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This article defines the problem of teaching foreign students in standard American university composition courses. It describes how two composition courses were modified to meet the needs of students who were beyond English as a Second Language composition but not yet ready for mainstream study. The article suggests that adaptations, not only in technique, but in approach and content as well, are required in order to fulfill the needs of these special students.Sally L. Chirinos, M.A. was the Academic Director of the EFL Program at the Instituto Cultural Peruano-Norteamericano, Arequipa, Peru from 1977–78. Suellen Rundquist is a M.A. candidate in Foreign Language Education and English as a Second Language at the University of Minnesota. Lisa Washburn holds a M.A. in English as a Second Language and a M.A. Germanic Philology from the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

每一位英语学习者的语言技能的提高与词汇有着密不可分的关系。因此二语学习者的词汇习得也受到广泛的关注。在众多词汇习得的方法中,二语词汇的附带习得尤为受到重视。二语学习者的词汇附带习得发生在听、说、读、写等各种语言技能的培训过程中,其中阅读教学尤为受到重视。因此,在外语阅读教学中,除了培养阅读能力,还要关注词汇的附带习得,促进二语学习。  相似文献   

阅读能力作为英语二语习得的重要环节之一,对提高学习者的语言能力有着重要作用.着重探讨扩大学生英语词汇量与提高其英语阅读能力的关系,寻找提高学习者学习效率及提高英语基本能力的方法.  相似文献   

阅读是符合艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘规律的有效的词汇学习方法.阅读可分为反复精细阅读及快速而大量的广泛阅读两类.不同阅读类型对词汇记忆有不同的影响.反复精细阅读有利于短时间把“新词汇”转化为“积极词汇.快速而大量的广泛阅读有利于把大量“新词汇”转化为“消极词汇”,并逐渐把它们转化为“积极词汇”.为了获得良好的词汇学习效果,学习者应当选择有趣的阅读材料并控制阅读的难度.为了获得良好的词汇记忆效果,学习者应当多管齐下,把阅读与听力、写作及口语表达有机结合起来.  相似文献   

本研究运用自然拼读法分别对是否具备系统汉语拼音知识的汉语儿童进行为期10个月的英语词汇认读训练并对两组被试儿童进行前、中、后测实验,主要考察自然拼读法对提高汉语儿童英语词汇认读能力的有效性。统计分析结果表明,无论以英语作为第二外语的汉语儿童是否具有系统汉语拼音知识,自然拼读法都极大地提高了他们的字母认知、单词拼写和语音意识的能力;同时,母语的拼音知识并不利于英语为二语的学习。  相似文献   

ELL preschoolers’ English vocabulary acquisition from storybook reading   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study investigates the effects of rich explanation, baseline vocabulary, and home reading practices on English language learning (ELL) preschoolers’ sophisticated vocabulary learning from storybook reading. Eighty typically developing preschoolers were pretested in L1 (Portuguese) and L2 (English) receptive vocabulary and were assigned to experimental or control groups. Eight books were selected and paired. Experimental participants heard books read three times over a 3-week period with rich explanations of target vocabulary. Controls heard stories read without explanations. Parents completed questionnaires about the frequency, content, and language of home reading practices. Rich explanation, initial L2 vocabulary, and frequency of home reading make significant contributions to sophisticated word learning from storyreading. Findings have important implications for L2 vocabulary acquisition in ELL preschoolers.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of concurrent instruction in Dutch and English on reading acquisition in both languages, 23 pupils were selected from a school with bilingual education, and 23 from a school with education in Dutch only. The pupils had a Dutch majority language background and were comparable with regard to social-economic status (SES). Reading and vocabulary were measured twice within an interval of 1 year in Grade 2 and 3. The bilingual group performed better on most English and some of the Dutch tests. Controlling for general variables and related skills, instruction in English contributed significantly to the prediction of L2 vocabulary and orthographic awareness at the second measurement. As expected, word reading fluency was easier to acquire in Dutch with its relatively transparent orthography in comparison to English with its deep orthography, but the skills intercorrelated highly. With regard to cross-linguistic transfer, orthographic knowledge and reading comprehension in Dutch were positively influenced by bilingual instruction, but there was no indication of generalization to orthographic awareness or knowledge of a language in which no instruction had been given (German). The results of the present study support the assumption that concurrent instruction in Dutch and English has positive effects on the acquisition of L2 English and L1 Dutch.  相似文献   

