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关注黑人文化,充满民族自豪感,谴责种族歧视,是兰斯顿·休斯诗歌的主旋律及其思想的灵魂.在这一主旋律下,他的诗歌体现出从强调一元民族意识到突出多元文化观、社会观的变化过程.其前期偏重于反映他鲜明的黑人民族意识,后期则更多地探索了黑人与白人民族文化融合的途径,凸显出他多元的文化观与社会观,并能融民族意识与多元文化观、社会观于一体.究其根源,主要在于他对美国黑人处境认识的日益深刻以及美国黑人对实现民族平等、自由呼声的日益高涨.休斯诗歌超越了黑人作家的创作传统,其主题对后世黑人作家的创作具有深远影响.  相似文献   

兰斯顿·休斯(1902-1967),美国黑人诗人、小说家,写过小说、剧本、自传和新闻速写,以诗歌方面的成就最为突出,创作了十多部诗集,比较重要的有《哈莱姆的莎士比亚》、《单程票》、《延迟的梦之蒙太奇》等。他创造性地把黑人民歌艺术地引进诗歌创作,吸收了黑人爵士音乐和布鲁斯民歌的形式与手法,形成了轻松活泼、豪迈奔放的风格,对美国黑人诗歌的发展有着深远的影响,被誉为"哈莱姆(纽约黑人聚居区)桂冠诗人"。  相似文献   

兰斯顿·休斯(Langston Hughes,1902-1967)是位才华横溢的黑人作家,精通多种文体的创作。在四十多年的文学创作生涯中,休斯诗歌的主旋律与诗歌思想的灵魂表现在对黑人民族的自豪感、对黑人文化的关注和对种族歧视的谴责。在这一主旋律下,他诗歌中的文化意识是一个不断向上的过程,体现出了从探索美国黑人身份、发起民族斗争到突出“多元文化观”的变化过程。  相似文献   

梁媛媛 《考试周刊》2012,(35):28-29
兰斯顿.休斯是美国历史上著名的黑人诗人之一。作为哈莱姆桂冠诗人,休斯的诗歌渗透着他对黑人的深厚感情。《疲惫的布鲁斯》作为休斯早期诗歌的代表作,其艺术创新体现在他将美国黑人音乐形式及方言巧妙地融入诗歌创作中。本文围绕文体学中的一个重要概念——前景化,对休斯诗歌《疲惫的布鲁斯》中的语言变异现象进行简要分析,使读者可以更好地体会休斯诗歌所展现的艺术价值,并且更深刻地体会休斯在诗歌中所传达的对黑人的热爱之情。  相似文献   

欧阳乐 《海外英语》2013,(5X):198-202
兰斯顿·休斯是20世纪美国文坛巨匠,作为一位桂冠诗人,他写了很多反映黑人工人阶级的诗歌并为自己的黑人身份而感到自豪。对于黑人女性问题,休斯同样十分关注,他为此创作了大量诗歌作品。在他的诗歌里,休斯不仅表达了对美国种族问题的看法,同时也对黑人女性给予了深深的同情。通过对休斯40年代的诗歌中黑人女性问题的探究可以得出其艺术视角的回归,反映了其艺术日益趋于成熟。  相似文献   

哈莱姆文艺复兴时期是美国黑人文学发展的第一个黄金时期,其展现的"黑人艺术"举世瞩目。这个黑人文学家辈出的年代,不仅把黑人小说与诗歌推向了一个新的高度,而且对后来美国黑人戏剧的崛起也有着不容小觑的作用。与此同时,哈莱姆文艺复兴运动也为黑人女性戏剧的发展提供了新的主题与思考,为后期黑人女性戏剧的崛起奠定了深厚的基础。  相似文献   

兰斯顿·休斯是美国黑人诗歌发展史上一位十分重要的人物,他的方言诗是其诗歌中最具黑人文化特色的部分。通过质朴的黑人英语方言,兰斯顿·休斯充分的展示了黑人文化魅力。兰斯顿·休斯的方言诗是对黑人文化甚至整个美国文化的伟大贡献。  相似文献   

在美国黑人历史上,母亲是维系整个民族发展的脊梁,但她们的社会地位却未受到应有的认同和尊重。诗歌是黑人表达心声的重要艺术手段,诗人们在作品中赞美了黑人母亲的伟大。通过解读黑人诗歌对母亲形象的描绘,文章着重评析作品对黑人母亲多维动态身份的解构和称颂。  相似文献   

在评价"黑人文艺复兴运动"时,评论界从根本上忽略了黑人女性的文学贡献,从而遭到当今越来越多的批评.仅以戏剧为例,当时就出现了一批影响大、很具活力的女剧作家,如约翰逊、米勒、斯宾塞、赫斯顿.研究"黑人文艺复兴运动",黑人女剧作家及其作品是不可或缺的视域,因为她们通过戏剧语言表现了黑人民族精神力量的另一方面,形成了独特的世界观.  相似文献   

玛格丽特·沃克是美国当代著名黑人女诗人、小说家和文学批评家。她的作品契合了当时的历史背景,具有鲜明的时代性和革命性。然而,在美国国内对她的研究相对偏少,她被称作"最不为人知的著名人物"。本文从沃克所处背景及其创作、沃克的诗歌、沃克的小说《欢乐》(Jubilee)三个方面对国外学者的研究成果进行综述,并对其中一些有代表性的观点做简要评述。对于玛格丽特·沃克的研究,期待更多研究者尤其是国内学者的关注和重视。  相似文献   

