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张刘云  程鑫 《海外英语》2014,(7):203-205
Angela Carter is an English novelist and journalist in 20th century known for her feminist, magical realism and Gothic works, which can be classified into many groups such as short fictions, poetry collections, dramatic writings, films adaptations and radio plays etc. To a certain degree, she is a"feminist exotic". Carter takes a very problematic place about pornography literature, which has been the long-standing debate among critics. As a result, some of her books are prohibited by the corresponding authority in China. However, Carter is one of the innovative feminist writers in that she quests for some extraordinary emancipatory erotics, beyond subjugation, beyond prejudice. Women under her writings are mostly controlled or manipulated by a patriarchal society in a phallocentric culture. Pornography, fairy tales and feminism"within and against the conventions of these genres"are all mixed together in the story of the Bloody Chamber. As a whole, The Bloody Chamber can also be treated as a collection of short stories in terms of a bigger narrative that deals with issues of feminism and metamorphosis rather than a set of individual and independent tales. Although each particular narrative deals with a different set of various characters, the oppressed female seeking liberation is the common theme and concept that is explored and expanded throughout the Bloody Chamber.  相似文献   

邢锋萍 《海外英语》2012,(19):260-265
As is known to all in the translation field,the problem of translatability and untranslatability has been a long-debated is sue in the field of translation.And the phenomenon of untranslatability is especially prominent in translation of literary works.This paper tries to discuss,from theory and practice,the phenomenon of untranslatability and its compensation strategies in trans lation between Chinese and English.It is roughly divided into two parts,wherein the first part deals with the phenomenon of un translatability,explaining its causes and giving some examples,and the second part deals with the compensation strategies,intro ducing several methods of compensation and taking The Original of Laura written by the deceased Russian-American writer Nabokov as an example.With the development of intercultural communication in the world and the great efforts of translators,the untranslatable words today can be translatable tomorrow.  相似文献   

近年来,我国大学生的英语总体水平有了显著提高,但他们的写作能力相对滞后。为有效开展写作教学,切实提高大学生的英语写作能力,笔者对我国西北地区两所高校107名在校大学生的写作需求进行了调查。结果表明,目前的大学英语写作教学在教学内容、教学手段、反馈方式、教师作用等方面有待改进。最后,作者根据调查结果提出了改革大学英语写作教学的具体建议。  相似文献   

笔者在文中首先阐述了引进外籍教师的必要性,然后分析了高职英语教学中外籍教师发挥的作用以及带来的问题,对此笔者提出了解决问题的对策,从而促进了高职英语教学的发展。  相似文献   

全球化背景下,涉外酒店接待的外国客人越来越多,对员工的英语水平和酒店的英语培训工作提出了更高的要求.笔者对无锡地区高星级酒店客房部的英语培训状况作了调查,了解无锡地区高星级酒店员工的英语水平和对酒店当前的英语培训的满意程度,分析了目前存在的问题,并提出了合理安排培训时间、进行多形式多层次的培训和考核、采取有效的奖惩措施等建议.  相似文献   

余兰 《海外英语》2012,(5):123-124
High education become more important in developing national and regional economy,universities are the main bases to create.This article focuses on a brief talk of the development of Chinese college education and the college English teaching.It gives a general pic ture for readers to display the facts of high education’s history and the college English teaching(an example of Guizhou province).  相似文献   

本文根据对海南省高职院校信仰状况的调查,在总结高职学生当前信仰教育现状的基础上,分析了影响高职学生信仰教育的因素,并有针对性地提出了加强高职学生信仰教育的对策.  相似文献   

乡村徒步旅游是一种灵活自由、老少咸宜的旅游方式,对经济发展、文化融合、环境保护等具有积极的意义。但是,该旅游方式在安全、生态环境等方面也会带来一些现实问题。开辟新的徒步游线路,完善乡村旅游基础设施和服务设施,提高徒步旅游的信息服务质量,保护乡村文化和文化空间,是乡村徒步旅游开发与乡村旅游设施优化的主要措施。  相似文献   

As English teaching shifts the focus from"How to teach"to"How to learn",the study on learning anxiety has been gradually developed and deepened.Besides,college entrance examination reform is the largest move in education in recent years.This study aims at knowing the current situation of English learning anxiety of senior high students under test reform and its relationships with factors like gender,grade,personality,English efficiency as well as the influence of English test reform.  相似文献   

在十六大提出的执政“五大能力”中,总揽全局的能力最为重要,而它的基础是党对社会主要矛盾的正确把握,这可从执政史的三次大波动中得到证明。认识和解决社会主要矛盾,不能脱离社会基本矛盾的范围,应以人民的根本利益为中心,并依靠制度的力量。  相似文献   

近年来伴随着对日贾易的平稳发展,中国的商务日语教育有了长足的发展.从新增设日语专业的情况来看,以高等职业教育为主,近90%为商务日语专业(或方向).各地区的高职院校结合职业教育直接服务于区域经济发展的内在属性,在商务日语专业人才培养目标、课程设置等方面,都在进行着大胆的探索和尝试.在专业建设及改革方面不可否认的是取得了一定的共识,但存在着一些不可忽视的认识误区.这些误区恰恰是我们能否建设好商务日语专业必须正视且不能回避的问题.  相似文献   

This paper explores the effect of interactive teaching on students' cooperative ability,competitive ability,positive emotion and creativity as well as their integrated language capability,thereby promoting the effective implementation of interactive teaching method in higher-vocational college English class.  相似文献   

To better carry out English Language teaching,freshmen of Turfan Vocational and Technical Colleges of 2019 Vocational College of Nursing are taken as the research objective.By understanding the current situation of students'learning,we can provide a practical basis for targeted English Language teaching and provide directions for future teaching of the language.  相似文献   

吴茵 《海外英语》2012,(21):285-288
Since July 2010,the prices of geographical indication products have risen with the occurrence of inflation.In contrast with other products,geographical indication products are distinct.The increasing prices of geographical indication goods have their own necessities.From the perspective of the products,they are equipped with appreciation potential due to the cultural pe culiarities.From the historical standpoint,their prices have not been high as well as other agricultural products.Realistically,the increase in their prices results from the costs of labors and raw materials.Therefore,the prices of geographical indication products rise to catch up.Not only are their prices at a reasonable level,but also they are beneficial to increase peasants’income.In con clusion,it is necessary that the strategies which are different from those of other products be adopted to regulate and control the prices of geographical indication products.  相似文献   

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