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建构主义学习理论强调教师在教学中应以学生为中心,利用情境,协作,会话,意义构建等要素充分发挥学一的主动性,积极性和创新精神,使学生能有效地实现对所学知识的意义建构。本根据建构主义学习理论,对物理教学方式进行探讨,以期物理教学能更好适应时代和社会的要求。  相似文献   

This paper has two purposes: first, to investigate centre- periphery, and within-school relationships and processes by which Vietnam schools undertake system reform implementation; second, to develop the explanatory power and complementarity of two theories – complex adaptive system theory and loose-tight coupling. Main findings - schools’ internal enablers driving reforms were shaped by external enablers; a plethora of internal enablers then worked in concert to implement the intended reforms (eg. the take-up of student-centred teaching and learning); in the local adaptation process, school culture and professional development were pre-eminent. Conclusions – complex adaptive system theory was validated in how Vietnam schools locally adapted policy.  相似文献   

校内商务模拟实训作为高职商务英语专业一门重要的专业课程,旨在培养学生综合应用"听说读写译"五大技能,使他们能够有效地完成商务交际活动。为了"办出质量、办出特色",其教学改革义不容辞。实践证明,通过引入"任务驱动、项目导向"的"工学结合"教学模式,结合灵活的教学方法,能够激发学生学习英语的动机和兴趣,有效地提高商务英语教学质量。  相似文献   

建构主义是20世纪90年代以来兴起于西方国家的一种社会科学理论,它是学习理论中行为主义发展到认知主义后的进一步发展,被称为"当代教育心理学中的一场革命"。本文力图在建构主义理论的思想指导下,结合当前我国高校体育教学的实际情况,对我国高校体育改革进行研究与探讨,这对推进我国高校体育改革必将产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

通过三种策略实施实验基因工程实验教学改革.首先,依据专业培养目标,修订完善基因工程实验教学大纲,扩充、精选实验项目,实施闭环形式实验教学;其次,课前、课中、课后三个环节紧密衔接,确保实验课教学质量;最后,借助"对分易"平台辅助教学,实施包括"实验考勤""在线练习""课堂提问""实验报告"和"实验技能测试"的"五位一体"的实验课程成绩评定模式,加强过程评价.调查发现,86%的学生对这种实验教学模式"非常满意".学生的实践操作能力、实验报告撰写能力得到了提高.  相似文献   

This article discusses English language teaching in Thailand through a biographical case study of a teacher working in a government school in the rural north-east. It explores a particular context of teaching and learning, showing how an individual comes to be a teacher and deals with the day-to-day demands of teaching, as well as reflecting on the place of English in a society where it is a foreign language. The article contends that case studies of this type have the power to illuminate the context of teaching, to enable us to come to a fuller understanding of the demands of being a teacher of English in societies where it is a foreign language, and thus to provide essential data on the realities of teaching in various contexts. This data may then be used to inform centralized programmes to reform English language teaching which at present rarely consult the principal change agents – teachers – prior to their implementation. Curriculum reform programmes in Thailand have been criticized for their lack of impact at the classroom level and the article maintains that, if these programmes are to be effective, they should be based on an understanding of the local contexts of teachers' work.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨美术教学中学生的学习心理与教学效果之间的关系,针对美术教学方面存在的问题,针对学生的不良学习心理,提出多种优化方式,激发学生的学习兴趣,树立学习信心,改善学习方法,提高学习效率,从而促进美术教学质量。  相似文献   

中国当代的职业教育教学改革正在经历着从认识到实践的转化阶段。作为一种社会实践活动,广大从事职业教育教学的研究者、实践者,则亲历着这一过程。这个过程是传统方式与现代模式强烈碰撞和博弈,而不断重组教学格局,逐步提高教学效益的过程。这个过程是不断历经失败、反复,不断总结成功经验并逐步推广递进的过程。  相似文献   

This study examined teacher–student discourse from a sociocultural perspective in order to ascertain the nature of effective instruction for school-age students with learning disabilities. This discussion examines one teacher's resource room instruction that was part of a larger study of teacher–student discourse. The results suggested two considerations: (1) the importance of teacher self-reflection and the implications for effective teaching and learning, and (2) differential discourse patterns across academic domains. Wood's notion of contingent teaching (1991) provided a guideline for coding teacher–student discourse. The results suggest that feedback combined with cognitive structuring contribute to effective teaching and learning.  相似文献   

