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陈烁 《文化学刊》2016,(4):101-103
道家美学是中国土生土长的美学观念,创始人是老子,庄子为重要的继承和发展者。"人法地,地法天,天法道,道法自然",道家美学主张人随自然。除了对中国的文学、绘画、音乐等有很大的影响,道家美学对中国服饰的发展也具有很大意义。本文将从色彩、材质和样式三方面分析彭丽媛的服饰,品味深厚的中国文化,有助于更好地理解道家美学对中国服饰的影响。  相似文献   

网络治理日益成为现代国家治理领域的重要组成部分。区别于法律治理与技术治理,以形成文化秩序为目标的文化治理模式对网络社会的安定和谐更具影响力。儒家发于“仁”,教以“德”与序为“礼”的礼治建构逻辑对今天的网络治理具有启发意义。网络社会要构建文化治理框架,首先需确立网络价值基础,凝聚网络社会价值共识,其次通过构筑网络道德体系,建立网络行为准则,最后在优化的道德教化方式下形成网络文化秩序。  相似文献   

生命意识的觉醒与儒、道生命观   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生命意识带有甚深的文化内涵。本文考索中国古代生命意识的觉醒过程 ,并重点论述儒家重生命社会意义、道德价值的生命观和道家生命即是意义、尚无为的养生观 ,以此揭示其深刻的文化内涵  相似文献   

论文主要从儒家理想人格追求的角度讨论当代医德的建设。认为医德包含从医者所必需遵从的行为规范,即医院的各项规章制度和从医者的私德.即从医者的自尊、理想、信仰和不断攀升的人生境界两个方面。后者是医德的重点所在.而其建设,必与传统文化尤其是儒家文化的精髓紧密相连,即把人培养成为一个懂得仁爱的人,一个能实行恕道的人。因此,在当代社会,作为一名医生,只有以儒家理想人格为追求,才能实现自我人格修为、自我人生境界的提升和理想人格的期许,建立起高尚的医德。  相似文献   

文献分析表明,孟子所谓充实之谓美意味着美就是生命完满实现其整体特性时的存在状态。孟子的这种生命美学观是在孔子全幅开辟了生命世界并强调文质相辅相成的基础之上,通过接受子思诚则形的本体论原则与稷下先生将生命充盈与美联系起来的思想,对先秦和、全之谓美的观念的进一步发展。它强调了美是生命本身自足时的存在状态而不是一种外在文饰,论证了美善统一原则,并更细致地区分了美的层次、突出了美的非现成性。这种主张从根本上表明先秦儒家既强调善也崇尚美。在中西美学视域融合下其美学意蕴与意义值得进一步阐明。  相似文献   

本文试图探索汉唐几个具有典型意义的皇帝与道家方士的复杂关系 ,研究他们之间的契合和悖离、利用和反利用 ,以说明道家方士对中国古代皇权政治曾起过不容忽视的作用。方士们确以不同方式介入过不同时期的政局 ,而作为国家首脑的皇帝也确曾经主动延揽 ,吹捧其威望和能量 ,授予相当权柄 ,因而对国政起过很大的影响。研究汉唐时期政治 ,是绝不能将道家方士的活动排除在外的。本文也认为 ,皇帝们宠用方士 ,其动机和态度是存在着巨大差异的 ,即有出于对宗教信仰的执着和虔诚 ,但更多则是基于实际统治需要 ,或两者兼而有之 ,将信仰和治术结合起来 ,巧为运用。当然 ,对于被称为方士的历史人物也不能笼统而论 ,他们之间的学理素养、道术修炼和人生追求、辅政的主张 ,甚至人品和活动方式都有巨大的不同。对于皇权和方士有代表性的人物及其活动 ,都必应因时因人因皇具体分析 ,尽可能公平地评价  相似文献   

儒家的发生与中国社会的非宗教化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
儒家是中国传统文化发展的必然产物。从巫文化的神治逐渐发展到人治 ,再到礼治的升华 ,为儒家的产生奠定了基础。巫文化与礼治文化传播的不平衡性 ,决定了儒家只能发生于鲁国。鲁国浓厚的礼治传统 ,造就了道德型文化 ,对孔子创立儒家学说产生了重要影响。儒家的发生 ,使中国走向了礼治化、世俗化社会 ,避免了中国文化、中国社会的宗教化。  相似文献   