谢梅 《鸡西大学学报》2014,(2):126-127,135
美国黑人妇女作家格温多琳·布鲁克斯的第一部公开发表作品《布朗泽维尔的一条街》中的长诗《萨丁-勒格日·史密斯的星期天》通过聚焦于史密斯这位普通黑人男性的反英雄形象,白描其在美国社会边缘地带的日常生活,折射出布鲁克斯诗歌中的类似于TS·艾略特笔下的人物Alfred Prufrock的反英雄特色。反英雄人物和主题不仅完美地契合了美国现代主义后期诗歌的显著特色,也流露出作家浓厚的黑人写作意识。  相似文献   

This study documents the experiences of parents raising African American children who have been identified as gifted. There is a small but growing body of research exploring the experiences and issues of gifted African American children. Parents play the most significant role in a child's development; however, parents of gifted African American children are not currently represented in the literature. This study utilized semi‐structured interviews with the parent or parents from 12 families to explore their experiences of rearing their gifted African American children. Particular attention was addressed to issues surrounding their children's academic and social experiences, including interactions with school, family, and community. Implications are elucidated for individuals working with this population, and suggestions for future research are provided.  相似文献   

The association between parent racial socialization and child competence was examined in a socioeconomically diverse sample of African American preschoolers living in an urban setting. Interviews were conducted in the homes of 200 families. Racial socialization was assessed by parent report as well as by observation of the sociocultural context of the home, and child outcomes were assessed using the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children and the Child Behavior Checklist. Results indicated that African American parents who provided homes that were rich in African American culture had preschool children who had greater amounts of factual knowledge and better developed problem-solving skills. African American parents who socialized their preschool children to be proud of their heritage reported fewer problem behaviors.  相似文献   

《未选之路》是20世纪著名诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的经典之作,这首小诗几乎家喻户晓,作者用平实的语言道出深刻的哲理,于平实中见深刻,给人耳目一新之感,诗人可谓独具匠心。运用文体学理论,可以对本诗的格律,用词,句法,重复等方面予以分析,总结出其精妙之处。  相似文献   

Numerous scholars have illustrated how African American teachers’ past experiences provide them a philosophical vision committed to teaching for social and educational change for African American students. This article draws from this body of work by looking at the diverse ways five African American male teachers used their past experiences to shape their vision for working with African American male students. However, this article also extends this body of work by illustrating that while the teachers in this study had similar commitments to working with African American males, their varied life experiences and social locations provided them different sources of practical and philosophical knowledge. These findings illustrate the diversity of experiences these teachers drew from, thus troubling the common sense discourses that essentialize African American male teachers as one-dimensional monolithic role models.  相似文献   

Persistent disparities exist between African American children and their European American counterparts across developmental domains. Early childhood intervention may serve to promote more positive outcomes among African American children. The current study examined whether and how the Early Head Start (EHS) program benefited African American children at the end of the program, when they were 36 months of age, as well as the parenting these children experienced and how this affected their developmental outcomes. The data show a wide and strong pattern of impacts of EHS for African American children and families. Path analysis yielded findings that suggested a direct effect of EHS on specific child outcomes and parenting processes within this group of African American families. Parental supportiveness and cognitive stimulation emerged as important direct influences on African American children's outcomes and as pathways through which Early Head Start benefits these children. These findings are discussed in the context of early childhood intervention practice.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Mothers' beliefs about their children's negative emotions and their emotion socialization practices were examined. DESIGN: Sixty-five African American and 137 European American mothers of 5-year-old children reported their beliefs and typical responses to children's negative emotions, and mothers' emotion teaching practices were observed. RESULTS: African American mothers reported that the display of negative emotions was less acceptable than European American mothers, and African American mothers of boys perceived the most negative social consequences for the display of negative emotions. African American mothers reported fewer supportive responses to children's negative emotions than European Americans and more nonsupportive responses to children's anger. African American mothers of boys also reported more nonsupportive responses to submissive negative emotions than African American mothers of girls. However, no differences were found by ethnicity or child gender in observed teaching about emotions. Group differences in mothers' responses to negative emotions were explained, in part, by mothers' beliefs about emotions. CONCLUSIONS: Differences in beliefs and practices may reflect African American mothers' efforts to protect their children from discrimination.  相似文献   

The Road Not Taken是美国著名的现代诗人罗伯特·弗罗斯特的一首广为传诵的诗篇.象征主义在诗中的运用将生活中一个极普通的意象赋予了诸多的内涵和人生哲理,极妙地道出了诗歌的思想主题.此外,在写作风格上,这首诗也很好地体现了作者"旧瓶装新酒"的艺术特征.  相似文献   

Drawing from ethnographic data, this paper explores how African American male teachers working with African American male students performed their pedagogy. This paper highlights how teachers’ understanding of African American males social and educational needs shaped their pedagogical performance. Interestingly however, teachers’ performance was contingent on the diverse ways they imagined African American males should engage within their social and political worlds. These findings suggest then that African American male teachers’ pedagogic performances were both complex and multifaceted.  相似文献   

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