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’佧的鼻’f长‘?iff=的鼻r锄?m的鼻f像个例‘?人钦鼻子长,他捕鼻千婀.j齐的拜f像个…W110,%0 11(水0 js l()11I!‘\、1]tl… 11t,杖! i、short? 、、~ltO~t2。jl附j{)()1心like rOtlll(mI帆lIilk<≮lose…’IS long.Cam’sj nose\、is short.’.㈠K’h lloge 160ks like l"1)I…(J谁的鼻子长?@陈长磊 @李瑞玲  相似文献   

¨1I ll I、_lf,_1.I、II__tll{.Ll『、tht tI.1l k『II~【lf Ih·I’.hI、~1t}l、llII lllt【l t c】lj_I、Il】II_I、I、.I¨l】…Jl Ihil lit+、…、llI I h tl 4‘hill“t、l”I’fh、ihilll、l【】…。ikI、t g Lil tilt t、…¨、、~J1.“、_lll、、t…I it tll}){’‰llI、1、uhl¨z……哗“”、lllII)I】lIlI‘、‘!…、、川rI_l t…l_t.1Ilfi_】t·、、n·kiti”¨‘1]‘I’,.j】...j。l、1¨.1。…。“。I、蒜簧llj汪_}I_…11l’…一h I}II。…”R一-j.…(I、tlI『lulll、1)__】…II …11l_I,¨_lI!(I……  相似文献   

一‘情景对话1.—Hello,Jaek.Haven’t涨吧们you forages!Youlookwell.A丑eally?But 1 don’t thinksoB .N6) don’t.But you look wellC,YesJ do indeed.D‘T飞助ks .You look well t00.2.—This 15 John speaking. , —This 15 Mike,A‘从飞。a代youB.认飞at’5 your na们neC人re you MikeD .Who‘5 that3,—Come’to the stadiumwith创口e?The邝’5 a footballm滋ch.A‘I’m sorry.I willonly tryB,SOn李J’m瓦行aid 1 can’tC .TbanksJ have done itD月Thanks力以Idon’t want to4.—You ean’t finish thebook in les…  相似文献   

(A) (W=Woman; D=Dave) W: Can I help you, please? D: Yes, I!d like something to drink. W: Would you __1__ a bag of milk? D: No, I don!t like milk. W: What about a cup __2__ coffee? D: No. I!d like a glass of water. W: Would you like something to eat, __3__…  相似文献   

设mXn的(0,1)矩阵类U(R,S)中,R~(rl,r。,…,r,),S一(m,…;m,…,2,…,2,1,…1),其中rl)r:)…妻r。>O,S中分量为m+1一j的个数记为k,,,j~l,2,一,m。对U(R,S)中元M的第一行,作如下分划 X 11(‘父:、‘10’‘’X 1 .m一l01一K 12…}0…01 Kl,价一1…I}0一01万:了(I) 这里xlj表示第一行对应于气中l的个数。有 xll十气:+一x lm~r,’:’(2) 要使(2)的非负整数解x,描述的分布状态服从U(R,S),其各分量受某些约束。称为对xl的筛 j .j一1 mj选。由x ij)o,x:j》alj一rl一(n一k;J)及x、j)。.J一艺(m+1一t)k,。一万xl。一万·m,n谧r,,艺k」:}。 t…  相似文献   

咒砌蕊梦尹 1 .lly no means一misunderstand you二 ,一:A,七ould we‘B.s},all、e· :‘,工,‘·U。we shatlU。wo ean 2;;Tom_访th him ar that time, forl、拙 一’、冲Yingdinner with him in my home二 ·:·儿。an’t孔a亏e been B.musth巨ve been c.may be D.谊ust be{ ;:、3一Hew此here yesterday,but no one has seen 勺、砧msince.’- ,“He—an accident· 一;:’沪:m三gh‘have B. migh,ha“had .犷C.幽have D.m叻飞havehad 4一1 failed in my final exams. 一You_】坦记er. A.should have worked B.must have worked C.…  相似文献   

动物世界中有非常多的动物。你知道多夫示刁I物的爪词.你能找争n夹吗?下而的找词游戏中有十个1 .1 have big teeth旦户口am白ne.I am a 102 .1 have long ears.I ama几一比‘.‘t.3 .1 have whiskers.I am aC-一t.4 .1 have a Iong tail.I am am__ k5 .1!ike eheese.I am am_u__· 汽T卜百(cT匀n,,。户7 .1 have four legs.I am日h8 .1 have a long neek.I am 仁_ag__9 .1 have fins.I am af--一_h.10.1 have winqs.I am ab__d PJ!q’OT qsg.6。JJeJ!6.8 05」oq’L。习eus’9 Osno山’g人a习u0UJ’廿4e。’仁4!qq曰’2 uo!I‘T:…  相似文献   

