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邓玉文 《考试周刊》2010,(21):210-210
家教成为有偿服务行为.引起了广泛的社会的关注,特别是在职教师进行有偿家教引起了很大的社会反响。本文旨在分析“有偿家教”产生的原因,倡导理性对待“有偿家教”问题,建议从立法层面规范“有偿家教”。  相似文献   

在校教师能不能从事有偿家教,一直是社会关注的热点问题。近日,某省拟立法“有条件放开有偿家教”,另一个省则推出了完全相左的正在征求意见的法规——明令禁止有偿家教,再次将有偿家教的问题推向了风口浪尖。 有偿家教,是“堵”还是“放”?10月26日,教育部召开新闻发布会,新闻发言人续梅在会上答记者问时表示,教师利用职务之便进行有偿家教牟取私利的行为必须坚决反对,教育部对此态度非常鲜明。这意味着教育主管部门正式为有偿家教亮出“红灯”。  相似文献   

“有偿家教”引起了社会和学术界的广泛关注与争论,许多地方教育行政部门也发文禁止在职教师从事“有偿家教”,然而禁令仿佛没有效果,“有偿家教”依然火爆。学术界也对“有偿家教”进行了批判与反思,然而并没有提出切实可行的解决方案。应当采取何种有效、合理的策略应对“有偿家教”成为亟待解决的问题。  相似文献   

教师有偿家教现象由来已久,可以说是教育的一大顽疾,严重影响了教师的师德师风建设和教育形象。一段时间以来,针对社会反响强烈的有偿家教问题,荆州市石首市教育局集中时间、集中精力,对教师从事有偿家教和违规办班补课问题进行了清理整顿。查处从事有偿家教的教师78人,取缔违规补习班58个,查处了一批社会力量举办的补习所,有偿家教、违规办班补课之风得到了有效遏制,收到了良好效果。  相似文献   

“有偿家教”的经济学视角解读   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“有偿家教”市场是通过各个参与主体的成本一收益分析和人力资本投资的思考,并受教育资源稀缺、传统文化和人口等因素的影响而自发形成的。“有偿家教”问题的治本之法是发展经济、完善民主政治,治标之法是改革教育制度、高考制度、人事制度、更新教育观念、增加教育经费。  相似文献   

从辞源上看,“有偿家教”是从“家教”这个词发展而来,且“家教”的古今词义迥异:古代的家教,是指家庭(父母)对孩子在家庭中所实施的教育,主要内容以品德教育为主;今天的“家教”则主要指教师在课外以“有偿”形式来对学生进行各科补习教育,  相似文献   

教师有偿家教的背景思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有偿家教在社会上形成、发展已有几年。尽管教育主管部门三令五申严禁有偿家教,但现实中,问题迟迟得不到有效解决。相反,有些地方,特别是城镇地区,有偿家教现象还呈愈演愈烈之势。明的、暗的;长的、短的;白天的、晚上的;家里的、家外的;个体的、集体的;形式多样、应有尽有。有偿家教从何而来?为什么有禁不止?笔者通过追根溯源,发现了问题,找到了答案,  相似文献   

教师有偿家教一直是为社会所诟病的教育界的不正之风气。虽然各级教育主管部门对于有偿家教问题也出台了相关的政策,采取了相关的举措,然而有偿家教问题却没有得到根本的解决。有偿家教对于教育会产生怎样的负面影响?有偿家教又反映了当前存在的  相似文献   

有偿家教在社会上形成、发展已有几年。尽管教育主管部门三令五申严禁有偿家教,但现实中,问题迟迟得不到有效解决。相反,有些地方,特别是城镇地区,有偿家教现象还呈愈演愈烈之势。明的、暗的;长的、短的;白天的、晚上的;家里的、家外的;个体的、集体的;形式多样、应有尽有。有偿家教从何而来?为什么有禁不止?笔者通过追根溯源,发现了问题,找到了答案。  相似文献   

“老师一律不准做家教。也不允许在外面授课。”(××学校教学校长在全校大会上宣布的校纪之一)“家教”是当今社会非常熟悉的一个词,不少学生以及他们的父母都有过请家教的经历。特别是现在,学习成绩差的要请家教,学习成绩好的也同样有可能请家教。可见,在重视子女教育的今天,家教是社会需求量非常大的一个市场。我们也注意到,一些地区的教育主管部门明令禁止在职教师做有偿家教,当然基层学校也不乏有此规定者。对此,有的一线教师认为,既然有需求市场,我们就可以投入其中,至于收费那是市场经济使然。也有的一线教师认为,做有偿家教有损教师的“德高为范”的师德形象。作为一线教师,你怎么看待有偿家教这一现象呢?  相似文献   

