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This editorial is based on the keynote by Dr Mark Murphy, Department of General Practice, Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, at the Health Libraries Group conference, Keele University on 13–15 June 2018. https://bit.ly/2rubsIR#HLG2018  相似文献   

In contemporary African societies where multiple systems of knowledge coexist, and the use of informatics is becoming increasingly widespread, conventional perspectives drawn from cultural anthropology, environmentalism, development studies and intellectual property rights are insufficient guides to thinking about the digitization of indigenous knowledge. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, three moments in South African knowledge dynamics are used to probe some of the ontological, epistemological, and performative implications of science/IKS interaction in the design and construction of archives and databases of local plants. Twenty-first century databases of indigenous African medico-botanical knowledge need to assure that it is recontextualized historically and socially; that its multiplicity, visuality, and orality are retained; and that “articulation work” is done to make sure that design choices and use are cognitively just.  相似文献   

In contemporary African societies where multiple systems of knowledge coexist, and the use of informatics is becoming increasingly widespread, conventional perspectives drawn from cultural anthropology, environmentalism, development studies and intellectual property rights are insufficient guides to thinking about the digitization of indigenous knowledge. Taking an interdisciplinary approach, three moments in South African knowledge dynamics are used to probe some of the ontological, epistemological, and performative implications of science/IKS interaction in the design and construction of archives and databases of local plants. Twenty-first century databases of indigenous African medico-botanical knowledge need to assure that it is recontextualized historically and socially; that its multiplicity, visuality, and orality are retained; and that “articulation work” is done to make sure that design choices and use are cognitively just.  相似文献   

讨论集群知识创新研究是集群知识系统研究的重要组成部分,而集群中的知识创新活动总是在一定的认知共同体中进行的。分析认知共同体的自组织特征,提出认知共同体的涌现过程就是互等结构的形成过程,并分析知识门户设计对认知共同体涌现机制的影响,并对认知共同体的进化过程进行分析,这对认识集群中的知识共享及创新活动具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This exploratory survey aimed to investigate the possible influence of students' epistemic beliefs (EBs) on their general information seeking behavior (GISB). The study sample consisted of 290 undergraduate students majoring in different disciplines in some centers and units of Payame Noor University (distance education) in northern Iran in the academic year of 2012–2013. They completed a 28-itemed Epistemic Beliefs Inventory and a researcher-made 25-itemed General Information Seeking Behavior Questionnaire. By using SPSS 19 software, collected data was analyzed. The findings showed that students' EBs positively affected their GISB. Students with sophisticated EBs had elaborate GISB in comparison with those having naïve EBs. It can be concluded that the consideration of epistemic beliefs is relevant for research on information seeking behavior. This necessitates us to revise our approaches to reference services, information consulting and information literacy. This study and further related studies can lead to better performance in information environments from the user's side and guide academic librarians to integrate epistemic beliefs in library instruction.  相似文献   

主要论述认识信念的概念、认识信念在教育心理学领域的研究状况及其两种主要的研究方向:发展理论与结构理论,并重点论述认识信念与个体信息查询行为关系的已有研究成果,实证研究认识信念对我国大学生信息查询行为的影响.  相似文献   

A frequent critique of contemporary journalism is that journalists rarely adjudicate factual disputes when covering politics; however, very little research has been done on the effects of such passive journalism on audiences. This study tests effects of active adjudication versus “he said/she said” journalism on a variety of outcomes, finding that adjudication can correct factual beliefs, increase perceived news quality, satisfy perceived informational needs, and increase the likelihood of future news use. However, for readers who were less interested in the issues under dispute, adjudication also reduced epistemic political efficacy, which is confidence in one's ability to find the truth in politics.  相似文献   

本文利用中国知网(CNKI)中的中国引文数据库(Chinese citation database)引文统计功能,对历年《当代图书馆》被引文献情况进行了统计分析,旨在说明《当代图书馆》不断提升的学术地位和影响。  相似文献   

引文分析是图书情报学的重要贡献.引文分析的局限性表现在三个方面:对伪引的难以控制、对漏引的难以确认和对引用动机的难以辩识.引文分析局限性的根源在于“唯引是举”.引文分析是以整部文献为单元的分析,而互文性分析是以一个文本内部的话语为单元的分析.引文分析是基于形式的表层分析,而互文性分析是基于内容的批评性分析.互文性分析的目的在于揭示文本话语隐含的文化、心理、政治意义.互文性分析中的互文性类型包括语句互文、字词互文、体裁互文、修辞互文等.图书情报学理论应该关注互文性分析.进行互文性分析,有利于拓宽和深化图书情报学理论,有利于加强图书情报学理论的社会影响力.互文性分析与内容分析之间有区别.  相似文献   

在阐述贝叶斯分析在情报分析中应用的现状、贝叶斯分析基本原理的基础上,以案例研究为主线,着重研究贝叶斯分析在情报分析中的应用,其应用步骤包括:建立假设群、估算初始概率、建立证据列表、估计似然比、通过贝叶斯公式计算后验概率、持续监控等。  相似文献   

大数据分析与情报分析关系辨析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,包括大数据分析在内的大数据理念和方法引起了图书情报界的密切关注,成为情报学的热点话题之一。通过对比分析,发现大数据分析与情报分析有着天然的联系,两者既有共性,又存在着一定的差异。共性表现在看重对数据的定量分析,关注多源数据融合和强调相关性分析三个方面。同时,两者在数据对象、数据规模、分析任务与分析时机等方面又各具特色。本文认为,应该充分认识这些共性与差异,把情报分析的特色与优势发挥好,以迎接大数据带来的挑战。表1。参考文献25。  相似文献   

类书纂辑法和别裁法在表现形式上同为摘抄征引,裁篇别出,易被混淆,实际上二者不能等同.类书重在"抄",述而不作,但类书的这种抄录往往支离破碎,不关注著录源流的意义。"别裁"作为我国古典文献著录中的主要方法之一,在裁篇别出之后往往在每个篇目之下标有子注,申明所自。同"类书的纂辑"比起来,"别裁"能够达到"旨存统要,显著专篇"的功效。  相似文献   

共词分析与共引分析方法的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章主要从共词分析和共引分析的起源、研究对象及性质、前提假设、影响因素、应用过程及范围以及存在的问题几个方面对这两种方法进行了比较,并得出若干结论.  相似文献   

网络分析方法在引文分析中的整合研究   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
随着社会网络分析在各学科领域的不断渗透,复杂网络理论的兴起和可视化技术的进步,引文分析面临着研究范式从个体主义到整体主义的转变,研究方法从统计分析到网络分析的融合。本文通过对引文网络形成过程和本质属性的探究,以及对网络分析方法理论前提和分析原理的考察,探索网络分析方法在引文分析中的整合途径。具体包括测度引文网络整体结构特性,探究网络结构的形成机制和演化过程,分析引文网络的细分结构、可视化引文分析过程与结果等方面的整合。图1。表2。参考文献28。  相似文献   

以Web of Science中SCI-E、SSCI数据库1991~2010年的数据作为统计来源,对其进行计量分析,根据时间序列,将数字图书馆的发展分为4个时间段,运用关键词共现分析法,分析每一时间段的研究重点。同时对文献的合著作者采用社会网络分析法,离析出数字图书馆研究中的主要学术合作群体及其研究的热点问题,多角度揭示数字图书馆研究的发展趋势和方向。  相似文献   

本文以PageRank算法和HITS算法为例,对基于超链接分析技术的搜索引擎排序算法进行分析,并总结了超链接分析技术应用于搜索引擎结果排序的局限性。  相似文献   

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