(A) 选择合适的句子补全对话, 其中有一项多余。 A: Whose pencil-box is this? B: It is Tom2s. A: Is it your home? B: __1__ A: Are you a new pencil? B: __2__ A: What are you? B: I2m Tom2s good helper(帮手). A: Do you have friends here? B: __3__ A: How many fri  相似文献   

,二、工、m只仁IJ气a夕—一,丙一 COS口(b)研ag(1 5 ino)tgo(e)(1)(d)(2)(e)n._:1,r、。」__、,_01=tg‘—气I)。恶=19一卜(2)(h)v《矿林ag(i)(j)(1) (g)(2)(k)矿ag(i 5 ino:)tg(0:一02)(l)了ag(1 sino:)etg(0:一0:)(m)(1)(a)(n)、》‘/鲤 V林〔2〕(1)典(b)典t(e)m曰mU丫.2mD艺 eV(d)eV(2)D一x Dne(‘)号ne (e)(g)}neZVmDZ(h)件 (3)〔3〕(a)(i)ne(j 2(b)7(e)电子(f) neV4(e)He(d)6(g)一C了ZML(MP一ML一ma)ma(ML ma)(h)2(i)Xl=Zmavsino qB betgo(j)tA=Zmao qB bvsino(k)tp二4〕(A) 3Mlg P介nlaqB(a)=1 .3 x 10一7(秒)O(B)(b…  相似文献   

。j。二 i。j i。i。j二 \ i i e。i i i;1.if二 j.i i ti j。j…。、「………「…………。…。…-︶︾。︶…\…—︽…。…。…。…i 3 i。。。i二。j j j i二?j i i,i。i。、二二。!I!。i。i iC‘侠制孔用螺栓联接 IA‘尖头外圆车刀 B·$头车 D.螺钉联接 2了当一丝杆的螺距线数为2时,则丝杆转动螺母的位移为、。 A.3’ill’IB.Zn6mm D.gnun刀 速急 *︾﹂ 为 一 C.右们刀D.切槽刀 36.平面连杆机构中,当行程比系数K、时,机构就具有.回运动特性。 A。>】B.=IC.相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1.—H ave you watered the plants ? —Yes,I have watered them . A.already;already B.yet;yet C.already;yet D.yet;already 2.—Are you ready,M ike? —No,I the refrigerator yet. A.haven’t cleaned out B.hadn’t cleaned out C.am not cleaning out D.can’t clean out 3.Today I have chores to do,so I’m busy. A.too m uch B.m uch too C.too m any D.m any too 4.—H ow long you here since you last saw her ? —For about a year. A.have;com e B.have;been C.did;com e D.were;com e 5.W e rea…  相似文献   

1.选择填空 从下列各题所给的四个选项中选择正确的一项( )1.Have vou A.a B.an( )2.Where is—map 0f China?C.the D.someEnglish book?Take itout and read the text A.you C.yOurs( )3.It is verv hot A.at B.On B.your D.mine——July in Be讲ng.C.in D.byyou get here at six tomorrowmorning?’’‘‘No,I can’t.”A.Must B.May C.Do D.Can【 )j.Who runs——,Tom or John? A.f{jst B.faster C.fastest D.the fastest( )6.Pay attenti()nyour handwriting, boys and girls. A.t() B.on C.in I).with)7.(’ari dldn…  相似文献   

鬟One day,Kathy and Leo mset a fox and an elephant in the woods.Ka’thy seesthe fox and says,‘'You have a small fac-e.…'You have a big face,”s。aYs the fox. , ,T;le elephant smiles‘to Lec,and says。”You have Srflall ears.”And Leo says tothe elephant.”、mu have bi(》ears.”D a d d Y,M 0 m m y,1 0 0 k a t m e.I h a v e a b i g,b i g fa c e. ,一,,_一S h O W m e y o U r S m a I I,s m a l I e a rs. @Y de a r b a b y!盎、_a ≈。?、;_荔蓑尸≥拶搿ddy和Mommy uG以和小朋友一起玩ays”的游…  相似文献   

