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In the story,Harry Potter becomes a hero in the end.What makes him a hero? This paper discusses it from the perspective of education in the following 2 aspects.First,it discusses the educational system of Hogwarts.It is totally different from the educational system in China.And the two educational systems are compared and contrasted in 3 aspects,the transition in middle school and high school,the establishment of the houses,and the exams.Secondly,the educational thoughts in Hogwarts are very special.  相似文献   

不管是不是《哈利·波特》的粉丝,你一定看过一两部《哈利·波特》的小说或电影。在这十多年里,《哈利·波特》陪伴着很多人成长。随着《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》的上映,一部史诗巨著画上了句号。三位主角从懵懂少年成长为风华正茂的青年,新的一年,他们将翻开怎样的人生篇章呢?  相似文献   

"哈利·波特"系列的第六部电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》已确定于2008年11月21日上映,这对于"哈迷"们来说无疑是一个天大的好消息。在此编者将这部电影的相关介绍提供给读者朋友们,希望大家一睹为快。  相似文献   

Harry Potter cast a magic spell (施魔法) and flew into London last Sunday for the world premiere (首映式) of this year‘s most eagerly awaited film.  相似文献   

"哈利·波特"系列的第六部电影《哈利·波特与混血王子》已确定于2008年11月21日上映,这对于"哈迷"们来说无疑是一个天大的好消息。在此编者将这部电影的相关介绍提供给读者朋友们,希望大家一睹为快。  相似文献   

读者们注意了!J.K.罗琳这部气势恢宏的《哈利·波特》的完结篇绝对会让您的心脏难以承受——在最终回《哈利·波特与死圣》中等待大家的种种启示、战斗和背叛一定会让粉丝们心情跌宕起伏地看到最后。第七部故事的核心是关于一个英雄的使命——这不仅仅存在于哈利在霍格沃兹求学的过程中,  相似文献   

在被派遣去查看奥兰多环球影城的全新哈利·波特主题公园前.我做足了功课。我知道我会喝点黄油啤酒.知道油画会和我交谈.知道我的头脑会受到一场高科技浪潮的冲击。然而,没有料想到的是,我差点儿被患“后波特抑郁症”的一群人活活踩死。  相似文献   

Plot: Harry was at Dursley's home, anxiously awaiting the visit of the headmaster (校长). Dumbledore took him to a mysterious place, and told Harris and him how to bring Voldemort under control At Magic School, Harry, Ron and Hermione continued to (继续) study in the three-person group. And Professor (教授)Snape troubled Harry from time to time.  相似文献   

自从J.K.罗琳创作的第一部哈利&;#183;波特系列小说——《哈利&;#183;波特与魔法石》问世以来,哈利.波特这个人物便风靡了全世界,并可能成为继米老鼠、史努比和加菲猫等经典的卡通形象之后最为成功的又一儿童产业。不仅如此,无数的成年人也为这个神奇的魔法世界而着迷。如今,哈利.波特又骑着他的魔法扫帚回到我们的视线中,这次他带来的是绝对不会令你失望的《哈利&;#183;波特与火焰杯》。  相似文献   

This article claims that J. K. Rowling's Harry Potter series, with its use of magic, frightening storylines, and character ambiguity is beneficial to children who are dealing with issues related to terror and terrorism. The author explains that the scenarios presented in Rowling's series teach children strategies for coping with both physical and psychological victimization, and argues that the series explores morality issues, allowing child readers to analyze terror-related questions such as why some people are considered evil, why difference is often believed to be bad, and why good people do bad things. It is acknowledged that many critics believe that the same elements claimed as beneficial in the essay are actually immoral and dangerous to child readers. These critics' evaluations are countered in two ways: first, the author uses expert evidence to demonstrate that children are capable of distinguishing between fantasy and reality by the age of 5, making fantasy the most viable means for children to cope with terror; and second, the author examines and interprets specific passages within the series to demonstrate how various scenes lead children to explore important, yet frightening issues while remaining in an emotionally safe state. The author concludes that the series has proven to be more beneficial than harmful by presenting evidence gathered from actual child readers who state that the Harry Potter series has allowed them to confront and cope with terror and terrorism in their own lives.  相似文献   

正在放暑假的哈利·波特有些呆不住了。哈利迫不及待地希望暑假快点结束以便回到霍格沃兹魔法学校和朋友们在一起。今年将是他在魔法学校呆的第三年。哈利已经长成一个少年了,开学时他就13岁了,但他不知道这个暑假尚未结束,他就会经历一次生死考验。一个逃犯来要他的命了。逃犯名叫天狼星布莱克,是一个非常可怕的巫师。既然他已逃出监狱,人们部认为他一定会来找哈利为主人黑暗之神报仇。  相似文献   

Harry Potter and his pals are back for their second year at Hog-warts School of Witchcraft(魔法) and Wizardry(巫术), but things get a little dicey (冒险的) when students are suddenly turned into stone and a message on the school walls proclaims the Chamber of Secrets has been opened. What can it all mean?  相似文献   

随着中西方文化交流的不断加强,电影传媒作为一种特殊的交流方式正在越来越引起人们的兴趣。随之而来的是电影字幕翻译产业的蓬勃发展。在众多的翻译理论中,奈达的等效原则展示了它的绝对引导价值。此项研究以哈利波特为文本探讨等效原则在其中的应用,期望能对译者的翻译工作提出一些建设性的意见。  相似文献   

哈利·波特系列小说及电影作品中涉及到很多象征符号,可以根据希腊神话和西方文化背景对其进行解析。作者J·K罗琳女士在其作品当中多次使用了具有象征意味的符号,而理解这些符号正是深刻理解作者意图和作品内容的关键。  相似文献   

论《哈利·波特》的叙事结构   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
叙事结构指的是从纷繁复杂的故事中抽象出来的深层结构。《哈利·波特》“大故事”的叙事结构是“社会契约 .....................+违背+奋斗×n+(社会契约的重建)”,单本《哈利·波特》都是按“βγδεηθABC↑DEHF Rs↓”这一模式而展开、衍生和变化,是埋藏在故事下面的那个最终的故事。“大故事”在单本故事的基本叙事结构不断重复中螺旋式上升发展,这种叙事结构富有层次感、节奏感和艺术韵味,使青少年儿童读者比较容易把握故事的发展。  相似文献   

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