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发生于16世纪的宗教改革运动,是欧洲历史乃至世界历史上的重大事件。人们往往把它同艺复兴和启蒙运动联系在一起,看做是欧洲从中世纪向近代转变在精神化层面上的标志。因而,在认识上很容易赋予宗教改革运动过多的光环,如:现代性、自由、民主、法制、个性解放,等等。但从信仰自由、宗教宽容的角度来审视这一运动,它则是一场反动。在宗教改革及其之后的一段时间内,新教表现得更加狂热、更不宽容,较天主教有过之而无不及。它宣扬的不是个性的解放和信仰的自由,而是虔诚、服从和纪律。  相似文献   

宗教改革是欧洲历史上的重大事件.它的发生有着深刻的社会原因。在思想上,中世纪西欧的文化思想领域受天主教神学思想的统治,广大群众要求冲破封建神学思想体系的束缚而获得解放.这是宗教改革发生的根本原因。在政治上,14—16世纪英、法、西等国先后形成统一的民族国家.而独立于世俗权力之外的天主教会成为其它分裂国家、尤其是德国走向统一的严重障碍。在绎济上.教会通过出卖赎罪券搜括民财.  相似文献   

概述16世纪欧洲声乐艺术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
16世纪的欧洲声乐艺术从内质上得到了空前的发展。合唱艺术,特别是无伴奏合唱围绕着复调音乐这个轴心,已达到相当的高度。宗教声乐通过改革与世俗声乐共同发展,交相辉映;学校声乐教育体系也初步形成。歌唱技法得到进一步重视并趋于科学化。声乐技法的发展,促进了作曲家、歌唱家的创作欲望与热情。在16世纪末产生的新型歌唱样式--歌剧,便成为作曲家、歌唱家文化内涵及歌唱技巧展示的重要舞台。  相似文献   

16世纪欧洲宗教改革实际上是用新的宗教形式来适应民族国家兴起的时代要求.宗教改革最终促进了欧洲的文化、科技和政治革命,起到了积极的历史作用.  相似文献   

16世纪英国宗教改革导致了英国历史发展的重大转折,而亨利八世宗教改革在其中举足轻重,本文以马克思主义宗教观为指导,论述了亨利八世宗教改革的特点与影响,揭示其历史必然性,指出亨利八世宗教改革是16世纪国家宗教改革完成和英国近代资本主义发展中极为关键和必要的一步,是资产阶级反封建斗争中的一个重要环节。  相似文献   

一次官方聚会,碰到一位很有事业心的校长。他本人也是学历史出身的,还是同门师兄。酒酣耳热之际.他没有想到去泡澡、K歌(这已经属于当下很难得的校长了),却和我谈起了宗教,最后竟然非常“出格”地邀请我去他们学校上节历史课,并大包大揽地把课题定在了《欧洲宗教改革》,说要延续今天晚上我们关于宗教问题的论争与言说。  相似文献   

张嵩 《历史教学问题》2004,(2):73-74,57
认识欧洲近代国际体系是我们认识当代国际体系的起点和基础。欧洲近代国际体系的建立 ,其中一个重要的背景是其宗教背景 ,而这又是与中世纪以来的欧洲历史紧密联系的。公元 1 5~ 1 6世纪的欧洲宗教改革产生了一系列非常积极的后果。那就是推动了近代的国家观念和国际社会的形成和发展 ,而这些要素对于后来整个欧洲乃至于整个世界国际体系的形成和发展 ,都具有根本的规范意义  相似文献   

日内瓦宗教改革取得的胜利主要归功于宗教改革领袖加尔发展、创造了“预定论”、“信仰得救”等新教理论和他创建“政教合作、民主共和”政体的伟大改革实践。此外,16世纪欧洲风起云涌的改革浪潮和日内瓦所具备的成熟的改革条件都促成了宗教改革的成功。日内瓦宗教改革的胜利具有深远的历史影响。  相似文献   

闫骤:我曾就选修一《历史上重大改革回眸》中《欧洲宗教改革》一课的教学问题作过专题调研,老师们的普遍反映是“知识难,理解难,容量大,概念多,不好把握”。究其原因,一是由于东西方文化的差异,不仅学生,甚至老师对欧洲古代历史比较陌生,  相似文献   

本文仅对16世纪的尼德兰革命的历史意义从四个方面进行了全面分析:即是胜利的资产阶级革命;成功的宗教改革运动,伟大的民族解放战争,是世界近代史的开端。  相似文献   

This study investigated the tension that exists between promoting an educational agenda and practising an educational approach which emphasises autonomy within the framework of religious education. Our main thesis is that every educational deed contains a dialectical tension between endorsing an educational agenda and the promotion of autonomy. Moreover, this tension is not restricted to religious education. The intensity of such a conflict varies in accordance with the flexibility (or inflexibility) of the dogma, the conceptual cohesion of the educational agenda and the perceived importance of granting autonomy to students. The more cohesive and inflexible the educational agenda is, the greater the danger that autonomy will be discarded. The present research examined an educational reform implemented in the National-Religious School Network in Israel, which included the promotion of autonomy among principals, teachers and students. Conducted over a six-year period (2006–2012), the research employed both qualitative and quantitative methodologies and involved various stakeholders in the school network. The multifaceted picture that emerged of the relationship between educational autonomy and religious agenda is presented.  相似文献   