吴蕴慧 《文化学刊》2014,(4):147-150
《礼记》中有关礼乐的内涵和功用的描述充分体现了儒家的政治理念。礼乐即礼节和音乐,是为了防止人欲横流酿成大乱而人为地加以节制的,也是用以教导人民摆正好恶之心从而返回做人正道的。实行礼乐是为了达到尊卑有序、远近和合的统治目的。儒家治理天下之道其实就是实行礼乐之道。  相似文献   

儒家人格美理想即是君子,其人格美内涵主要是浩然之气、勤于思而敏于行与尽名分、反躬自省等方面,本文相应地从三个方面分析现代大儒梁漱溟与儒家人格美理想的对应性,从而确证梁漱溟正是儒家所谓的君子,其言其行体现的正是君子风范。  相似文献   

"万物静观皆自得"--儒家心学与诗学片论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在宋明新儒家看来 ,宇宙人生是不可分的 ,仁者“静观”万物时的浑然与物同体 ,与其生命精神的内省体验相关联。由自然界鸢飞鱼跃的活泼生机 ,可见天地生命流行的生生之仁 ,而仁体就在人心里 ;故在返观心体的直觉活动中 ,能获得自适、自得之乐 ,体验到自然和谐之美与生趣盎然的诗意 ,融会贯通心学与诗学。  相似文献   

Schneider  William H. 《Minerva》2003,41(2):155-166
From 1919 to 1951, Alan Gregg and his mentor, Richard Pearce, directed the Medical Education and Medical SciencesDivisions of the Rockefeller Foundation. Although they oversaw the expenditure of millions of dollars, today they are forgotten. Yet, the system that Gregg administered became the model for the funding of biomedical research after the Second World War. This paper draws on the records of the Rockefeller Foundation to assess Gregg and his impact on biomedicine and philanthropy.  相似文献   

Conclusion Why did the Rockefeller Foundation think that it had to redeem its pledge of 1930 after the drastic political changes had occurred in Germany? It is my impression that the foundation was forced reluctantly to do so. There had, of course, been a resolution passed by the trustees in 1930 to vote the funds. This did constitute an obligation for the foundation which its trustees and officers were reluctant to disavow. It would probably have preferred that Planck could not meet the conditions set forth by the foundation. If this had occurred, it could have avoided the onus of failure to meet an obligation undertaken in 1930 and could then have also avoided providing support, even if only indirectly, for National Socialist Germany. When faced with the alternatives of withdrawal or payment of the grant, most of the officers preferred to delay action. Max Mason, on the other hand, had promised Planck that the grant would be made, despite the delay.Increasingly, after 1933, the Rockefeller Foundation spent more time dealing with requests for refugee scientists than with the support of scientific work in Germany. The dismissal of foundation-supported assistants on racial grounds had angered some members of the foundation.When the Rockefeller Foundation was chartered in New York in 1913 it declared that its objective was the well-being of mankind throughout the world. That remained its aim, but a fanatical nationalism made it impossible for the foundation to pursue an internationalist policy in a country with a regime entirely antithetical to that ideal.  相似文献   

Page  Benhamin B. 《Minerva》2002,40(3):265-287
This paper argues that the health-related work of the RockefellerFoundation in Central Europe following the First World War flowed not somuch from geopolitical concerns as from the Foundation's ambition tocreate a global network in scientific medicine. It examines theassumptions and values that underpinned this project, and indicates someof the questions that these pose for today's world.  相似文献   

本文从信息技术应用于古典文学研究着眼,分析了计算机在检索时代为人文科学研究提供了极大的便利,促进了人文学科研究的发展.提出当前信息技术在人文学科的应用方面进入了"分析时代",信息技术不再是被动应答的信息提供者,而是可以主动地"指导"人文学科的学者从事学术研究.但是,这并不计算机完全取代了人的工作,也不是使人的研究范围变小了,而是更加拓展了人在人文学科研究领域的学术空间.  相似文献   

Krementsov  Nikolai  Solomon  Susan Gross 《Minerva》2001,39(3):265-298
Until recently, the links between Rockefeller philanthropies and Russianscience and medicine during the 1920s have been virtually ignored, both inofficial Foundation histories and in Soviet accounts of foreign scientificrelations. Materials from the newly-opened Russian archives and the Rockefeller Archive Center reveal dense and tangled connections between multiple Rockefeller givers and multiple Russian takers. Examining the `Russian matter' from the perspective of both `givers' and `takers', this article highlights the impact of domestic and international politics on giving and taking across borders, and reveals the range of meanings of`internationalism' in philanthropy.  相似文献   

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