability has developed well and Tony has acquired an enthusiasm and affection for words. He will continue to struggle with verbal expression, but he knows his difficulty well and has made enough strides in working with it to hold his own in a relatively demanding private school. Early identification of the problem and intervention that has spanned nearly seven years have permitted the observation of developmental regressions and advances which, if viewed statically, might have been misinterpreted. More important, the continued involvement has made possible an emotional commitment between student and therapist that, one hopes, has had a steadying effect and that has led to the investment of verbal content with more richly textured meanings.  相似文献   

Khanya College, a small tertiary access programme in Johannesburg, South Africa began operation in 1986. Making use of Freirian methodology and targeting activists involved in the anti‐apartheid struggle, the college has made a serious attempt to embody the notion of education for liberation. However, the college has faced serious constraints due to the conservative nature of the education system within which Khanya was forced to operate. Despite these constraints the college has succeeded in producing a number of politically active professionals as well as developing working relationships with mass organizations in the country. With the advent of democratic rule in South Africa in 1994, the college has been forced to evaluate its strategic orientation. The conclusion of Khanya has been to try to develop into a larger scale, comprehensive community college which still adheres to the ethos and methodology which inspired Khanya's founding.  相似文献   

韩城花椒产业化及效益评析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西部农村的出路就是发展特色农业和实现农业的产业化.韩城农业近几年能够迅速崛起,就是选准花椒产业做文章,形成了生产、加工、销售一条龙的产业链,并取得了良好的经济、生态和社会效益.  相似文献   

在政治变动剧烈的1976年重新出现的《人民文学》与政治的关系密不可分,是政治意识形态的重要组成部分。在内容上它对政治做出了彻底的言说,无论是作为一个大文本还是其中各个小文本叙述的只是政治。在形式上,它是政治的产物,它出现的方式、作品的叙事模式都是政治化的。其中,斗争回忆不仅具有叙事学方面的功能,更是现实斗争合法性和必然性的确证。  相似文献   

十余年来,伴随着刘亮程由最初的"一夜成名"到今天的"销声匿迹",刘亮程研究逐步深入和发展,但刘亮程及其散文的意义人们关注的却很少。本文以为,刘亮程的意义在其艺术创作生活中的"进入",这种"进入"有其艰难性,但同时刘亮程也给出了一些"进入"的途径,而这种"进入"的本质实为艺术创作的终极途径。  相似文献   


June 2019 saw the 25th anniversary of the World Conference on Special Needs Education, which was co-organized by UNESCO and the Ministry of Education and Science of Spain, and held in the city of Salamanca. It led to the Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education, arguably the most significant international document that has ever appeared in the field of special education. In so doing, it endorsed the idea of inclusive education, which was to become a major influence in subsequent years. The articles in this special issue illustrate the ways in which the Salamanca Statement has and still is influencing the development of policies and practices across the world. In this editorial, we provide readers with some relevant background to these developments.  相似文献   

The rapid spread affranchising activity by universities over the last few years has been a quiet revolution - revolutionary in its speed and radical nature, but so quiet that its significance has yet to be assessed. Publications on franchising, and there are only a few, are investigative and informative, rather than analytical or policy-oriented. This is perhaps because there has been no major national policy lead on franchising. Government departments and national bodies have contributed at best encouragement and recognition; at worst suspicion and obstruction. In the tradition of revolutionary activity, franchising has been a bottom-up initiative, institution-led, and at a speed which, 'In a sector not known as a quick-change artist is breathtaking'. This paper examines the origins, nature and implications of this quiet revolution.  相似文献   

The integrity of Career and Technical programs in Mississippi has increased in large part due to the implementation of research-based practices in both the curriculum and assessment processes. The use of standard measures has increased the likelihood that postsecondary instructors and administrators accept articulated credit, and secondary instructors are more comfortable using a standard for students across the state. Beginning with only a handful of courses has been positive because problems and other issues can be addressed quickly and easily. Both secondary and postsecondary instructors are included on the curriculum writing and revision teams, which has improved communication. Another benefit of this process has been the ease of transition for students from secondary to postsecondary in program areas. Although articulation is still a “work in progress” in Mississippi, consistency and communication has improved the development process and the benefits to students.  相似文献   

The literature on schools has emphasised the importance of leadership for the effectiveness of institutions. Effectiveness has largely been defined in terms of the academic success of students in standardised tests. Although it has been well established that students of certain minority ethnic backgrounds do not achieve as well as their peers, the literature has failed to address effectiveness in relation to this issue. Discussions of school leadership have therefore neglected to examine the specific challenges for leaders in multi-ethnic contexts and the qualities necessary to reverse the trend of underachievement among identified groups. This article examines the notion of effectiveness and of effective leadership, and attempts to delineate some of the qualities of leadership necessary for success in multi-ethnic contexts.  相似文献   

中国古代的民本思想,历史悠久,源远流长。尽管在不同的历史时期有不同的形式和内容,但都把民作为社稷的根本和施政的基础,承认和重视民众在社会政治、经济和道德生活中的地位和作用。中国几千年发展的历史昭示了这样一个道理:民众确实是国家的基础和根本,民心向背决定着国家的兴衰成败、社会治乱和民族存亡。中国的民本思想是中华政治明的瑰宝,具有丰富的思想精华和智慧资源。然而它作为统治阶级思想的重要组成部分,具有很大的局限性。中国共产党提出的立党为公、执政为民与中国古代的民本思想由于社会历史条件不同、主体不同、宗旨不同,因而具有本质的区别。在全面建设小康社会和开创中国特色社会主义现代化新局面的进程中,我们既要传承中国传统化中民本思想的精华,又必须实现历史性超越,赋予立党为公、执政为民以新的内容、新的原则和新的精神。  相似文献   

Over time my teaching role has evolved into one of facilitating adult learning. Recent studies that I have undertaken in higher education have met a felt need for further critical reflection on this approach. The discovery, through discussion and reading, of a language that enables me to conceptualise and investigate issues in teaching and learning has been a major part of this process, as has peer supervision. Engaging in this process in turn has encouraged continuing reflection in and on my practice.