‘、填空(本题32分,每小题4分) 1、设A”{二!z》2,二(R},B={,!19(92一‘一1),0,夕〔N},则AUB二_;刁自B=_。 2、若0相似文献   

1.单项选择(共25小题,每小题l分;满分25分)碑 A)从A、B、C、D中找出其划线部分与所给单词的划线部分读音相同的选项。 1 .y些ng A.山四t B.c些沙C.c里叫卿D.即些司 2.~肠说A.钾茸坦比B二”阅尽,C.砚少翅,D .de内卿 3.比林时因A.协闭因B.~咧C.物曲因D.过山浏 4.创些t A.】州B.健旦终h C.,四t D.卜吵 5.悯迪y A.物迪B.肠,如C.四鱼优D月期劝 B)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳答案。 6.一W山y叨悦目日e to fini山如j曲面.掀‘? 一‘--一一~-,恤I’m献应臼kd.恻吵,恻b姗. A .Ican,t say 50 B.I。,eCt即 C .I’…  相似文献   

1. __ __, I have to put it away and focus my attention on study this week. A . However the story amusing B. No matter amusing the story is C. How ever amusing the story is D . No matter how the story is amusing 2. — Dad, I’ve finished my assignment. — Good, but __ __ you play or watch TV , you mustn’t disturb me. A . whenever B. whether C. whatever D . however 3. We ’ ll have to finish the job, _____. A . long it takes however B. it takes how ever long C. long however it takes D .…  相似文献   

问:有这样一道选择题:——Ann is in hospital. ——Oh,really?I,visither. A.didn’t know;I’ll go and B. doesn’t know; I’ll go and C.didn’t know;I’m going to D.have’t known;I’m going to所给答案是A,为什么不能选C呢?(江西 崇仁县二中朱丽娟)  相似文献   

一、考查a,an的位兰。 1 .All of us feel su甲ri哭d that一a litile场y~ear_mu。,hfe旧d.(2(X)l重庆市) A .su〔h;50 B.、o;50 C.sueh;sueh D.so;such2一Did you溉thefo浏ball mateh last night? 一Yes,1 have never seen_exeiting matehl犯fore.(2(X)3福州市) :\s一‘·ha扮名.,)aC,、一」‘、1一:川D.、(,al- 3._1 tl、t‘xlay!卜t’59‘)t。)fl,一a kito in tll。一、ark,、h:,llw。?(2(X)3厦门市) A .What fine weather B.What a fine weather C .11.、w泣fir.。铸二;11杏一rl).11()、fi,1二a*。1;,!l,,、r f解析{答案为l.A 2.…  相似文献   

Ii:(5 6 i J;,一i j碹童旦旦f.s盟旦旦j s盟旦旦J 5 5.5.f1 515).I…l:..1■_I. I’一1._—~l^—1 r 。5 3 5 J i 7·旦f 5一旦i f 5一一f 6 ii J主t.主f亘簋j—f、6一一f 5—3 f簿盍夏髅韵务,票: 絮意了瓣的蓠缸 ’ 鍪霜’;._主.f卜6§I主一一f 6一s j主一6.J盈j—i]一一..I回{i.i6 i责‘攀呈 .暴: 鬈鬈罨蔷前l-h. 岩:、 瑟;‘ 襄婆藉;‘^力 争 上 游, 走 在时 fIll前‘ 击: 耐; 茹薪茹;旦旦6多J 3一盟J 6二.3 f 5.二,i l 6二一一一一I盟5 3 l订3 f i旦旦一5 6 l二尧突8摹;篡妻器二莘量: 黔翼藉雾献亲’螽勰‰一九六。年!在这新 的…  相似文献   

A .Y。,,1 have B.1 don’t mind C .N。,1 haven’t D.No pmblem30一1 don’‘thin卜i,’sv”叮。xpensive‘0 buy奋‘ 几mily eo呷uter here. 一Really?I’11 buy_next week. A .it B.this C.one D.mine。廊黔一浏气硼洲3 1 .The headlx〕aster asked Ted即ing to take MrB功wn’、and he said“No”. he wasl七ssons访8t侣ud翻渺︺ 第l卷(选择题;1.听力部分(共20题。略)n.单项选择。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填 人空白处的最佳答案。21.一G阅d morni雌,doetor· 一Goodmo执ing.What’s_with”u, youngm朋? 一Er,my head h…  相似文献   

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