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教师的教育特质:共情   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
共情,被人本主义心理学家认为是影响教育进程和效果的最关键的特质。教师作为学生的引路人,要想真正地建立与学生的良好关系,深入学生的心灵,对学生起帮助与引导作用,就必须具备共情这一教育特质。  相似文献   

"尊重的教育"视野中的教师继续教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“尊重的教育”是一种具有时代气息的教育理念。它的提出不仅使教育工作者在行为科学层面获得一种遵循,而且激发了教育工作者对现实中的各种教育活动的理性思考。本文以“尊重的教育”为视角,审视我国目前的教师继续教育中存在的问题,并提出了一定的改革建议。  相似文献   

刘业俭 《中国教师》2009,(11):25-25,28
<正>"尊师重教"师道尊严"是我国的文化传统和教育传统,然而时下教师却得不到应有的尊重。总结起来,主要有以下几方面。  相似文献   

“教育成功的秘密在于尊重学生。”在教育教学实践中,该如何尊重学生呢?  相似文献   

冯蓉 《甘肃教育》2014,(20):89-89
正在教师的教育智慧结构中,尊重是内核。学校生活主要体现在师生关系上面,良好的师生关系能铺就学生的幸福生活,反之,不和谐的师生关系将成为学校教育的绊脚石。下面,我就结合工作实践谈谈自己的做法。【案例描述】去年教师节,我收到了这样一条短信:老师,教师节快乐!谢谢你对我的关心和鼓励,我会好好努力,让你和我父母都放心!看到这条短信,我的心情久久不能平静,思绪不知不觉飘回到了一  相似文献   

全国中小学生问卷调查结果表明 :受学生欢迎的教师的首要品质是 ,尊重学生的人格 ,理解信任学生。一个人在生存需要、安全需要以及从属和爱的需要得到一定程度的满足后 ,便会开始对名誉、地位、成就给予较多的关注 ,这就是尊重的需要。因此 ,教师要尊重学生 ,维护学生的自尊心  相似文献   

许静 《课外阅读》2011,(10):374-374
尊重就是对儿童最好的教育,是儿童肯定自我的开始。首先尊重教育应从“蹲下来”开始;其次尊重教育要“走进童心”;带着爱心,主动去亲近幼儿、放飞爱心,充分地信任幼儿;尊重教育要“爱到细微”、正视幼儿间的差异、照顾幼儿间的差异、立足幼儿间的差异,让每一位幼儿在教师殷殷的期待和浓浓的爱意中,都如一束束待燃的火苗,处处显示出勃勃生机。  相似文献   

特质情绪智力作为情绪智力的分支,近年来广泛应用于多种领域。在教育领域中,教师特质情绪智力高低对教师教学效果、课堂氛围、学生学习参与度、师生互动等有较大影响。研究特质情绪智力在教师角色中的运用,分析教师在课堂中运用特质情绪智力的原因及结果,探讨促进教师特质情绪智力的策略,有助于提升特质情绪智力在教育中的应用实效。提升教师特质情绪智力的策略主要包括:情绪性能力提升策略、自我控制能力提升策略、社交性能力提升策略与幸福感提升策略。  相似文献   

我校在学校管理过程中,一直倡导"尊重教育"的理念。尊重学生,扬起隐形的翅膀;尊重家长,结成坚定的教育联盟;尊重教师,提升职业幸福感;尊重教育规律,引领学校和谐发展。尊重教育的理念渗透到学校管理工作的方方面面,取得了良好的办学效果。  相似文献   

Respect is a core concept in citizenship debates. South African high school educators often draw upon respect as a key value within citizenship education. Their teaching of this value is often conflated with promotion of the practice of responsible citizenship. The constructions of respect and responsibility in these situations are imbued with assumptions around authority and power relations, such that learners’ are expected to take responsibility for demonstrating respect for in an unequal rather than reciprocal understanding of respect. Thus, negotiations of different kinds of respect are highlighted. The need for schools to embody a culture or ethos of respect is noted if learners are to be expected to recognise and adopt respect as a key element to citizenship in theory and in practice.  相似文献   