Whilst stress in teaching has received much attention in recent years, for teachers of children with special educational needs (SEN) specific stress-related research is relatively rare. This study sought to address this issue by investigating stress, burnout and workload in teachers of children with special educational needs. A postal questionnaire was sent to 56 ordinary schools and eight schools for children with moderate learning difficulties (MLD), eight for children with severe learning difficulties (SLD) and eight for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties (EBD). The schools were situated in inner city, urban and rural areas in the south-east of England. A total of 221 teachers responded. Results indicated that, whilst generalised claims for burnout may not be justified, within all three special school settings there was evidence of a high level of emotional exhaustion as measured by the education version of the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). In addition, all groups were subject to long hours of work, and work overload was high for ordinary school SEN teachers and teachers working in MLD and SLD settings. Reference to sources of intense stress indicated some differences according to setting but generally implicated workload and challenging behaviour. The conclusions are that further research into stress and burnout of SEN teachers is required if effective coping and preventative strategies are to be designed.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查、访谈等方法对固原市中小学教师教育技术能力的实际情况进行调查、分析和研究,发现固原市中小学教师教育技术能力整体不高,在教育技术标准的四个指标中,没有一个指标完全达到要求.教师在教学中使用教育技术的意识不强,能将教育技术恰当用于教学过程的很少.应在加强交流合作、教师队伍建设和改善办学条件等方面不断努力.  相似文献   

教育部要求近期在全国中小学全面开设书法课,这是一大好事.但也将遇到很多困难.如师资奇缺的问题,新开课缺乏相应条件和规范所带来的教学效果问题,以及在开课过程中如何解决书法课与其它学科协调及融合的问题.要解决这一系列问题,教育主管部门以及各学校、地方书协应加强协作,对拟转岗的在职教师和拟应聘任教的社会书法家及时开展培训,教研部门应加强中小学书法教育教学研究,高校应积极开展专业辅修,教育行政部门应加强督导,同时还应进一步加强对中小学书法教育的重视与规范.  相似文献   

陈久奎 《教育研究》2006,27(5):50-54
为了对教育纠纷进行及时化解和妥善疏导,以保护学生、教师、学校的合法权益,根据我国当前教育纠纷解决路径的现状,应尝试构建一种新的教育纠纷解决途径———教育仲裁。教育仲裁的特点是保证学校在对教学活动进行依法独立管理的前提下,既能保证学生的合法权益,又能发挥国家教育主管部门的监督管理与指导权能。教育仲裁具有效益性、公平性和可操作性,能及时有效地化解教育纠纷面临的问题,必将成为教育法律纠纷解决的新途径。  相似文献   

特殊教育学校的教育科研工作越来越受到关注,目前面临的主要问题是普及问题。特教学校一线教师参与教育科研面临实际困难,认识上和操作上存在误区。特殊教育学校教育科研工作的重要作用在于更有效地解决实际问题,调动教师工作积极性,提高教师专业能力。普及特教学校教育科研工作的策略是:转变教育观念,掌握科研方法,重视过程管理。  相似文献   

教师身份泛化:法治视野下亟待消解的问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在法治视野下,教师身份泛化会带来很多问题,如教师作为公民身份的某些权利被限制;本不该由其承担的义务强加于教师;学校超越职权限制教师私人生活领域的自由等。有必要消解这一问题,用理性的、法治的精神改造我们的教育管理思想和行为,既不把教师妖魔化,也不把教师神圣化,还教师在不同时间和空间上的不同身份。  相似文献   

Rational choice theory suggests that parents are utility maximizers who make decisions from clear value preferences, that they are able to demand effective action from local schools and teachers, and that they can be relied upon to pursue the best interests of their children. This paper presents a different perspective and argues that parents invest a mixture of rationalities when selecting schools. Based on the results of a survey of 1,500 parents of students in 11 private, eight public and 10 alternative elementary schools in Alberta, Canada, this paper explores the logic, values, and concerns that inform parental decision making in the selection of an elementary school for their children and discusses implication for policy and educational reform.  相似文献   

Professors and teachers were compared relative to their perspectives on preservice educational measurement courses. Twenty-four professors from different colleges in seven states and 360 teachers from elementary and secondary schools in one midwestern state responded via mailed questionnaire. Professors reported the emphasis given to each of eight topics in preservice educational measurement courses, and teachers reported the emphasis they believed should be given to each topic. In five of the eight content areas, the relative emphases given by professors differed from that recommended by teachers. Major differences emerged in nontest evaluation, statistical analysis, and formative and summative evaluation. Implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

教师人格作为一种特殊的教育力量,对学生人格的发展和完善具有重要意义。教师人格是指教师为胜任本职工作所必须具备的良好的性格修养、积极的心理倾向、创造性的认知方式、丰富的情感、坚强的意志、高尚的道德品质、规范的行为方式等人格特征的综合体。教师的人格塑造只有以教师的自我塑造为前提,才能真正奏效。  相似文献   

The paper has compared the quality of compulsory education of rural schools in West China with the counties, cities, and provincial capitals, and find out that there is a big gap between the quality of West rural and urban compulsory education, the quality of some grades of the rural primary schools has not achieved the basic requirement of the curriculum standards, the gap between the quality of junior high schools in rural and urban areas is relatively severe. The mean score and qualified rate in the subjects of Chinese, mathematics and English of West rural junior high students are distinctly lower than that of the urban and county schools. The main factor that leads to the bigger discrepancy between the urban and rural education quality mainly lies in the difference in the teaching force. Compared with urban schools, the teachers in rural schools is insufficient and poorly-trained, with less access to teachers’ professional development and support. The teaching quality in the West rural schools should be paid attention and improved in light of the rationale of educational equity.  相似文献   

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