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"英语阅读(一)"的考试大纲规定试卷中约60%的内容立足于教材,这60%的内容包括了第一部分"课文理解"、第四部分"词汇"和第五部分"回答问题"。第四部分的词汇以课文中出现的生词为准,注意积累其中常用词的各种词性变化形式,在此不再赘述。而第一和第五部分主要考到对教材中各课文的主要内容、重要观点、重要细节、主旨、作家作品及文化背景的记忆和理解,特在此归纳如下,以供读者复习参考。  相似文献   

白从2000年开始,英语阅读(一)的试题已经开始定型,这为众多考生提供了明确的方向。值得指出的是,第一部分考得十分细,甚至超出了阅读考试的初衷,但这要求考生尽量记住课文的细节。参考答案对于回答问题部分有着特别重要的意义,考生务必仔细研究。  相似文献   

Part One Ⅰ.TEXT COMPREHENSION There are 20 statements in this part.Some of them are true(T),and some are false(F),according tothe texts you have learned.Write T or F in the following brackets.(20 points,1 point for each)1.After Rip Van Winkle had slept in the valley for anight,he found he had become a citizen of the United States.( )2.The Wrong House and New Applications are two stories With surprising endings.( )3.In Lady in the Dark,the old lady refused to give up her jewels because they told the past of her life.( )4.Helen Keller thought it would be a good thing for a small Child to be stricken blind and deaf for a few days.( )  相似文献   

Reading comprehension: What is it that gets people into me body-piercing(身体穿环)chair? Is it a form of rebellion against society? Is it selfexpression? Or is it simply following a widespread cool trend? Probably all three. Body piercing dates back thousands 0f yeas to cultures all over the world. Rituals were performed to inspire healing, to transform into manhood, and to show status in the tribe and village. It began to develop in Canada and me US behind closed doors in the 1970s and when Fakir Musafar, the'guru' of body piercing, opened the first body piercing shop in the early 1980s  相似文献   

PART ONE Ⅰ TEXT COMPREHENSION Each of the following comprehension questions, based on the texts you have learned, is provided with four possible answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer to each question. (20 points, 1 point for each) 1. Early upbringing is NOT affected by _______. ( ) A. the cultural pattern of the community B. the parents' capabilities and their aims C. the character of the child D. the innate abilities of the child 2. Which of the following is NOT…  相似文献   

ALi Ao,a famous Taiwan writer,TV commentator,historian and lawmaker,arrived in Bei-jing yesterday for his first visit to the mainland in56years.Li,70,said he was driven not by nostalgia(怀旧)butby curiosity,insisting he did not come to see the old Chinahe…  相似文献   

AResidentsineastBeijingwerewokenTuesdaymorningbyringinganddrummingsoundsandforonceitwasn'tjustthenoisefromanotherconstruc鄄tionsite(建筑工地)ringingintheirears.ThistimeitwasmusicanditcamefromZhihuaTemple.It'stheonlytemplethathasopenedbothitsbellanddrumtowerstothepublic.ThetempleisalsorenownedthroughoutthecityforitsancientBuddhistmusic.VisitorsseemedveryhappytoringintheNewYearwiththeresonantsoundofabronzebellcastnearly600yearsagointheMingDynasty.Themusicwasonemoreeventtoaddtotheirholidayce…  相似文献   

A Einstein had a great effect on science and history.An American university president once commented that Einstein had created a new outlook,a new view of universe.It may be some time before the average mind un  相似文献   

I. TEXT COMPREHENSIONEach of the following comprehension questions, based on the texts you have learned, is provided with four possible anmarked A, B, C, and D. Choose the best answer to each question. (20 points, 1 point for each)1. What punishment did Shylock get in the end?A. He should convert to Christianity.B. He should leave his money to his daughter and her husband after his death.C. He should not loan money with any interest.D. Both A and B.2. According to Bricks from the…  相似文献   

一、情景交际(根据所给情景选择最佳答案,10小题,20分)1.——I’m sorry to keep you waiting.——.A.I don’t think so;B.Don’t say so;C.It doesn’t matter;D.I’d love to·2.——Have a pleasant trip,Jim.——.A.I’d love to;B.Thank you;C.I’m afraid not;D.Sorry,I  相似文献   

Julia is a musician.She is twenty-three.She often gets up at seven o’clock in the morning.She eats breakfast at seven thirty.Ju- lia usually practices singing at eight thirty with her teacher.They often practise for three hours.At twelve o’clock,Julia has a good lunch.In the afternoon,she goes on with her  相似文献   