This contribution is focusing on the question: ‘In what way is the issue of religious education in general and Islamic religious education in particular articulated in Europe and in Turkey, and what can be learned from the respective articulations for the interreligious dialogue?’ In the first section, the historical context is presented that makes up the diversity and situatedness of models of religious education (RE) in Europe, and its relation to citizenship education. Then the role of Islam in RE in Europe is addressed. In particular, Islam and RE/Islamic RE in the Dutch context is highlighted. In the second section, the Turkish educational system is described from the Ottoman Empire to the Republican Era, including the position of Islam. Turkey’s present day secularised educational system is presented and the changed position of Islam in education. In the third section, the authors introduce the concept of ‘conversational analysis’ by using ‘European tinted lenses’ to further explore the Turkish articulation of Islam in education, and ‘Turkish tinted lenses’ to explore the European articulation with regard to Islam in RE. Concluding, some interesting aspects are emphasised where European and Turkish educators can learn from and with each other, and some recommendations for further research are given.  相似文献   

The paper explores the relationship between education reform and Intercultural Bilingual Education (IBE) for Bolivia's majority indigenous peoples, as this has evolved since the 1990s into the era of Evo Morales, Latin America's first indigenous president, elected in 2005. In order to bring out the significance of the new Education Bill awaiting approval in parliament since 2006, the paper examines in detail the recent historical relationship between education reform and IBE, the role of the country's indigenous social organisations in evolving this relationship, and the ideological underpinnings of the new education reform legislation.  相似文献   

Religious education at school should be more than just the acquisition of knowledge. It should not only provide cognitive facts on how religious people act according to their moral and religious convictions, but also on how learners can gain as much profit as possible from these facts in order to build their own identity as religious ‘tourists’. Good religious education challenges them also to become ‘pilgrims’ and to allow the ‘slow questions’ of religion to enter into their own life, in all their vulnerability and provisionality. This paper discusses the recent orientation towards religious experience in religious didactics in Western Europe and makes out a case for a mystagogical‐communicative or ‘narthical’ approach to religious learning. This argument is presented against the background of individualisation, pluralisation and detraditionalisation of religion, which is the typical context for young people in their search for meaning today.  相似文献   

Questions about the relationship between religion and politics are discussed with particular focus on the consequences for religious education. Norway is taken as an example of a country where increasing cultural diversity challenges traditional politics of religion. In the present climate of conflicting views on the role of religion in politics, religious education is higher on the political agenda in many European countries, but it is unclear which path the governments choose to follow. For religious educators it is important to engage critically in the political debate about religion, and to show a basic political loyalty towards the education of the individual child and towards improving the lifeworld of children.  相似文献   

彭虹斌 《比较教育研究》2007,28(6):12-15,20
教育政治学产生于其母体政治科学.在教育政治学发展的过程中,出现了两种张力:整合的张力和多元的张力.教育政治学的宏观微观之分是一个颇有争议的话题.尽管教育政治学领域的学者对该领域的发展付出了辛勤的劳动,但就该领域的一些基本概念、框架和理论基础而言,远未达成共识.  相似文献   

In this article, a religious education, which combines a respect for relevant critical demands, when analysing religious truth-claims, and a sensitivity to the need to avoid unwarranted criteriological constraints in the analysing process, is examined. Starting with an analytical comment upon Andrew Wright’s critical realist approach in terms of a ‘pursuit of truth’, the question of how to motivate epistemological analyses within religious education is raised and discussed with reference to three relevant sceptical arguments. These arguments are made objects of critical comments, and an illustration of pedagogical and methodological consequences is presented with reference to the new syllabuses for religious education in Sweden. Finally, a constructive re-interpretation of Wright’s approach is elaborated, and a critical position in relation to it is outlined.  相似文献   

This study presents a new theoretical and pedagogical framework based on the theories of Critical Religious Education (CRE), Variation Theory (VT) and the Learning Study model with the purpose of improving teaching and learning in Islamic Religious Education (IRE). It reports a Learning Study conducted in a secondary girls Muslim school in London on the topic of ‘Islam and being Muslim’. The aim of this research study is to examine if and how the proposed framework can be applied to IRE lessons, and how it affects the students’ learning. Thirty students of two seventh grade classes and their religious education teacher participated in the study. The data was collected through interviews and written tasks with the students before and after their participation in the study, video-recordings of the research lessons, and meetings with the teacher. Phenomenography and VT were utilised in the analysis of the data. The results suggest that the use of CRE, VT and Learning Study in teaching Islam contributes to students’ learning outcomes by means of helping teacher consider students’ diverse perspectives on religious phenomena when planning and implementing the curricular content, increasing students’ awareness of the ontological and epistemological dimensions of their faith as well as allowing them to make informed judgments about religious phenomena.  相似文献   

In geographical areas bordering those of other states, the function of educational systems, as the means for states to foster their citizens, is challenged by ambiguities and tensions connected to intercultural experiences. In this article, I illustrate some of the findings from a project that studies religious education in four border areas around the Baltic Barents Sea, by bringing forward the case of a school teacher who teaches Orthodox religious education (ORE), in a town in Finland close to the border with Russia. Thus, the aim is to present and discuss ORE in Finland as well as to understand what implication the border situation can have on religious education.  相似文献   

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