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随着“以学生为主体”这一教育观点的深入,发展性教学评价方式也开始吸引教育界人士越来越多的关注。建立学习档案袋是实施学业发展性评价的一种有效手段。本文从学习档案袋的内涵入手,指出基于发展性评价体系的学习档案袋评价以建构主义评价理论和多元智能评价理论为基础。实施学习档案袋评价主要包括以下环节;组织计划、材料收集与评价以及成果展示。本文认为,这种立足过程.促进发展的新评价体系或将成为教育评价体系改革的一大趋势。  相似文献   

李雅诺 《海外英语》2022,(2):161-162
档案袋评价作为一种新颖的教学评价模式,在课程改革的时代大背景下,日益突显其独有的魅力。随着形成性评价越来越多地被我们采纳与广泛应用,档案袋评价也被运用到了教学活动中,档案袋评价与英语教学活动的有机结合,使得教师对学生的学习情况进行全面的认识和了解,帮助学生在学习的过程中掌握学习方法,从而使师生共同完善英语的教与学。  相似文献   

电子档案袋在学生的学习过程中扮演重要角色,可以显示学生的学习目的、活动、能力、学习成果及其最终发展水平,由高校英语教师牵头,师生,家长和社会配合,尝试创造性地建立:[消息部]、[方法部]、[分享部]、[开放评价]、[学生档案]等不同专项的电子档案袋,积极发挥电子档案袋在英语教育中的作用,促进英语教育改革,使高校英语教育迈出新的步伐。  相似文献   

任坤 《考试周刊》2014,(93):104-105
随着初中英语教学改革的不断推进,初中英语教学评价体系在英语教育中的地位越来越重要,其对帮助学生增强自我学习能力、强化英语课堂教学效果、加强师生互动等起到重要作用。形成性评价与终结性评价体系相比,有截然不同的教育理念,更符合初中英语教学特点。本文分析了形成性评价体系的特点,并阐述了形成性评价体系的具体实施活动。  相似文献   

一、档案袋评价回顾,档案袋评价以学生为中心、以民主化的教育思想为其理论依据,始于上世纪80年代的美国,在国外教育实践中的应用迄今已有二十多年。它是一种新的质性评价方式,在我国档案袋评价尚属起步阶段。语文学习档案袋评价的实践更是屈指可数。  相似文献   

大学英语写作教学和学习的现实情况迫切要求我们引入更为合理的评价体系,档案袋评价作为一种形成性评价的方式引起了大批教育者的关注。因此,本研究提出了自主写作模型,设计了融入档案袋评价的大学英语写作教学模式,在两组学生中展开实验。结果表明:档案袋评价是一种有效的形成性评价工具,它能有效激发学生的写作自主性;档案袋评价帮助教师深入了解学生在写作中的进步与困难,促进教师改进教学策略。  相似文献   

您好!随着幼儿园教育的不断革新,幼儿园评价的方法也在逐步吸收西方评价体系中先进的理念,例如当前幼儿园教育评价中的质性评价——幼儿成长档案袋就是其中的一种。作为一线的教师,我们对幼儿成长档案袋评价法也有所耳闻,但是如何收集成长档案、幼儿成长档案袋中有什么东西、它与其它的评价方法有何不同等方面的问题却比较模糊,请您就这个话题给我们谈谈。  相似文献   

关于教师成长档案袋评价的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
档案袋评价法是一种关注过程的质性评价,已在国际上得到广泛应用。档案袋评定就是在一定时期内,教师通过反思和合作而构建和丰富起来的有关师生工作信息的系统收集,旨在促进教师专业发展和学生学习进步。档案袋评价对教师而言具有评价、反思和自我管理功能。教师档案袋的建立应关注教师的个体差异,激发教师的主体积极性,促进教师个体发展目标与学校发展目标相融合。  相似文献   

尹利军 《中学生物学》2009,25(11):32-33
新一轮课程改革提出了建立发展性评价体系,在这个体系中出现了许多新的评价方式,其中档案袋评定成为当前国内外教育实践中应用十分广泛的评价方法。“纠错档案袋”是档案袋评定的一种简单的学习档案形式,其做法是将学生平时练习或测试中做错题目进行收集、分类汇总,分析原因并经常进行回顾反思,防止或减少以后重复犯错,  相似文献   

正确认识和科学使用档案袋评价方法   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
档案袋评价有自己的内涵和特性。结合国情和避繁就简,笔者认为档案袋可分成3种基本类型,即成果型档案袋、过程型档案袋和综合型档案袋。在此基础上,适当考虑其结构形态,一是强结构形态,二是半结构形态,三是无结构形态。档案袋评价主要有5种不同的使用目的,它们是:总结性评价、形成性评价、诊断性评价、最高行为评价和典型行为评价或个人独特性评价。  相似文献   

自主学习要求学习者监控学习进程和评价学习效果,传统的终结性评估不适用于自主学习。构建了适用于自主学习的形成性评估模式,该模式由"学习档案袋评价""教师评价"及"学生自评和他评"构成。经过在两个教学班级一学期的教学实验,结果表明:通过对学生自主学习过程的监控和管理,形成性评估激发了学生语言学习的动机和兴趣,促进了学生学习策略形成,有效培养了学生自主学习能力。  相似文献   

考试是对学生语言能力进行评估的有效方式之一,而在外语写作教学里,考试的作用具有很大的局限性。针对这一现状,本文介绍了一些既可以减轻教师的工作负担,又可以充分调动学生的主观能动性的新型、有效的评估方式。结合实际的教学,作者重点探讨了个别检查、学生自评、同学互评和学期作品评估这四种评估方式的原理、方法、优点及运用中的局限性。文章认为,将这些评估方式介绍到英语写作教学中,能有效提高学生的外语写作能力。  相似文献   