This paper presents a case for attending to preservice teachers’ beliefs that are relevant to the moral work of teaching within teacher education research and practice, and examines what it would look like to do so. The case for attending to candidate beliefs is grounded in a learner-centered approach to teacher education and in the literature on the role of beliefs in teacher learning and change. The authors demonstrate how attending to preservice teacher beliefs is particularly critical for the task of preparing candidates for the moral work of teaching, and present a conceptual framework that can guide that task and teacher education research and practice designed to support it.  相似文献   

The present article focuses on the counter stories of two Chilean social studies high school teachers. Counter stories describe how teachers use their professional experience to confront those mega narratives composed of dominant educational policies that impinge upon their pedagogical practices. The mega narrative described in this study as a citizenship education mega policy narrative is composed by citizenship educational guidelines that have become influenced by other market-driven educational policies, and is not only present in Chile but has also been influenced by policies coming from countries such as England and the US. Therefore, the discussions that emerge from these counter stories on the nature of this mega narrative and the ways through which teachers can confront it through their teaching, and the implications that all this has for the field of citizenship education, do not only fill a gap in Chilean research but also contribute to discussions on counter and mega narratives in the field of citizenship education within a wider international scope.  相似文献   

本文结合自身的教学体会,总结了商务日语中敬语的使用规则,并点评了商务日语中常见的几种敬语 的误用。  相似文献   

Values education (alternatively, moral education, character education) is the attempt, within schools, to craft pedagogies and supportive structures to foster the development of positive, ethical, pro-social inclinations and competencies in youth, including around strengthening their academic focus and achievement. Recent research has uncovered evidence of effective practices that apply broadly to schools at different levels and varied contents. Reviews of the empirical research have allowed for the identification of effective practices, including interactional practices, professional development, parental involvement, role modeling, and service opportunities. This article reviews the existing research and presents such a set of research-based effective practices.  相似文献   

In this essay, Terrenda White examines distinct forms of activism by two influential organizations: the Chicago Teachers Union (CTU) and Teach for America (TFA). Despite differences between these groups, both have created new discourses and alliances among teachers in the public sphere — what White calls “teacher publics.” These new alliances, White argues, can be conceptualized as counter-publics and alternative-publics. CTU is a counter-public because its activities counter the tradition of top-down insular unionism and embrace “social movement unionism” where teachers are part of an expansive coalition for social transformation, including contesting city and state bureaucracies for adequate resources and equitable practices on behalf of minoritized communities. TFA has also created expansive coalitions for change, embracing a “new professionalism” that rejects public contestations with state leaders for resources. As an alternative-public, TFA engages a network of private philanthropists and business leaders to generate change in public education through market-based initiatives that challenge bureaucratic control of teachers and schools and that incentivize competition, audit culture, and data-driven decision-making. These two cases, because their approaches to educational change are so different, provide fertile ground for White's evaluation of what new forms of activism mean for the democratic goals of public schools.  相似文献   

While differences in national contexts are associated with variations in how teachers are trained and school systems are organised, the conceptual and philosophical problems of equity and inclusion in schooling are shared concerns. This paper describes how the structure and content of an initial teacher education programme for primary and secondary teachers has been revised to ensure that social and educational inclusion is addressed within the core programme. A rationale is presented for the development of ‘inclusive practice’, followed by a discussion of the reforms and an outline of the effects that are expected in the classroom practices of teachers in schools.  相似文献   

美国教师教育评论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代,自从美国宣称自己的教育处于危险之中后,各种团体经过大量的调查得到结论认为:美国教育改革的首要任务是改革教学,而改革教学,专家型的教师起着关键性的作用。因此,一系列教师教育改革方案被提出并实施。  相似文献   

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