My teaching area is theology, which involves critical reflection on experience and practice, and this has deeply influenced the way in which my teaching role has developed. Shared reflection in class interrelates with personal reflection, and has the potential to promote ongoing or lifelong learning. The facilitator's role in this setting combines caring and challenge, with the possibility of conflict management as well. It is hoped that aspects of my experience and practice in facilitating reflection in theology will be seen to have relevance to other areas of teaching.  相似文献   

After many years of neglect, the subject of giftedeness as a topic of research has once again received more attention in German speaking countries since the end of the 1970s. The somewhat hesitant, systematic study of highly gifted children and adolescents, especially the question of how to identify and encourage them, was accompanied over the years by controversial and exhaustive educational policy debates. Emphasis on aspects such as equality of opportunity and elitist education has, inter alia, contributed considerably to the fact that the interests of gifted children–even if discussions have aroused increasing public interest, i.e. discussion of giftedness has became socially acceptable — have only slowly begun to be emphasized. It is probably for this reason that little attention has been paid to grade skipping. The students in the present study who skipped a grade coped as a group quite well with work in the higher grade, depite a low level of support from the schools.  相似文献   

马克思主义创立一百五十多年以来 ,之所以能永葆青春 ,蓬勃发展 ,就在于创新是这一理论本质的内在要求。马克思主义在其曲折的发展史上经历了一次又一次的理论创新 ,使社会主义事业呈勃勃发展的态势。在新世纪的征途上 ,我们要以锐意创新的精神推进理论不断创新 ,使社会主义焕发出新的活力  相似文献   

This paper takes seriously the claim that postmodernism has seriously undermined our‘modern’ understanding of what the role of education in a democratic society should be. It therefore seeks to reinterpret this role in a way that confronts the challenge that postmodernism has posed. In order to do this the paper clarifies how postmodernism has now discredited the‘modern’ assumptions on which our view of the relationship between education and democracy has been erected. Drawing on the philosophy of John Dewey, it then reconstructs the relationship between education and democracy so as effectively to resist the challenge that postmodernism has posed.  相似文献   


It has been shown that the interview has an important role to play in selection provided that it has been adequately planned. If the interviewer has decided what he wants, what to look for, and how to find this, the interview procedure used can be adapted to suit the requirements of the employing organization.

Despite the criticisms of the interview, the critics have not as yet, in the author's opinion, offered any satisfactory alternatives. This they would be able to do, perhaps, when employers become willing to employ staff without face to face contact. ‘The value of the interview—of “the meeting face to face”—has’ in Oldfield's [28] opinion ‘grown rather than diminished’ because it provides a ‘contrast with a background of uncommunicative correspondence’.  相似文献   

民族志诗学的理论与实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
民族志诗学是 2 0世纪中后期以来在美国民俗学、人类学界兴起的一个重要理论流派。它在承认世界范围内的每一特定文化都有各自独特的诗歌 ,这些诗歌都有其独自的结构和美学特点的前提下 ,发展出了一整套关于在书写文化中进行口头艺术文本录和翻译的观点和方法。这种方法 ,既极大地拓展了书写文化对口头传统的表现力 ,也为深入认识口头艺术乃至所有文学传统的内在特征提供了一个崭新的视角  相似文献   

大学治理:责任与财政   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学的演变主要体现在大学的结构、治理、管理系统、拨款机制方面以及知识、形式与内容的多样化。大学在公众参与和权威主义方面已经从一个极端走向了另一个极端。大学的未来取决于社会的引导和内部的共生。高等教育已经从以学习者为中心转向以教学和管理人员的共生结构为中心,高等教育经费需要多样化的渠道。大学的持续变革对于学校内部机制的公平、效力、效率、相关性,以及学生、教授、研究者和管理者等大学成员的道德规范提出了要求。  相似文献   

人文主义:传统与现代   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
西方哲学的人文主义传统 ,经历了人文科学、人文主义、人道主义和人本主义 (人本学 )四个阶段。现代哲学人文主义的涵义发生重大变化 ,反对传统的主体主义 ,关注人的现实生存处境 ,从非理性到合理性。同时 ,针对传统的人道主义和马克思主义 ,出现了当代人道主义的三种理论形式  相似文献   

美国当代作家拉尔夫.艾利森作为黑人民族文化传统的坚定捍卫者,自幼与黑人音乐便有了不解之缘,其文学创作深深植根于美国黑人音乐,在音乐方面的修养直接影响到其世界观和种族文化观。他的代表作《看不见的人》自始至终都流淌着黑人音乐的音符,成为小说人物表达心声的特殊语言。艾利森在作品中对黑人音乐娴熟的驾御能力充分说明了黑人音乐已成黑人声讨种族歧视、走出身份认同的困惑和超越自我的有力武器,是一股无形的巨大动力。  相似文献   

张承志在他有着浓郁少数民族风情和虔诚的宗教意味的文本中,瞬间之美、异端之美和牺牲之美在命定的悲剧中被着力地渲染和推崇,他以其稍纵即逝的瞬间之美抗拒着我们的愚钝警醒着我们的麻木,以其激烈的异端之美拒斥着现世的庸常和污浊,以其激昂的牺牲之美抗拒着时代的冷漠和生存的盲目与苟活。这无疑构成了一种精神召唤,一种文化抵抗,使之成为八九十年代启蒙话语中的一面美的旗帜。  相似文献   

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