九四级《英语》第一学期期末考试命题范围以教材《英语》(邓汝锐主编)第一册为基本依据。试题形式有单词辨音、多项选择、英汉互译、句型转换、完形填空、阅读理解等。 一、复习要求 1.语音 能认读和拼读音标;能按注音读出单词,并能辨别不同单词的发音;能按基本的拼读规则拼读生词。 2.词汇 能拼写所学的单词,说出词类和词义;对学过的短语和习惯用语,能进行英汉互译。  相似文献   

1.—______do you have English party?—Twice a month.A.How long B.How oftenC.How many D.How soon2.He can hardly walk any farther,______?A.can he B.can’t heC.does he D.doesn’t he3.How do you think______like tomorrow?A.was the weatherB.is weatherC.is the weatherD.the weather is4.I______a noise which______strange lastnight.A.heard;soundedB.sounded;heardC.listened to;heardD.listened;sounded5.—______have you been away from yourhometown?—Since I was15years old.A.How soon B.How farC.Ho…  相似文献   

1.-Where’s my watch,mum? -__.Is it on your desk? A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn’t C.I don’t know D.It’s here 2.-__his keys? -They are on the dresser.A.What is B.Where is C.What are D.Where are 3.-__in the bag? -Oh,apples.A.Where’s B.What’s C.Where are D.What are 4.They__many clubs at school.A.are B.has C.have D.does have 5.I don’t,have a basketball,but my brother  相似文献   

1.—did you solve the problem?—I solved it learning to forget.A.H ow;w ith B.H ow;byC.W hat;w ith D.W hat;by2.H e is very young.H e can’t carry the heavybox.That is to say,he is carry theheavy box.A.so old that he canB.very young toC.too young toD.young enough to3.—W hy do you exercise every day?—healthy.A.K eep B.To keepC.K eeping D.K eeps4.If you don’t know how tospell this word,youshould in yourdictionary.A.look it upB.look up itC.look it forD.look for it5.—D o you enjoy in…  相似文献   

1 重点语法1.1 定语从句(1)含有定语从句的句子可以说是两个简单句合并而成的。例如 :Pleasegivemethebook .(请把那本书给我。)Thebookisonthetableoverthere .(那本书在那边的桌子上。)两句合并成 :Pleasegivemethebook which/thatisonthetableoverthere.(定语从句 ,修饰thebook)(请把那边桌子上的那本书给我。)(2 )可以引导定语从句的关系代词 :who :代表人 ,在从句中作主语。whom :代表人 ,在从句中作宾语 ,可以省略 ,在现代英语中 ,经常用主格who代替其宾格whom。whose :代表人或物 ,在从句中作定语。which :代表物 ,在从句中作主…  相似文献   

1)定语从句 (1)含有定语从句的句子可以说是两个简单句合并而成的。例如:Please give me the book,(请把那本书给我。)The book is on the table over there.(那本书在那边的桌子上。)两句合并成:Please give me the book which/that is on the table over there.  相似文献   

李士芗 《当代电大》2004,(10):93-96
1 重点语法1)定语从句(1)含有定语从句的句子可以说是两个简单句合并而成的。例如 :Pleasegivemethebook .(请把那本书给我。)Thebookisonthetableoverthere .(那本书在那边的桌子上。)两句合并成 :Pleasegivemethebook which/thatisonthetableoverthere.(定语从句 ,修饰thebook)(请把那边桌子上的那本书给我。)(2 )可以引导定语从句的关系代词 :who :代表人 ,在从句中作主语。whom :代表人 ,在从句中作宾语 ,可以省略 ,在现代英语中 ,经常用主格who代替其宾格whom。whose :代表人或物 ,在从句中作定语。which :代表物 ,在从句中作主语或…  相似文献   

李士芗 《当代电大》2004,(11):67-71
1 重点语法1.1 定语从句(1)含有定语从句的句子可以说是两个简单句合并而成的。例如 :Pleasegivemethebook .(请把那本书给我。)Thebookisonthetableoverthere .(那本书在那边的桌子上。)两句合并成 :Pleasegivemethebook which/thatisonthetableoverthere.(定语从句 ,修饰thebook)(请把那边桌子上的那本书给我。)(2 )可以引导定语从句的关系代词 :who :代表人 ,在从句中作主语。whom :代表人 ,在从句中作宾语 ,可以省略 ,在现代英语中 ,经常用主格who代替其宾格whom。whose :代表人或物 ,在从句中作定语。which :代表物 ,在从句中作主…  相似文献   

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