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“Why are you crying?”he asked his mom.“Because I'm a mothm.”she told him.“I don'tunderstand,”he said.His mom juSt hugged(拥抱)him and said.”You never will!”Later thelittle boy asked his father Why Mother seemedto cry for no reason(原因).”All mothers cryfor no reason。”was all his dad could say.  相似文献   

1.“Mike,look at your shoes.How dirty they are!You must clean them.”“Oh,mom,I cleaned them yesterday,”said the boy.  相似文献   

题目:How are you,Mom?你好吗,妈妈?或者:Miss you,mom. 想你,妈妈。Niuniu’s mother is a doctor.She is working in the hospital to helpthe SARS patients. 牛牛的妈妈是个医生。她正在医院帮助非典病人。  相似文献   

“那小孩向你扔石头时,”妈妈责怪儿子说,“你干吗不来告诉我而向他回扔石头?”“告诉你有什么用?”男孩反问道,“你什么也扔不中。”"When that boy threw stones at you,"the mother scolded her son, "why didn't you come and tell me instead of throwing stones back at him?"What good would that do?"asked the boy. "You couldn't hit the side of a barn."没用@小文…  相似文献   

D on t T alk W hile Y ou E atTom s father never lets his child say anything when he is having hism eal.O nce,the father found the boy was anxious to tell him som ething,so he allowed the boy to speak.Tom asked,“Can the flies be eaten,D ad?”The father was surprised,“W hy do you ask m e such a silly ques-tion?”Tom answ ered,“There was a fly on your food,but...but...you havesw allowed it!”“O h...O h...W hy didn t you tellm e sooner?!”the father asked.Six W ild A nim alsTeahcer:Jack…  相似文献   

The boss found a boy in thestock room iust standing around doingnothing."How much do you get paida week?"he asked the boy.The boyreplied,“Twenty dollars.”Taking a twenty dollar bill out ofhis wallet,the boss gave it to the boy and said,“Here,take  相似文献   

Shish Ka Bob     
A teacher asked, "Jim, could you give me a piece of chalk?" Jim took one out from the box and gave it to the teacher. "You are a good boy. Thank you!" the teacher said.  相似文献   

我12岁的女儿放学回到家,发现我正躺在床上。“感觉不舒服吗,妈妈?”她关心地问到。“是的,不舒服。”我回答。“哦,你别担心晚饭,”她给我鼓劲说,“我会扶你到炉边的。”My12-year old daughter came from school and found me in bed.“Don!t you feel well,mom?”he asked with concern.“No,I don!t.”I said.“Well,don!t worry about dinner,”he reassured me.I will carry you downto the stove.”安慰@郑妍  相似文献   

Tom came to a small restaurant for lunch. Somehow he wanted to go to the toilet, but he didn't know where it was. He asked a waiter who was passing by."Just follow the flies !" answered the waiter.Mum: Naughty boy! Did you fight with others? Look! You have had you  相似文献   

WOODYUh, next we have-REXWait a minute. What do you mean the party's today? His birthday's not 'til next week!HAMMWhat's goin' on down there? Is his mom losin' her marbles?  相似文献   

As Valentine' s Day came closer,every shop was full of colourful gifts such as cookies in the shape of heart, chocolates,Teddy Bears and so on.When I step into a shop on February 14th,I felt most lonely as I was alone.With my eyes fixed on a lovely Teddy Bear,I wished that someone could send me this stuffed toy. I came back home with a blue look. "Surprise!" shouted my mom.She was carrying a lovely Teddy Bear exactly like the one I had seen. "Dear,l know you are a hard-working girl and you will not fall in love so early.You will meet a good guy in the near future when you have grown up, I' m sure." "I' m not lonely."I said.I hugged my mom and the little Teddy Bear so closely.  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
Good IntentionsOne day a boy came to his teacher and said: “Teacher, Pa wants to know if you like roast pig.““I certainly do,“ said the teacher, “and you tell your father he is very kind to think of me.“Days passed, and nothing more was said about the roast pig.Finally the teacher said to the boy: “I  相似文献   

Questions: 1.Who is closer to you,your mom or your dad? 爸爸和妈妈谁和你更亲? 2.Can you go to the cinema with your watch broken?  相似文献   

Teacher: Which is more important to us, the sun or the moon? Pupil: The moon. Teacher: Why? Pupil: The moon gives us light at night when we need it but the sun gives us light only in the day time when we don't need it.—M um,whatare you cooking?—It's bean soup!—I don'tcare whatithas been;Ijustwantto know whatitis now!“An abstract noun(抽象名词),”the teacher said,“is som ethingyou can think of,butyou can'ttouch it.Can you give m e an exam ple ofone?”“Sure,”a teenage boy replied,“M…  相似文献   

图 Two young Parent‘worried about个heir four一year一oldson because卜e had not tolked.They took him to‘eet卜edoetorsbut the doetors foundnothing wrong with him.仆enone morni勺at boeakf脂t the boy suddenly eried,“Mom,the十oas卞15 burned.” “you忆Iked!you talked!”sho“ted hi亏motheo gladly.“I’m,0 haPPy!sut whyyou didn’t talk befo。口” “Well,uP til{now,”said the boy,“thingo have been okey.” 一对年轻夫妇有个儿子,已经四岁了,还没有开口说话,他们叶此深感焦虑。他们带他去找专家诊治,但医生…  相似文献   

It's a sunny day,Giant and Clever Peter are meeting on the road…… Giant:you,boy,get out of my way! Peter:this is not your way!  相似文献   

A vacationing businessman was walking along a beach when he saw ayoung boy. Along the shore 1 many starfish (海星) that had been washed2 by the tide and were sure to die 3 the tide returned. The boy was4 slowly along the shore and occasionally he reached down and tossed(抛,扔) the beached 5 back into the ocean. The businessman , 6 to teach the boy a little lesson 7 common sense , walked up to the boy and said , " I have been watching 8 you are doing, son. You have a good 9 . And I know you mean well, 10 do you realize how many beaches there are 11 here and how many starfish are dying on every 12 every day . Surely such 13 industrious and kind hearted boy 14 yourself could find something better to do 15 your time. Do you really think that what you are do-  相似文献   

A little boy ran to the bus stop at the full speed at 8 o’clock in the morning.When he got there,he was out of breath.The conductor told the boy the bus had left and he missed it.What~① disappointed the boy was!The conductor said to the boy,"My boy,if you run more fast~②,you can catch the bus.""I’ve already run as fast as possible,"said  相似文献   

“Dave,my mind is going!I can feel it!I can feelit!”—2001:A Space Odyssey“I am pork boy,the breakfast monkey.”—All That“I see you shiver with antiei...pation!”—Rocky Horror Picture Show  相似文献   

Buying the TicketsThe woman in a theatre box-office was surprised one evening just be-fore the show at the behaviour of a boy.He bought a ticket,went away,and then returned a few minutes later to buy another one,he went awayagain,returned and bought a third ticket.Then he went away yet again,returned yet again and bought a fourth ticket.By this time the show hadstarted,so the woman in the box-office said,“I hope you donHt mind myasking,boy,but why do you keep coming back and buying more tic…  相似文献   

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