教学评估是促进学生学习并检验教学质量的必要过程环节。以维果茨基的社会文化理论为主要理论基础的动态评估兼重学习过程监控和学习效果考评,将其纳入我国商务英语教学评估体系的教学设计及其实施效果表明,将动态评估与传统静态考试评估相结合,有利于实现优势互补,促进商务英语学习者知识、能力和素养的全面发展。  相似文献   

Despite the crucial role that students play in formative assessment practices, student perspectives on such practices are relatively under-researched. Through a qualitative analysis of 128 reflection notes written by student teachers of English, this article investigates the students’ perceptions of formative feedback as part of portfolio assessment at two teacher education institutions in Norway. As such, it contributes to bridging the gap between research and practice. Students received peer and teacher feedback on assignments and wrote reflection notes during the semester. Findings show that students are positive towards teacher feedback and highlight the significance of teacher praise. Main objections raised against peer feedback concern the lack of constructive criticism. However, positive attitudes towards peer discussion groups suggest that they may be a more effective way of implementing peer assessment than formalised written peer commentary. Student reflections suggest that a failure to understand the task and the feedback is a possible hindrance to successfully revising assignments. Overall, students’ positive attitudes towards the portfolio process, which includes multiple drafting, suggest that students in higher education would benefit from more opportunities to revise and resubmit their work, yet they need adequate practice in providing peer feedback, and interpreting and implementing feedback in general.  相似文献   

Portfolios have been regarded as a means of personal self‐expression. This study reports on student real‐life experiences with portfolio assessment. The focus group comprised 150 freshmen (100 females) from a small campus of a tertiary educational institution. For two semesters (approximately 30 weeks), students engaged in numerous activities selected to encourage deep learning and understanding of mathematical concepts. Because students were not involved in the experiment, ecological validity was maximised, and observations may be regarded as fairly authentic and worthy of analysis. Generally, students reported learning much from portfolio assessment and felt an integral part of the assessment process. Portfolio assessment appeared to empower students and provide them with the self‐respect they desired. Future research could compare results from everyday observations with those from experiments.  相似文献   

档案袋评价以其独特的优势,成为现代教学评价的典型代表。档案袋评价与英语口语教学相结合能促使教师全面掌握学生口语情况,帮助学生从学习过程中掌握学习方法策略,使师生共同完善英语口语的教与学。本文主要介绍档案袋评价产生的背景、内涵、特点,对当前档案袋评价争议较多的问题提出见解,并且分析档案袋评价应用于英语口语教学的意义以及具体实施方法。档案袋评价的实施对英语口语教学有积极作用。  相似文献   

This study focuses on students’ learning approaches in the context of a competency‐based program on Applied Sciences, with portfolio assessment as its core mode of assessment. The study examines students’ perceptions of these assessment practices and the relationships to their learning approaches. Additionally, differences in perceptions and learning approaches between first‐year students and second‐year students, who already have one year of experience with the portfolio assessment practice, are investigated. A total of 110 students completed two questionnaires at the end of the academic year: the Revised SPQ (Study process questionnaire) was used to measure their approaches to learning and the AEQ (Assessment experience questionnaire) was used to measure their perceptions of the assessment practice. The results indicate that, when implementing portfolio assessment, feedback is essential. Moreover, it seems not to be the assessment design, but rather how it is implemented, and how students’ learning is stimulated through the assessment, that influences the quality of learning.  相似文献   

Progress assessment aims to assess students’ performance and progress during a course of study. Its purpose is primarily developmental—to help students improve learning. Progress assessment is of special value in distance education in that it can motivate or pace distance learners throughout their course of study. It can help the tutor monitor the learning process of distance learners, diagnose their problems and provide prompt help and support. However, few empirical studies have been reported in the literature that address the issue of progress assessment from the perspective of Chinese distance learners. This paper investigates the perceptions of Chinese distance learners with regard to the necessity of progress assessment and the way it is being implemented in practice.  相似文献   

Teachers committed to inclusive education have the potential to revolutionise pedagogical and assessment practices within regular classrooms simply because students with high needs challenge traditional assumptions about what it means ‘to learn’ and ‘to assess’. This creates opportunities for teachers to find creative ways to ascertain what and how a child learns, and how these assessment results can be communicated to the child, parents, the school and funding bodies to enable further learning. This paper explores diverse assessment practices including criterion-based, normative, ipsative and self-assessment, with both formative and summative functions, reported as being used by teachers in New Zealand who teach students with high needs. These multiple approaches can be integrated into learning stories to ‘narrate’ student learning. An assessment framework is introduced to support teachers to appreciate the functionality of an integrated assessment approach to document student learning and outcomes, arguably a framework applicable for all learners.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to design reflective writing mechanisms in a web-based portfolio assessment system and evaluate its effects on self-regulated learning. Participants were two classes of juniors majoring in data processing and taking a course called “Website design” at a vocational high school in Taiwan. One class was randomly selected and assigned as an experimental group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system, whereas the other class was assigned as a control group (41 students) reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio. The result revealed that students who were highly satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms significantly outperformed students who were less satisfied with online reflective writing mechanisms in self-regulated students reflecting on learning processes through a web-based portfolio assessment system significantly outperformed students reflecting on learning processes through a paper-based portfolio in self-regulated learning.  相似文献   

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