<正>Nowadays there are more than two billion English speakers all over the world and the emergence of English as a lingua franca has been of great help to the whole world’s development.According to Crystal(2003:10),there are two main factors contribute to English developing into a lingua franca—British imperialism and the USA’s fast economy growth in nineteenth century which is a period full of explosion of international activities.Lingua franca can be defined as a language that is  相似文献   

加工层次理论与高级英语阅读中词汇呈现模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以Craik和Lockhart的加工层次理论为框架,论述了高级英语阅读中词汇的有效呈现模式应是深层编码法和浅层编码法相结合的多样化的综合呈现模式,以便词汇的有效存储、激活和提取.  相似文献   

商务英语精读为商务英语专业的基础课程,以听、说为重点,过程结合读、写、译,将英语和商务扩展阅读融为一体,突出实用性,注重培养学生商务技能。拔尖人才培养模式凸显语言的实用性,通过相关的实践性训练,力求为高年级的专业课学习打下坚实的基础,也为将来在日常或涉外工作中学生能够熟练地使用英语进行商务活动创造优势。  相似文献   

Beginning readers in shallow orthographies acquire word reading skills more quickly than in deep orthographies like English. In addition to extending this evidence base by comparing reading acquisition in English with the more transparent German, we conducted a longitudinal study and investigated whether different early reading skills made different contributions to word reading as a function of orthography. Children (n = 133) were recruited from the first year of primary school in New Zealand (age 5;8) and Germany (age 7;2) and from kindergartens in Germany (age 5;0) to provide both age- and schooling-matched samples. Parallel measures of phonemic awareness, vocabulary, decoding skill, and word reading (accuracy) were administered at two time points, 1 year apart. An advantage for orthography and school attendance existed for reading development. Vocabulary made a greater contribution to word reading in English than in German as did decoding skill. Findings underscore the relative importance of vocabulary and decoding skills for early reading in English.  相似文献   

Seventy-nine children in grade two spelled pseudowords and real words differing in vowel quality and the presence or absence of consonant clusters, and their accuracy was examined as a function of native language and reading ability. Because of the heavy reliance on phonological processing in spelling, we hypothesized that poor readers, who typically exhibit impaired ability to sequence, segment and transform phonemes into graphemes, would spell more poorly than average readers. This hypothesis was substantiated. Second language speakers also displayed phonological deficits relative to native speakers, and we hypothesized that this deficit would also be obvious in spelling accuracy. However, second language speakers performed in a manner similar to native speakers. Supporting this are findings from multiple regressions showing that the processing profiles of second language speakers and native speakers are strikingly similar, and that only poor readers of both language backgrounds diverge from the common patterns and display pervasive phonological deficits.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - This study examined the relationship between knowledge of academic vocabulary and reading comprehension in data contributed by 5855 middle school students. Each student...  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了高效记忆词汇的方法,及扩大词汇量的方法,以减轻学生记忆单词的苦恼,从而达到背单词事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

This study examined the contributions of vocabulary and spelling to the reading comprehension of students in grades 6–10 who were and were not classified as English language learners. Results indicate that vocabulary accounted for greater between-grade differences and unique variance (ΔR 2 = .11–.31) in comprehension as compared to spelling (ΔR 2 = .01–.09). However, the contribution of spelling to comprehension was higher in the upper grade levels included in this cross-sectional analysis and functioned as a mediator of the impact of vocabulary knowledge at all levels. The direct effect of vocabulary was strong but lower in magnitude at each successive grade level from .58 in grade 6 to .41 in grade 10 while the indirect effect through spelling increased in magnitude at each successive grade level from .09 in grade 6 to .16 in grade 10. There were no significant differences between the language groups in the magnitude of the indirect impact, suggesting both groups of students relied more on both sources of lexical information in higher grades as compared to students in lower grades.  相似文献   

本研究通过对阅读课教学现状的分析,提出对学习内容进行适当的调控,建构由教师调控的,充分发挥学生自主学习能力的新的阅读课教学模式,即基于模块式教学模式下,任务型教学法在英语阅读课教学中的研究。  相似文献   

词汇部分在英语学习中尤为重要。在英语学习过程中,大量的英语词汇是学好英语的基础。在平时的自主学习中,可以利用思维导图记忆词汇,从而增加了英语词汇学习的有效性。  相似文献   

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