文章分析了大学英语教学现状,论述了教材、教师、学生等课堂教学3要素间的关系,对英语教学的改革理念、教学方法和手段做了初步探索和思考.  相似文献   

This paper reports the findings of a project—‘Lifelong learning and teacher education’—undertaken by the Centre for Lifelong Learning, Australian Catholic University, under the auspices of the Australian Commonwealth Department of Education, Science and Training. The study was designed to investigate the operationalization of lifelong learning in Australian teacher education. The study revealed that there is a range of existing, innovative practices regarding partnerships between schools and higher and further education that are in keeping with emerging ideas about lifelong learning. Moreover, some of these take the form of collaborative action research projects focused on improving the learning occurring in the partnership schools. This paper describes some current approaches in Australia to collaborative action research by teacher educators' and their partnership schools and shows how they contribute to lifelong learning. The approaches are then analyzed to suggest ways of advancing lifelong learning within Australian Education Faculties thus helping to make lifelong learning more of a reality for all.  相似文献   

当前基础教育语文课程正按新颁发的《语文课程标准》进行深刻的改革。高师《中学语文教学法》课程必须面向基础教育语文课程改革,吸收中学教改的新理念、精神和经验,对教学理念、内容和方法等进行改革。这一改革还需得到其它课程和有关方面的支持。  相似文献   

能否调动学生的学习积极性,是教学是否成功的关键。从近年来对我国体育院校学生学习积极性的现状调查来看,学生学习积极性普遍不高,这也在很大程度上阻碍了我国体育教学改革的发展继承。因而进行提高体育院校学生学习积极性的教学改革探索十分必要的,本文分析了进行提高学生学习积极性教学改革必要性,对造成学生学习积极性受挫的因素进行深入剖析,并在此基础上,提出了一系列的改革措施。  相似文献   

School Innovation in Science is a major Victorian Government initiative that developed and validated a model whereby schools can improve their science teaching and learning. The initiative was developed and rolled out to more than 400 schools over the period 2000–2004. A research team worked with 200+ primary and secondary schools over three years, supporting them in developing new initiatives in science, and monitoring the impact on school and classroom practice, and student outcomes. The research effort underpinning the development phase included the development and validation of a set of components describing effective teaching, the refinement of a school and teacher change strategy, the development of instruments to monitor teacher classroom practice and a variety of student outcomes, and the development of insights into the change process using questionnaires, observations, and interviews across four years. This paper describes the project and its major outcomes, and raises a number of issues concerning the nature of school and teacher change, pedagogy, school and community, and student learning, and the way these interact. A number of research issues are raised by the size and developmental nature of the project, the range of research methods, and the different audiences served by the research. The issue of sustainability of such system‐wide change initiatives is discussed.  相似文献   

Recent research has emphasised educating children about positive behaviours to overcome delinquency issues, but there is little clarification of what factors lead to positive behaviours. This study analyses factors that led to children’s positive behaviours at a junior high school in Japan, which experienced a dramatic turnaround after implementing school reform using Lesson Study for Learning Community (LSLC). In this study, the results of a mixed-methods analysis show that if children receive psychological support they are likely to psychologically support others and, similarly, those who receive concrete help tend to offer concrete help to others. To foster learning cultures in which this happens, it is critical to engage the entire school in appropriate changes: for example, teachers’ positive attitudes towards children and learning are important factors encouraging children to support others.  相似文献   

传统的大学数学专业课程的教与学模式比较单一,存在理论脱离实践的现象。本文主要对大学数学专业课程教育学模式改革的意义、存在的问题及其具体实施进行了阐述。  相似文献   

参与式教学方式符合高校党校教育教学规律和大学生党员及入党积极分子的思想特点,而新媒体则为参与式教学提供了条件及技术支撑。通过实施参与式教学,有利于提升大学生党员党性修养,促使大学生入党积极分子端正入党动机,自觉向党组织靠拢,为成为真正的青年马克思主义者奠定坚实的基础,实现党校姓党的根本原则。  相似文献   

《健康评估》是当前护理专业学生所必需的课程之一,主要内容是确定被护理对象健康状态以及对健康状态反应,学生要想从护理专业向临床专业进阶,首先对于《健康评估》这一专业知识要有良好的学习与掌握,这是学生的学习基础,而《健康评估》这门课教学的好坏又会影响到整个护理专业的教学质量好坏,因此这门课的教学十分重要。  相似文献   

多媒体作为现代教育技术的一种重要手段,在现代教育思想、教育理论的指导下能够得以充分地发挥其特长,能够更有效地探讨新的教改思路,培养新的教与学的思维方式,启发活学活用的创新精神,把多媒体教学应用渗透到教改创新中去,使教改更具创造性,更有实用价值。  相似文献   

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